GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD PARYAVARAN BHAVAN Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar 382 010 Phone (079)23222425 (079) 23232152 Fax (079)23232156 Website wwwgpcb.gov.in BY RPAD AMENDMENT OF CONSENT TO ESTABLISH(CTEI No.PC/CCA-AMR-13(7)/GPCB1014808/ Date: TO, JMJS GUJARATPIPAVAVPORTLTD,,(10·14808) PLOTNO,42-A,740,111,112,113, VILLAGE·RAMPARA·2,POST-UCHHAIYA,VIARAJULA, UCHHAIYA·36S560, TA·RAJULA, DIST·AMRELI. Sub: - Amendment in Consent to Establish (eTE). Ref: - 1. This Board has issued CTE-47153 vide letter No: GPCB/CCA-AMR-13(7)/IO- 14808/115982, Oale-22/06/2012. 2. This Board has issued CCA No. AWH-65810 vide letter No: GPCB/CCA-AMR- 13(8)/10-14808/230750,Oa'e-17/11/14. 3. eTE Amendment Application Inward No: 115911 dated: 02/02/2017. Sir, 1. The CTEissued vide letter GPCB(CCA-AMR-13(7)(ID-14808(115982, Dale-22(06(2012 is amended as under. 2. The validity of the Consent to Establish shall be up to 30/04/2022 for loading, unloading, movement transits, storage of cargo and dispatch of cargo, receiving, storage, handling of finished vehicle RO RO cargos, washing, loading of finished vehicles RO RO cargos onto vessel as per following items. Sr. Item Capacity per Annum Proposed Total Quantity No, (As per CTE issued on per Annum 22(6(12) I 4 MilLION TEU5 4 MilLION TEU5 26 MilLION TON 26 MILLION TON 6MILLION TON 6MILLION TON LPG,lNG I ~~-_ .._-- 4 0.75Miliion O.75Miliion Page 1 of2 OutwardClean No:411575,05/05/2017 Gujarat Green Gujaral' ISO-9001-2C08 & ISO-' 4001 - 2004 Certi!iec OrganisaMn SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICCONDITIONS: ~ You shall comply with all the condition mentioned in the Environment Clearance and CRZ Clearance issued vide letter dated 05/06/2012, 18/02/2014 & 30/03/2015, » You shall have to obtain ECfor the proposed activity (if any) falls under EIA notification. 3. CONDITIONS UNDER WATER ACT 1974: 1. As th"ls is a Port facility the discharge of industrial effluent from the 'Industrial activity shall NIL. 2. The quantity of the domestic waste water (Sewage) shall be 1000 KL!Day. 4. The other conditions of the eTE issued vide letter No: GPCBjCCA-AMR-13(7)jlD- 14808/115982, Date-22/06/2012 shall be remain unchanged. For and on behalf of Gujarat Pollution Control Board, (CHIRAG BHIMANI) UNIT HEAD Page 2 of2 Outward No:411575,05/05/2017 F.N0.11-91/2009- IA.III Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (IA.III division) Indira ParyavaranBhavan Jorbagh Road, New Delhi-ll0003 Dated: 30th March, 2015 To M/s.Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd. Empire Industries Complex, Senapati Bapat Road, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai-400 013. Subject: Speaking Order w.r.to Environmental and CRZ Clearance for proposed expansion and modernization of Pipavav Port, Taluka Rajula, district-Amreli by Mis Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd.-Reg. Sir, This has reference to the order of Hon'ble NGT dated 17.11.2014 wherein, Hon'ble NGT ordered as follows: (i) The MoEF shall reconsider appraisal process in the light of paragraphs 41 and 43 of the Judgment rendered in Appeal No.47 of2012, passed by the National Green Tribunal (PB), New Delhi, in the present matter and comply with the directions, particularly, indicating reappraisal process by substantial methodology by considering the issues raised in this context by the Appellant, of course, shorn of the issues unconcerned with environment, which may be deleted after taking legal advice and "objective appraisal" shall be conducted in respect of all the environmental issues. (ii) The Authorities - Environment Appraisal Committee (EAC) and Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), shall pass "speaking orders" giving reasons either for recommendation/non-recommendation of approval or rejection, whatsoever it may be, in support of AppraisallEC, done on reconsideration of the issues/o bjections. (iii) The work done at Pipavav Port, cannot be redone at this juncture, but the responsible officer of GPCB, may pay site visit and examine the loco and prepare a report of site visit afresh, as well as site visits of EAC, may be placed on record, which are indicated in the affidavit of MoEF and if no such visits are in existence, then such clarification be made without any hesitation in the order, which is contemplated. 2. Earlier, the proposal was for expansion and modernization plan of Pipavav Port for following items: 1. Construction of berth number 5 and Approach Bridge (joining berth no 4 and LPG berth)- Phase- 1. 1 2. Filling of guide bund of existing LPG berth for container yard Phase-I. 3. Extension of berth no-I towards southwest by 110 meters - Phase-I. 4. Relocation of LPG berth and construction of guide bund - Phase-I. 5. Construction of Liquid berth and guide bund Phase-I. 6. Joining of Berth number 5 with LPG and Liquid berth for creating container berth (phase-2). 7. Filling of guide bund behind LPG and Liquid berth (Phase-2). 8. Relocation of LPG berth and construction of guide bund Phase-I. 9. Construction of liquid berth and guide bund Phase-2. 10. Construction of coal yard and other bulk storage yard. 11. Construction of containers yard (Within and outside CRZ) 12. Construction of warehouses (Outside CRZ area). 13. Construction of rail sliding (Outside CRZ area). 14. Construction of closed conveyor for transport of coal (Within and outside CRZ). 15. Construction of first aid station and employees rest room. 16. Construction of road. 17. Construction of residential colony for employees (Outside CRZ). 18. Dredging (Capital and maintenance). rd 3. The project was examined by the EAC in its meeting held on 23 - 24th November, 2009 which finalized the ToRs including conduct of Public Hearing. The Public hearing was conducted on 12.05.2011 within the Port. Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority has recommended the project vide letter No. ENV-10-2011-997-E dated 18.01.2012. 4. The Proposal was appraised during 110th EAC meeting on 5th_ih March, 2012 as per prescribed procedure in the light of provisions under the EIA Notification-2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 2011 on the basis of the mandatory documents enclosed with the application viz, the Questionnaire, recommendation of the State Coastal Zone Authority, EIA, EMP and the additional clarifications furnished in response to the observations of the EAC. The EAC in its meeting held on 5th _7th March, 2012 recommended for grant of Environmental and CRZ clearance. Accordingly, the Environmental and CRZ clearance was granted on 05.06.2012. 5. The Environmental and CRZ clearance was challenged before the NGT stating that the proposed expansion will adversely affect Mangroves forest, migrating birds etc. NOT partly allowed the appeal and ordered to keep the clearance in abeyance for six months and matter was remitted to the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)f or reconsideration of appraisal. 6. Accordingly, the reappraisal of the project in compliance with the order of Hon'ble NOT was done by the EAC in its 126th meeting held on 19th_21stSeptember, 2013. The project proponent presented the response to the issues raised before the NOT. The EAC examined the responses especially with respect to coal dust and its control, amenities for Shiyalbet, road access etc. After examining the details submitted and presented by the proponent, the EAC sought the information on the issues raised, NOT observations, empirical evidence for or against the issue, details of the problem of inhabitants of shiyalbet and relief measures proposed, report from Regional Office on the compliance of earlier conditions, report of the PCB on the compliance of consent orders and details of satellite imagery to prove mangroves have not been destroyed. 2 7. Project Proponent (PP) presented requisite information to the Committee at its 127th meeting held on 28th_30th October, 2013. After deliberation, the Committee noted the following: (i) The coal shall be stored only in designated stock yard with the dust control measures viz. wind screen of minimum 2 ft above the height of coal stock, made of fabriclHDPE, water sprinkler, green belt of at least three layers of suitable trees and scrubs. Use of creepers should also be explored in consultation with the Forest Department (ii) It was noted that the coal is lifted from the ships by crane, dropped into the hoppers, and conveyed through closed conveyor to the coal stock yard. The conveyor is seamless without joints/transfer points. (iii) It is noted from the photographs presented by the Project Proponent that though three layers of plantation have been provided at the stock yard, there are some gaps between the trees. Project Proponent shall provide additional plantation at the gaps to enhance proper filter screen. (iv) Project Proponent has provided free bus transport to/from the port's main gate to the Shiyalbet jetty for transporting the residents from the jetty. They stated that they are bound by security instruction DG Shipping for safety which vary according to threat perception. The landing jetty for the mooring of ferry crafts which facilitates transport of Shiyalbet islanders to/ from the Shiyalbet island is being upgraded. However, the Shiyalpet residents are not willing to use the port bus service and insist on usage motorised tri vehicles on hire and are not co- operating for security check which is required as per guidelines of DG Shipping issued pursuant to International Ship and Port facility Security Code and other security instructions for compliance by all ports in India in order to ensure security. (v) The Committee suggested that the PP should carry out a survey of the traffic movement of Shiyalbet island residents and consider enhancement of bus services during peak hours of traffic.
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