Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Master's Theses Theses and Dissertations 1945 Bishop Bonner and the English Schism Edward Joseph Dunne Loyola University Chicago Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.luc.edu/luc_theses Part of the History Commons Recommended Citation Dunne, Edward Joseph, "Bishop Bonner and the English Schism" (1945). Master's Theses. 159. https://ecommons.luc.edu/luc_theses/159 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's Theses by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. Copyright © 1945 Edward Joseph Dunne ~ Blshop Bonner and the English Sehls. E4war4 Joseph Dunne, S.M. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fultlllment ot the Requlrements tor the Degree ot Master ot Art. ln Loyola Universlty Vlta Edward Joseph Dunne was born ln Peorla, Illinois, January 27, 1910. He attended Spalding Instltute in Peoria, and Karyhurst Normal, Kirkwood, Missourl, and entered the Soclety ot Mary ln 1927. The Bachelor of Arts degree with a major ln History was conterred by St. Mary's University ot San AntoniO, Texas, in 1932. Graduate work in History was also taken at St. Lou1s University from 1934 to 1937. S1nce 19~2, the writ~r has taught 1n the schools ot the Society ot Mary in St. Louis, Klssour1, and ln East St. Louis, Bellevl11e, and Chicago, Il11nols. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. SOURCE MATERIAL Calendar ot Letters, Dlspatches and State papers! relating to the NegotIatIons between England and Spain, eltea by a.A. Bergenroth, P. de Gayangos, II.I.B. Hume, an" R. Tyler, 11 vols., London, 1862-1916 orl,lnal Letters Relatlve to the EnlllSh Reformation, chlet­ ly rom the Archives of Zurlch, Par er Soclety Bale, John, Select Works, edlted by Henry Christmas, Cam­ brlage, 1849 Burnet, Gilbert, Hlstorf ot the Reformatlon ot the Church ~t England, edlted by N cho1as Pocook, 7 vols., Oxford, 1865 Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments of John Foxe wlth a llfe and Defense of the lartzro10gIst, B vo1s, ealtea by Josiah Pratt, London, 1870 Strype, John, Memorlals of the most reverend father ln God, Thomas Cranmer, 2 vols., Oxford 1840 ! Wrlothesley, Charles, AChronlcle of England Durinl the Rei'Ds of the Tudors from 1485 to 1559, 2 vo1s., e Ited by 1m. • HamIlton, London, 1875 2. Blographles Frledmann, Paul, Anne Boleln, A Chapter of Engllsh History, 2 vola., Oxford, 1902 pollard, Albert F., Thomas Cranmer and the Eng11sh Ret­ ormatlon, New York, i906 Strype, John, Memorla1s ot the most reverend tather ln God, Thomas Cranmer, 2 vols., Oxford, 1840 3. Magazlnes Ga1rdlner, James, New L1ght on the D1vorce ot Henry VIII, ln Eng11sh Hlstorica! Review, volume XI, 1896 4. General Works Brewer, J. S., The Rel!: ot Henry VIII, 2 vo1s., London, 1884; edlted by James airdner cambrldle .odern Hlstory, planned by Lord Acton and edlted iy Sir .W. Wara, sir G: W. Prothero, and Slr Stanley Leathes, Cambr1dge, 1934 Cobbett, Wll11am, The Hlstory ot the Protestant Retorm­ atlon ln Enlland and Ireland, edited by Ie 1 •. G&squet, London, 190 Colller, Jeremy, An eccleslastlcal hlstory ot Great Brlt.ln, chletly of England, from the first plantIng of Chrlstlanity to the end of the reign of fIng Charles the seconl, ediied D1 Thomas Lithbury, 9 vols., London, 1852 Constant, G., The Retormatlon ln England, Henry VIII, The Angllcan Schlsm, Rew York, 1934 Constant, G., The Retormatlon ln England, Edward VI, New York, 1942 Dlotlonary at Natlonal Blo,rOG~' edlted b1 Leslle Stephens and SIdney Lee, lew York, ~ Frere, 'Wlll1am H., The Engllsh Church ln the Relgn ot Ellzabeth, Loudon, 1904 Fuller, Galrdner, Bames, The EnfllSh Church ln the Slxteenth Centu!I trom the access on of Henry VIII to the death ot lary . udor, LOndon, 1903 Herbert, Edward, The Hlstory ot 11nt He~ VIII, ~ Vol. II ot a Com~lete HlstorY ot England, e ite y John Hughes, London, 719 . Heylln, Peter, Eeelesla restaurata; the Hlstory ot the Retormatlon ot the Church ot Enlland, 2 vols., edited by J. c. RObertson, cambridge, 184 Llngard, John, Hlsto~ ot England trom the tlrst lnvaslon b{ the Romans to the ecession ot William and MarY in 1688, 5 h edition, 10 vols., London, 1849 Maltland, S•. R., Essals on SubJeots connected with the Retormatlon ln Englan , Lonlon, 1849 Pollard, Albert F., Henry VIII, London, 1905 Stone, Jean Mary, The Hlstor, ot Mary I Queen ot England, as round ln the public reeor~s, deshate~es ot ambassadors, In orlginal private letters, and ot er contemporary docu­ ments, London, 1901 Tootell, Hugh, Dodd's Church History ot England trom the commencement ot the 16th century to the reVOlution In 1688, 6 vols.; edited bl i. 1. Tierney, LOndon, 1839-1845 ;(.1&_.."_' _-----------------------------....., TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ., PAGEI _ I. EDMUND BONNER AND HENRY I 5 DIVORCE Bonner's lite to 1527-Henry contemplates divorce­ Bonner is sent to Rome- He tails there- Again in Rome, 1533- Ordered to appeal to a General Council­ Infuriates Clement VII- The appeal is rejeeted­ England becomes schismatic. II. BONNERIS EMBASSIES IN HENRY'S SERVICE PAGE 21: Bonner 8ubscribes to Henry's spiritual supremaey- Is sent on embassy to Swedes and Germans- Bonner and De vera Obedlentla- The Blshops' Book ot 1537- Bonner Is sent to Charles V- His mlsslon talls- Sent to Francis 1- Bonner's dlslike ot Bishop Gardiner-Bonner tails ln France- Loses tavor ot Francls 1- Bonner 1s replaced by the Duke ot Nortolk. III. BONNER'S EPISCOPACY UNDER HENRY VIII PAGE 40. Bonner's preterments- Consecrated blshop ot London, 1540- The "Act ot the Six Articles- Bonner's exeeutlon ot the "Bloody Whlp·- The case ot Rlchard Meklns­ Anne Askew- Purl tan hlstorlans- and Bonner- Bonner's InJunctlons ot 1542- The quest10n ot Bonner's com­ pliance- His orthodox v1ews. IV. BONNER AJlD THE PROTECTORA'fE PAGE 60 Protestant advance during the Protectorate- Somerset's moderate ehanges- The Royal InJunct10ns and the Book ot Homi11es- Bonner protest8 aga1nst them- .Apologizes to Council- He 1s lmpr186ned br1etly- Bonner opposes many matters under debate- The Book of Common Prayer­ Bonner refuses to enforce it- The Western Rebel11on­ Bonner ordered to preach certa1n art1cles- Hls arrest and trlal- Bonner deprlved and lmpr1soned. V. BONNER RESTORED- MARY TUDOR PAGE 83 Queen Mary trees and restores Bonner- Mary does not will to persecute- The return of orthodoxy- The cat 1nc1dent 1n Cheapslde- Bonner's v1s1tation 1n 1554- , England rece1ves papal pardon- Bonner and beret1cs­ Kary orders more d111gence agalnst heretlcs- More l martyrs- Puritan h1etorlans and Ibloody Bonner - A vlndicatlon by S.R. Malt1and. CHAPTER VI. ELIZABETH DEPRIVES AND IMPRISONS BONNER- HIS PAGE DEATH 108 Bonner opposes Protestant measures- Refuses the Oath of Supremacy- Sent to the Karsha1sea- H1s su1t aga1nst Horne, usurper of h1s d100ese- Bonner d1es 1n pr1son, 1569- H1s character and reputat10n. OHAPTER I EDMUND BONNER AND THE DlVOROE OF HENRY VIII Edmund Bonner, (1500-1569) ls sald to have been the natural son of George Savage, rector of Davenham, Oheshlre, br Ellzabeth frodahaa, who afterward marrled one Edmund Bonner, a sawyer at Hanley ln Worcestershlre! The Purl tan hlstorlans of England go lnto much more detall In thls matter; for exaaple, Strype wrltes: Bonner, blshop of London, was a bastard all over; he a bastard, hls father a bastard, hls grandfather a notorlous whoremaster, For his pedlgree'!s 'thls, as I flnel lt set down ln a collectlon of old manuscrlpts. 'Slr John Savage ••• had lawful lshe ••• f base lssue, 811' John Savage, prlest, parson . of Danh_ In X.lcestershlre, who had bastaras, four aona and three daughters by three sundry women t • 2 Burnet partlally conflrms thls story, saylngthat 'Bonner was belleved to be the bastard of one John Savage, a prlest ln Lelceaterehlre; whlch prlest, by one Ellzabeth, wlfe of one ;5 Edmund Bonner, had thls Edmund Bonner, now blshop of London.' 1.-~--------~-----~ Dlctlonary of Natlonal B10fiCihl, edlted by Leslle Stephens ana: sidney t=ie, Rew Yori, ., Vol. V. 2. Strype, John, Icclealaatlcal Memorlals, Relatln! chletlr to Rellat0n and the Rerorma~lon or Ii' ana the liergencIes or­ 'the hurcnot'TJigJ:!nl under uil 2e~, flf7 Edward ?r.' and !eiii' ,ar~ I, OXford, 2, I, 1, 1 3 3. au~nit, ilber, lito;:! 2! the Reformatlon of the Oburch of England, edlted by B. ocock;-'1 v01a., Ox torT, m!5, iI, m 1 2 Bonner studied at Pembroke College, Oxford, then Qalled 4 Broadgate House. In 1519, he took the degrees of Bachelor of Canon Law and Bachelor of C1v1l Law; he was orda1ned at about 5 the same t1me. July 12, 1525, he became a Doctor of C1v1l Law; he. already had the reputat10n of be1ng one of the most learned 6 lawyers of England. " In 1529, Bonner was chosen by ,.W01S8Y as h1s chapla1n, and was frequently entrusted w1th 1mportant messages for the K1ng. After the fall of Wolsey, Bonner d1d not desert him, but stayed 7 on 1n h1s serv1ce; he was employed w1th Cromwell. When Wolsey ret1red to h1s aeeof York, Bonner accompan1ed h1m, and 1n 1530 8 was w1th the Card1nal when he was arrested at Cawood. In another two years, we flnd Bonner galn1ng the confldence of K1ng Henry VIII, and belng employed 1n hls servlce on varlous dlplomatlc m1ss10ns. In t1me, he rose to be one of the ch1ef Henr1c1ans, who played so 1mportant a role in the Eng11sh sch1sm; lt 1s ln that capacity that we intend to study h1m here.
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