$2.00 US ELUL 5775 ISSUE 35 (112) TO GREATER HEIGHTS Machne Israel Development Fund בס”ד בס”ד בס”ד the Rebbe’s approach of teshuvah with simcha, always ידוע הביאור בענינו של חודש אלול "ע"פ משל למלך שקודם .increasing in light בואו לעיר יוצאין אנשי העיר לקראתו ומקבלין פניו בשדה, ואז • רשאין כל מי שרוצה לצאת להקביל פניו והוא מקבל את כולם בסבר פנים יפות ומראה פנים שוחקות לכולם"... Approaching the year 5776, we prepare for another .Hakhel year ...ובנוגע לעניננו: גם מי שנמצא ב"שדה", שאינו מקום ישוב, אלא מקום דצמיחת עשב, מאכל בהמה, שמורה על נפש הבהמית, We need not elaborate on the importance of the ועד ל"עשו גו' איש שדה" – הרי, בחודש אלול בא הרבי אליו mitzvah of Hakhel and the tumult the Rebbe created בהיותו בשדה, ולא זו בלבד שהרבי אינו כועס )ברוגז( על הטירחא around it. שהטריחוהו לבוא למקום ירוד כזה, אלא אדרבה, מקבלו בסבר But an interesting aspect of this idea is the emphasis פנים יפות ומראה לו פנים שוחקות... made on coming to the Rebbe’s daled-amos ...כשהרבי בא לשדה רשאין כל מי שרוצה להקביל פניו, וכולם specifically in a Hakhel year. עומדים מוכנים להקביל פניו, ולא צריכים אפילו להדחף... כיון Yasher koach to all the guests... [who came] to be...“ שהרבי עצמו מקבל את כולם בסבר פנים יפות ומשפיע לכולם. in the daled amos—shul and beis midrash—of the צריכים רק לא להיות טפש, ולצעוק "אבא הצילני"... לא תובעים nossi hador, the [Frierdiker] Rebbe, during the time of גדולות ונפלאות, אלא צעקה אחת פנימית: "אבא אבא הצילני, Hakhel…” the Rebbe said at the conclusion of Tishrei, אבא אבא רחמני"... )שיחת ח"י אלול השי"ת( 5748–Shnas Hakhel. • As we approach the month of Tishrei, the time As the year 5775 draws to a close, we present this when so many Chassidim travel to be in the Rebbe’s final Derher Magazine for the month of Elul. presence, we include a collection of the Rebbe’s The Rebbe often quoted the Frierdiker Rebbe, saying statements and remarks in sichos and yechidus, on the that the month of Elul is the “chodesh hacheshbon”— significance of coming to the Rebbe during Hakhel. the time to account for all our actions throughout This is in addition to the usual wealth of chassidishe the past year. At the same time however, Elul is also content on a wide range of subjects. the “chodesh horachamim,” when we greet the melech With the hope that this year we will merit to join the ba’sodeh. As we learn in the sicha above, the Rebbe greatest Hakhel in the Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi, and goes out to greet each and every one on their own תיכף ומיד ,hear the melech as he reads the Torah for all level. We need only to call out to him and he will be .ממש there to help us out of our situation. The Editors In this spirit, our current magazine includes timely 15 Menachem-Av, 5775 horaos from the Rebbe about teshuvah, highlighting PHOTO: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 104489 לזכות הילד חיל בצבאות ה' מענדל שי' לרגל הולדתו בר"ח מנחם אב שיגדל להיות חי"ל כרצו"ק כ"ק אדמו"ר נדפס ע"י הוריו הרה"ת חבר מערכת של גליון זה ר' יוסף מנחם וזוגתו מרת חנה שיחיו קאמען An Unexpected Response Awakening to Teshuvah ow would you respond to a from middas harachamim (the attribute of With this mashal in mind, we can now Hsimpleton who insults the king? mercy) and he uses a mashal to bring out understand the way in which Hashem What should a father do if his son acts in this point: awakens us to teshuva, because he wants a brazen manner? There was once a simple villager who us to act in a way befitting of the only son Surely the procedure is simple; they behaved in a very inappropriate manner of the King of kings. Just like the king, should be punished and rebuked until towards the king. The king’s retribution he showers us with brachos and all good they beg for forgiveness and repent from and reprisal was quick in coming, albeit things, and this evokes within us a deep their foolish ways. in a very strange way. regret for the things we did that were not befitting for who we are. As logical as that approach may seem, He ordered the villager to be immediately the Torah in Parshas Nitzavim tells us promoted in stature and provided him Reaching out to others otherwise. with all kinds of valuables and luxuries. There is a famous adage from the Rebbeim regarding teshuva: A Yid’s The1 possuk says, “When it happens that It didn’t end there. Every few months sigh is teshuva ila’ah, the highest level there come upon you all these statements, he increased these wonderful gifts and of repentance that a person can reach. the blessing and the curse…” The very continued showering him with every When a Yid feels remorse for what he has next possuk, as a direct continuation and good thing available. done, Hashem forgives him, and even outcome of this one, states, “You will Unusual approach? Perhaps. But after a more so—transforms the misdeeds into return to Hashem your G-d…” short period of time the villager thought merits on his behalf. long and hard about his situation and A different kind of reaction came to a clear conclusion. If such a great It is with this approach that the Baal The Baal Shem Tov raises a very apparent and mighty king is so kind to me and Shem Tov reached out to others, and question on this. The effects of suffering provides me with all these good things, he guided his talmidim to do the same. and undesirable circumstances would how can it be that I acted in so low a Throughout the generations of Chabad certainly awaken a person to do teshuva, manner towards him? Completely broken we have seen all of the Rebbeim act in a so why does the Torah also mention from the reality of his situation, the similar fashion. When we follow suit and the blessings? How are the blessings a simple farmer repented wholeheartedly treat our fellow Yidden this way, we can sure path to bring one closer to Hashem and begged for forgiveness. When the be sure that Hashem will respond in the again? king saw how much it pained him, he same manner, many times over. He answers this question by explaining accepted his repentance in a full and that there is a certain type of revenge complete way. 1. This article is based on a Sicha from 18 Elul 5736 that Hashem carries out, which stems 4 | A CHASSIDISHER DERHER Comingto Hear THE MELECH PHOTO: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 116096 20 TISHREI, 5478 PHOTO: HAKHEL WITH THE MELECH One of the answers, the Rebbe explains, is that the Torah’s As we approach the upcoming Hakhel year, we are reminded purpose is to infuse life into the essence of each and every Jew. of the unique emphasis and great importance the Rebbe made Everyone must reach a bittul to Elokus that transforms every around Hakhel. fiber in his being. The only one who is capable of facilitating such bittul in every single Jew without exception, is the melech. Joining the masses of Chassidim spending Tishrei in the Only the king can reach every Jew no matter what level he’s on presence of the Rebbe was a remarkable experience regardless or where he stands spiritually. of the year you chose to come. The years of Hakhel, however, benefited from a unique emphasis by the Rebbe on it’s special For this reason, Chassidim over years made greater effort to be mitzvah’s application to the year as a whole. with the Rebbe during a Hakhel year, especially for Tishrei. In a michtav kloli written at the end of 5726, the Rebbe learns a In fact, the Rebbe made greater emphasis on the the guests .coming during a Hakhel year, more than ordinary years הקהל את העם האנשים הנשים“ ,lesson from the possuk about Hakhel In addition to the times that coming to the Rebbe for Hakhel .”והטף וגרך אשר בשעריך למען ישמעו וילמדו ויראו את ה' אלקיכם There is an aspect of this mitzvah that seems contradictory: was addressed publicly in sichos, there were several instances On the one hand, the Torah stresses the need for the inclusion that the Rebbe expressed its noteworthy significance to certain of each and every Jew; man, woman, and child. It makes no individuals privately. difference what their standing or level. All are equally a part of It is our hope to relate these incidents in a manner that will this gathering. Yet on the other hand, the one who reads the inspire within us the preciousness of this unique time. Torah is the king himself; the highest of all Jews. ELUL 5775 | 5 I assumed we would see one-another Sukkos time, (as your The significant lesson of the mitzvah of Hakhel for each and custom always was to come to my father-in-law, the Rebbe Shlita, every one of us is to take advantage of the opportune, awe- for these days), and wish each other a good and happy year. inspiring days of Tishrei, to gather our fellow-Jews—men, Unfortunately, this year you did not come. women, and children, including the very little ones—into holy places of prayer and Torah, in an atmosphere of holiness and One of the most important aspects of aliya l‘regel in the Beis devoutness.
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