st sion I Top 10 n ·izona 1ung st : I LDAND reek . VoLUME 76, No. 14 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1992 ~.c. State, 1 p.m. etball vs. e Haarlem, e Joel Coliseum ':30p.m. Board finds Runge vomen's Cross at NCAA mships, ~ton, Ind. guilty in second trial r • BY ToM ZELLERs testimony."Duringtheoriginal trial, witne$ses OLD GoLo AND BLACK REPoRTER were pennitted to attend the trial during o!her 52-41~. witnesses' testimonies, which Shannon ~;aid Senior Erik Runge was found· guilty of she felt might have affected their testimonies. verbal abuse and harassment and not guilty of "It is a gross violation when one witness is public intox.ication for a second time in his allowed to tell others how they are to remem­ new trial before the Judicial Board on Nov. ber," Shannon said. 19. Shannon also said that it was improper for The Judicial Board sentenced Runge to 30 Runge to be tried on both the verbal abuse and hours of community service, plus an addi- an alcohol charge, when he had only appealed tional 10 hours for an alcohol-related offense the verbal abuse charge. which occurred his freshman year. Runge · After a brief deliberation, the board refused said: "My entire suite was busted my fresh- tograntthemistrial,andthetrialcommencec:i. man year for a party. I don't know why the During .the nearly six-hour hearing, eight prior (charge) wasn't brought up atthe previ- witnesses gave conflicting testimony on the ous trial." exact timing and placement of the inciden~.· The 35-hour sanction was five hours more Calhoun, who struck Runge after allegedl,y than Runge received originally. hearing Runge call him a racial slur, testifie9 The board found Runge guilty last April of that he saw Runge staring at him several times verbally abusing Cedric Calhoun. Runge ap- that night. "I saw Erik staring at me.... His pealed the board's decision on the contention ' eyes followed me," Calhoun said. " . that a key witness, senior Beth Alexander, Two witnesses, senior John Ceruzzi and was not present for the original trial. junior Stephen Gillmor, who are friends of The charges against Runge arose from an Calhoun, corroborated Calhoun's story .. ·. incident at Corbin's at 513 Deacon Blvd. on Calhoun then testified that he walked over Feb.27, whenRungeallegedlycalledCalhoun to junior Jen Arthur, Runge's girlfriend, whO a racial slur. was standing near Runge and asked her if.she During the trial, senior Lisa Shannon, knew if there was a problem. Calhoun said Runge's student counselor, initially moved Arthur then responded that she was unaware •.............. Allen struni . AllenStrum for a mistrial, saying there was a "violation of of any problem. aday's intrasquad · Judicial Board member sophomore Jill McGee listens to senior Cedric Calhoun testify during senior Erik Runge's new trial Nov. 19. defendant's rights" in the first trial, specifi- . Calhoun said he addressed Runge directly. •vides the defense. :The Judicial Council ordered that a neil trial be held in response to an appeal by Runge, who was found guilty of verbal abuse last April. cally"allowingwitnessestohearoneanother's See Runge, Page 5 · . ..:.~ .. Traditional Christmas celebration, candlelight service to be held··:: p s Carolina was h~ld on the evening of-the . have a full house.whetherit'w~ clear, .fruny or service fraternity will als-o. pariiciiiate In the - son~lfistrulji"~ecyrewarding distraction. I arrival of the first group of Momvians ·on the riight before-exams." service.· think it is very important for·the university November 17, 1753. Moravians had settled An embodiment of community involve­ Christman said: "This offers a time of re- that this is placed like a candle in the middle · TheMoravianLovefeast, a traditional Christ­ two miles from the camp tis in Bethabara. The ment, the service will include such groups as flection, an opportunity to ask one's self what of the most hectic exam season." mas celebration and candlelight service, will university began participating in the festivi­ the concert, handbell and flute choirs and the is the meaning of Christmas. This is a truly The custom of Christmas lovefeasts began be held 8 p.m. Sunday in Wait Chapel. Part of ties in 1956, when it moved to Winston- Messiah Moravian Church Band, as well as community event, with people from Win- in Europe ofMarienbom in 1747. a continuiJlg tradition sponsored by the Salem. · John Acker, the· university carillonneur. .stan-Salem never missing a service and a The tradition has also spread to such differ­ Chaplain '!I office, the Lovefeast provides not Originating as a simple service in Davis Christman will be assisted with the service by sometimes broader representation, such as a ent locations as Nicaragua, South Africa and only a respite from exams but also an early Chapel in the 1960s, it later grew to two Robert E, Sawyer, the pastor of Home group in attendance from the People's Repub- Nova Scotia · · . prelude to the Christmas season. services, and eventually multiplied to full Moravian Church. lie of China. All students, faculty, and those affiliated lbe tradition began as ~ special celebration attendance at Wait Chapel. Fifty students and faculty will serve coffee "The opinion which I have heard from with ·the university are invited to attend.' of faith and hope featuring a simple meal of Chaplain Ed Christman said, "We started and Moravian buns. people, and which I also echo, is that this Christmanrecommendedthatthosewhowould buns lind coffee. The fll'St lovefeast in North out simply, but before we knew it we would Several members of the Alpha Phi Omega heralds the beginning of the Christmas sea- like to attend arrive before 8 p.m. · Campus-wide·power outage causes flooding in lower parking lot ~ BY NATAl-IE COFFER the,Jf.lwerhouse behind the build­ Newton said that due to the OLD QoLD ~ND BLACK REPORTER ing;; but the water was cleaned loss of power, many computers up, leaving little or no damage to crashed and the heating and ven­ Early Monday morning, a cam- the.buildings. tilation systems shut down. · pu!)-wide p<>w(:r outage caused Several cars were parked near He said there was "a flurry of the water tower to overflow, re- the tower in Lot Win the direc­ activity" Monday momingto bring sulting:i!l damage to at least one tion of the flow of draining wa­ the heating and ventilation sys­ student's car and flooding in the ter. tems back on line and to check if Worrell Professional Center. Sophomore Holly Tackett had any other repairs or adjustments Cliff.N~wton, the manager of parked her 1988 Saab next to the needed to be made with the vari- engineering services of Physical drain near the water. tower. ous systems. _ Facilities, said a power outage at A friend of hers recognized the Also, Newton said the older Duke Power caused a loss ofelec- car as Tackett's and called her at fire alann systems will go into tricity on campus from about 2 to 4:30 a.m. Tackett then drove the alann when power is lost, which 4 a.m. Monday morning. car out of the water. may explain .why the fire alann · Newton said the water tower at She found her car "completely in Efird and Taylor houses w~nt the University Parkway entrance-·· full of water." off early Monday morning. to campus, which belongs to the Tackett sald.the I 0 to 12 inches A representative of Duke cityofWinston-Salem,hasasensor of standing water in the car "ru­ Power's customer service divi­ that indicates when it is full. ined the carpet" and "co.vered the sion said the power outage was As a result of the power out- ignition between the seats with due to the failure of a part of their age, ttae sensor failed to signal mud." system, and affected only 'the cam­ the clty water pumps to stop pump- There were also leaves and de- pus and vicinity. ing. bris in the engine. She said the system was re­ mt · Subsequently, the tower over- Tackett said the damage is es- paired quickly but it took two flowed for a couple of hours. tlmated at $5,400 for numerous hours to bring the system back GOQley : Newtonsaidalittlewaterleaked things and her insurance com­ on-line because a number of wires A power failure causes a flood in Lot W by the water tower early Monday morning. When some students went to move IS. into the_professional building and pany will pay for it. were loose. their cars, they found the interiors of the automobiles were flooded as a result ofthe overflow. Marching Band plans change SG approves proposed budget as football team gets Bowl bid at final meeting of semester Bv TERllSE MAcK companied by a marching band. That re­ BY BRIAN J, UZWIAK proposals for the Old Gold and Black, the AssiSTANT NEWs EorroR quires that band members be in Shreveport, 0FACE MANAGER Howler and GALA. The only change in the La., from Dec. 29 to Dec. 31, rather than in budget between meetings was $250 cut from Change is something the Marching Band London. Despite loudly voiced concems over the Student Government's budget for phones and has become very familiar with this semester. "There wasjust no way the Marching Band funding for the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual added to the Howler. Neither the Old Gold Last year, the group deferred an invitation to was going to cost Wake Forest a bowl bid," Association, the Student Government Legis­ and Black's nor GALA's funding were play in a London holiday parade.
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