*rt!W '',"vipPelf'w".4's.4wowsr. D Events Before We All Are Yet Wiped Out New York, March 4—The 300,000- member Evangelical Lutheran Ovam- bokavango Church has asked Lutheran THE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1982 churches worldwide to urge their respec- tive governments to support Namibian in- Namibia Churchmen Are Pessimistic on Talks dependence "by peaceful means" and "before we all are yet wiped out ." In a By CHARLES AUSTIN A group of visiting church leaders Ovambokavango Church ; Bishop statement, which came out of the from South-West Africa said in New James Kaluma of South Werst Africa, church's synod meeting in December, the York last week that they were not opti- an Anglican, and the Rev. James church said that "hundreds of members of mistic about the international talks on Moulder, a member of the executive our parishes and congregations have lost independence for the territory. committee of the South Africa Council The group, which was ending a seven- of Churches. The All-Africa Conference their lives" in Namibia (formerly known nation tour, said United States officials, of Churches, with 120 member denomi- as South West Africa), a territory of one including the Assistant Secretary of nations and councils of churches, spon- million people controlled by South Africa. State for African Affairs, Chester A. sored the trip. Crocker, consistently dismissed the ob- The statement arrived in late January jections voiced by the visitors when U.S. Sympathies Faulted at the headquarters of Lutheran World they were told progress was being Dr. Rairansoa said he believed the Ministries, the USA National Committee made toward independence for South- Reagan Action was too sympa- of the Lutheran World Federation, and West Africa, also known as Namibia. thetic to the Swath African Government. "They did not want to hear of our pes- "Western governments should listen to was accompanied by a letter from Bishop simism," a member of the group said. the entire continent of Africa, not just Kleopas Dumeni of Oniipa. The Rev. Albertus Maasdorp, general Pretoria," he said. Some church members, the statement secretary of the Council of Churches in Mr. Maasdorp said South Africa South-West Africa, was particularly showed no signs of removing its troops said, "have been killed, others have died critical of American policy in southern from South-West Africa, although a re- as the result of land mines . .Private Africa, a policy he asserted is totally duction in military force was to be one houses have been put aflame and many shaped by fear of Soviet activity there. of the conditions to be met before elec- innocent civilians have had their proper- tions are held there. Other members of Group Holds News Conference the delegation accused South Africa of ties either destroyed or damaged ." The "The U.S. Government has become trying to set up a puppet political struc- statement also said that pastors and lay an agent in South Africa's 'holy cru- ture in the territory that could control preachers have been imprisoned, and that sade' against Communism," Mr. Maas- the elections. dorp said at a news conference Friday. 13 percent of the 300 synod delegates Representatives of the United States, Bishop Kaluma said the plan to have meeting at Ongwediva said they had at Namibians vote twice, once for a party Canada, France, Britain and West Ger- and once for an individual, made the one time or another been imprisoned and many have long been trying to mediate election too complicated. "None of the tortured. the conflict in South-West Africa, whose five Western nations conducts elections administration by South Africa is being that way," he said. The election plan, The church's statement was released at fought by guerrillas of the South-West rejected by the guerrillas, is the most a time when South Africa approved a Africa People's Organization. recent snag in the independence talks. plan proposed by five Western powers, in- Church leaders in southern Africa Military activity in the northern part cluding the United States, revising the have generally supported the initiatives of the country 1s intensifying, Mr. Ha- United Nations plan for Namibian in- of the five nations, but after their sheela said, adding that the church's monthlong tour the visiting church printing plant has been bombed twice\ dependence. Under the proposal, half of leaders said they were disappointed in and that an Anglican seminary was also \ the constituent assembly would be elected the attitudes they had encountered. bombed this year. Bishop Kaluma said as individual representatives from geo- Members of the delegation in addition ministers from his church were fre- graphical districts and the other half to Mr. Maasdorp were Dr. Maxime Ra- quently detained by South African se- fransoa, general secretary of the All-Af- curity forces. would be apportioned according to votes rica Conference of Churches ; Bishop for political parties, on a national basis. Kleopas Dumeni and the Rev . Absalom ©1982 by The New York Times Company. continued page 2 Hasheela of the Evangelical Lutheran Reprinted by permission. Commentary s; Before We All Are Yet Wiped Out continued Namibians Declare SWAPO Not Communist Because the geography has been divided In newspaper reports from South Africa and in the American press it has been alleged that by South Africa into tribal districts, it Namibia's largest independence party, the South West Africa People's Organization, is a Marxist seems the plan will foster tribal and racial communist group controlled by the Soviet Union . Because many members of churches in representation, said the Reverend Ed- America are concerned about these charges, Dateline :Namibia asked the leaders of the Nami- ward May, director of the Office on bian churches to comment. This is consistent with the basic policy of Dateline :Namibia, namely, to present the views, concerns and news of Namibian Christians to Christians in North America. World Community of Lutheran World We also talked with Mr . Andreas Shipanga, leader of the SWAPO-D party (dissidents who broke Ministries in New York. The assembly away from SWAPO in 1976) who recently appeared before a Senate sub-committee on the com- that would set the course for Namibian munist connection. independence could only make constitu- tional decisions by a two-thirds vote. First it must be stated that the churches in Namibia have not officially singled out support for . They have officially called for the im- With at least ten distinct ethnic groups any one political party in the independence struggle plementation of UN-supervised elections so that the people of Namibia can elect their own and more than 40 parties or would-be par- government from among these parties . Although they have not particularized their official sup- ties, some Western observers believe that port, they have spoken out to counter false statements and misrepresentations about these par- the election setup is intended to prevent ties. The South African claim that SWAPO is communist is refuted by Namibian church leaders. the South West Africa People's Organiza- tion (SWAPO) from controlling It should also be remembered that South African laws restrict freedom of speech and have been used to detain persons who differ with official South African views on political matters. Namibia's fate after a single election. Although South Africa has repeatedly admonished the churches not to speak on "political mat- The Ovambos, who are believed to ters," Namibian Christians have exhibited great personal courage in speaking the truth. represent about half of Namibia's popu- lation, overwhelmingly support SWAPO, We asked Lutheran bishop Kleopas Dumeni, leader of Namibia's largest church, about the which has been waging a guerrilla war communist allegations. against South African forces for several "I know that the South African government makes propaganda that they are fighting against years. Continuing attacks by South communism . It is propaganda. Who is SWAPO? Let me tell you. SWAPO are members, men Africa inside neighboring Angola have and women, daughters and boys of our families, members of our churches. I said churches, raised the fear that the warfare might be regardless of denomination . Baptized, confirmed, married with rights in their parishes—they are Christians . But the question is why they left the country . Precisely because of the hardships of escalated, pitting South African forces the war situation, apartheid, separate development and injustice . And that is what is not Chris- against Cubans or other Soviet bloc forces tian—it's against the whole of Christianity ." in Angola. May said that while church leaders in In a similar discussion, Dr . Albertus Maasdorp, Lutheran pastor and executive secretary of Namibia support the United Nations the Council of Churches in Namibia, said : "The South African government has tried to convince . This is not true. independence plan, they are opposed to the West that their fight in Southern Africa is a holy war against communism Their war is against the people of Southern Africa, the people of Namibia. It is a war against some of the recent changes proposed by Christians . It is not a war against communism-- that is a smoke screen . I sympathize with your the Western powers. "They say the concern for Soviet expansion, but the conflict has nothing to do with our struggle for in- churches keep trying to unite the people, dependence ." and the changes that are being suggested in United Nations Security Council Dr. Maasdorp continued, "We in the churches in Namibia have no evidence that can make us Resolution 435 (the Namibian independ- believe that SWAPO is communist or an agent of communism . We are concerned about our peo- ple who are in the movement because the majority in that movement are Lutherans, Catholics, ence plan) open the way to more Anglican .
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