CORPUS RUBENIANUM LUDWIG BURCHARD PART X THE ACHILLES SERIES EGBERT HAVERKAMP BEGEMANN fîl) ARCADE CORPUS RUBENIANUM LUDWIG BURCHARD AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ OF THE WORK OF PETER PAUL RUBENS BASED ON THE MATERIAL ASSEMBLED BY THE LATE DR. LUDWIG BURCHARD IN TWENTY-SIX PARTS SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF ANTWERP AND EDITED BY THE “ NATIONAAL CENTRUM VOOR DE PLASTISCHE KUNSTEN VAN DE x v id e EN XVIldeEBUW” R.-A. d’HULST, President - F. BAUDOUIN, Secretary M. DE MAEYER - J . DUVERGER - G. GEPTS - L. LEBEER H. LIEBAERS - J.-K. STEPPE - W. VANBESELAERE SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANCE : N, DE POORTER - P. HUVENNE - C. VAN DE VELDE - H. VLIEGHE THE ACHILLES SERIES EGBERT HAVERKAMP BEGEMANN BRUSSELS-ARCADE PRESS - MCMLXXV NATIONAAL CENTRUM V80R IE PIASTIS2HE KUSTEN VAX IE 169 EN SE 17l EEUW COPYRIGHT IN BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, BY ARCADE PRESS, 19 75 PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM BY PHAIDON PRESS LTD. 5 CROMWELL PLACE, LONDON SW7 2JL PUBLISHED IN THE U.S.A. BY PHAIDON PUBLISHERS INC., NEW YORK DISTRIBUTED IN THE U.S.A. BY PRAEGER PUBLISHERS INC. I l l FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. IOOO3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER : 68-21258 ISBN 2-8005-0036-0 complete edition. ISBN 2-8005-0101-4 part X. ISBN 0-7148-1680-9 Phaidon-London. PRINTED IN BELGIUM - LEGAL DEPOSIT D/1975/0721/65 CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS I SOURCES OF PHOTOGRAPHS 5 ABBREVIATIONS 7 AUTHOR’S PREFACE 13 I. THE QUESTIONS OF COMMISSION AND DATE 1 5 II. THE SUBJECT AND ITS SOURCES 20 III. THE OIL SKETCHES 42 IV. THE MODELLI 57 V, THE CARTOONS 67 VI. THE TAPESTRIES 71 CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ 9 1 INDEXES: I. COLLECTIONS 143 II. SUBJECTS 147 III. OTHER WORKS BY RUBENS MENTIONED IN THE TEXT 152 IV. NAMES AND PLACES 1 53 PLATES 15 9 THE ACHILLES SERIES LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. J. Raes, Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, tapeStry (No. i). Santiago de Compos­ tela, Cathedral 2. Rubens, Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, oil sketch (No. ia). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen 3. Rubens and Assi§tant, Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, modello (No. ib). Sarasota, The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art 4. Detail of Fig. 3 5. Detail of Fig. 3 6. Detail of Fig. 3 7. Detail of Fig. 3 8. F. Ertinger, Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, etching (No. ia) 9. B. Baron, Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, etching (No. ia) 10. ? F. Raes, Achilles lnïtruâed by Chiron, tapeStry (No. 2). Brussels, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’HiStoire 11. Detail of Fig. 10 12. Detail of Fig. 10 13. Rubens, Achilles Infîrufied by Chiron, oil sketch (No. 2a). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen 14. Rubens and Assistant, Achilles lnltruâed by Chiron, modello (No. 2b). Madrid, Prado 15. Detail of Fig. 13 16. Detail of Fig. 14 17. F. Ertinger, Achilles Inüruäed by Chiron, etching (No. 2a) 18. B. Baron, Achilles Inflruâed by Chiron, etching (No. 2a) 19. D. Eggermans, Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, tapeftry (No. 3). Vila Viçosa, Paço Ducal 20. Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, tape§try (No. 3). Helmsley, Nunnington Hall 21. Rubens, Title-Page for F. Aguilonius, Opticorum libri sex, drawing. London, British Museum 22. Rubens, Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, oil sketch (No. 3a). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen I 23. Rubens and Assistant, Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, modello(No. 3b). Madrid, Prado 24. Detail of Fig. 22 25. Detail of Fig. 23 26. Detail of Fig. 23 27. F. Ertinger, Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, etching (No. 3a) 28. B. Baron, Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes, etching (No. 3a) 29. D. Eggermans, Thetis Receiving Amour for Achilles from Hep hoe Bus, tapeStry (No. 4). Vila Viçosa, Paço Ducal 30. Rubens and Assistant, Thetis Receiving Armour for Achilles from HephaeHus, mo- dello (No. 4c). Pau, Musée des Beaux-Arts 31. Rubens, Thetis Receiving Armour for Achilles from HephaeStus, oil sketch (No. 4a). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen 32. After Rubens, Thetis Receiving Armour for Achilles from Hephaestus (No. 4b). Mugswell, Surrey, Coll. H.J. Hyams 33. Detail of Fig. 31 34. Detail of Fig. 30 35. Detail of Fig. 31 36. Detail of Fig. 30 37. Detail of Fig. 31 38. Detail of Fig. 30 39. F. Ertinger, Thetis Receiving Armour for Achilles from Hephaeftus, etching (No. 4a) 40. B. Baron, Thetis Receiving Armour for Achilles from Hephaeftus, etching (No. 4a) 41. J. van Leefdael, The Wrath of Achilles, tapeStry (No. 5). BoSton, Museum of Fine Arts 42. ? F. Raes, The Wrath of Achilles, tapeStry (No. 5). Brussels, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’HiStoire 43. J. Raes, The Wrath of Achilles, tapeStry (No. 5). Arnhem, Gemeentemuseum 44. Detail of Fig. 46 45. Detail of Fig. 47 46. Rubens, The Wrath of Achilles, oil sketch (No. 5a). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans- van Beuningen 2 47- Rubens and Assistant, The Wrath of Achilles, modello (No. 5b). London, Coll. Count Seilern 48. Detail of Fig. 46 49. Detail of Fig. 47 50. F. Ertinger, The Wrath of Achilles, etching (No. 5a) 51. B. Baron, The Wrath of Achilles, etching (No, 5a) 52. D. Eggermans, Briseis Restored to Achilles, tapeStry (No. 6). Vila Viçosa, Paço Ducal 53. G. van der Strecken, Briseis Restored to Achilles, tapeStry (No. 6). Present where­ abouts unknown 54. Rubens, Briseis ReBored to Achilles, oil sketch (No. 6a). Detroit, The Detroit Institute of Arts 55. Rubens and Assistant, Briseis ReHored to Achilles, modello (No. 6b). Madrid, Prado 56. Detail of Fig. 54 57. Detail of Fig. 55 58. F. Ertinger, Briseis Reffored to Achilles, etching (No. 6a) 59. B. Baron, Briseis Reftored to Achilles, etching (No. 6a) 60. J. van Leefdael, Achilles Vanquishing Heâor, tapeStry (No. 7). Kassel, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen 61. Detail of Fig. 60 62. Rubens, Achilles Vanquishing Heâor, oil sketch (No. 7a). Rotterdam, Museum Boy- mans-van Beuningen 63. Rubens and Assistant, Achilles Vanquishing Heâor, modello (No. 7b). Pau, Musée des Beaux-Arts 64. Detail of Fig. 62 65. Detail of Fig. 63 66. Detail of Fig. 62 67. Detail of Fig. 63 68. Detail of Fig. 62 69. Detail of Fig. 63 70. F. Ertinger, Achilles Vanquishing Heâor, etching (No. 7a) 71. B. Baron, Achilles Vanquishing Heâor, etching (No. 7a) 72. D. Eggermans, The Death of Achilles, tapeStry (No. 8). Vila Viçosa, Paço Ducal 73. G. Peemans, The Death of Achilles, tapeStry (No. 8). Antwerp, Rubenshuis 3 74. Rubens, The Death of Achilles, oil sketch (No. 8 a ). Rotterdam, Museum Boymans- van Beuningen 75. Rubens and Assistant, The Death of Achilles, modello (No. 8b). London, Coll. Count Seilern 76. After Rubens, The Death of Achilles (No. 8a). Norwich, Coll. Sir Edmund Bacon 77. Detail of Fig. 74 78. Detail of Fig. 75 79. Detail of Fig. 74 80. Detail of Fig. 75 81. Detail of Fig. 74 82. Detail of Fig. 75 83. F. Ertinger, The Death of Achilles, etching (No. 8a) 84. B. Baron, The Death of Achilles, etching (No. 8a) 85. G. van der Strecken, The Marriage Feafl of Peleus and Thetis, tapeStry. Turin, Pa­ lazzo Carignano 86. G. van der Strecken, Thetis Leading the Boy Achilles to the Oracle, tapeStry. BoSton, Museum of Fine Arts 87. J. Raes, The Young Achilles and Pan, tapeStry. Santiago de CompoStela, Cathedral 88. Achilles Kneeling, tapeStry. Present whereabouts unknown 89. B. Baron, Title-Page of The Hittory of Achilles, etching 90. Verso of Fig. 2 91. Verso of Fig. 13 92. Verso of Fig. 62 93. Verso of Fig. 74 4 SOURCES OF PHOTOGRAPHS A.C.L., Brussels, Figs. 10-12, 42 R. Lampman, Sarasota, Figs. 3-7 Albertina, Vienna, Figs. 8, 9, 17, 18, 27, Mas, Barcelona, Figs. 1, 87 28, 39, 40, 50, 51, 58, 59, 70, 71, 83, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Figs. 14, 16, 84, 89 23. 25, 26, 55, 57 British Museum, London, Fig. 21 Museu-Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança, Chomon-Perino, Turin, Fig. 85 Vila Viçosa, Figs. 19, 29, 52, 72 Courtauid Institute, London, Fig. 76 Museum of Fine Arts, Bofton, Fig. 86 De Schutter, Antwerp, Fig. 73 S.W. Newbery, London, Figs. 30, 34, 36, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Fig. 54, 56 38, 63, 67, 69 Frequin, The Hague, Figs. 2, 13, 15, 22, R. Pérony, Pau, Fig. 65 24> 31. 33. 35. 37. 44. 46.4 ». 62,64, 66, 68, 74, 77, 79, 81, 90-93Rubenianum, Antwerp, Figs. 32, 45, 47, Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem, Fig. 43 49. 53. 75. 78. 80, 82 E. Haverkamp Begemann, New Haven, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Kassel, Figs. Figs. 20, 88 60, 61 5 ABBREVIATIONS l it e r a t u r e : Bur chard, 1950 - L. Burchard, Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Works by Peter Paul Rubens, Kt., Wildenflein & Co., London, 4 Oftober - 11 Novem­ ber 1950. Catalogue Marbmy Hall, 1814 - A Catalogue of Paintings, Statues, BuSts, &c. at Marbury Hall, the seat of John Smith Barry, Esq., in the county of Cheïter, London, 1814. Cavallo, 1967 - A.S. Cavallo, TapeStries of Europe and of Colonial Peru in the Museum of Pine Arts, Bo ft on, Bofton, 1967. Cocke, 1971 - R. Cocke, The Uterary Sources of the “History of Achilles” by P.P. Rubens, The Burlington Magazine, cxiii, 1971, pp. 608, 609. Collot, 1852 - J.-P. Collot, Notice sur une collection de sept esquisses de Ru­ bens, représentant La Vie d’Achille, Paris, [1852]. Crick-Kuntziger, 1934 - Marthe Crick-Kuntziger, La Tenture d’Achille d’après Rubens et les tapissiers Jean et François Raes, Bulletin des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’HiStoire, ineme Série, vi, 1934, pp.
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