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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled New Zealand Gazette 1877 Ref. NZ0100-1877 ISBN: 978 1 921371 46 2 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the University of Queensland Library http://www.library.uq.edu.au/ Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. 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THE 1{;WZEAL Ai\D G 7817. icU WELLINGTON : BY AUTHORITY : GEORGE DIDSBURY , GOVER NMENT PRINTER. 1877. INDEX TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, 1877. VOL. I. From 1st January to 30t71 June. North.-For the purpose of condensation,details of notificationsand appointments.art Mostly classified togetheraccording to the subject-matter to which they relate , or are grouped under the name of the particular provincial district which they affect. "The Rating Act, 1876 "-continued. A. i Assessment Courts under Appointments-continued. Abolition of Provinces , appointments of Executive Officers Revell, W. H., 138 ; Robinson, H. W., 138 ; Sear- revoked,662 aneke, W. N., 137 ; Shaw, E., 138; Simpson, W. Affidavits , Commissioners abroad taking (see Supreme Court). L., 138 ; Thomson, C., 137 ; Von Sturmer, S., Agricultural Statistics- 137 ; Ward, R., 138; Wardell, H. S., 138; Watt, Comparative Returns for February 1876 and 1877, 517 I. M., 180; Whitefoord, C., 138, 161; Williams, Retu rns for the month of February, 1877-Auckland, E. M., 137; Woolcombe, B., 164; Wray, C. A., 450 ; Canterbury, 322 ; Marlborough, 368 ; Nelson, 138 336; Taranaki, 321 ; Otago, 359; Wellington, 400, Judges resigned - Beetham, R., 585; Friberg , B. E., 329; 437; Westland, 449 Fulton, J., 180; Giles, J ., 180; Keene, G. R., -8I; Superintendent Collectors appointed, 6 Lee, E. J., 165; Maitland, J. P., 91; Thomson, Q, Akaroa, lighthouse site reserved, 57 165 Ali ens, letters of naturalization granted, 109,19-1,32a, 350, 363, Assistant Law Officer appointed, Stafford, E., 109 431, 558, 575, 585 Auckland Provincial District- Artdrew, J. C., M.II.R., resignation notified, 637 Agricultural Statistics for February 1877, 450 _..4A:imals, importation forbidden from beyond Australasia, 348 "Animals Protection Act, 1873," Rangers appointed, 194 Protection Act, Rangers appointed-Auckland,, 194 585; shooting season appointed, 347, 417 ; license, 350 Hawke's Bay, 431 ; Wellington, 308 Arai Highway District constituted, 424; and Highways Shooting 'season appointed-Auckland, 347, 417 ; Hawke's Act in force therein, 424; members appointed, 82-9_ Bay, 346, 418; Otago, 348, 418; Wellington, 331, Auckland City West, representation, resignation of B. 395 ; license fees, 350, 431 Tonks notified, 365 ; Wallis, J., elected, 561 Appeal, Court of- Boroughs proclaimed-Onehunga, 416; Parnell, 415 Registrar appointed-Allan, A. S., 26 ; Deputy Registrars, First Elections-Town Clerks and Returning Officert Malet, F. da C., Wilmer, H. C., 26 appointed, 431 Sitting appointed for May, 362 Cattle Inspector's Report, 397 Armed Constabulary- Confiscated lands declared waste lands, 413, 656 Appointments and resignation of Officers, 92, 432 Counties of Rodney and Waitemata, boundaries altered, Clothing, equipment, and pay regulations, 555 419 Commission cancelled-Furst-class Sub-Inspector Watts, County Returning Officer appointed, 451 J. R., 92 ; date altered, 432 District Court-Powers under Amendment Act, 1865, con- Promotions, Pardy, W. S., 510; Smith, T. M., 510 ferred on Judge, Auckland, 90; times of sittings at Reductionof Force, servicesof officersdispensed with- Grahamstown altered, 90 Assista nt-Surgeons-Armitage, F. W.; Jackson, W. L., Educational reserves provisionally made, Wairoa County', 92 687 First Class Sub-Inspectors-Capel, S. A. B. ; Clare, Epsom, One-Tree Hill, notice of road taken, 695 W.; Forster, A. S. B. ; Smith, F. C., 6 Gisborne constituted a borough, 526; first elections, 557 Inspector-Turner, H. F., 6 Highway Board, members appointed-Arai, 629; Russell, Second Class Sub-Inspectors-Bennett, C. D.; Bluett, 665; To Puna, 244 H. P. ; Carlyon, P. F. ; Hackett, T. ; MacLean, Highway Districts, boundaries altered-Komokoriki, 664; A. H. ; Naden, C. J. ; Way, H. F., 6 Matakohe, 629 ; Tauhoa, 664 Surgeons-Carey, J.; Waddington, E., 92 Highway District subdivided, Mangapiko, 526 Arms Act, regulations for sale of gunpowder and shot relaxed Land acquired from Natives declared waste lands, 688 in Middle Island, 188 Marriage Act, Northern districts altered, 657 Licensing Officer appointed at Carlyle, 434 Onehunga Wharf, railway rates fixed, 434 Assessment Courts under " The"Dating Act, 1876 "- Opotiki District, Auditor Trust Accounts appointed, 615 Appointments- Otahubu, polling-place for elections appointed, 574 Clerks of Courts-Bennett, J. H., 194; Duthie, Petty Sessions, Mangapai, annual meeting of Justices W. 0., 245 ; Howard, F. W., 140 ; White, R., 140 appointed, 169 Judges appointed to local Courts within Provincial Pounds and poundkeepers appointed-Mount Albert, 557 ; Districts of Canterbury, 163 ; Hawke's Bay, Remuera, 558 664; Marlborough, 91 ; Nelson, 138 ; Otago, 91, Prisons- 179 ; Taranaki, 532; Wellington, 179 Gaolers appointed-Gisborne, 576; Opotiki, 567; Judges for Counties-Augove, M., 137 ; Aubrey, H. R., Taurauga, 567; dismissed, 560 137 ; Aylmer, J., 164; Barstow, R. C., 137 ; Visiting Justices appointed, Auckland, 350, 558 Beetham, R., 137,329; Bonar, A., 191; Brabant, Warders appointed, Auckland, 586 H. W.,137 ; Broad, C.,138 ; Brookfield, F. M. P., Public Accounts, statement for December quarter 1876, 262 137; Carew, E. H., 138; Crawford, J. C., 138 ; Public Buildings, Auckland, bank appointed for deposit of Fraser, W., 137 ; Friberg, B. E., 138 ; Fulton, J., moneys, 561, 584 138; Giles, J., 137; Guinness, F., 138; Hard- Railway Wharf, Auckland, approved as landing quay, 430 castle; E., 180; Harsant, W., 137 ; Ingles, A. W., Regulation of Elections Act in force-Dedwood, 659 ; 138; Jackson, T., 137: Kenny, IT. E., 138; Ponsonbv, 659 Lee, E. J., 138; Locke, S., 585 ; McCulloch, H., Resident Magistrates' Courts- 138; Mair, W. G}., 137 ; Mansford, T. A., 138; Courts constituted for ridings of counties, Rodney, Mellish , G. L., 164; Muller, S. L., 138; Murdoch, 671 J. W., 138; Nesbitt, W. K., 137; Ormond, F. Courts reconstituted, Poverty Bay and Waiapu, 541 F., 137; Parker, T. W., 138; Preece, G. A., 164; Extended civil jurisdiction, Maketu, 581 II INDEX. Auckland Provincial District-continued. Cattle Inspectors " Reports -Auckland, 397 ; Hawke's bay, Revising Officers-Electoral districts appointed, Auckland 398; Nelson , 398, 446 districts, 350 ; East Coast, 350 Civil
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