PRICE THREEPENCE. No. 22—SEPTEMBER, 1928. ALL SAINTS', HARTLEY, (Published Quarterly.) EDITED BY J. WELLS THATCHER. OUR MARRIAGE. Here I had better state a few facts for the June 30th, 1928. information of those readers of this Maga• zine who do not live in our midst. The Yes, it was our marriage. We were all father of the bride—his only child—is the in it. We were all there. Our venerable Revd. Charles Gerard Winstanley Bancks, church was adorned with lovely flowers, M.A. The parents of the bridegroom are skilfully arranged by the hands of lady Mr. and Mrs. John Green, of "Brickend," members of our congregation. On the day Hartley. The bridesmaids were Miss every seat was filled, every inch of standing Maisie Forsyth, Miss Eleanor Green, sister room was taken up and the Church porch of the bridegroom; Miss Pamela Symons was was full also. veil bearer. Mr. Arthur R. Carr best man; The front of the lectern was chosen for a ushers, Mr. Hedley Symons and Mr. J. charming floral device, in which two initials, Wells Thatcher. well-known to us, were displayed. Roy Chisholm was at the organ, the choir were There was another thing that pleased me. in their places, Hedley Symons was hard The carriage drive to the Rectory is a wind• put to it to find seats for many visitors. ing road. At proper intervals in this road At the time appointed, Mabel Marianne Boy Scouts were posted and they regulated Louise Bancks was led to the chancel by her the traffic admirably. father, our esteemed Rector. There Eric The young people went to Cornwall for Stewart Green was waiting for her. Upon their honeymoon and now live at Glebe these two young people we all looked with Cottage in the Rectory grounds. I have affection. The marriage service was taken been to tea with them and I was delighted. by an old friend of the family, the Revd. Now I am going to borrow from the excel• F. V. Baker, M.A. The hymns chosen for lent report of the local papers. These the occasion were sung with fervour by the newspapers will give me the names of the large congregation. guests, who came to Hartley Rectory, as In due time the marriage service was well as an account of the useful wedding completed. When the bride and bride• presents. groom left the Church, a most pleasing The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John incident was arranged. Miss Sale had Green, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Borland, Mrs. brought her Sunday School children; they and Miss Newcomb, Mr. and Mrs. M. New- lined the path and scattered rose leaves comb, Mrs. and Miss Thomas, Mr., Mrs. about the feet of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Green. and Miss Sternroyd, the Misses L. and P. Photo. Karise West, Rochester. ERIC STEWART GREEN AND MABEL MARIANNE LOUISE GREEN. ALL SAINTS', HARTLEY, PARISH MAGAZINE. 3 Meyer, Rev. and Mrs. E. Smith, Miss mop and knife sharpener; Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mr. K. Smith, Miss A. K. Green, Nisbett, cheque; Mr. Norman Nisbett, Miss Bancks, Rev. and Mrs. Matchett, Mrs. cheque; Mr. Innes Nisbett, cheque; Mrs. E. M. Nisbett, Mr. N. J. Nisbett, Rev. Edith Bancks, bedspread; Mrs. Dunkin, and Mrs. Gibbens, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball, eiderdown; Mis Power, leather motoring Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball, Mrs. Isaacs, Mr. and cuhion; Mr., Mrs., and Miss Hadlow, Mrs. Gable, Mr. F. Gable, Captain and cushion; Mr., Mrs. and Miss Suggate, " Py• Mrs. Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. Ware, Capt. rex " cooking dish in silver holder; Lady and Mrs. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boulger, Yate, linen crochet teacloth; Colonel and Mr. and Mrs. H. Symons, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Yate, cheque, brass brazier and Curwen, the Misses E. and A. Harry, Mr. pewter mugs and mustard pot; Miss G. E. Harry, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Farrow, Mr. Yate, cheque; Miss Violet Trewby, Indian George Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. papier-mache writing table set; Mr. and and Mrs. Oldrey, Dr. and Mrs. Beadles, Mrs. R. S. Metcalf and family, Spode din• Captain and Mrs. Wightman, the Misses V. ner service, breakfast service and tea service; and L. Wightman, Mrs. and Miss Gedney, Mr. anl Mrs. Machechnie, silver salver; Miss Mrs. Barton, Miss Armstrong, the Misses Forsyth, breakfast service; Mr. A. R. Carr, Barker, Miss Fiddis, Commander and two old ladderback chairs; Mr. Ernest Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls, Harry, stainless tea knives; Captain and Mr. and Mrs. Wells Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Hale, pair of candlesticks; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tate, A. L. Farrow, canteen of stainless steel Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs. Dunkin, knives and silver; Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, Miss Power, Mrs. and Miss Grant, Mrs. silver salt and pepper castors; Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Grant, Mrs. E. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbens, Indian cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Hed- T. Snow, Mrs. Wighthead, Mr. and Mrs. ley Symons, folding ironing board; Mr. and T. Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. Witt. Mrs. Peter Newcombe, glass jam-pot in silver holder; Mr. and Mrs. M. Newcomb, THE PRESENTS. bathroom cupboard; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur The happy couple were the recipients of Ball, table silver; Mrs. Isaac, lace and Rich- many beautiful and artistic presents as leau teacloth; Mrs. and Miss Gedney, silver under: vase; Rev. and Mrs. Matchett, Crown Derby- Bridegroom to bride, skunk fur stole; vase; Mr. and Mrs. Gable, lemonade set; Bride to bridegroom, gold signet ring and Miss Middlemost, lace table centre; Rev. old oak bureau; Bridegroom to bridesmaids, and Mrs. Smith and family, glass pickle jar evening bags; Bridegroom to small brides• in silver stand; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Flint, maid, brooch (gold and aquamarine); Rev. silver coffee spoons; Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. W. Bancks, household linen and cheque; Tate, two glass candlesticks; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. and Miss Eleanor Green, pewter tea Baxter, Cheque; Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Hen- set; Mr. John Green, silver fruit dish; Miss nell, Coffee service; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. A. K. Green, Silver fish fork and slice, silver Oldrey, Leather pouf; Hartley Sunday teaspoons and linen crochet teacloth; Miss School Children, cheese knife; Mr. and Bancks, " Pyrex " cooking utensils, O-Cedar 4 ALL SAINTS', HARTLEY, PARISH MAGAZINE. Mrs. F. C. Dunck, brass Chinese fruit dish; silver sweet dishes; Capt and Mrs. Wight- Mr. E. J. King, cheque; Mr. and Mrs. man and the Misses Wightman, raffia-work Nicholls, Italian candlesticks; Mr. and Mrs. handbag; Miss N. and Master David Grey, Boulger, hand-painted lampshade; Mrs. three china jugs; Mr. and Hrs. W. Ball, and Miss Davies Cooke, antique china vase; Alladin lamp; Miss East and Miss Swann, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadlow, cheque; Members fruit knives; Mr. and Mrs. G. Metcalf, tea of the staff of J. & E. Hall, Ltd, table silver; cosy; Mr. and Mrs. Bayntun, portable Hon. Mrs-. Roger Hulton, lemonade set; gramophone; Miss Thomas, bookshelf; Mr. Hartley Women's Institute, cut-glass salad G. Jarrett, two biscuit barrels; Lieutenant- bowl and servers; The Hartler Players, long Commander and Mrs. T. de Mallet Morgan, glass; Mrs. Thomas, old brass candlestick; travelling clock; Mrs. Elcome, glass salt cellar; Mr. W. Wright, silver basket; Mr. and Mrs. Borland, silver chafing dish; Friends at the Constitutional Club, silver Mrs. and Miss Newcomb, cheque; Miss fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs. T. Ware, Sheraton Pain, travelling rug; The Misses Meyer, mirror; Mr. and Mrs. Balfour, silver sugar silver butter knife; Mr. and Mrs. Wells basin; Mr. and Mrs. D. T. R. Gray, sand• Thatcher, wireless set and hand lamp; Miss wich sets and fruit set; Mrs. and Mr. Aleyne Hassell, silver teaspoons; Miss Ray and Foster, lemonade set; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miss Taylor, Chinese vase; Mr. and Mrs. Webb, linen tea cloth; Miss Joy Webb, glass John Crouch, China fruit set; The Misses jug; Mrs. Witt, sandwich set; Unknown Armstrong and Barker, lemonade set; Miss Donor, tray cloth and silver spoon. (Will Fiddis, Irish linen teacloth and serviettes; the above kindly communicate with Mr. and Mrs. Barchevitz and Madame Vernet, alu• Mrs. Eric Green.) minium preserving pan; The Misses V. and E. Barton, lemonade set; Mr. and Mrs. J. EDITOR'S NOTES. F. Snow, rose bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, I was so sorry that I could not attend the brass tirivet; Mr. and Mijs. Oscar Perry, Hartley Pageant held on July 7th. It had carpet sweeer; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O'Brien, to be postponed owing to the rain on Japanese tray; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Tate, Empire Day. It was most kind of Mr. two china vases; Mr. and Mrs. Curwen, Strickland to allow the function to be held blue pottery jug; David Curwen, brass door in his charming grounds at The Old Downs. knocker; Mr. and Mrs. Pickering, cut-glass bowl; Capt. and Mrs. Cresswell, Jacobean Miss Fiddis is to be congratulated on the great skill, taste, and care which she gave cut-glass decanter, tumblers and wine to the various episodes. Her pupils did glasses; Miss Drury, old brass candlestick; splendidly. Mrs. E. Grant, china coffee pot; Mrs. * * * and Miss Grant, hot milk jug; Mrs. E. On May 30th the Editor of this impressive Whitehead, china candlestick; Miss F. Silk, organ of public opinion was taken charge of wheelbarrow and rockery ornament; Briga• by Mr. and Miss Fleet, of Darenth Grange. dier-General and Mrs. Andrus, leather He was asked to assist at an afternoon out• blotter; (Mr. and Miss Fleet, 'silver sugar door meeting of the Society for Prevention basin; Major and Mrs.
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