HINDS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION MAKING OUR CASE FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY APRIL 2008 members are serving on the various llCilA comminecs, and President's Column they have been hard at work. Just recently, the HCBA by David Kaufman Womc11 in the ProfCssiou (.\nnmittee partnered with the Mis~issippi Women's Lawyt:rs A~sociation to present a lunch Time !lies when you arc having program with area attorneys to discuss rainmaking for ft:malc lim. I\ !though as I write this column f attorneys. Barbara Childs \Va!laec, Sharon Bridges, ( "hristine have a little less than two months tlnldberg, and Rebecca Wiggs presented at this well-attended remaining in my term as President, this and informative event. The \Vmncn in the Profession will be my last opportunity to address Committee also recently sent a delegation of speakers to all of the members. SufTicc it to say. it address the Pre-Law Society at Tcmgaloo College to answer has been a privilege to scrw: as Prcsiclcnt of om organization, the students' questions regarding law school and legal career und J have truly cnjoyn! having the opportunity to get to opportunities following graduation. The pr(lgfl\m was a great know and work with so many or ymt in connection wilh all of !;llccc~s, aud the ( "ommittee is planning additional programs the activities in which the IICBA is involved. Thanks to all at other scho(lls in t11e ncar future. Our special thanks to of the many volunteers who lmvc chaired and served on the committee members Let\ nne Brady, Rhea Sheldon, and vari(lus committees duri11g the past year. You arc diflCrcncc Rebecca Keith and non-committee volunteers Grace Tate, makers in our organization and community, ami you have Chynce Bailey. and Denise Wesley f(Jr participating in the represented the I ICHA well. I also want to thank the Board program. members f(n· all of their hard work and support this year. The Jlinds County Pro llono Committee has undertaken Working with you has certainly hccn a pleasure ;ltld you have a number of projects, including its "Wills for llerocs" made my job an easy one. Last, but certainly not least, I iniliati\"e. This project involves providing pro bono legal want to thank Pat Evans, without whom the orgaui;alion service~ related to the preparation of wills for local police simply could not ti.mclion. We all owe Pat a debt or gratitude olriccrs, fire fighters, and similar first responders. This is a for her many years of dedicated <1nd fine service to the perfCct project to utilize the talents of the non-litigator org<~nitatimL members of the HCBA, am! the committee is seeking For those of you who were unable to attend our February volunteers. lfyou me interested in helping with this membership luncheon, you missed an interesting and worthwhile projeet, please contact Cheri Oreen or Anna informative prescntHtion by our new Secretary of State, Marie Price, co-chairs of the Committee. Delbert lloscman. Delbert preseHtcd facts and observations It is painfi.1lthesc days to pick up the morning newspaper regarding voting problems nnd issues in the State and and read yet mmtl1er chapter in the ongoing judicial bribery explained the rationale behind a number of his well­ i1westigation and prosecution. The shocking events publicized initiatives, some of which were introduced in the surrounding this matter have dominated the statewide news current legislative ~ession and otl1ers of which will he and discussions in legal circles in recent months and have prcseuted in the next legislative session. l Tis talk was ilUite dealt yet another significant blow to the repu!ation of our an eye-opener for those in attendance, and we sincerely justice system in this state. Public opinion polls run by !he appreciate his making, time m his busy schedule during, the news media reveal that the vast majority of Mississippians legislative ~cssion to sh;uc his thoughts with us. lack confidence in our justice system. We obviously have As I reported in my last column, approximately I 00 continued on f"'W' fi HCBA LUNCHEON M.EETING Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Capital Club Noon Cost $15.00 Lunch · l_L -------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__s_'-p<-e•_k_•_•_'_J;,.uO"'s_t-_ic-_e-_J-_e-_s-_s-_I->_i-_c-ki-·n;,.s_o_n __ ;... ______ .. _- ..-.-.- ... -'---l '!he lli11d~· Counzr littr /lssociatioll ond -ll The Not·man Conquest And Other Breaking News t/1('./(ld'son }oung /Lut:wrs Associtllion by Captain Equity ill!'ilc you lojoin usj(N· till For the meager handful of loyal readers who The !des of March is traditionally a dangerous and April 15, 2008 vicariously vent their !i"ustrations with modernity through uncertain time especially li.1r Julius Caesar, bU! HOI for HCBA Membership Meeting. Evening Honoring this column, you may recall that when we last interacted John McCain and hnpirc State Republicans. First it was Noon. Capital Club back in late February, I shared my 2007 Christmas List (:linton surrogate and finance committee member May 1, 2008 the Judiciary with you. I'm sure your first reaction was "isn't this a Geraldine Fenaro who llatly slated that candidate Barack HCBA!JYL Evening Honoring the Judiciary little late." 1 would heartily agree. In spite of making my Obama 's success stemmed exclusively from the fact that he 6:00 Old Capitol Inn Cbilr/:Jtulge /JemJ!1: \Viugale as Speaker lkccmber ! deadline, it seems. as if our crack editorial and was a black male. Hey, when you think of America's May 22, 2008 Tlmr.wlay, Mt~)' 1, 2rKJ8 production $tall" dropped the ball. When they a !tempted to diildren of privilege hanging out at the club sipping pick it up, thcy inadvertently kicked it into a deep and bloody marys and puffing away on contraband Cuban HCBA Annual Golf Tournament. at 11Je Old Capitol hm Noon. Annandale Golf Club dangerous ravine which touched o(f a fi·antic two month cigars as they patiently \Vail for their tee time, you just got 226 North .Wate Street search and rescue mission. In clfcct, my column and the to be thinking black guys. When pundits pointed out the June 17, 2008 HCBA Membership Meeting. Re<:eptiou at 6:·oo p.m. rest of the articles for the newsletter went o.~ama t:lin absurdity or her statement, the rirst ti:malc Vice Noon. Capital Club !.aden hidden away in the journalistic equivalent of the Presidential candidate accused the Obama campaign of Ditmer at 7:(XJ fJ.In. Torn Bora Mountains. The good new~ is that unlike the playing the race card. Go figure. ln retrospect, it is August 19, 2008 Bush Administration, the powers that be OH t11e editorial probably a gopd thing that the l"vlondalc-Ferraro ticket only HCBA Membership Meeting/One Hour .\jX'ciOI (;1/eS!.S: ffilhl\ .\kidiSOII and board of the newsletter were ultimately successful in carried Mondalc's home state of Minnesota back in !984. Ethics CLE Hm 1N Ji ( ,"ntnt~l' S/(f/c ow I Fedemf./ur~!!,es locating the missing cdi1ion. "Belter late than never," \\"as Noon Capita! Club. And Ihen came revelations Ihat the very married. the .:o!lcctivc t~hant of the board as the December edition moral crusader (iovcrnor Eliot Spitzer \Vas a regular f(mnd readers somewhere around President's Day. Now if" eustomcr of the Emperor's Club Prostitulitm Ring, Unlike this sounds like the Captain has a bad ease of sour grapes morality challenged Republican Senators David Law Clerks For Hinds County Judges and is biting tl1c hand that kcds him nl! J can say, in the "Prostitution Is a Family Value for Me" Vittcr and Larry spirit of the Hillary Clinton !'residential Campaign, is a "Wide Stance·· Craig, Spitzer resigned from oH'icc within humble, albeit heart!Clt, ''not at all" (wink wink, nod nod). Hinds County 601.973.5571 phone days. In fact, my purpose is to actually thank those responsible ChancN~· Cuurt .Judges 601.973.55X7 fax f(n· rescuing my no longer timely column from total The winner in the latest hypocrisy fueled debacle is a rhai lcy(i 1-:n 1. hinds. ms. us .Judge Winston Kidd periodical oblivion. Let me also mention that I have no 2.1 year old aspiring singer/call girl stage named Kristen . (iraduatcd fi·mn Ulli\Trsity of .ltulgc Denise Sweet Owens currently open position rcas011 to believe that any member of the editorial board is Thanks to the unwanted publicity, she scored a big career :vli~~issipp1 School o!"Law 199X ·rashia (Jordon a milltantjihadist Muslim and that I am confident they all break with photo shoot oHCrs hom llustlcr and Penthouse. Post Office Box 6?:(1 Can a record deal ;md a guest shot on SNL be very lhr Judge Tomie (ireen know the words to the Star Spangled Banner even if they Jackson, Mississippi 19205 Judge Dcwayne Thoma~ don't all wear US. flag lapd pins. With that said, the behind? And the real loser besides public confidence in Taurean 1~11chanan 60l.!J7J.55(:.9 phone Rachacl Bailey these pullCd up, terminally hypocriticnl politicians? Ala~, Post Office Hox 327 lesson is clear. Be carcfiJI when it comes to writing time 6(}J.lWJ.2602 fax Post OII"icc Box 6X6 it's yet another New York Democrat, Senator Hillary Jackson, Mississippi 3920) sensitive material that might be rendered moot between tgordon(n:co. h inds. ms. us Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Rodham Clinton who was fOrced to distance herself f"rom CiO l.96X.6792 phone (~olumn deadline and pub]icl\!ion.
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