of 6 -A d .. .L UNCLASSIFIED 't,. *I ' SWRX W HISTQUCAL RECm OF THE CHEldICU CORPS BC&RD FOR THE m€UoB) 1 JULY 1948 TO 31 1948 I. ADlcnmTRATIObJr A. Changes in Miasion axd Responsibilities; 1. Becarnnsndations mere made to the Chief, Chemical COW, on 30 ~uly1948 as to the revision of Section xn, Aaministrati. Order No, 1, dated 1 Februarg 1947, bringing it up-to-date as to apisrion, ohanger in eonpositicm, categories of Wrs (assigned sad appointed), and rule6 of btornal procedure. - 2. The Board, together with other interested agencies, ua8 assigned the additioaal rerponsibility of rcrpicnrirrg prinoIpp1 oowes of the ChAm(co1 Corps School, relathg to career training of Chdeal Offieem; namely the Regtrlor Basic Course and the Admuwad Come, ~mtspmpaham offborn trained irr theem tu0 eour~osrill ultirrately be assigned to pornitions eo- under their respective ataff su~ion, these agOXlCbS arc) b88t QyIpmbdto date- th, nature and @CopOf the training ZLOCOB~to qualify officers to aem in these positions. Be I-- * B. so- cmeal corps, Arq ~ - _, - UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 7. Masor mlter K. Cathey mas assigned to the Board on r 1948 and was made Pewanent Member for Protection, atwhioh lone1 Lauhon returned to his regu3ar aseignarent as Permanent , Stspa, have been taken to obtain the services of a Dr. Hmrd Brcm (Bacteriologist), in the Agents Division of 9. The Civilian Chief, Agents Division was designated 88 Pmsident aad all Divisions of the Board, -Date 3 JW1948 31 Awmt 1948 30 SWmbr 1948 31 Oetober 1948 30 November 1948 3l Dooaabrr 1948 31 SiJy 1968 1 CIF-2 CAF-2 - - 01 - 15 13 3l Atlgu8t; 19r;S 4-e4 2 - p.5 3-P-4 I 1 - CAF-10 1 - CAP-5 2-w-4 1 - SP5 1 - Cap-3 -1 - w-2 16 1 UNCLASSIFl ED I I .. x UNCLASSIFIED ‘. I source ’ Allotted Obligated Expended Firrance Service, Arql 02 - Travel 8 383.08 9 B. Tabulation Shaaiag Land and Other F’acilities Leasedt Nom C. Tabution of Expa nditures by Type Operation. (Travel, communicat’ions, Maintenance of ~uilding8, Ysintenance of EXpipllent, -1, -eta.) For Travel, see A above. III. P%BsmmLt &e Change6 KW Fer8o~nelt 2. B 1 1. Bffmtire 26 hwmt 1948 the 8llotment for civilian gmdd I 2. C.pkh8 Echard C. B-m, dr. and John Fuskar departed from this station on 25 October 1948 for temporary duty at Big Wlta, plasko, for approotiratal.five mths. 4. L~oColonel Hornton C. Joyner of the Chemical Corps School was placred on Special Duty with the Board for appzvaimatoly 90 days, effective 25 October 1948, and was designated A&% Hilitam llamber for 6. Lt. Colonel Samuel A. Danton, Sr., was assigned to the Choaieal Cow Board a8 of 1 Novder 1948, and me made Acting gmeutira during the 8Monce of Lt. Colonel Fiske, Exeoutive. UNCLASSlFl EQ i UNCLASSlFlED -Date Authorized Grade Actual Grade 30 September 1948 4 - P-6 4 - P.6 2 - P-3 1 - P-5 3-p-6 3 - lp14 1 - w-10 1 - CAF-10 1 - CAF-5 1-W-5 2 - w-4 2 9 cm-4 1 - SF5 1 - sp.5 -2 - CAI?-3 -2 - CAI?-3 16 15 31 October 1948 Sam Sam 30 November 1948 Sam same 31 December 1948 same -same (See APPEXDn %a - Organisation Chart of the ~oard) Plans for fermanent Peacetime Establirbentr 2. A mber of tho Board attended a presentation covering the %went Statu8 of Airrpr lWbdin1388 for Emergency Hokdlisatbnm whioh -8 presented by the Departmnt of the Anq~et the Pentagon on I2 November 1948. -i .. ._ .. UNCLASSIFI ED .' i U NCLASSlFl ED 4. At the direction of the Commanding General, AmChemical Center, the Board made a resurvey of its mobilization requirements to include mtlitarg and civilian perS01~281. Charts -re submitted on 14 Deoember 1948 which included designation of individuals to fill key pO8itiOtrS. (mn*cm) 5. C8r-b aCritiC8I. SitWtiO&' WWB presented and thO B08d submitted information by 1st Xnd. dated 22 December 1948 to the Colaaranding General, Chemical Center, a8 to the proper masure8 whlch should be taken -dew each asituationn for the protection of persoonel, facilities and recordg of the Board. c. Procur-nt Planning$ Not applicable. h. rating Bqnipsent and Industrial Reserveg 1. A eontrol board waa installed to facilitate tb maintenmoa of data 01 *e continued progress of the various projsotr of tho Board requiring teat aativitier~. C. Performsncet .. 2 ._' c.: 1. IkHier tbi8 heading the Board submits the folloringt bo of nw projects and major studiee direoted by the Chief, ChUcal Corps, during this period. (Am= .rC.) 'W 5 Le..- UNCLASSIFIED .- UNCLASSIFIED 2. Special accomplishments on each project and study of the Board, and attendance ofthe various msmbsrs at important conferences and meetings are shown in complete detail in the Quarterly Progress Reports for July4mgust-September 1948 and October-Nove~er-Dec~ber 1948, CopdeS of which are attached a8 APPENDIX *Hme These Progress Reports were distributed to agencies of the DepartPlent of the Amy, the Navy, and UI S. Air Foroe; Beadquarters, AmFiead Fbrues; &nn and Service Boards; Connuandants of Service Schools; Staff Chemical Officer8 at Hsadqwrtsrs, -Areas 82102 Overseas Cms3and to certain accredited foreign nationals . 3. During this period the major field efforts of the Board were directed tauard the accomplishment of testing actSvities of Chemical Corps item8 under edreme cold weather conditions, This work involved ROJOCt NO* 786 and StdieS 3-47, 2!54 and 27-48, 4. TIte major study effort of the Bawd involved nu~uerous conferen~es,preparation and revim of Table8 of Organization and Ekluippent for Chemlcal Wts0 Inchded were Project No. 785 and Studies 147 ad1948. 1, wits to m8tall0tiOn bs Signif5cant Personages or GrouEg Mmbers of ths Advanced Study Omup, OSUSk, visited the Chemical Corps Board and conferred rrlth meaers on 21 October 1948. 2. ope rations or Services Other than Normgel Witazy Functions8 Hone . 3. SpecLal Ceredes Participated ~ng Hone 0 1. Technioalg Members of ths Board made continual inspection an the progress of each Bard project and study under their staff supenision, ,.4.,; .-_ , ,..... i UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFI ED 1 the Chemical Corps at the AmChemical Center, Md.; in the Office of the Chief, Chemical Corps, Washington, D. C.; at Canp Detrick, Md.; Headquartera, Army Field Forces, Fort Monroe, Va.; Amy Field F0rOe8 Boaxd No. 3, Fort Banning, cfa.3 also witneseing of tests at Fort Knax, Ey. and Dugrray Proving Ground, Tooele, Utah. Two membera of the Board departed on 25 October 1948 for Big Delta, Alaska, for a period of approxiaately five months in connecticm with the winter test program 194&1949. The Executive of the Board departed on 1 November 1948 for a period of opproxinntely 90 days, as a Special Assistant to the Chief, CbcaYlcal Didaim, Headquarters, 3uropean Command, to establirrh a Smoke Generator Training Center. A 1316aber of the Beard attended the Orientation Period at Camp Lee, Va., in connection with Chemical Corps participation in Exercise WX3 LE$*. The President of the Board is nm plalring plans to attend the Winter Arctic Orientation Tour being conducted by the General- Staff, for the period 12 to 22 Januarg 1949. 1. U NCLASSI FI ED I e- (- * I I I ! I I I f I I I t Ill I .
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