Your College news source eutan / on tifc toH«j* sommuttUg Ut ofrtt I if tv i i September 17,1990 William Paterson College Vol. 57 No. 8 t ! Speert and committee Student brawl causes find new vice president indefinite pub closure of Academic Affairs Fighting involves 100 participants and spectator] BY BRAD WEISBERGER frontation began other football two groups together," Baccoll EDITOR-IN-CHIEF players or friends joined in the said. Baccollo added that thu fray. far, Bob Dowd, president of th According to an emergen- Two females who were ac- WPC chapter of TKE, has ac- cy room worker at Wayne Gen- companying the TKEs then ran ed in a responsible manner n- eral Hospital, 16 people were into the pub and explained to garding WPC's attempt to ful> treated last Wednesday for in- other fraternity members that investigate the matter. juries including concussion, their "brothers" were involved "Disciplinary actions wll ! cut-eye and lacerations as a re- in a fight, at which time a large be taken when all responsible sult of a brawl primarily be- number of people left the pub parties are identified," Baccoo tween members of Tau Kappa and became involved in the dis- said. Criminal charges will Dt Epsilon (TKE) and football turbance. be filed by the college as tSs players involving what the can only be done by the victn "The Campus Police ar- WPC Campus Police report es- of a crime, he said. timated to include "100 partici- rived about 20 minutes after the fight had started. Before police At present, a m oratorim pants and spectators." has been put on all pub acui- The disturbance is be- had arrived, most of the fight- ing had stopped and people ties until all the participant; in lieved to have begun when the incident have been idcti- racial slurs were exchanged be- were trying to talk." w ficd, Baccollo said, adding lat tween two groups of students at Student Director Tom \ \ \ Crews called Campus Police the college needs to tak- a Billy Pat's Pub. Dominic Bac- close look at its alcohol pli- collo, dean of students, said he immediately after he became aware of the incident. Police cies. suspects the cause of the inci- "We know that many icis dent is not a racial incident but arrived on scene several min- utes after the call, he added. of hostility are the resul of really a manifestation of on- people not being-in control es- BY GIOVANNA CICILLINI ginning as an assistant profes- Members of the football : going animosity between mem- pecially involving the false na- II: NEWS CONTRIBUTOR sor of Ai'ro-American studies team could not be reached to bers of the Greek system and cho postures thai individals in 1972, she became a full pro- the football team. Baccollo cit- confirm or deny the accuracy if Eleanor Jane Smith, dean fessor 10 years later. In 1983, or sequence of the events on take when they are druik," ed a fight between Greek mem- Baccollo said. of Institutional Affairs at Smith after scr-ing as assistant senioi bers and football players that Wednesday evening. Citing the remarks ofanc College, has been named vice vice president and provost and occurred last spring as evi- student questioned, Bacollc president of Academic Affairs director of summer sessions, dence of continuing hostilities DISCIPLINARY ACTION suggested another potcuia! and provost of WPC. She will she was named associate senioi between the groups. vice president and in 1985 be- At present, no charges cause of the conflict assume her new position on Although the initial ex- October 1. came vice provost for faculty have been filed, however, a "The incident maynoi change occurred indde the pub, friend and "big brother" of an have been about Greeks oidif- Smith took over a newly and academic affairs. the conflict relocated outside injured TKE member said as- fercnt races fighting each cher created position at Smith Col- A consultant to corpora- the Student Center in Calcwsll sault charges will be filed. "We but merely drunks fighinj; lege in September 1988 in tions, government agencies, Plaza. The crowd was dis- will be working to bring the drunks," he said. which she supervised 10 de- municipalities, universities, persed by WPC Campus Police partments which had previous- colleges and public school sys- with the aid of Wayne police, ly reported to the president and tems, Smith has also lectured who responded to the backup Beacon Index the dean of the faculty. Her re- and written numerous articles call with four vehicles includ- sponsibilities included enroll- about the history and experi- ing one police van. ment management, strategic ences of African-Americans, According to WPC Foun- planning, space utilization, particularly women. In 1972, dation employees it is believed What's inside campus computing and com- she wrote an original historical that the victims of the racial munications, the architecture presentation titled "Black Her- slurs proceeded to the Towers and building committee and itage: History, Music and to gather friends, presumably long- and short-range planning Dance," which has been per- other football players, to retali- Q News 1-9 for special needs. formed in many places. ate. They then waited outside "Dr. Smith was chosen Smith is the founder and the Student Center making re- • Op/Ed 10,11 through a very competitive director of the Afrikan Ameri- marks to anyone wearing a • Leisure 12-15 search," said President Arnold can Institute, Inc. and was co- Greek jacket in an effort to Speert. "She exhibits the dy- founder and co-director of the draw out the originator of the • Sports 16-20 namism, experience and aca- National Association of Black slurs. demic leadership we seek, and Women Historians. She has Witnesses to the incident claim that when the two TKEs I eagerly await her arrival on traveled extensively throughout Look for Police Beat involved in the verbal ex- campus." the world. In 1985, she went to change came outside, they bimonthly in Prior to her experience at China to study the lives of Chi- nese women and later that year were attacked by four students Smith College, WPC's new of whom at least two were the News section! vice president was a professor traveled to Nairobi, Kenya for the United Nations forum, End football players. It is also be- and administrator at the Uni- lieved sometime after the con- versity of Cincinnati. After be- SEE SMITH, PAGE 9 1—- JThe Beacon September 17,1990 The Beacon September 17,1990 \ iNZWS 3 2 CAMPUS EVENTS* Rita Manas appointed new Bill statement defines out and study the world's Minority Education director state tax contribution being planned now. Call Sister Veteran's Association—Orga- MONDAY WEDNESDAY "best-seller" in our dynamic nizational meeting at 6 p.m. in BY FELIPE ROSARIO grams are a few of the many ef- served as an educational coun- Betty Ann at 595-6184 for ex- NEWS CONTRIBUTOR • forts that the Office of Minority Tuition matched by state cbllars Special Education Bible studies. 9:30 a.m., 11 Student Center 213. If you are selor for ASPIRA Inc. of New act dates and times. Education is making to recruit Dye, who iniiated the Greek Week Club Club—First club meeting at a.m., 12:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. in interested and cannot attend Jersey and the Upward Bound BY SANDRA SCHWEDHELN Rita Manas has been ap- and maintain minority students. statement in coopeation with Fair—Come check out the 2:30 p.m. in Student Center Student Center room 302. Call contact Barbara Milne, Matel- program. NEWS CONTRIBUTOR pointed director of the Office Manas, who received her Lou Rivela, a menber of the Greek organizations in front of TUESDAY rooms 324 and 325. All special Ken at 423-2737 for more in- son 106,595-2491. Manas has an M.A. in of Minority Education at WPC. Ph.D. in contemporary Latin- College Senate, sad that the the Student Center (facing education members attend. For formation. Spanish from Seton Hall and a As a result of the efforts of Wayne Hall) from 11 a.m. to This newly created position American literature from Rut- B.A. in Spanish/secondary edu- the 1989-90 Executive Com- purpose of the statenent, which Greek Senate presents a magi- further information call Dr. Phi Kappa Tau Fraterni- makes Manas responsible for 3:30 p.m. For more informa- Community Health Educa- gers University, was a student cation from Kean College. She mittee of the College Senate, is to be included ot all future cian in Billy Pat's Pub at 8 p.m. Hayes at 595-3087 or Rachelle ty—Rush meetings on Mon., academic supportive services tion, call the Greek Senate at tion Club—Get involved! All development specialist with the is also a member of Kappa WPC tuition bills for the fall WPC tuition bills is "to inform Half-hour walk-around show, at 335-8972. Sept 24 and Tues., Oct 2 at 7 like the mentor/mentee pro- 595-2063. community health ed. majors p.m. in Wayne Hall 215. Educational Opportunity Fund Delta Pi Honor Society and is semester included statements students that the cot of educa- half-hour show. $1 admission. gram and leadership training (EOF) program at Fairleigh designed to inform students of tion at WPC is jus as expen- Strategic Gaming Organiza- welcome. Nomination of offi- affiliated with the American Donations to go to AIDS re- for minority student organiza- Dickinson University. She was Association of Teachers of the actual costs of education in sive as that of a prrate college Creative Source Dance En- tion—General membership cers, discussion of future semble—First meeting at 2 search.
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