“Mill!” Coliseum-Charges Studied Pep Club Losses A-l Seats Compasses Tattist i 1ol. XXXII, No. 10 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. 0., NOVEMBER, 30, 1961 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hall oliseum Charges Examined? Reductions in the charged student groupsffor Sparks Fly As WV W P G Plea use of the Coliseum are ex- pected to result from a meeting this week between On Temporary Setup For Pep Club Seats J. G. Vann; State College’s comptroller, and W. D. Car- The Campus Government voted Tuesday to stand by the michael, Jr., comptroller of While Mediators Work Ticket Committee’3 decision that the Pep Club not be granted the Greater University. center line seats at athletic events this year. Their meeting results from com- Settlement appears possible in the disputes which put . Harvey Wilkinson, president of 0 plaints about management of the Coliseum that were aired ercently the Student Station, WVWP, off the air on November 19. The he club, approached the council station was signed off the air when a majority of the station ith the request that there be some when the Junior Glass was asked arrangement made whereby the Campus flooded With to pay $1,100 rent for the Junior- members resigned, and was in partial operation a week later Senior Dance. Pep Club members would be allow- 0 A majority of the members of -. to draw center line seats at all Student leaders including Jack Doubtful literature I McCormick, member of a special the 25-man stafl' resigned in protest athletic events this year as they BULLETIN of a Board of Publications action. did last year. Wilkinson pointed There appeared on the campus committee that last year investi- gated the Coliseum; Jay Bryan, WVWP Dispute which disapproved portions of out that in the Pep Club constitu- and in some of the dorms Monday the station’s constitution on. the tion it is stated that the members afternoon a publication unfamiliar president of the Junior Class; and George Pruden, Campus Govern- The Korean-type negotiations grounds that it was in opposition of the club will enjoy such a privi- in North Carolina Collegiate cir~ to the constitution of the Board. 1lege. cles.. .the “North Carolina Young ment president, have made several in the radio station dispute ap- suggestions about Coliseum fees to peared to be approaching a suc- They also protested actions of the When the ticket committee for- Republican News.” cessful climax station manager, Joel Heim. The mulated their new contract with the Its method of delivery became Vann. late Thursday. Basic Rent The Dean of Students Office resigning staff members stated that Athletic Department last fall, they somewhat of a mystery as college they felt that the station could no decided to leave out the Pep Club officials revealed that no one had These students have suggested announced Thursday afternoon clause present in the old contract. been granted a permit to make the that the $300 basic rental for the that both factions had agreed to longer be operated in a democratic They did so on the basis that stu- distribution, which, oddly enough, building should not be charged for the basic details of the compro- fashion. dent opinion was not in favor of was limited to the southeast pore student events. Only the cost of mise. The compromise plan would Station manager Heim and busi- choice seats for the Pep Club when tion of the campus. Its arrival could preparing and operating the build- turn the management of the ness manager Adrian Troelman other student organizations had no be hailed as somewhat of a' para- ing for an event should be charged WVWP stafl' over to business took action to fill the staff vacan- such,righ't. Those students’ opinions dox even here on the fringe of the against the students, they suggest. manager Adrian Troelman. Sta- cies created by the resignations and that were available at the time the Solid South. Not since 1950 has Because these extra charges tion manager Joel Heim would to return the station to full opera- contract was ‘drawn up indicated there been a political club on the could run over $800 for an event in continue to carry out his other tion. that the Pep Club deserved no Campus. At that time the never- some instances, it is suggested that duties. Helm had told the Board of Publi- rights in seating priority that the flourishing Young Democrats Cldb all such charges should be examined The second part of the plan cations that he favored the action other organizations on campus languished, disappeared and has to see if they are equitable. calls for the appointment of a that it took because the radio stap were denied. not since shown any signs of re- Vann has issued an invitation to committee of disinterested per- tion board of directors, operating Several members of the Council, forming. the TECHNICIAN to inspect these sons to investigate all charges under the station constitution, had 11 voicing their opinions, left the The “Republican News” heralded costs after they have. been re- and counter-charges made in the opposed his management of the impression that, since the Pep the approaching visit of presi- surveyed, if this is done. Vann dispute. station. Club's membership is so small (at dential aspirant Robert A. Taft of stated that this would be done to The station did not operate Opposing factions from the sta- present it has ten active members) Ohio. Candidate Taft, on a whirl- assure the student body that its Wednesday night. Heim said that tion and representatives of the- and its functions are not too well wind speaking derby, has scheduled 'nterests have been protected. the transmitter was over-heating, Board of Publications met together supported by the student body, the appearances at seven major col- Another protest against the man- but a former station manager, in Dean Talley’s. oflice Monday Club is not active. Wilkinson tried leges in North Carolina, five non- agement of the Coliseum was made Paul Miller, stated that serious night. Tuesday the Dean stated that hard to convince the Council that college speeches, three press con- by “Hank” Smith, former student damage might have been done. a basis for compromise had been this is not the case. He reminded ferences, nine broadcasts and a now in service, during the past No date has been set for the re- found and that the discussions the Council of the activities already television interview. week. Smith stated that before sumption of broadcasting. would be continued. staged by the Club this year. His tour will take him to Duke being recalled to the Marines he. The president of the Council University, The University of contacted Coliseum manager Wil- recommended to Wilkinson that North Carolina, Women’s College, mer Betta about using the building the Pep Club revise their consti- Guilford College, Wake Forest Col. for an entertainment program on Joint Fest To Be Here; tution to read in accordance with lege, and N. C. College, from behalf of the Damon Runyon Can- the student government minutes. Nov. 27-29. Joe Weaver of the cer Fund. Smith said that he asked GUSC Eyes At the end of the discussion, College Union Forum Committee to use the Coliseum rent-free since Rules Revision- Wilkinson told the Council: “There tried unsuccessfully to schedule Mr. all proceeds from the show were to The students of the Greater Uni- is no animOsity from the Club Taft for a Raleigh speech. go to the Fund. Mr. Betta refused versity will enjoy another Greater because it did not get the desired Following the wake of his re- University Day at State College to do So, and in addition would not NCS Politico: seats. We merely wanted to cently released book, “A Foreign rent the building for such purposes Attend in February while the members of straighten things out.” In answer Policy for Americans,” , Author (Continued on Page 11) the Greater University Student to Pruden’s recommendation, he Taft is expected to make foreign Council ponder a new constitution. added, “We will change our con- policy the main substance of his Student legislature These plans were made on Novem- stitution to that effect if possible.” speeches. Mr. Taft comes to N. C. ber 18 when the Council met in Committee Reports to deliver the Weil Lectures at the IDC Holds Fall Soiree A full 15-man delegation was on Raleigh on the State compus. In the line of other business University of North Carolina, an hand to represent State College The State College Inter-Dormi- With the State and UNC dele- Dave Yandle, chairman of the endowed series of lectures which yesterday as the annual State Stu- gations leading, the Council made f (Continued on Page 2) are scheduled for 8:00 p.m. ‘ tory Council will sponsor its an- dent Legislature opened in the plans to revamp the organization nual Fall Festival Party at the that CG president Pruden calls college gymnasium on Friday, No- Capitol. “little better than a social club." vember 30 from 8:30 ti] 11:30. The State delegation has pre- A six member committee is planned % Eight Win New Music for the event will be fur- pared a bill on stream polution to work out a new constitution that Blue Key, national honorary ‘ nished by Buddy Klein and the will afford the Council with legis- ‘Students Drop Statesmen sponsored by the Ameri- which will be debated in the legis- leadership fraternity, tapped eight can Federation of Musicians in con- lative sessions which will continue lative powers.
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