IICSA RC Church (Birmingham) Hearings 13 December 2018 1 Thursday, 13 December 2018 1 On behalf of the inquiry, I am, as always, grateful 2 ( 9.30 am) 2 to all core participants and their legal teams for their 3 Welcome and opening remarks by THE CHAIR 3 assistance in accommodating this hearing. Core 4 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. I am Alexis Jay and I'm 4 participants were given the opportunity of making 5 the chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual 5 a closing statement on 16 November in relation to the 6 Abuse. With me are the other panel members of 6 evidence that had been heard up to that point. 7 the inquiry: Ivor Frank, Professor Sir Malcolm Evans, 7 Following the cardinal's evidence today, core 8 and Drusilla Sharpling. 8 participants will have an opportunity to make a further 9 On behalf of the inquiry, I welcome you all to the 9 short closing statement of up to 10 minutes in duration 10 resumption of the hearing in respect of the Archdiocese 10 this afternoon. Please also note we will take 11 of Birmingham case study. As you know, this case study 11 a 15-minute break at around 10.45 am and a further short 12 is one of two case studies being considered by the 12 break at around midday. We will break for lunch at 13 inquiry as part of its examination into the extent of 13 1.00 pm, returning at 2.00 pm, and we intend to sit 14 any institutional failures to protect children from 14 until 4.00 pm with a mid-afternoon break at around 15 child sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in 15 3.00 pm. 16 England and Wales. 16 The hearing transcript is recorded simultaneously on 17 The investigation into the Roman Catholic Church is 17 screens throughout the room, and will be published at 18 itself part of the inquiry's wider investigation into 18 the end of today on the inquiry website. 19 institutional failures in connection with the sexual 19 Ciphering and redactions have also been used in 20 abuse of children in England and Wales. 20 relation to the evidence in accordance with the 21 As you all know, the public hearing began on 21 inquiry's redaction protocol and restriction order, both 22 12 November. Cardinal Nichols was due to give evidence 22 of which are available on the website. If there is any 23 on 13 November, but ill-health prevented him from 23 inadvertent breach of a restriction order, I will ask 24 attending and arrangements were made for his evidence to 24 that the simultaneous recording be stopped briefly so 25 be heard today. 25 that the issue can be addressed as appropriate. Page 1 Page 2 1 Please go ahead, Ms Carey? 1 free to come and go. Unbeknownst to the archdiocese, 2 MS CAREY: Thank you, chair. Chair, the core participants 2 Penney did in fact return to his former parish and 3 are represented, as they were at the public hearing 3 continued to abuse RC-A357 in a sexual manner. 4 in November. Since the conclusion of that hearing, the 4 From Heronbrook, Penney went to the 5 inquiry has received some additional material, some of 5 Gracewell Institute for the treatment of child abuse, 6 it very recently, but all of which has been disclosed to 6 and he was at Gracewell from May 1992 until March 1993. 7 the core participants. This includes an additional 7 In 1993, he appeared before the Crown Court, he pleaded 8 statement from the complainant core participant RC-A1, 8 guilty to sexually abusing seven children, and was 9 and his statement at INQ003684 will be published on the 9 sentenced to seven and a half years' imprisonment. 10 inquiry website. 10 Chair, I remind you of the background in relation to 11 During the course of the evidence, the inquiry 11 Penney's admission to Gracewell, because the inquiry has 12 considered the archdiocesan response in respect of four 12 received a statement from Father Gerard Doyle, with the 13 individuals: Samuel Penney, James Robinson, 13 reference CHC001677, which relates directly to Penney 14 Father Tolkien and RC-F167. 14 and his time at Gracewell. I propose to read that 15 In relation to Samuel Penney, you will recall, 15 statement now. 16 chair, that in July 1991, Eamonn Flanaghan, one of his 16 Statement of FATHER GERARD DOYLE (read) 17 victims and a complainant core participant, told the 17 MS CAREY: Father Doyle says as follows: 18 church that he'd been abused by Penney. At that stage, 18 "I am the parish priest of the Church of the 19 Mr Flanaghan didn't want the police informed, and 19 Immaculate Conception and St Dominic in Stone, in the 20 by September of that year, the archdiocese had sent 20 Archdiocese of Birmingham. I was ordained a priest of 21 Samuel Penney to Heronbrook House. That was 21 the Archdiocese of Birmingham on 12 September 1982. 22 a therapeutic centre for clergy. They told 22 "I was the parish priest of Our Lady of Perpetual 23 Samuel Penney not to have any contact with his former 23 Succour Church in Wolverhampton from 1988 to 1999. 24 parish. 24 During that time, I was in residence in the presbytery 25 Heronbrook was not a secure unit, and Penney was 25 with my housekeeper, Ms Bridget Keaveney. Ms Keaveney Page 3 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) Epiq Europe Ltd www.epiqglobal.com 8th Floor, 165 Fleet Street (+44)207 4041400 [email protected] London EC4A 2DY IICSA RC Church (Birmingham) Hearings 13 December 2018 1 passed away in 2015. 1 the nature of the treatment offered by Gracewell. I did 2 "I am writing this statement to explain an incident 2 not ask the Vicar General how he knew Father Penney 3 which took place in the early 1990s. I cannot remember 3 would be arrested or what he was going to be arrested 4 exactly when it happened, but I believe it was about 4 for. 5 25 years ago. It has been difficult for me to recollect 5 "I had met Father Penney, but I did not know him 6 the details of this incident because it took place so 6 well. I believe he had performed baptisms in my parish 7 long ago. 7 several times and I was aware that his family lived 8 "The Vicar General, Monsignor Daniel Leonard, phoned 8 nearby. 9 me at the presbytery during the day. I was not 9 "The Vicar General told me to visit Father Penney at 10 expecting a phone call from him. The Vicar General had 10 Gracewell. He told me not to go in clerical dress, but 11 interviewed me when I joined the archdiocese and I had 11 to wear lay clothing. He told me to take several 12 met him several times when he visited a bishop in 12 hundred pounds with me and to give it to Father Penney. 13 a parish where I had been the assistant priest, but it 13 He did not say where I should get the money or what it 14 had been several years since I had spoken with him 14 was for. I did not have several hundred pounds 15 one-on-one. It was not usual for the Vicar General to 15 available to me at the time and he did not offer to 16 phone me. 16 provide it. 17 "The Vicar General told me that Father Samuel Penney 17 "Monsignor Leonard told me to inform Father Penney 18 was in therapy at a treatment centre in Birmingham. 18 that he was going to be arrested and to tell him to make 19 I believe the treatment centre was called Gracewell. 19 his way to Ireland and from there to travel to America. 20 The Vicar General said that Father Penney was about to 20 I did not speak much during the phone conversation, as 21 be arrested and charged by the police. At the time, 21 it mostly consisted of the Vicar General giving me 22 I was not aware of any complaints about Father Penney 22 instructions. I was in shock. I couldn't believe what 23 and I did not know of any reason why he would be 23 I was being told to do. I do not remember telling him 24 arrested. I did not he was in a treatment centre until 24 that I would do as he asked. 25 the Vicar General mentioned this and I was not aware of 25 "I was upset and stunned by Monsignor Leonard's Page 5 Page 6 1 request. When the conversation ended, I put the down 1 sacrifices to make. The priest has to suspend his own 2 the phone in a state of shock and confusion. I had 2 aspirations if they are in conflict with the decision 3 never been asked to do anything like that before and 3 and has to trust that his superior's decisions are the 4 I have never been asked to do anything like that since. 4 right ones for the priest. It would be God's will. 5 "I thought about what the Vicar General had asked me 5 Once a decision was made, you were expected to cooperate 6 to do. I was in a daze and a state of disconnection 6 and obey.
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