A Quantitative Approach to Non-Intrusive Computing Hao Chen James P. Black University of Waterloo University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT phones, instant messaging (IM), and so on. Smart devices One important characteristic of pervasive computing, which and software applications may also initiate interactions that is how to make it non-intrusive so that users can focus on involve users. Since users may be equipped with several their tasks, has received little formal attention. Nowadays, communication devices, it is easy to reach them and make many computing entities, including smart devices and soft- them the target of many interactions. If we do not pro- ware applications, are involved in our daily lives, and users vide support to help control these interactions, users may need to deal with them as well as with other people. Peo- be disturbed often, and be unable to focus on their tasks. ple are easy to reach with multiple devices. We believe that As an example, a chat request may result in a pop-up win- there should be a systematic way to help users avoid intru- dow, which not only blocks what a user is looking at, but sive interactions. also means that the user needs to deal with the interrup- This paper analyzes the intrusion problem for generic in- tion, either by disposing of the window, or by chatting with teractions and presents a model for posing and answering a friend on an unrelated topic. Studies [6] show that in high- two questions: will an interaction intrude on its receiver if tech companies, if a worker is distracted from a task, it takes delivered, and given that the interaction is deliverable, how an average of 25 minutes to return to that task. In addition, can it be delivered effectively and not too overtly? The an interaction may intrude on both the receiver and people essential factors in the model are quantified for compari- around. For example, a reporter’s cell-phone ringing could son and computation. We also show how a non-intrusive- interrupt a news conference and annoy the interviewee. computing system can be implemented based on the model. Current ubiquitous-computing research includes various aspects of this computing trend, however, dealing directly with intrusiveness seems to receive little attention. In this Categories and Subject Descriptors paper, we propose a model to address intrusive interactions I.6.5 [Simulation and Modeling]: Model Development; in pervasive computing. The model considers intrusion on D.4.7 [Operating Systems]: Organization and Design— not only the receiver, but also on other users in the same distributed systems physical environment. The model also aims at delivering interactions effectively by using appropriate devices. General Terms The paper is organized as follows. First, we discuss previ- ous work in Section 2. Then we describe our non-intrusive- Design, Management computing model in Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 describe the architecture of a non-intrusive-computing system and Keywords its implementation. Then we conclude in Section 6. ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, non-intrusive computing, context awareness 2. PREVIOUS WORK Much previous work tends to design the pervasive-com- 1. INTRODUCTION puting environments to cooperate with users in an automatic In a ubiquitous-computing environment, saturated with fashion, so that users can have smooth and uninterrupted computing devices and applications, users usually have mul- computing experiences, instead of having to worry about tiple ways to communicate with each other and their sur- the details of low-level computing facilities and the com- rounding environments, such as using cell phones, land-line plexity of environments. An example is the Aura project [3], which describes tasks in an environment-independent way, so that tasks can move automatically along with users from one environment to another. Another example is the Gaia Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for project [5], which develops a context file system where rele- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are vant data can be mounted according to the current context not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies of users. These systems focus on integrating components bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to and reducing users’ interventions in a ubiquitous-computing republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific environment, but they do not address the intrusion problem permission and/or a fee. MobiQuitous 2008, July 21–25, 2008, Dublin, Ireland. of interactions directly. Copyright c 2008 ICST ISBN 978-963-9799-27-1 . A more relevant work is an agent-based approach to mini- Digital Object Identifier: 10.4108/ICST.MOBIQUITOUS2008.3473 http://dx.doi.org/10.4108/ICST.MOBIQUITOUS2008.3473 mizing intrusiveness in a meeting environment [4]. It mainly focus on interactions that involve only one interaction initia- concerns how to display a message when there is a meeting. tor (sender) and one responder (receiver) as this is the most If a public whiteboard is chosen, the agents negotiate with common and basic case for interactions. One-to-multiple each other on behalf of their users based on the content of interactions are considered future work. the message and users’ interests, so that all users are com- An interaction process extends from when a sender initi- fortable with seeing the message on the whiteboard. How- ates the interaction until it is delivered to some device and ever, this work does not address the problem of whether an a receiver is notified in some way. For example, a sender incoming message is intrusive to the receiver. initiates a chat with one of her friends, and the interaction Some existing systems such as electronic mail, telephone, is delivered to the receiver’s cell phone, which rings softly to and instant messaging are relevant to intrusiveness as well. inform the receiver. Electronic mail and telephony rely on distributed commu- This process can be divided naturally into two stages. The nication systems, which greatly facilitate human interac- first determines whether an interaction is deliverable to the tions. Telephones are usually intrusive, because people do receiver. If it is not, it should be prevented, since it will not know when the phone will ring, who it is from, or what intrude upon him. The second stage, given the interaction it is about. Some technologies can alleviate the problem, is deliverable, determines how to deliver it to the right de- such as call forwarding to voice mail, call blocking, or caller vices and notify the receiver appropriately. We call the first identification. But they are insufficient and inflexible. Call part the filter stage, and the second the delivery stage, as forwarding redirects all of the calls, even important ones illustrated in Figure 1. that do need direct conversation with the user. Call block- ing only works for the numbers that are blocked, but calls Di el very stage from others can still be intrusive and disturbing. Displaying Receiver’s Ppo up caller ID does not help much when the ID is not recogniz- laptop window Printer Pgrintin able. Fixed telephones notify users only by ringing. Cell Fl i ter stage Landi l ne phones have more choices, such as vibrating, visual blink- Rg in phone ing, or even remaining completely silent. These features are W hiteboard Flash more useful when cell-phone users are in a public environ- in the lounge screen S ender Receiver ment, such as a meeting, a class, and so on, to make them Receiver’s Rg in ? cell phone tone Receiver’s less intrusive to other people. However, if a phone call is Vibrate cell phone not what a user wants at the moment, it is still intrusive, no Receiver’s Bi l nk matter how it notifies the user. cell phone Oe th r Nn otificatio An electronic-mail system tends to be less intrusive, as devices receivers decide when to read messages, which is essentially due to the time-decoupling of the sender and the receiver. Although many electronic-mail clients can check new mes- Figure 1: Overall modeling sages at a pre-set frequency and notify people, it is still time- decoupled because transferring a message from a sender to The filter stage only involves a sender and a receiver, as a receiver might take a long time, and receivers might not we can see in Figure 1. The interaction can be of any form. read messages immediately upon receipt. For example, it can be an instant message, a file transfer, IM is becoming more and more popular. Instances are a remote procedure call (RPC), a multimedia conversation, MSN messenger, AOL messenger, Yahoo messenger, ICQ, and so on. In order to determine the deliverability of an Google Talk, and so on. In an IM system, users can set interaction, we need to know the importance of the interac- presence describing their availability status, such as “do not tion and the willingness of the receiver. A high importance disturb,” and the presence is delivered to users who sub- usually indicates that this interaction should be delivered so scribe to it. Because of the presence, the message sender that the receiver notices it, and a low willingness indicates knows if the receiver is available and can decide to send or that the receiver does not want to be disturbed in general. not. This reduces the intrusiveness if senders respect the Once we decide that the interaction is deliverable, hence presence.
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