SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION UDC 796.011 VOLUME 15 - ISSUE 1 - JUNE, 2013 FACULTY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO FACULTY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO HOMO SPORTICUS ISSUE 1 2013 1 ISSN: 1512 – 8822 (print) ISSN: 1840 – 4324 (online) UDC 796.011 Published by Faculty of Sports and Physical Education University of Sarajevo Editor - in - Chief Izet Rađo Responsible Editor Husnija Kajmović Editorial Board Izet Rađo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Milan Čoh, Slovenia Milovan Bratić, Serbia Goran Sporiš, Croatia Dobromir Bonacin, Bosnia and Herzegovina Milena Mihalački, Serbia Hans-Peter Holtzer, Austria Edvin Dervišević, Slovenia Igor Jukić, Croatia Nusret Smajlović, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sergej Ostojić, Serbia Duško Ivanov, Macedonia Ekrem Čolakhodžić, Bosnia and Herzegovina Bojan Jošt, Slovenia Goran Marković, Croatia Munir Talović, Bosnia and Herzegovina Karl Sudi, Austria Julijan Malacko, Serbia Dragan Milanović, Croatia Milan Žvan, Slovenia Duško Bjelica, Montenegro Husnja Kajmović, Bosnia and Herzegovina Marjeta Mišigoj-Duraković, Croatia Nejc Sarbon, Slovenia Dragana Berić, Serbia Dijana Avdić, Bosnia and Herzegovina Hrvoje Sertić, Croatia Advisory Board Mithat Mekić (BiH), Nermin Nurković (BiH), Nedjeljko Vidović (BiH), Ivan Hmjelovjec (BiH), Muriz Hadžikadunić (BiH), Žarko Bilić (BiH), Sabahudin Dautbašić (BiH), Patrik Drid (Serbia), Safet Ćibo (BiH), Aziz Šunje (BiH), Almir Mašala (BiH), Mensura Kudumović (BiH), Besalet Kazazović (BiH), Safet Kapo (BiH), Siniša Kovač (BiH), Muhamed Tabaković (BiH), Asim Bradić (BiH), Senad Turković (BiH), Lejla Šebić - Zuhrić (BiH), Ifet Mahmutović (BiH), Slavko Obadov (Serbia), Faris Rašifagić (BiH). Secretary and Technical support Safet Rašinlić Editorial office Faculty of Sports and Physical Education / Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja Patriotske lige 41, 71 000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Printed by http://www.fastosa.com/homosporticus „ŠTAMPARIJA FOJNICA“ d.o.o. Fojnica e-mail: [email protected] Printed in 100 copies Text editing Indexed in: COBISS.BH, Index Copernicus, EBSCOHost, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education SPORTDiscusTM with Full Text, SPONET, getCited, CABI, Genamics Journal Seek, NewJour, Open J-Gate, Urlichweb Desing, layout & DTP Y Studio d.o.o. Sarajevo © Copyright 2013 by Faculty of Sports and Physical Education 2 HOMO SPORTICUS ISSUE 1 2013 Volume 15 – Issue 1 – June, 2013 Contents Grgantov Zoran, Krstulović Saša and Jurko Damir METRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME JUMPING ABILITIY TESTS IN BOYS – DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VOLLEYBALL AND NON-VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS 5 Antonio Perić, Goran Marković, Asim Bradić and Dražan Dizdar THE WEIGHTED EXPERT SYSTEM FOR THE EVALUATION OF ACTUAL QUALITY OF TOP-LEVEL SOCCER PLAYERS 10 Srđan Pavlović, Munir Talović, Besalet Kazazović, Elvir Kazazović and Rasim Lakota DIFFERENCES IN BASIC MOTOR AND SITUATIONAL MOTOR ABILITIES OF FEMALE HANDBALL PLAYERS AT VARYING LEVELS OF COMPETITION 20 Igor Vučković, Aleksandar Kukrić, Borko Petrović and Radenko Dobraš SELECTION OF YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS: ARE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS THE MOST IMPORTANT? 26 Siniša Kovač, Rasim Lakota and Monika Kapetanović KINEMATIC RESEARCH OF IMPROVEMENT THE FACT THAT SHORTER AND DIRECT SKIING LINE ACHIEVED HIGHER SPEED WHILE PASSING THOUGHT SLALOM GATES 31 Martina Mavrin Jeličić TRANSFORMATIONAL EFFECTS OF THE MBS YOGA PROGRAM ON TREATED MOTOR STATUS 36 Jelaska Igor, Grgantov Zoran and Lukas Tajna PREVALENCE AND TOPOLOGY OF PAIN IN PROFESSIONAL MALE AND FEMALE TEN- NIS PLAYERS 42 Zorislava Bajić, Nenad Ponorac, Nela Rašeta and \orđe Bajić BODY COMPOSITION CHANGES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AEROBIC PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 47 Safet Kapo PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE FINALISTS OF THE K-1 GRAND PRIX TOURNA- MENTS 1993-2004 53 Eldan Kapur VARIATIONS IN DIAPHYSEAL NUTRIENT FORAMINA IN HUMAN LOWER LIMB LONG BONES 57 Instructions for Autors 62 HOMO SPORTICUS ISSUE 1 2013 3 4 HOMO SPORTICUS ISSUE 1 2013 Grgantov Zoran1, Krstulović Saša1 and Jurko Damir1 Metric Characteristics of some Jumping Abilitiy Tests in Boys – Differences between Volleyball and Non-Volleyball Players 1 Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia Original scientific paper Abstract Sažetak Thirty-nine boys (28 non-volleyball players and 11 volleyball S ciljem analiziranja metrijskih karakteristika testova skočnosti, players) were tested by the Powertimer machine with the aim of kao i značajnosti razlika između neodbojkaša i odbojkaša, 39 analyzing the metric characteristics of jumping ability tests. Squat dječaka (28 neodbojkaša i 11 odbojkaša) testirano je na Powerti- jump tests (SJ) were used on the examinees, as well as counter- mer uređaju. Ispitanici su izmjereni s testovima squat jump (SJ). movement jump (CJ) and approach jump tests (AJ). Good met- countermovement jump (CJ) i approach jump (AJ). Utvrđene su ric characteristics of all tests have been established (reliability, dobre metrijske karakteristike svih testova (pouzdanost, osjetlji- sensitivity, homogeneity and validity). Both groups of examinees vost, homogenost i valjanost). Kod obje grupe ispitanika utvrđene showed very little difference of jump height in the CMJ test, in re- su vrlo male razlike u visini skoka u testu CMJ u odnosu na test SJ lation to the SJ test (less than 1 cm). Inefficient transition from the (manje od 1 cm). Neučinkovit prelaz iz ekscentrične u koncen- eccentric to the concentric muscle action, as well as the usage of tričnu mišićnu akciju, kao i korištenje pripremnih pokreta i u testu preparatory movements, even in the static position test (SJ), was iz statične pozicije (SJ) mogući su razlozi takvih rezultata. Razlike the possible cause of these results. The differences of the results između rezultata u testovima AJ i CMJ su 6 cm kod neodbojkaša in AJ and CMJ tests are 6 cm in non-volleyball players and 11 cm i 11 cm kod odbojkaša. Odbojkaši su u svim testovima postigli in volleyball players. The volleyball players achieved significantly značajno bolje rezultate u odnosu na neodbojkaše, a naročito u higher results in all tests in relation to the non-volleyball play- testu AJ. U testovima SJ i CMJ odbojkaši u prosjeku više skaču ers, especially in AJ test. In SJ and CMJ tests volleyball players od neodbojkaša 4 cm., a u testu AJ 9 cm. Primjenjeni testovi jumped on average 4 cm higher than the non-volleyball players, mogu se koristiti za procjenu snage nogu na uzorku neodbojka- while the difference in the AJ test was 9 cm. The applied tests can ša, ali kod mladih odbojkaša početnika dolazi do diferencijacije be used in lower body strength evaluation in the non-volleyball snage na elastičnu i eksplozivnu komponentu koje treba zasebno players sample, but bearing in mind that in young volleyball play- testirati. ers strength differentiation sets in – the elastic and the explosive components appear, that should be tested separately. Ključne riječi: odbojka, powertimer, pouzdanost, homogenost, valjanost Key words: volleyball, powertimer, reliability, homogeneity, validity Introduction opto jump, IR-mat etc.), which can also estimate the verti- cal jumping ability (Hoffman and Kang 2002, Bosquet et al. Power is one of the most important biomotor abilities in 2009, Enoksen et al. 2009, Glattthorn et al. 2011, Nuzzo volleyball, and vertical jumping ability is its most important et al. 2011). Tests for estimation of certain jumping ability manifestation (Jurko et al. 2008, Borras et al. 2011, Grgan- components have been constructed using these systems tov et al. 2013, Milić et al. 2013). For a long time, jumping (squat jump, counter movement jump with and without ability in volleyball was estimated exclusively by standing arm swing, drop jump, etc.). Past research had also con- vertical jump or from a volleyball approach from wall or firmed good metric characteristics of the mentioned tests vertec measuring scales. The advantage of such tests is (Marković et al. 2004, Caruso et al. 2010). Most of the past their specificity, and the disadvantage is the impossibility of volleyball research have analyzed certain jumping ability analyzing certain jumping ability components (concentric components and metric characteristics of the evaluation component, elastic component, arms attribution, volleyball test, using the sample of senior players. However, jump- approach influence etc.). These are the reasons why during ing ability evaluation is not important only in adult athletes. the last few decades different diagnostic apparatus are be- Very useful information for the training process and the pro- ing increasingly used (ergo jump, just jump, power timer, cess of selection can be obtained by the analysis of certain HOMO SPORTICUS ISSUE 1 2013 5 jumping ability components in youth volleyball players, as More detailed instructions on the correct performance of well as in children who are not in volleyball training yet, the test can be found in a research by Acera et al. (2011). while their volleyball potential should be estimated by tests. Each examinee performed a standardized 15-minute The available references show that the authors did not find warm-up consisting of general movements and dynamic a single research that analyzed the metric characteristics of and static stretching, prior to the testing. Each test was the vertical jumping ability tests (squat jump, countermove- performed three times with 2-3 minutes pauses between ment jump and approach jump) on the population of young the repetitions. volleyball players and non-volleyball players. Procedures:
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