lltr* l> ■ v m V ' M ule Valley. leGO...- 28 ^ f ^ T . M»glc Valley. 1 8 5 9 3 4 ............... Idaho. 19M...... — .....H5 Cool Weather Holds Down Cul)au Official Is Willing to Negotiate Congo Army Crowds on Final Day for Three Magic Valley Fairs Soldiers Are I (See plelutc* on patrj 7, 10 .n d 18) ■niree Mafric V nK ey c o u n ty /n irs ewJccI .S n ltin ia y in « .sccic>-< o f ruJm n, iiidniii},' anii events t h a t k e p t s p e c ta to rs WHtcliinjr to th e enii. AltlioiiK'li:i c/)i>............................w c jiih c r luilt. O n R a m p a g e • - crowds .somGwhiil, Jerome county rciporleil nttcndnnco of the fin:il day nbovc Sii of Jast ......... o........ u » ty‘ rcporte<l. - I ;i. t^»e Iwi) fjjiy.s o f tbt* f;iir .-il l.l-’OrOI.PVILI.Iv. (lie CoiiKc), AiifT. "27 (/T)—TtampaRin? 'less thiiii the priiviouH ycjir. jronnoU'sc ;irriiy (rooi>i< nu(I<'il a L'jiitecl Nations offfta w ith jiliout :!,(100 sp c c ta lo rs jam! iillai'ki'd llu' i-row of a U. S. air force Kloiieniaster in iiic imiii iiisht. A boui------- I Slank-yvillu toiijy, U, N. buad<iimrt('f_s announced. Tho Y oungsters Frolic mill tfic f.iiriirrnmcis or ■niurMiiiv lUiiilL'il .N’uiiiii).-^ ))).nli,' a ■■^iroDjr Jijfilesf.'io the Coji^fo aov- i\il> pinco Ttir Lincoln c limy fnlr, ,ei-iitiu-ut. KikIU I'. N. ainnoii were liiken'O a iiORpitnl smaller crowd.s tiT the altack liy ('oiinolc.-ie .'^oldii-rs. A U. N, .spokesman A t T.F. Fish D erby Cold ucutlicr V •s'Tlaitc.i ill !ill eiifht had been '•maltrpalcd." Tliree Americivn.9 by offlcInU (See picture on pace 1) lir.'^t wore ri'jinrted Fildiij' nlchl HI the Ciis.^la f An eslimnted 450 youngatcra, Rhejdicnicd by anxious inK- OlTic'iuls H;ii(i they wore lnii:i; cnm-d wiilchtd Dick / ■ ' ' Cuii;:iil(-M' iirmy l>gllci‘I' South Whites lothers, fathers and n jrroup ol Women «f I'hc hJoose. dcrjoi). Iliirky. «'in llr^l ci;mj> nwled, waded, splashed and walked—and u.sed ju st about b^uluk. bronc rldlnn cvi- Clyd.- h'lshi-r, I'oiiionn, Cillf., « rery method avniloble short of blastinK—to catch,som e the bau'tiiiclc rUllnR coinpclill.... And Negroes 30 pound.') of rainbow trout dumped into tho Ilarmon ^;lltnl. Winne r III Dir ciilf ropli)« conirsl ■ mill I Swede a t irrigfltiofi cJitch jit S atunlay’.s annua) Fi.sb Derby, was J:u Hadlry, OKdrti. Ut;ih. Cuban Kortlgn Minister Raul Roa, wrarlnc clas'rs. Is nurroiindrcl by newsmen and meRibers of Cu- ' rciKirtert lonsorod nnd supervised by tho Twin Falls Loyal Order Snm lliiiclilson, BlacUoot, ba> ilelegntlnn aa fie leavr» session of OrjranliaMoji ot American Ktnlfs In San Jnsf.X'njU Illea. I.atrr (>i> Dir U. N. oIJJrc. One of Ai’c Fighting Uie buIldoKKlnB event, Itoa e%pre«>eJ wllllncnesa (o netDlUte with tlie II. S, during speech In wlileh he praised Kldel Caslro to Cunadlniis was hospitalized. ' Moose. Tho fish were supplied by three Twin Falln regime's friendship with Soviet Huuia and red Chliu. (AI* wlrephoto) JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 27 iteheries — t h e C an y o n ----------------------------------------- Winmr of the bull rldJog event U.N. .‘■poUcsman here' siUd Pi — Sporadic racial violence, in­ was Mickey Melendy. * 1, * * * * * * *1***' Uicre wiui no shooting la connec- cluding the third shooting or the ittiit Farm, Frame's Trout 6andn Eamcs wns named queen wlth the Stanleyville out- day, flared into the night in the inu, and Greene'fi T rout Break in Tie of tlie fsir. She wns sponsored by c. Congolese soldiers in thi wake of pitched battles between isL TtieT »*** moved lo Bar- the Burley Jajcecs W estern H em isphere Leaders past have used their ride butts group? of club-wleldJng Negroes Wlnner,i of the girla barrel freely in Incidents of violence. jnd white persons IQ JaeksonrtUe, n»h hatchery truck eup- With Cubans Prldfly were Jo Sicar with a time U. 8, Ambassador Clare Tlmber- today. Kd by the Idaho state fUh of J3.2 Accond.-c Delores Parke, lake dlscussM the situation with lOtfT In T»ln Pttlls. while city lfl.7 nnd lyinc for third were Vcr One man standing In a group D raft “Tough” A nti-Red Plan .Ralph J. Bunch, U.N. chief In the of white persons on a residential aktrt Kreened off the drnlnagc Is Demanded na Kendall nnd Nndlne Hutchin­ Contro- Bundle later sent « protest icfi 10 the unlonun&te plscato* son, ulth J0.5 scconds. street corner was shot and wound­ WASHINGTON. AW. 27 Ifl — A SAN' JOSE, Costa, llica, A u r. 27. UP)—Western hemisphere foreign ministers were ConKo Foreign Minister Justin ed in the groin about I t pin. j Tlcilms had little chance to Wliiiitrs of the cow cuttlnK con­ Boniboko. A cpokesman termed the ttpe ttic determined flock ot break In relntloiu with the Domin­ reported tonight to have «irafted a "louRh” re.solution that woiilil meet U. S. demands Others in the group told police tha ican BepubJlc brouRht n demand test Prlttay o'cre Slim Trent, ultt. protest very strong and s.-ild It lat-tlted (Islierfollc. 72 poinu, riding cinco Jet: tying for condemnntion of .Soviet-Chino.ie intorventioji in L ntin Americji lhrou>rh Cuba’s sliou were lired from a Carload of In congrcMlonnl quortcrs today reminded the Congo gorernwent Negroes. Aa undetermined niunbcf ot for socmd nnd third were Rurtey alingnmont with the communist bloc. Sources said the resolution “names some names of the conimltnients It accepted I children Added excltcmeni to that the United Slniw lake the The victim waa Identified aa «nme course wllh the "equally Carpempr. rldlnR Dynamite, nnd but not others.” Final lanj?uafre still had to be worked out before it waa presented to under the security council's resolu- , Dcculon by tumbUriK into the Ren Italcy, riding Dark Goodhue, furnishing mlllt-'iry nnd tech­ Sidney Eugene Walker,‘ about 32, * to ffl*ke «ure of thclr cafcli- dcjpollc Casiro Jr^inie In Cuba, " the full 20-member foreign » slilpyard employe who has been which Is comniunLsl besides." each with 71 points. BIU ....... nics) assistance to the Atrlcan n a­ One mother bitterly reported andcr. rlrting Woodle. took fourth miiii.sters group fo r a final tion. In the city a few weeks. » huras»ed oMlclnl tliai her Tlie United States, said H«p. placc mih 70 polnw. Tied foi The re.solullon was cxpccled Hundreds of city, county and ArmWend I. SelCcn, Jr.. D., Ain.. II the support of a iw o-thlrds Tlie Ethiopian brigade eomman- lajhter had caught "the meat flflh aim sixth were Orlln Free­ E arl K. Long W ins er of U.N. forces in Btanlej-vUle state officers kept a vigil through- jb," but, ihe ctiitmed. another was -sadly and b»dly outaancur- man. rirtlriff Cowboy, and Nl.'h majority alihoui;h some strong op­ ered" a t the hemljiphere foreign position was predicted. reported iho sltuallon there was 3Ut tha evening to prevent major flwrtamanllke youngster ab- Hutcliuon, on Make, both with serious and asked for instructions. :lashes. Downtown streets were _fl«l Wth the five lorgcjt. Tlie mlnbters' conference In Cost Rica. 69 points. A 10-nation group had been It WHS “a terrible blunder." he Office in C ongress Tliere are about 1,800 Ethiopian irlrtually deserted. Ikftd culprit w u not caught b] Winners of Saturday's named to work out a compromise :roops in the Stanleyville area but fsdlgnknt parenc. iolri A reporter, for Hiose jtipon- ting Kfre Slim Trent, resolution In Uie Interests of Olflcers were seeking a panel slble for U. 8. foreign policy to NEW ORLEANS, Auk. 27 {/T’;—Earl Kemp Lon^, the only about «oo In Die city Itself. Irurk driven through the Ktgro tia mo»t aerious cMualty.’hoW' point.',; ticrt for second nnd third hemlspliere solldarlly after the U.N, Secretary-General D a g ' * u BUI HAmmoiu, chair Join the move ngalnst the Domini­ Ren Haley and Mcl Darton, pen-patch philosopher, won a- scat in conpress from the United States demanded sharp i uea by a Negro woman who made _ j of the Pish Derby for the fra- can nepublic "without being ab- eighth ilistrict of Louisiana today while flat on his back pufllatlon by Cuba of commun 1 loudspeaker plea for an armed poinu; Nish Hutchison In fourth uprising against white persons, n t l crder. Hammona had a deep solutrJy certain th a t simultaneous 72; Bill Alrxander Iilth with and u n d e r .sedation in a sick bed. He defeated the incum­ efforta to extend Us Influenca tt 00 thft third flnser ot hli right action would be Uken” agalrut 70 and Harvey Wight with 69. bent, 34-year-old Harold McSween, Alexandria, in a see­ the hemisphere. PIve policemen were assigned to Ed. iseurrcd while u ttln g up for the Cnstro regime In Havarui, SiilurUiiy's racUiK results at thi There was some doubt th a t Cuba Senate Plans nothing but manning telephones ) fm t. He Isnored the Injury “They Are .both dictatorships. fair were: 275-yard race for 2- saw battle, breakinjr the usual southern custom of re- would sign the resolution but the at headquarters. They were Jan-* aeuuTB the offerrd by $nd bad ohm," said SeWen, chilr- >-rar-oIt!j-/jrii, t .
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