Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-27-1982 University News, October 27 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. , ' ". ' . - ...._--- -' '---..- . - " . .,c-···~~·.'~~~.'!'~~~;~':~~'#~c".~.,:_~~¥.~:"-'..;~..,-,- ..•....::.-;;·:_._·~::-,,"c"C-.;"'·~~:_..:.j~,·,.~·io'6:~.~!:'.:~:~-'·:;!..:~:~:;,~:";;;;.-;,<~:~.:-;~;'=.:;;,;:;'~:~':~::,,,-,~~:_,;~.~;--;:':,:=" • ',-', • '.' • ' • '. "'0 ~,." ,.,.. " .. \ " • '. ,_, '- ! ,.. \ • " '" " , ,'" . , ~ , '. I, ',,' "- ,", '. CtoshA * ~ \ Hallow4ten \ ' ,.. 'f Patty! ""--- __ --.;..._~ __ LlI- __ .,.:-...::..:._.._*~----.J* VOLUMEIl • 1SSUE-M- OCTOBER 27-NOVEMBER 2. 1982 Craig and LaRocco: Battle forthe House nedy's Administration's budget, which HE 1982 HOUSEof Representa- Larry LaRocco said. Iri a news release the capital base and creating jobs. allowed about 52 percent for defense and tive race is the most 'important October 20 he stated that today's budget about 27 percent for human resources, to off-year election in fifty years, deficit is more than double that of the Defense Spending President Reagan's Administration, which " said Mark Green in a Sept. 18 Carter Administration and that the deficit spends about 27 percent on defense and issue 'of The Nation. Historically, the has grown from less than $50 billion in 1980 "Defense spending dead-ends in the' .about 52 percent on human resources. average number of congressional seats to about $122 billion for 1982. LaRocco economy. It doesn't tum over," LaRocco Craig added that more than half of the gained by the party out of power has been reasons. that if we ."stay the course" as said. He believes that if some of the money current defense budget issperit on military thirty-eight. The Democrats could assume a urged by' the president. and Congressman spent on defense were spent on public salaries, benefits, and retirement funds. 231-154 majority if they gain that many Larry Craig, the deficit will average $143 works projects, people who are now A strong defense posture is important to seats this year. In Idaho the race for the billion each year through 1984. drawing from federal funds would .be Craig" but he ~hinks a strong economy is First. District House of Representative seat According to Lakocco;' the root of the taxpayers generating more revenue for the, not{lossible~hena., larg~ incr~ase is is shaping up .between the Republican' problem lies In. the federal' government's country .. He further '..states .that .'such . a deinanded.for.pefense spending. •.Disagree- inability to gain control of it's "spending measu~e.woliUihelp',reweave()ur SOCial incumbent LarryCrwgand the Democratic :i~th 'th~ president's defense increase, challenger Larry La.l~oc.eo,..,.. ' . ' appetite" an~s~mpIY'/~tayingtbe,c~urse~r:fabricand';reStoi'eiaignity to peopl~; .: . won't correct it. ..,., CraigaIsofavors defense spending cuts Crlug said that he would work toward a $20 Even small changesin.the composition of billion cut. Wi: have affected about a $9 . LaRocco has designed abwJget which but, disagreeing with LaRocco, maintains the House could bring about large changes million cut from Reagan's proposal, he calls fora balance of government spending that a defense cut does not give us money to in public policy, since several key issues in stated.,' . and revenue procurement by 19~5•. He, spend elsewhere. Craig advocates taking the first session of the 97th Congress were LaRocco, who favors a freeze in defense thinks the president's tax cuts came. too the entire defense cut out of the budget, not decided by hairline margins (e.g. the spending, said, "Without scrutinizing, we soon, and that tax cuts do not generate spending it at all in order to bring the nuclear freeze). have doubled defensespending over a five more revenue. To Lakocco, it's more deficit down, lower interest rates, and Riding on Reagan's long coattails, the year period while cutting every other area important to cut federal deficits, lower therefore put people back to work. president's slippageIn the polls and of the federal budget." He declares that aroused opposition to theadininistration's interest rates, and reduce Idaho's unem- ployment rate. When asked his opinion ·of,.LaRocco's $258 .billion will be spent on defense. this policies make Republican candidates vul- year, much of it for nuclear weapons nerable this year, although the Republicans" Larry Craig's answer to solving the' proposal to use money saved from defense nation's deficit problem is to freeze all' spending to employ people receiving gov- research •.,It'stimeto start asking the right possess assets that might just blunt a major questions of the Pentagon and start giving Democratic revival. government spending at the current. level ernment benefits, Craig said that treating. for two 'to three years. Tile Republican the cause of the problem is the solution-- 'them some parameters to work under ... Here is a look .at the candidates in then ask them what priorities they have," Idaho's First District. incumbent states that increased taxation rather than giving jobs to people because pulls money out of the private sector which they need jobs. The public is confused by added LaRocco, .who said he deplores waste in military spending. Controlling the Federal' otherwise could be used to prevent layoffs "reality and perception" brought on by · or create jobs. the press fostering unrealistic attitudes Freeze or Reduction? Spending Appetite The recession was brought on by about the Reagan administration's hu- · Lakocco, said that he would have "The Administration's deficits and tight inl1ationand high. interest rates, contends' maneness, defended Craig. supported the nuclear freeze Zablocki- money policy have led us 'into a recession Craig. "The Government is borrowing , "Mr. Reagan has been accused of being ·Biilgham resolution that Craig' voted which forces the .deficitand interest rates more money than it ever has in the history less than.,humane, less than caring, a war even higher while unemployment climbs," of the nation," said Craig, who added that monger," said Craig, who maintains that .Continued to pal!e 5 • .~.' if the government would stop borrowing the president is spending more money today from the private market it would lessen on human resources than any. president in competition for money,consequently driv- the history of this nation.' • ing interest rates down wlille stimulating He compared former President Ken- I, "TUESDAY~. ' . -~ •••~· PENNYPITCHIRS' with great care Get a pitcher of pop or beer for just a PENNY more when you order a You put a lot of effort Into your medium or' large pizza . picture taking. We do the. same ..,.,.: ' W80se when processing your. film. 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