2020 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT & NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE STATEMENT #>C6C8>6A /:EDGI & "&+*',+"'& (*&++"'& 'J+!J,"& &J%& %&+ *('*+ '&J+!J'&'$"+ "&&"$ ++%&+ 'J,!&J!'$"& !:8A6G6I>DC 7N I=: E:GHDC G:HEDCH>7A: ;DGPI=:P;>C6C8>6A HI6I:B:CIH ><C>;>86CI :K:CIH 6C9PB6>C 8=6C<:H >C H8DE: 8I>K>I>:H 6C9 G:HJAIH DGEDG6I: HD8>6A G:HEDCH>7>A>IN J7H:FJ:CI :K:CIH ,JIADD@ &'& "&&"$ (*'*%& ++%&+ &CIGD9J8I>DC &9:CI>;>86I>DC D; I=: B6>C / 8=6AA:C<:H K>6PG>H@PB6EE> -GDEDH: 6 =:6AI=N FJ6A>IN 6C9PG:HEDCH>7A:P;DD9PD;;:GPPP DBB>IB:CI L>I= E6HH>DC6I: :BEADN::H )>B>I I=: :CK>GDCB:CI6A >BE68I D;PDJGP68I>K>I>:H "HI67A>H= G:HEDCH>7A: 6C9P:I=>86A 7JH>C:HH G:A6I>DCH=>EH *:I=D9DAD<N JBB6GN I67A: D;P>C9>86IDGH /:EDGI 7N DC: D;PI=:PI6IJIDGN J9>IDGH 6EED>CI:9 6HP>C9:E:C9:CI I=>G9 E6GIN DCPI=:P8DCHDA>96I:9 CDC ;>C6C8>6A HI6I:B:CI *"# %& %&+ />H@ ;68IDGH #>C6C8>6A G>H@ B6C6<:B:CI Summary &CI:GC6A 8DCIGDA EGD8:9JG: !JIN D; 86G: EA6C '&'$"+ "&&"$ ++%&+ DCHDA>96I:9 ;>C6C8>6A HI6I:B:CIH +DI:H ID I=: 8DCHDA>96I:9 ;>C6C8>6A HI6I:B:CIH I6IJIDGN J9>IDGH^ G:EDGI DCPI=:P8DCHDA>96I:9 ;>C6C8>6A HI6I:B:CIH #>C6C8>6A /:EDGI & $)(%*)%$ Auchan Holding brings together two companies with complementary businesses: Auchan Retail, new generation retailer; Ceetrus, which develops and enlivens sustainable and smart living zones Present in 13 countries, Auchan Retail brings ERHcWLSTW together all the physical formats of the food retail With the support of Auchan Holding, each business sector (hypermarket, supermarket, convenience line is taking a responsible approach to strengthening stores) with 1,985 points of contact enhanced by all its positions on its core markets, by making profound the new digital retail solutions (e.g. click & collect, transformations to achieve their vision, thanks to their drive, home delivery, etc.). Auchan Retaill places IQTPS]IIW the customer at the heart of all its orientations in SVHIVXSQIIXLMWSVLIVI\TIGXEXMSRWMRXIVQWSJSǺIV Auchan Holding also holds an equity investment of thanks to exclusive, quality products at the best price MR4RI]'ERO[LMGLWMRGILEWFIRIǻXIH and phygital shopping solutions, which combine the JVSQXLINSMRXI\TIVXMWISJ'5(*ERH&YGLER strengths of the physical store and those of the digital Holding to speed up its growth and increase its ecosystem. New-generation retailers, players in the TVIWIRGIMR*YVSTIMRTE]QIRXǻRERGIERHHMKMXEP good, healthy and local areas, Auchan Retail’s MHIRXMǻGEXMSRcWSPYXMSRW 179,590 employees contribute, through a responsible approach with customers, farmers and suppliers, to enable everyone to live better by eating better. '7*&0)4;34+7*:*39*'='9.3*1.3* 0*= 7*:*39* +.,97* €32 billion 98.5% 1.5 % 7*:*39*'=,*4,7&5-.(&1&7*& Southern Europe 18% 53% France 26% Presence Central in 14 countries and Eastern 3% 43(438.3*38 Europe Other #>C6C8>6A /:EDGI & $)(%*)%$ Ceetrus GSRXMRYIWXSIZSPZIJVSQGSQQIVGMEP On 22 October 2019, Auchan Holding sold 50.1% VIEPIWXEXIXSQM\IHYWITVSTIVX]HIZIPSTQIRX of the share capital of Oney Bankk to BPCE, which Ceetrus LEWWIXMXWIPJXLIEMQSJLIPTMRKHIZIPST has consolidated this entity since that date. Oney social ties that will drive the city of the future, creating Bankk[MPPRS[FIRIǻXJVSQXLINSMRXI\TIVXMWISJ'5(* sustainable, connected and lively living spaces and and Auchan Holding to speed up its growth and WXSVIW8LMWIZSPYXMSRMWXEOMRKWLETITVMQEVMP]SR MRGVIEWIMXWTVIWIRGIMR*YVSTIMRTE]QIRXǻRERGI I\MWXMRKGSQQIVGMEPWMXIW;MXLXLIEMQSJIRLERGMRK ERHHMKMXEPMHIRXMǻGEXMSRWSPYXMSRW&PSGEPHMKMXEPFERO their value and attractiveness to contribute to the [MPPGSQTPIXIXLIGYWXSQIVSǺIVMRK success of its traders and partners, Ceetrus reinvents GSQQIVGMEPWMXIWF]MRXIKVEXMRKLSYWMRKSǽGIWPIMWYVI and urban infrastructure. Keeping a close eye on the GMX]XLIGSQTER]EPWS[SVOW[MXLRI[TVSKVEQQIW XSTVSZMHIIEGLVIKMSR[MXLEGSQTVILIRWMZIERH XEMPSVQEHIYVFERWSPYXMSR8LIGSQTER]LEW cIQTPS]IIW AUCHAN RETAIL CEETRUS 180,560*2514=** 179,590 970 including 108,936 Employees Employees IQTPS]II shareholders RECURRING NET FINANCIAL 45*7&8.3,c.3(42* EBITDA(1)c DEBT 2020 2020 2020 708 M€ 1,949 M€ 2,158 M€ *'.8)&MWHIǻRIHEWVIGYVVMRKSTIVEXMRKMRGSQII\GPYHMRKSXLIVVIGYVVMRKMRGSQIERHI\TIRWIWEQSVXMWEXMSRHITVIGMEXMSRMQTEMVQIRXERHTVSZMWMSRW #>C6C8>6A /:EDGI & $)(%*)%$ 8-*&2'.8.434+8-*(425&3.* Food, digital, environmental and economic transitions, the mass retail sector is currently being shaken up. To respond more fully to the new expectations of consumers and citizens, Auchan Retail fundamentally transforms its business model and practices by taking into account two major newcomers: phygital and a greater focus on eating well and the planet. ;MXLMXWGSVTSVEXITVSNIGXSRXLISRILERHMXMWEFSYXVIHIǻRMRKXLIWXSVIƶWTYVTSWIERHSTIVEXMSR[MXLMR MXWPMZMRKEVIEXSMQTVSZIXLIUYEPMX]SJPMJISJMXWMRLEFMXERXWERHSRXLISXLIVLERHVIHIǻRMRKMXWSǺIVERH its purpose as a responsible retailer. AUCHAN 2022, IS BUILT AROUND 8;4c5.11&7c&3)cTWO .3*5&7&'1*1*:*7. Auchan Retaill goes beyond the traditional sustainable, balanced agricultural 5.11&7 role of the distributor and becomes a partnerships that share value with designer and a product selector in order to TVSHYGIVW*HYGEXMSRERHXVERWTEVIRG] BEING THE BENCHMARK SǺIVEYRMUYISǺIVXSGSRWYQIVW SRXLIRYXVMXMSREPUYEPMX]SJTVSHYGXWEVI PLAYER FOR WHAT also being developed z IPIGXSV of an offer based on a variety IS GOOD, HEALTHY of tastes, nutrition, local production, z Designer with its customers and partners AND LOCAL THROUGH culinary trends, traceability and maximum of a reassuring and responsible range THE SELECTION AND transparency. In order to become the of food and non-food products from THE DESIGN OF A reference for consumers looking for a local &YGLER8LMWMWVIǼIGXIHMRXLIVIHIǻRMXMSR UNIQUE, FAIR AND and varied diet, Auchan Retail accelerates of the composition of its own-brand the listing of local products. The company products by relying in particular on the 7*543.'1*c4++*V makes firm commitments in terms of recommendations of experts, customer respect for the environment and animal opinions and ratings as well as the rigorous welfare, in particular through demanding, selection of suppliers. 4'/*(8.:*+47 Double the number of local products on sale in stores VIWTSRWMFPIEKVMGYPXYVEPWIGXSVW around the world SJ&YGLERFVERHTVSHYGXW carry a nutritional label Auchan Retail is changing its physical other Auchan points of contact, from the 5.11&7 locations and redefining their purpose, supermarket to the city centre click & notably by expanding the role of the collect, within the same living area ; BRINGING PEOPLE hypermarket. Auchan Retaill [ERXWXS TOGETHER AND z FIGSQIXLIPIEHMRKPSGEPTPE]IVMRIEGL z make its hypermarkets open local living area where it is present by creating PROVIDING ENRICHING platforms to partners (producers, specialist shopping routes and innovative services EXPERIENCES TO brands) by welcoming them to its sales for residents to anticipate their desires IMPROVE THE QUALITY areas. But also storage, preparation and ERHcRIIHW OF LIFE OF RESIDENTS manufacturing platforms to supply the 4'/*(8.:*+47 Double the revenue generated outside hypermarkets and supermarkets (vs 2018) #>C6C8>6A /:EDGI & $)(%*)%$ 8SEGLMIZI MXWEQFMXMSRW Auchan Retail of each individual, favours openness to the LEVER 1 can rely on the commitment of 179,590 customer and the local, and promotes the PASSIONATE employees around the world. Auchan Retail passion for the product, within an aligned supports them by ensuring the meaning and demanding organisation that knows how EMPLOYEES and consistency of all its actions in each to prioritise.. country. To this end, it develops the skills The Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is at the heart of the “Auchan 2022” project LEVER 2 as it has become an essential factor for its success. It sets out three priority commitments: CSR EMBODIED z Encouraging healthy eating and combating food waste BY ITS EMPLOYEES z Fighting against plastic pollution z Controlling its carbon footprint OBJECTIVES FOR 2022 100% of packaging for reusable, recyclable or compostable Auchan brand products. Elimination of plastic as rapidly as possible from fruit and vegetable departments and food services. 25% reduction in energy consumption in stores (vs 2014) 50% of decarbonised energy supply 20% reduction in carbon emissions from the transport of goods To support the implementation of Auchan 2022, Auchan Retail places operational excellence at the heart of the company thanks to the deployment of the “Renaissance” approach in parallel with its corporate project. In order to restore economic results and regain room for manoeuvre, Auchan Retail has launched an initiative in all its countries called “Rebirth” which helps to focus the company’s operations towards operational excellence, to make the company more agile and to free up the resources necessary for the deployment of its business project. The objective by 2022 is to achieve savings of €1.1 billion per year compared to 2018 Ceetrus is constantly working, and even more so today, to reinvent its commercial sites and build new neighbourhoods in collaboration with local players and partners. The unprecedented situation of the year 2020 shows the need to adapt our lifestyles and functioning. Transforming what already exists, creating living zones and fostering human connections is an urgent need for which Ceetrus has been working for several months. &JXIVQSVIXLERXIR]IEVWSJYRMRXIVVYTXIHVIZIRYIKVS[XLXLILIEPXLGVMWMWWMKRMǻGERXP]MQTEGXIHXLIVIWYPXWSJCeetrus in 2020. But beyond the results, the period was a source of mobilisation and collective pride. During the
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