Priority 2: Healthy lifestyles Promote healthy lifestyles by developing services to prevent and reduce harmful alcohol consumption, substance misuse, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and sexual ill-health Focus on preventing and reducing alcohol misuse, obesity and physical inactivity • 1 Derbyshire Population Size Pyramid (2010-2035) • 2 • 3 90+ Male Female 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 35000 25000 15000 5000 5000 15000 25000 35000 Source: 2010-Based Population Projections, Office for National Statistics (ONS), March 2012 Male 2010 Female 2010 Male 2035 Female 2035 • For both men and women, • Over the next twenty-five • The population increase will be there are more people in the years, it is expected that particularly pronounced among 45-49 and 40-44 brackets than almost all age groups will the older age groups, with any other age band have higher numbers than substantial increase for every they do now age group over 65 • Bolsover had the highest • Derbyshire’s adult obesity obesity rate, at 27.4% of the rate was 25.3%, which is 1.1 adult population. Derbyshire percentage points higher Dales had the lowest rate at than the national average 23.0% (24.2%) Percentage of the adult population with obesity 2006-2008 35 30 25 20 15 over 27.4 26.5 26.8 25.1 23.3 25.8 24.0 25.3 24.2 10 23.0 5 0 Percentage of people aged 16 and Amber Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South Derbyshire England Valley Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source: 2006-2008, Association of Public Health Observatories - Estimates of Adults' Health and Lifestyles (Modelled data) • Erewash has a significantly • High Peak has the highest lower rate of hospital rate at 98.8 per 100,000 admissions amongst under under 18s, which is 39.0 per 18s than Derbyshire 100,000 higher than the Derbyshire average Hospital Admissions due to Alcohol Specific Conditions per 100,000 under 18s population 2008/09 - 2010/11 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 98.8 40.0 63.8 69.2 65.0 51.6 61.9 52.2 59.8 20.0 35.5 Rate per 100,000 under 18s under 100,000 per Rate 0.0 Amber Valley Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erew ash High Peak North East South Derbyshire PCT Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source: 2008/09 - 2010/11, Secondary Uses Service (SUS) and Children & Younger Adults Information Service, Derbyshire County Council, March 2012 • 1 Overweight & Obese Primary School Age Children in Reception and Year 6 in Derbyshire 2007/08 to 2010/11 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 19.2% 17.0% 17.7% 17.9% 14.8% 14.8% 13.4% 14.3% 14.1% 14.0% 14.0% 14.5% 5.0% 9.3% 7.9% 8.6% 8.5% Rate per 10,000 0-17 population population 0-17 10,000 per Rate 0.0% Reception Year 6 Reception Year 6 Overweight Obese Source: 2010/11, Children & Younger Adults Information Service, Derbyshire County Council, March 2012 • Year 6 school children have seen an • There is a marked • Reception year pupils increase in both overweight and obese difference between have seen a decrease in numbers over the four academic years. Obese levels both Overweight and The largest increase has been in obese between Reception Obesity levels since children of 2.1 percentage points and Year 6 2009/10 • The rate of healthy eating • In Derbyshire Dales, over a • Bolsover had the lowest among adults is slightly lower third (33.9%) of all people eat rate of healthy eating, at only than the national average healthily. High Peak’s rate of 22.6%. Chesterfield also had (28.1% in Derbyshire and 31.3% is also higher than the a comparatively low rate of 28.7% nationally) national average healthy eating (25.8%) Percentage of the adult population that eat healthily 2006-2008 45 40 35 30 25 over 20 15 33.9 31.3 27.4 25.8 27.9 28.2 28.6 28.1 28.7 10 22.6 5 Percentage of people aged 16 and 0 Amber Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South Derbyshire England Valley Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source: 2006-2008, Association of Public Health Observatories - Estimates of Adults' Health and Lifestyles (Modelled data) Percentage of the adult population that binge drink 2007-2008 30 25 20 15 over 22.7 23.4 10 21.1 21.2 20.7 21.7 19.9 22.2 21.6 20.1 5 0 Amber Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South Derbyshire England Percentage of people aged 16 and people16 aged of Percentage Valley Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source - 2007-2008, Association of Public Health Observatories - Estimates of Adults' Health and Lifestyles (Modelled data) • The highest rates of binge • Binge Drinking was less • On average, Derbyshire has drinking among adults in prevalent in the north east of a higher rate of binge Derbyshire are found in High the county, in North East drinking than nationally Peak (23.4%) and Derbyshire Derbyshire (19.9%) and (21.6% compared to 20.1%) Dales (22.7%) Chesterfield (20.7%) Number of days participating in sport or active recreation over the last 28 days, Derbyshire 60 50 40 30 49.2 20 many days of activity 28.0 10 11.8 % of adults% participating in that 11.0 0 None 1 to 11 days 12 to 19 days 20 to 28 days Active People Survey 5, October 2010 to October 2011 • Almost half (49.2%) of all • 22.8% of adults had taken • 11.0% of adults had taken adults had not taken part in part in in sport or active part every day or almost any sport or active recreation recreation on 12 or more every day in the last 28 days days in the last 28 Percentage of the adult population that regularly participate in sport or active recreation, Derbyshire 40 35 30 25 20 35.1 15 27.2 27.5 23.9 23.4 23.9 10 18.6 19.6 14.1 5 0 % of group who participate in sport in participate who group of % Males Females 16 to 34 35 to 54 55 + Managerial Intermediate Small Lower, long- and employers term professional and own unemployed account and never workers worked Gender Age Band NS SEC Former NI8, Active People Survey 5 October 2010 to October 2011 • Males were more likely • Regular participation in • People in higher-level and (27.2%) to have participated sport fell with age, from more professional occupations in sport or active recreation than a third (35.1%) of 16 to were most likely to take part, than females (18.6%) 34 year olds to only 14.1% of with people in lower people aged 55 and over occupations or out of work participating less • Smoking is most common in • The lowest prevalence of • Compared to the national Chesterfield (28.7%) and smoking in Derbyshire is in average (21.0%), only Bolsover (28.1%), where North East Derbyshire Chesterfield, Bolsover and more than a quarter of the (15.2%), followed by High Amber Valley have a higher population smoke Peak (16.7%) rate of smoking. Prevelence of smoking among people aged 18 and over October 2009 to September 2010 40 35 30 25 20 15 28.1 28.7 over who smoke who over 23.3 20.9 21.0 10 17.7 19.1 16.7 15.2 5 Percentage of population aged 18 and and 18 aged population of Percentage 0 Amber Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South England Valley Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source - Local tobacco control profiles, Oct 09 to Sept 10 • The rate of smoking •The highest rates were in • The lowest rates were in attributable deaths in Bolsover (274.0), Derbyshire Dales (158.8) and Derbyshire (208.4) was Chesterfield (222.0) and High South Derbyshire (194.4) less than the national Peak (220.5) which were all average (432.0) above the national average Smoking Attributable Deaths per 100,000 population aged 35 and over (Directly Age Standardised) 2007-09 350 300 250 200 150 274.0 222.0 220.5 216 100 212.1 207.6 198.1 194.4 208.4 158.8 population aged 35 pluspopulation35 aged Rate of deaths per 100,000 100,000 per deaths of Rate 50 0 Amber Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South Derbyshire England Valley Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire PCT Source - Local tobacco control profiles, 2007-09 • South Derbyshire has had • Derbyshire has rates of • Chesterfield and Bolsover the largest increase in alcohol related admissions have the highest rates within Alcohol-related admissions per 100,000 population the County, Chesterfield since 2002/03, with 1,119 greater than that of England almost doubling its rate since more admissions per 100,000 2002/03 population Rate of Alcohol-Related Admissions per 100,000 population (Directly Age Standardised Rate to European Standard Population) 2002/03 2010/11 3000 2500 2000 1500 2419 1000 2115 1842 1963 1826 1912 1898 1629 1751 1743 1289 1248 1054 1096 1029 1045 per 100,000 directly age standardised population standardised age directly 100,000 per 500 958 1032 926 624 0 Amber Valley Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Erewash High Peak North East South Derbyshire England Dales Derbyshire Derbyshire Source: 2002/03 and 2010/11, Drug and Alcohol Action Team, Derbyshire County Council, March 2012 • 1 Derbyshire Alcohol Advice• 2Service (DAAS) Referrals• 3 •1,867 referrals have Percentage of Referrals (%), 2011/12 Quarters 1-3 been made to DAAS Q1-3 2011/12, a high % of which were self referrals South Derbyshire, 9.4 • The following age North East Amber Valley, 18.3 ranges accounted Derbyshire, 8.1 for approximately ¾ of all referrals; 30% are aged 35-44yrs, 25% 45-54yrs and Bolsover, 7.3 High Peak, 10.3 20% 25-34yrs • Approximately 63% of referrals are male Chesterfield, 24.5 Erewash, 14.2 •Just under a quarter of those referred are resident within Derbyshire Chesterfield Dales, 8.0 Source: Drug and Alcohol Action Team, Derbyshire County Council, March 2012 • 1 ADDACTION• 2Referrals • 3 •1,034 referrals were Percentage of Referrals (%), 2011/12 Quarters 1-3 received by the service Q1-3 2011/12 South •Approximately 31% North Derbyshire East 8.2 of these were aged Derbyshire Amber Valley, 18.5 35-44yrs, 26% 45- 6.1 54yrs and 23% 25- 34yrs High Peak, 9.0 •Just under 70% of Bolsover, 7.0 referrals to the service were male Erewash, 15.2 •Approximately 636 clients have entered treatment Q1-3 Chesterfield, 28.1 2011/12 Derbyshire Dales, 8.0 Source: Drug and Alcohol Action Team, Derbyshire County Council, March 2012 .
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