Spring 2004 The Offi cial Publication of the Professional Ski Instructors of Amer i ca Eastern/Education Foundation New SnowPro schedule announced By Michael J. Mendrick, PSIA-E Executive Director After a comprehensive review and discus- item ad, SnowPro policies and rates, proposed generated at the October BOD meeting to be sion with SnowPro editor Bill Hetrick, and with bylaws changes. This issue will now serve as included in this issue. This issue also includes the endorsement of President Bill Beerman, the fi rst issue of the year rather than the last. the “fi nal” version of the event schedule, the Vice-President Bob Shostek, national BOD rep This would replace the current timetable of Wizard’s Words insert, job placement service, Ray Allard and our Director of Education, Kim Spring/Summer issue out in mid-June (which election rules and candidacy form. Seevers; we have decided to make a revision includes no BOD related items, much delayed d. Winter issue (combining previous Early to the SnowPro distribution timetable, effective season-end info and is diffi cult to have ProJam Winter and Winter issue). Submission deadline immediately. I believe this revised timetable and MTC info locked in). 12/1, mail date by 2/1 (candidacy forms dead- provides better issue spacing throughout the b: Early Fall issue (submission deadline 8/ line 12/15 instead of 12/31). This would serve year and, most importantly, more relevant and 15 instead of 8/1; more time for submissions as the election issue (as did Early Winter this timely information you, our members, as you and updated season preview info) and mail date season), and would include follow up items need it. by 9/15. The Early Fall issue includes the fi rst and photos from the SSM seminars and ProJam This is how the entire year (July to June) print version of the event schedule, EF donors, plus annual meeting notice and Spring Rally of SnowPro issues will now play out, includ- congrats to 20-40 year members, spring trip promo blurb. ing submission deadlines, street date and key promo ad, fi rst Pro Shop form of the season. e. The cycle is then completed by the features: Note: The event schedule has been posted Spring issue (deadline 3/15, out May) includ- a: Summer issue (June 15 submission online by 8/30 during the past two seasons ing photos, features and updates from the deadline, mail date in mid-July) including items and will remain so. Spring Rally, annual meeting, ExCom meeting, from the June BOD meeting, ProJam info for c: Fall issue (submission deadline remains election results (instead of waiting for the the coming season, Master Teacher info for at October 1, mail date of early November). Spring/Summer issue), season-end sponsor the fall indoor sessions, Avalanche member As was the case this season, this allows items thank you, congrats to new certifi ed mem- bers (instead of Summer issue), thank you to host areas (instead of Summer issue), revised Eastern Division Dues Notice for 2004-‘05 SnowPro policy & rates item (usually in Summer) Dues invoices for the fi scal year July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 will be mailed to all and fi rst “15 Below” club event. members in May. National dues will remain at $40.00; PSIA-Eastern Division dues will increase We are confi dent that this new and im- by $2.00 to $47.00. Total combined dues for regular members are $87.00 for 2004-’05. proved timetable for this popular member ben- The divisional dues increase will support increased operational costs, program support efi t will make the SnowPro even more valuable for education, the Snowsports Growth Project and “15 Below” youth club, enhanced market- and timely for our members. ◆◆ ing efforts, technology tools (such as web site enhancements and division-specifi c feature development of the national member database), signifi cant increases in liability insurance costs and a Board-approved program of adjustments in the fee structure for education staff in all disciplines. Senior and student discount policies will remain in effect. For any Eastern Division student on the inside member age 16 - 23, the division discount for 2004-‘05 will be $20.00 and the national discount $10.00. Therefore, total combined dues for qualifying students will be $57.00 in 2004-’05. For seniors age 75 or more with at least ten consecutive years of membership, the divi- Editor’s Desk 2 sion discount is 50% and the national discount is $10.00. Therefore, total dues for qualifying President’s Message 3 seniors will be $53.50 for 2004-’05. Payment is due by June 30, 2004. A late fee of $20.00 applies after July 1, 2004. Once Election Results 3 again, most members with Internet access may pay “online” safely, securely and conveniently Executive Tracks 4 through the national website at www.psia.org. If you have any questions, please contact the Albany offi ce at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Around the Regions 8 PSIA-E/AASI dues are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. If you “15 Below” club 19 choose to add a donation to the PSIA-E Education Foundation, that donation is deductible as a charitable contribution. ◆◆ SprSmr04.indd 1 5/10/2004, 9:32:17 AM Process Cyan Process Magenta Process Yellow Process Black PANTONE 652 CVC instructors and set up a junior instructor division in the school. That was never Editor’s Desk the intent. However, junior instructors who are part of a school are more than by Bill Hetrick, welcome to join “15 Below”. • It is NOT a membership level Volume 30, Number 4 Editor within PSIA-E/AASI. Bill Hetrick, Editor • It is NOT discipline-specifi c. All The offi cial publication of the Profes sion al kids between 10 and 15 years of age, who are Ski Instructors of America-Eastern Education appropriately sponsored by a current mem- Foun da tion. Clearing up the ber, can become a member of “15 Below”. 1-A Lincoln Avenue We would hope we could get a broad base of Albany, NY 12205-4907 Treasure kids in all disciplines, no matter what’s used Phone 518-452-6095 for the sliding. Fax 518-452-6099 Hunt…. The “15 Below” club is an opportunity for www.psia-e.org youth 10–15 years of age to become part of a General In for ma tion “15 Below” club clarifi cations! PSIA-E/AASI sponsored program to learn about Submission of articles, photos or other who we are, and, hopefully, to develop a pas- items for publication is invited. Com put er sion for snowsports and a desire to become In the Fall, 2003 SnowPro the new PSIA-E/ generated docu ments MUST be in IBM- a snowsports teacher and a member of the com pat i ble format, and ac com pa nied by AASI club for kids 10 to 15 – “15 Below” - was association. It is a booster club! There is no announced. This exciting new opportunity to hard copy. Send all materials directly to: active teaching involved to be a member, and Bill Hetrick, Editor involve youth in our industry and our associa- no local supervision of the program by the di- tion was over two years in development, and 110 Hubler Rd. rector – in fact, no time demand necessary at all State College, PA 16801 offi cially began in January, 2004. for the director, if he/she so desires. The time Also in the Fall, 2003 SnowPro this column, Phone 814-466-7309 requirement is for the sponsor of the youth, [email protected] entitled “Mining Our Greatest Treasure”, de- who commits to be a guide and mentor. This scribed the program and outlined some of the is what makes it exciting! Through this type Pro Shop header and Your Turn header pho tos details of becoming a member, who is eligible, of grassroots involvement, by potentially all by Scott Markewitz. Courtesy of PSIA. and the purpose and objectives of the club. members at all locations, we will be developing All submitted material is subject to editing. Its use, whether so lic it ed or not, is at the In addition, there was an article by Executive a whole new population of young PSIA-E/AASI dis cre tion of the editorial staff. All published Director Michael Mendrick, further explaining enthusiasts each and every year, and will build the program. ma te ri al becomes the property of PSIA-E/EF. Ar- a solid future for the association. This is what ti cles are accepted on the condition that they We’re very pleased and excited to an- you are asked to be part of. may be released for publication in all National nounce that we have a total of 136 members So, please keep these clarifi cations in mind and Divisional publications. of the “15 Below” club in this fi rst year. En- as you set out to “mine the treasure” for PSIA- thusiasm has been high, and we had a total E/AASI. The numbers should just explode as SnowPro is published fi ve times per year by the of 47 members sign up for the fi rst-ever “15 we enter into next season. We’ll be looking Professional Ski Instructors of America-East ern Below” event, which was held in conjunction at more events for “15 Below” members, and Education Foundation. Permission is hereby with the Spring Rally at Killington. The excit- will be studying a variety of possibilities for given to all National and Divisional pub li ca tions to copy original material from this newsletter ing curriculum for this fi rst event included linkage between the association and the local providing credit is given to PSIA-E/EF and the Bumps, Gates, Pipe & Park, and All-Mountain areas through our Area Reps and “15 Below” Cruising.
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