; ■»^iy . I-' ?■ f ^ t . i a v e r a g e d a i l y OIRCULATIOM THE WEATHBB • ffereceet of U. S. Weather Borsai,- for the Month of Ifiaroh, 1984 New Heven 5,444 Ctondy. probebly rain toalgM iad Member of the Aodlt Tlnireday: not miMh change m temr peratnre. Bnreso of Cirenlattoaa. VOL. L in ., NO. 157. (OlaMllled Advertltiiif on Page 18.), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1934. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS POUCE CALLED Theory of Foul Play GOVERNOR SEES Doctor, 7G, Takes Third Bride COLONEL PENATE, TO HALT RIOTS In Bethany Mystery NO REASON FOR MEMBER OF CUBAN AT HILL EXTRASESSION Bethany, April 4.— (AP) —Identl-<^ The body was clad only In boots fication was still sought today of when feimd. the nude, one-armed man found Later, state police and Bethany CABINET, SUICIDE dead in a wooded section of Bethany authorities turned to New Haven State Executiye on Return iSO Employees at Belamo yesterday, after an autopsy dis­ and West Haven in their efforts to closed a fracture at the base of the establish she middle aged man’s Plant Attempt to Stop skull and authorities leaned to a identity. from West Says He Has Bitter Foe of Former Presi­ theory of foul play. A motorist whose name is being LOWLANDS FLOODED Coroner James J. Corrigan of withheld by police told them a man Others Going to Work — New Haven, in charge of the i ves- answering toe description of the Not Changed His Mind on dent Machado Dies from tlgation, said the man, one of his dead man bad narrowly missed stag­ IN EAST HARTFORD eyes blackened, was seen on forest gering into toe rear of an oil truck Subject Two Arrests Are Made. road by two persons Monday. on Forest road Monday. Self Inflicted Wound — A t that time, the coroner said he Persons who saw toe Incident be­ had been told the man was dragging lieved the man to be dnmk. Lieuten­ Hartford, April 4.— (A P )—Gov­ Friends Believe Overwork Rocky HUl, April 4.— (A P )— an overcoat and was without coat or ant William Scbaltsman of toe state Over 17 Feet Recorded at shirt. Elfht state policemen were called police said the motorist told him. ernor Wtlbur L. cross, back frsra Officials at first believed the man his wqstera trip, has not changed hia Motive for Deed. to the Belamo Corporation plant had died of natural causes after the An hour later, toe man was seen at Hartford This M orn in g- and made two arrests on cbargres of bruised and scratched body was another point In Forest road. mind as to what ha bad several times In recent months termed a assault and breach of the peace this found by Arthur Doolittle, a mem­ Investigators were satisfied, they said, that toe man bad not received lack of need of a special session of River Is Still Rising. Havana, April 4.— (A P )—Colonel morning: after about 180 employes ber of toe New Haven county su­ perior court jury panel, in front of bis injuries from an automboile. toe General Assembly tr tinker with Roberto Mendez Penate, Secretary recently laid off attempted to halt the state liquor control law. He bis home. They accounted for the bruises on of Justice in the Mendleta Cabinet, those g:oingr to work. But with toe result of the the man’s body by sajdng they prob­ has said there was a well based Hartford, April 4.—(AP)—Shack grievance In deaire of hotel men to died today of a bullet wound which The lay-off was due, according: to autopsy, toe theory of natural death ably were caused by dense under­ dwellers have been driven from was abandoned, authorities said. brush. have toe law changed which wUl authorities said was self inflicted. Gilbert Loverldg:e, executive man­ give them toe right to sell U<|Uor8 homes, and additional yards and The 62-year-old veteran of Cube’s ager of the plant, to curtailed pro­ on a parity with package and drug streets in toe East Hartford low­ duction necessitated by cancellation stores. He also has reiterated bis lands are under water as the Con­ war for independence and bitter foe of orders, which resulted from belief that state control of the liquor necticut river continued rising dur­ ot former President Machado died strikes in other textile plants. traffic. If politics can be eliminated ing toe past twenty-four hours, shortly after be was taken to a Those arrested are Josephine DOUBLE MURDER, SUICIDE, in that control. Is toe best. passing the 17,8 foot mark at 10 hospital from bis home. Carbone of 261 Pleasant street, Made Two Stops a. m. During toe night the rate He had been found lying in his Hartford, who Is held at the Hart­ Governor Cross yesterday said on of rise was gradual, but the effect private office, a bullet wound in his ford police station in default of of melting snows up north was felt his trip he had little opportunity to neck. President Mendleta and other $200 bonds, and Salvatore Scata of at Hartford after daybreak today SEEN IN WOODMONT CASE Inquire into or observe toe operation Cabinet ministers were at toe hospi- 74 Ellsworth street, Hartford, held when toe rate Increased to approxi­ of liquor legislation in other states. lal when be died. at the state police barracks In de­ mately one-tenth of a foot an hour. His two stops were in Oklahoma and Once Political Exile fault of $200 bonds. Occupants of ten make-shift California. He said toe former Penate, once a political exile, after 200 Laid Off Police Believe the Son place Is dry under a constltutioruU dwellings in the shack colony north Notices were posted in the plant DILLINGER’S PAL A difference of 56 years In their ages was no barrier In toe December- of Riverside park, Hartford, have an unsuccessful revolt against provision while California has s Machado, was considered for the March 80, Mr. Lx>verldg:e said, that control law with some features in it May romance of twice-married Samuel Martin. 76, retired physician, been driven out by the freshet, most between 200 and 300 of the 90C em­ Tarned On Gas WhOe end 20-year-old Ada Bell, whom he met a few months ago when he of them doubling up with kind- provisional presidency when Ramon which approximate toe Connecticut Grau san Martin appeared ready to ployes would be laid off within a SHOT BY POLICE law. He said he found dissatisfac­ stopped at a filling station run by Miss Bell’s father. The couple ere hearted neighbors In shacks on high­ get out. week or ten days, and that it was tion with control conditions extend­ shown leaving church after they were married in Mount Holly, N. J. er ground. hoped they could be taken back Parents Slept and Then ed to other states and was not con­ Shortly before toe Cabinet mem­ within a few weeks although It fined to this state alone. ICE JAMS BROKEN. ber was found wounded a bomb ex­ might be longer. Killed Himself. Believe Federal Men Are No PoUtles Boston, April 4.— (A P )—Fear of ploded in downtown Havana in a The re-emplojrment, the notice The governor said toe Connecticut any serious flood along New Eng­ manhole, disrupting telephone ser­ .said, would be based on the produe- law, which be believes Is one pf gen­ SOUND ICE BREAKERS land river valleys was allayed to­ vice. It was apparently another act uon rating of the workers, those eral merit, eliminates “imdeslrable of violence in toe long labor discord Milford, April 4— (AP) —Autop­ Close on Trail of Fugitive; day as Ice Jams broke and pent up having the highest rating to be re­ political influences," vdilcb would be waters swept seaward. in toe American Telephone Com­ employed first, except in some cases sies were to be performed today on present if control over Issuance i t The Merrimac river had stopped pany. where the worker was the sole sup­ toe bodies of Werner H. Gutenberg, Woman Companion Held. licenses, or permits, rested with OProSED BY TREASURY rising. A slow rise was still dis­ As President ol toe powerful Na­ port of the family. Sr., and his 26 year old son, Fred­ county or town officials. cernible at Springfield, Mass., on toe tionalist Union, Col. Penate headed He said be was convinced toe sit­ Connecticut river, but barring heavy the strongest organized group to The ratings were posted today, erick whose bodies were found with and due to misunderstanding of the St. Paul, April 4,— (A P )—Feder­ uation In adjoining states as to toe rain during the next 24 hours. It was survive toe political disintegration that of the elder Gutenberg's wife, that succeed Machado’s dowmfaU in plan by those laid off, the rioting al guns, blazing leaden retort to sale of liquor has put hotel men m Senator Lonergan and Con-1 DANGER TO CREDIT believed, the Connecticut could hold began. Mary, in their gas filled home in this state at disadvantage which wIIj its burden. August, 1933. Road la Blocked Woodmont Monday, in an effort to gang defiance, had cut close today require correction at the next ses­ An ice Jam at toe Cheshire Wounded In Action The disgruntled group blocked the further substantiate a theory of to the trail of the arch fugitive, sion. But that disadvantage, in .tie necticut Business Men De- ' bridge, Springfield, Vermont broke A youthful student in Havana, road to prevent those still employed double-murder and suicide.
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