Parliamentary Documentation Vol. XLI (16-31 July 2015) No.14 AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES-GINGER 1 SUCHITRA, M Into the Ginger trap. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.16,18 Discusses excessive damage to environment and soil fertility caused due to indiscriminate use of chemicals in growing Ginger crop in Karnataka. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Commodities-Ginger; Soil Conservation. -AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH-(INDIA) 2 LENKA, Narendra Kumar and Others Soil Carbon Sequestration to mitigate climate change. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V.65(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.38-40 ** Agriculture-Agricultural Research-(India); Global Warming. -AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH-ORGANIC FARMING 3 PRADHAN, Urbashi and Others Organic paradox. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.2), 2015(15.6.2015): P.58; 60 Discusses progress and prospects of organic agricultural products in view of Centre's move to develop Sikkim as a first Indian State to cultivate organic agricultural produce. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Research-Organic Farming. -ANIMAL HUSBANDRY-CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 4 RATH, Nilakantha Declining cattle population: Will the sacred cow finally rest in the temple ? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.50(No.28), 2015 (11.7.2015): P.12-14 Argues over the banning of cow slaughter and beef consumption in India. ** Agriculture-Animal Husbandry-Cruelty to Animals. ** - Keywords 1 -FARMS AND FARMERS-(INDIA) 5 MAHAPATRA, Richard Off to another bad stand. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.26,28; 30-32 Expresses concern over poor condition of Agricultural Sector assessed during last six years due to failure of monsoon and its impact on farming communities in India. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-(India). 6 Mounting burden. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.38-40 Expresses concern over increasing danger of agrarian crisis and its impact on the national economy of India. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-(India). 7 SUCHITRA, M Rooftop revolution. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.46; 48 Applauds terrace farming to grow organic vegetables and fruits to meet the challenges of food deficit in Kerala. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-(India). 8 What's failing farmers. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.34-36 Describes the struggle of farmers in getting relief and compensation from the Government for damage caused to crops due to erratic weather in India. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-(India). -FARMS AND FARMERS-FARM MECHANISATION 9 REDDY, B Sanjeeva Small farm mechanization: Technologies and transfer strategies. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V.65(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.45-49 ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-Farm Mechanisation. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY 10 UTHAPPA, A R and Others Trees for soil health and sustainable agriculture. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V.65(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.2-5 ** - Keywords 2 -FORESTS AND FORESTRY ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry; Soil Conservation. -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE-(INDIA) 11 SHRIVASTAVA, Kumar Sambhav Roar in captivity. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.50-51 Calls for immediate and strategic, political and social efforts to save the fast extincting Tiger family in India ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life-(India). -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE-(INDIA-ASSAM) 12 TALUKDAR, Ratna Bharali In Assam, women as keepers of the wild. SOCIAL WELFARE (NEW DELHI), V.62(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.29-30 Throws light on the impressive work done by women forest rangers of Assam to protect wildlife in Kaziranga. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life-(India- Assam). -FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE-(INDIA-GOA) 13 D'MELLO, Pamela Erasing the dots. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.2), 2015(15.6.2015): P.50;52;54 Critically comments on the efforts of politicians and mafia to denotify two wild life sancturies in Goa despite the presence of tigers therein. ** Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life-(India-Goa) -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA) 14 RAJALAKSHMI, T K Growing resistance. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.32(No.14), 2015(24.7.2015): P.39-41 Deals with the re-promulgation of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015. ** Agriculture-Land and Land Reforms-Land Acquisition- ** - Keywords 3 -LAND AND LAND REFORMS-LAND ACQUISITION-(INDIA) (India). -NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER RESOURCES 15 SHAKIR ALI and Others Potential impact of climate change scenarios on small water resources. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V.65(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.35-37 ** Agriculture-Natural Resources-Water Resources. BIOGRAPHIES -POLITICAL LEADERS-AMBEDKAR, BHIMRAO RAMJI 16 TELTUMBDE, Anand Organiser on Ambedkar: Repeating a big IIT-M lie. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.50(No.28), 2015 (11.7.2015): P.10-11 Highlights the dual politics being played by the RSS in the name of Ambedkar in the wake of justifying the "Derecognition" of the Ambedkar Periyar study circle by IIT Madras in the magazine 'Organiser' run by RSS. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-AMBEDKAR, Bhimrao Ramji. -PROMINENT PERSONS-SIR NICHOLAS BARRINGTON 17 SIR NICHOLAS BARRINGTON Reflections of a diplomat in Asia. ASIAN AFFAIRS (LONDON ), V.46(No.2), 2015(Jul, 2015): P.199-211 Reflects on the career and experience of Sir Nicholas Barrington, a British national, as a diplomat and High Commissioner in various Asian countries. ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-SIR NICHOLAS BARRINGTON. -PROMINENT PERSONS-TAGORE, RABINDRANATH 18 CHATTERJEE, Shankar Rabindranath Tagore: Man of vision and epoch maker. SOCIAL WELFARE (NEW DELHI), V.62(No.3), 2015(Jun, 2015): P.7-10 Suggests youths to emulate Rabindranath Tagore's thoughts, ideas and sacrifice. ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-TAGORE, Rabindranath. ** - Keywords 4 COMMERCE - INTERNATIONAL TRADE-REGIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATION 19 CHANDRASEKHAR, C P Imperial manoeuvres. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.32(No.14), 2015(24.7.2015): P.42-44 Exposes the corporate interests to open up services markets in developed and developing countries at the expense of the people.through the WikiLeaks' secret documents that are part of the ongoing negotiations by a select group of countries for a Trade in Services Agreement outside the WTO. ** Commerce- International Trade-Regional Trade Association. -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-CHINA) 20 TANEJA, Nisha and Others India's trade deficit with China: How to bridge the gap ? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.50(No.28), 2015 (11.7.2015): P.18-21 Discusses the ways to deal with the problem of widening trade deficit between India and China. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-China). -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-MYANMAR) 21 ASHIKHO, Aviini Myanmar and India's North East region. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.29(No.341), 2015(Jul, 2015): P.7-14 Suggests to promote and strengthen trade relations between India and Myanmar. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-Myanmar). -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-WTO 22 JISHNU, Latha WTO gives India a clean chit. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.3), 2015(30.6.2015): P.52 WTO: World Trade Organisation. Focuses on the World Trade Organisation's exhaustive review of India's Intellectual Property laws. ** Commerce-International Trade-WTO; Patents. ** - Keywords 5 -PATENTS 23 JISHNU, Latha IPR course in school ? It's silly. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.24(No.2), 2015(15.6.2015): P.56 IPR: Intellectual Property Rights. Critically comments on the Government's move to include study on Intellectual Property Rights in the school curriculum in India. ** Commerce-Patents; Curriculum. COMPANY AFFAIRS AND MANAGEMENT -MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS 24 RAO, A V V S K MNCs mar India (ns). MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.53(No.30), 2015(18.7.2015): P.13-19 MNCs: Multinational Corporations. Highlights the role of multinational corporarions in development of the developing countries with special reference to India. ** Company Affairs and Management-Multinational Corporations. DEFENCE -AIR FORCE-(INDIA) 25 NAIR, K K Aerospace power in the Indian context of nation building. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI) , V.10(No.2), 2015(Apr-Jun, 2015): P.1-19 Discusses the capability of Indian Aerospace power in meeting the existing and future security challenges for the sake of uninterrupted national growth and development ** Defence-Air Force-(India). -ARMY AND CIVIL RELATIONS 26 GUPTA, Nishant Deconstructing disaster management: With special reference to civil-military linkages. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.2), 2015(Apr-Jun, 2015): P.79-109 Apprehends the role of military during occurance of natural disasters in India and abroad. ** Defence-Army and Civil Relations; Disaster Management. ** - Keywords 6 -ARMY-(PAKISTAN) 27 PRIYANKA SINGH Army: The be-all or end-all of Pakistan politics. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.39(No.3), 2015(May-Jun, 2015): P.319-325 Gives an opinion on Pakistan Army's influence on Pakistan's national and international political issues. ** Defence-Army-(Pakistan); Political Development- (Pakistan). -DEFENCE BASES-INDIAN OCEAN 28 MASLEKAR, R A India's aerospace footprint in the IOR. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.2), 2015(Apr-Jun, 2015): P.21-36 ICR: Indian Ocean Region. Emphasises the need to develop and strengthen India's aerospace power capabilities so as to secure its geopolitical and commercial interest in the Indian Ocean Region. ** Defence-Defence Bases-Indian Ocean. -DEFENCE PROCUREMENT-(INDIA) 29 MRINAL SINGH Beyond guidelines. FORCE (NOIDA), V.12(No.11), 2015(Jul, 2015): P.46-49 Emphasises the need for a well defined policies for defence procurements. ** Defence-Defence Procurement-(India). -DEFENCE PRODUCTION 30 GANDHI, Prerna S Emergence of the Asian defence industry: The China and Japan going to face a war in the 'business of war'. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.2), 2015(Apr-Jun, 2015): P.149-172 Discusses over the growing competition between Chinese and Japanese defence manufacturing industries in the global market.
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