NorthBringing the Good News to the Diocese Texas of Fort Worth Catholic Vol. 23 No. 4 February 23, 2007 In Lenten message, pope says crucifi ed Christ is reminder to protect human dignity VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Lent began Ash Wednesday, Contemplating Christ nailed to which this year fell on Feb. 21. the cross should stimulate people Easter is April 8. to protect human dignity and “to Using the Greek words fi ght every form of contempt for “agape” and “eros,” the papal life,” said Pope Benedict XVI in message said that love has two his 2007 message for Lent. fundamental forms. “May Lent be for every Chris- Agape “indicates the self- tian a renewed experience of giving love of one who looks God’s love given to us in Christ, exclusively for the good of the a love that each day we, in turn, other,” it said. must ‘regive’ to our neighbor, Eros “denotes the love of one especially to the one who suffers who desires to possess what he most and is in need,” said the or she lacks and [eros] yearns message. for union with the beloved,” it The message was released at said. the Vatican Feb. 13. The theme of While agape better describes the message is “They shall look God’s love for humanity “God’s on him whom they have pierced.” SEE IN CONTEMPLATING…, P. 2 SOCIAL MINISTRY PROGRAM RECOGNIZED — At Dolores Mission Parish in Los Angeles, children who once walked in fear of gang violence after school now laugh and chatter on their way home. Rita Chairez and Rosa Campos of the Catholics must ensure Los Angeles-based Comunidad en Movimiento received the 2007 Sister Margaret Cafferty Development of People Award during the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington Feb. 11. Comunidad en Movimiento, an organization of Latina women at Dolores Mission Parish, received the award from the U.S. bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development. affection, spiritual support (CNS photo/Peter Howard, CCHD) for the sick, says pope Social ministry central to church life, By Cindy Wooden Angelus address and an evening VATICAN CITY (CNS) — meeting with a Rome pilgrimage Catholics must ensure that peo- for the sick in St. Peter’s Basilica, John Carr tells social ministry leaders ple who are sick, especially the the pope offered his prayers By Jerry Filteau ministry will be leaving the tal justice and Europe desks of the terminally ill, receive affection, and his encouragement to the WASHINGTON (CNS) — The USCCB staff in coming months Offi ce for International Justice spiritual support, and medical suffering and to those who care church’s social justice mission as a result of the bishops’ recent and Peace. care to keep them comfortable, for them. is an integral part of its life, decision to downsize their na- “The USCCB is not broken, Pope Benedict XVI said. During the Angelus, the and “this is a time for mission,” tional offi ces. but frankly it is a little shaken,” Marking the World Day of the pope called on physicians and John Carr, the U.S. Conference of Among them are Timothy Carr said. But he added, “Even if Sick Feb. 11 during his midday SEE POPE CALLS…, P. 2 Catholic Bishops’ secretary for Collins, executive director of the there are fewer of us, the mission WORLD DAY OF social development and world Catholic Campaign for Human hasn’t changed…. The question SICK — Bishop peace, told a national gathering Development; Thomas Quigley, is not who occupies the boxes, William F. Murphy of Catholic social ministry lead- veteran head of the Latin America the question is how the mission of Rockville Centre, ers Feb. 12. desk of the Offi ce for Internation- gets done.” New York, chats Carr noted that several na- al Justice and Peace; and Walter He said the mission remains with Andrew tional fi gures in Catholic social Grazer, head of the environmen- SEE MEASURE OF…, P. 12 Curran following a Mass marking the World Day of the Sick at St. Fetal pain legislation just one of Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre Feb. 11. World life-related bills before Congress Day of the Sick, instituted by Pope By Nancy Frazier O’Brien the two-thirds majority needed ence pain based upon anatomical, John Paul II in 1992 WASHINGTON (CNS) — The to break a procedural impasse, functional, psychological, and and celebrated last pro-life bill to be considered would require that women un- behavioral indicators that are annually on the by the 109th Congress became dergoing an abortion at least 20 correlated with pain in children feast of Our Lady one of the fi rst introduced in the weeks into their pregnancy be and adults. Mothers seeking an of Lourdes, affi rms 110th Congress when Sen. Sam informed that an abortion causes abortion have the right to know the church’s duty to remember Brownback, R-Kansas, reintro- pain to the fetus. that their unborn children can and minister to duced the Unborn Child Pain “It’s a scientifi c, medical fact feel pain.” the sick and the Awareness Act. that unborn children feel pain,” The bill also would give suffering. (CNS The legislation, which died said Brownback as he reintro- women the option of choosing photo/Gregory in the House of Representatives duced the bill Jan. 22. “We know anesthesia for their unborn child A. Shemitz, LONG Dec. 6 when it failed to receive that unborn children can experi- SEE LIFE-RELATED…, P. 13 ISLAND CATHOLIC) Page 2 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC, February 23, 2007 International In contemplating Christ crucifi ed, we are moved to open our hearts to others, says pope SEASON OF FROM PAGE 1 “Only the love that unites LENT — A love is also eros,” the papal mes- the free gift of oneself with the cloudy evening sage said. impassioned desire for reciproc- sky provides the “The prophet Hosea expresses ity instills a joy, which eases the backdrop for a this divine passion with daring heaviest of burdens,” it said. cross outside images such as the love of a man Lent is a time when Christians St. Elizabeth for an adulterous woman,” said should welcome the love of Christ Ann Seton the papal message. and “spread it around us with Church in Lake This and other Bible texts “in- every word and deed,” it said. Ronkonkoma, dicate that eros is part of God’s “Contemplating ‘him whom New York, during very heart: The Almighty awaits they have pierced’ moves us in Lent last April. the ‘yes’ of his creatures as a this way to open our hearts to The penitential young bridegroom [awaits the others, recognizing the wounds season, which ‘yes’] of his bride,” it said. infl icted upon the dignity of the began Feb 21 on Ash Wednesday, Christ on the cross shows “a human person,” it said. calls Christians love in which eros and agape, far “It moves us in particular, to to prayer, fasting, from being opposed, enlighten fi ght every form of contempt repentance, and each other,” it said. for life and human exploitation charity. (CNS “One could rightly say that the and to alleviate the tragedies of photo/Gregory revelation of God’s eros toward loneliness and abandonment of A. Shemitz, LONG man is, in reality, the supreme ex- so many people,” said the papal ISLAND CATHOLIC) pression of his agape,” it said. message. Acts of charity fl ow from love of God, reminds Archbishop Cordes By Cindy Wooden which human life and dignity capped. ing secularism has been the main VATICAN CITY (CNS) — are threatened by poverty, op- “If I simply give the poor some thrust of Pope Benedict’s fi rst two While calling Catholics to per- pression, exploitation, loneliness, f I simply give ‘thing,’ I have given little,” Fr. years as head of the church, and form concrete acts of charity and abandonment. “I Benzi said. “But if I give them that when he calls on Catholic during Lent, Pope Benedict XVI’s Archbishop Cordes said Chris- the poor some Jesus, I have given them every- charities to be more explicitly 2007 Lenten message focuses tians must be pleased that “the ‘thing,’ I have thing.” Christian, it is part of his overall not on social problems, but on biblical commandment of love for Archbishop Cordes said that effort to counter “a forgetfulness an individual’s relationship one’s neighbor” is being followed given little. But without faith, Christian charity of God.” with God, said Archbishop Paul by a variety of foundations and may alleviate some suffering, but Even Christians, the arch- Cordes. philanthropic agencies that have if I give them it will not be able to give people bishop said, “forget God, not Presenting the Lenten mes- no religious motivation. Jesus, I have the new life and sure hope that formally, but concretely in their sage at a Feb. 13 press conference, But at the same time, he said, come from a personal relation- daily actions.” Archbishop Cordes, president they must ensure their own acts given them ship with Jesus. The papal Lenten message is of the Pontifi cal Council Cor of charity fl ow from and witness everything.” “The absence of God is worse a reminder that “faith requires Unum, said the pope departed to the love of God. than material poverty, because it me to work for good and for from the customary social focus “We are not talking about kills every fi rm hope and leaves justice for those who suffer; I of papal Lenten messages in or- ignoring service to people in — Father Oreste Benzi the person alone with his pain,” cannot be Christian looking der to emphasize that Christian order to serve God, but rather he said.
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