79 T h e J o u r n a l o f T e c h n o l o g y S t u d i e s A n E va lua tion of I nte r ne t-B a s e d C A D C olla bora tion Tools S ha na S hia ng-F ong S m ith During product design, over 80% of engi- has turned to concurrent and collaborative engi- neering changes are needed because designed neering methods (Prasad, 1996). However, in parts cannot be manufactured or assembled today’s global market, designers and manufactur- (Stevens, 2001). Most of the design errors are ers are often geographically separated. Thus, due to lack of communication between the design designers, manufacturers, and suppliers need team and manufacturing experts. To reduce com- powerful communication tools so they can munication problems and, thereby, increase prod- exchange design information effectively (Jones, uct quality and reduce production costs, industry Schwemin, Dorneich, & Dunmire, 2000). The objectives of collaborative design that still need to be addressed (e.g., version con- 80 include optimizing the mechanical function of a trol, data translation and repair, and security and product, minimizing production or assembly legitimacy issues), and recommends directions costs, and ensuring that the product can be easi- for future research. ly and economically operated and maintained. Collaborative Design Effective collaboration tools can help resolve product design conflicts early in the design According to Wang, Shen, Xie, Neelamkavil, & Pardasani (2001), if a product is echnology Studies stage. As a result, product development, lead- time, and manufacturing cost can be greatly designed through the collective and joint efforts of many designers, the design process used can nal of T reduced. Thus, companies that use collaborative design tools realize many benefits. For example, be called collaborative design. The collaborative by using a collaborative design tool to create its design process might include all design activi- The Jour LBP-1210 laser printer, Canon was able to ties from concept creation through product defi- reduce design iterations, total cost, and lead- nition, detailed design, manufacturing, assem- time (www.cocreate.com). Hewlett-Packard bly, maintenance, and even product retirement. found that using a collaborative design tool Furthermore, some companies may enhance the helped immediately reduce overseas travel costs. collaborative design process by involving their Overall, using a collaborative design tool helped customers, suppliers, and partners, over the HP achieve a 135% return on investment (ROI) Internet, throughout the product development after one month and 240% after three months and delivery process (Waltham, 2000). (www.cocreate.com). Due to the often distributed nature of mod- Modern design teams often use CAD/CAM ern, Internet-based collaborative design process- (computer aided design and computer aided es, many different CAD tools may be used by a manufacturing) tools to help facilitate their collaborative design team. When design teams design process, from conceptual design stage to use different CAD tools, problems often arise final production. Different companies or design because different CAD tools still use different partners may use different CAD/CAM tools. native file formats. For example, Autodesk Since most existing CAD/CAM applications Inventor generates part files in .ipt file format, were designed to work in an isolated environ- and Pro/E generates part files in .prt file format. ment, inconsistent file formats often cause prob- If design team members must share data stored lems during information exchange. in both file formats, a problem in model consis- tency might exist. Data communication prob- Due to the now widespread use of the lems due to using the Internet as a communica- Internet, most companies now require CAD tion channel may also exist. tools that support distributed collaborative design on the Internet (Lavana, Brglez, Reese, Therefore, collaborative CAD tools need a Konduri, & Chandrakasan, 2000). Such CAD common, secure communication framework and tools should enable designers to share product protocol so that CAD files can be transferred models, as well as related data, from geographi- safely and accurately. To meet the need, many cally distant locations (Shyamsundar & Gadh, CAD tools have recently added at least some of 2001). However, integrated collaborative design the following collaborative design capabilities: capability over the Internet has not fully (a) real-time communication, (b) support for matured. For example, Potter (1997a) found that various CAD formats, (c) tools for publishing security and authentication are still major con- 2D/3D CAD designs on the Web, and (d) tools cerns when transferring CAD files over the for manipulating CAD models outside the origi- Internet. Designers or companies need to protect nal CAD program. intellectual property (Fornaro & Sanna, 2000). Real-Time Communication This article determines the Internet-based The Internet is probably the most conven- collaborative design capabilities available in ient medium available for sharing CAD files in modern CAD tools, outlines the major problems real time. CAD program vendors have begun to use the existing power of the Internet and many with current versions of Inventor and Pro/E, existing Internet-based communication tools to Company B could not read an Inventor .ipt file 81 improve the collaborative capabilities of their sent via the Internet by Company A. However, The Jour CAD programs. For example, to help designers for successful collaborative design, Company A share design data and models over the Internet, could save its CAD files in STEP (or another CAD vendors have begun to incorporate neutral file format) and then transfer the result- nal of T Internet-based conferencing and real-time 3-D ing STEP files to Company B via the Internet. model viewing tools directly into their products Most modern CAD tools currently support sev- echnology Studies (Shyamsundar & Gadh, 2001). Autodesk inte- eral design file formats to improve their com- grates Windows NetMeeting into the latest ver- patibility with other CAD tools. SolidWorks, for sion of Inventor. NetMeeting includes chat, example, supports IGES, DWG, VRML, STL, whiteboard, program sharing, file transfer, VDA, SAT, DXF, and STEP file formats. remote desktop sharing, security, and video and audio conferencing. Thus, Autodesk Inventor Tools for Publishing and Viewing users have online real-time communication 2D/3D CAD Designs on the Web capability available within the Inventor design Distributed design teams need tools that environment. Table 1 provides a summary of address critical communication issues that are collaborative functions available in Windows not addressed in stand-alone CAD tools. Often, NetMeeting (Microsoft, 2001). for distributed design teams, customers, suppli- ers, vendors, and development partners who do Toc20151059Windows NetMeeting remote not have CAD tools or CAD-tool expertise need desktop sharing allows a remote user to run a to view and evaluate developing designs. To CAD program, which has been installed on a solve the problem, CAD vendors have begun to local computer, over the Internet. With remote develop tools for publishing designs on the Web. desktop sharing, the remote user can use the For example, Parametric Technology local CAD program, running on the local Corporation () now offers a stand-alone tool machine, without having to install a copy of the called ProductView, which allows customers CAD program at his or her remote site. As a and other distributed design team members to result, the remote user can participate in a col- preview designs on the Web, thus reducing laborative design session while at the same time product design and modification time and cost. reducing CAD program investment costs. Tools for Manipulating CAD Models Support for Various CAD Formats Outside the Original CAD System To share CAD files, collaborative design Some CAD vendors offer stand-alone tools teams often must transfer CAD data from one that provide more than just viewing capability. CAD tool to another over the Internet. To deal With tools for manipulating CAD models out- with the issue, collaborative designers can store side the original CAD environment, collabora- design files in a neutral file format. For exam- tive design team members without CAD tools or ple, if Company A in the U.S. uses AutoDesk CAD-tool expertise can quickly and efficiently Inventor while Company B in Japan uses Pro/E, review design models. Manipulation tools allow Table 1. Summary of Collaborative Functions in Windows NetMeeting. FUNCTION KEY FEATURES Chat Conducting multi-user real-time conversations using text Whiteboard Communicating in real time using graphics Program sharing Sharing programs during a conference Remote desktop sharing Operating a computer from a remote location File transfer Sending files in background mode during a NetMeeting conference Security Using security measures to protect privacy Video and audio conferencing Communicating on the Internet using video and audio Table 2. Viewers Provided by CAD Companies. 82 Tools for Add Company Product File Format Supported Publishing CAD Note/ URL Designs on Web Mark Up Solid Concepts • Object (.obj) N/A a http://www.solidview.com SolidView • SolidFile Exchange (.sfx) • SolidWorks (.sldprt, sldasm) echnology Studies • Stereolithography (.stl) • VRML (.wrl) nal of T Parametric • CADD • Pro/E a a http://www.ptc.com Tech. Corp. • DWG • SW ProductView • IDEAS • UG The Jour EDS
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