Looking at metropolitan areas as Laboratories of metropolitan governance Viviana Rubbo Metrex Bernd Steinacher Fellowship 2016-2018 1 This research is the results of conversations, meetings and talks which took place in several occasions and places in Europe, starting from the METREX conferences in Stockholm (June 2017), Helsinki (Oct 2017) and San Sebastian (June 2018) but also during interviews (in Rome, Naples, Bologna), skype and conference calls (Lyon, Prague, Milan). Therefore I am very grateful to all the people who have devoted their time and shared their thoughts on the present challenges faced by their governments in this particular moment of metropolitan transition. A heartfelt thanks for the precious contribution to: Hannu Pettila (Vantaa), Elettra Malossi (Regione Emilia-Romagna), Silvia Grassi (Regione Emilia-Romagna), Alessandro Delpiano (Città metropolitana di Bologna), Claudio Tolomelli (previously at the Regione Emilia-Ro- magna, currently retired), Francesco Tentoni (Città metropolitana di Bologna), Giacomo Ariete (Città metropolitana di Napoli), Valeria Vanella (Città metropolitana di Napoli), Maria Vottari (Città metropolitana di Napoli), Massimo del Vasto (Città metropolitana di Napoli), Bartolo Cassaglia (Comune di Napoli), Franco Sacchi (Centro ricerche PIM), Elena Corsi (Centro ricerche PIM), Pietro Rubellini (former Director at the Città metropolitana di Firenze and currently Executive Director at the Comune di Firenze), Nadia Bellomo (Città metropolitana di Firenze), Deborah Galimberti (Science PO Lyon), Véronique Pélot (Ur- baLyon), Bruno Coudret (Lyon Métropole), Sebastien Rolland (UrbaLyon), Xavier Rolland (UrbaLyon), Agnès Goux (Pôle Métropolitain de Lyon), Isabella Susi Botto (Città metropol- itana di Milano), Carmine Pacente (Città metropolitana di Milano), Jaromir Hainc (IPR Prague), Věslav Michalik (Municipality of Dolní Břežany), Kristina Kleinwächterová (IPR Prague), Ondrej Kubicek (IPR Prague), Ilona Mansikka (Uusimaa Regional Council), Merja Vikman-Kanerva (Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council), Irma Karjalainen (Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority - HSY). A special thanks to the experts for their critical comments and support along the way: Valter Vitali (Director Urban@it), Roberto Medda e Enrico Guarnieri (Osservatorio sulle cit- tà metropolitane - Urban@it), Massimo Allulli (ANCI), Anna Prat (Comune di Milano), Paul Gerretsen (Deltametropool Association), Joost Schrijnen (Spatial Management consul- tant), Jaap Modder (senior urban planner), Rob Groeneweg (MRDH Metropolitan region), Dagmar Keim (City of Amsterdam), Giovanni Vetritto (Italian Government Administra- tion), Antonio Calafati (Academy of Architecture, USI) The research works refer to data collected until July 2018. 2 3 Models of metropolitan and regional governance Seeking the factors that create the conditions for successful models/systems of metropolitan and regional governance. This proposal has been formulated in the framework of the METREX Bernd Steinacher Fellowship for the Biennium 2016-2018. Although an integral part of a two-year collaboration, the research project was launched in the first half of 2017 and results has been shared with the METREX members during the Autumn conference held in Brussels on 11-12 October 2018. The aim of the research Adopting the approach of the metropolitan antenna, this research looks at a selection of cases both Italian and International, with the aim to raise common questions and reflections leading to solid learning-and-knowledge exchange-based actions. On the one hand, it wants to provide the existent METREX network with more opportunities for cooperation and dialogue with other cities and organizations in Italy and in Europe, producing exhaustive materials on today’s metropolitan challenges. On the other hand, those interactions offer insights and a widened perspective on the European metropolitan dynamics in place. By producing a reference framework for current metropolitan practices, the main goal of the antenna is to support the idea of a joined thinking to understand, address and optimize today’s governance systems. How does the Metropolitan dimension take form in the metropolitan regional structures? How is the authority established, in relation to cities, city-regions, provinces and central government? What is their position: independent authority, representative authority (linked to cities), democratic legitimation, etc? What is the role? What is the metropolitan narrative and who is in charge of it? Through a series of interviews and informal talks with a wide range of actors and stakehol- ders, this research aims to understand what are the models and the mechanisms of metropo- litan governance in place and how do they work. 4 Concerning the Italian cases, this work wants to examine the role of the città metropolitane as drivers of metropolitan governance and understand if their creation has strengthened and given recognition to the metropolitan processes that were already in place and, if yes, how? Questions will look at: what kind of cooperation and alliances between Metropolitan Cities (in this research indicated as MC) and the municipalities do exist? And what are the relations between the municipalities in this new setting? Have they changed? Which competences have been shifted to the metropolitan level? Which types of relations between the MC and the surrounding territories? And between the municipalities, the MC and the region? What kind of cooperation or relationship between the MC and the other institutions (Region and State)? Can we talk about inter-metropolitan cooperation between the Metropolitan Cities ? And what kind of relations exist between the MC and the surroundings non-metropolitan territories? At the European level, different metropolitan governance structures will be analyzed with the aim to understand what are those elements that can impact on the governance policy, trying to collect interesting experiences of governance (more or less successful) at the me- tropolitan level, from which we can learn. How does the funding system work: where does the money come from and who does use it? For which reason we need to make cooperation? What is a successful criterion for cooperation? Is the political agree fundamental to have cooperation? The set of cases include the città metropolitane of Bologna, Florence, Naples and Milan and the European Lyon Métropole, Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Prague Metropo­ litan Area. The research looks at those cases from different thematic perspectives, trying to question the role of the metropolitan areas and regions as drivers of metropolitan governance. What are the current policy questions locally rooted? What are the problems and the opportunities at the operational level while implementing the metropolitan agenda? The Italian città metropolitane are very different from many points of view. They have different dimensions, different forms of urban aggregations, different population, business density and distribution, different infrastructural capacity, different political history and background. Along with all these differences, each metropolitan entity has chosen its own approach when adopting the Law 56/2014 and has taken its own path seeking the most suitable governance model. 5 Why these cases have been selected? The selected cases have peculiarities in terms of solutions explored, historical experience or dimension of the challenges to which they are confronted and for this reason they can give a contribution in the analysis of the policy questions raised at the metropolitan scale. The Metropolitan City of Bologna is a federation of Municipalities and Unions, thanks to a model of shared administration that has already a long history in this region. Bottom-up voluntary processes of territorial and institutional integration are promoted by an active Regional legislative framework, which includes the financial support to mergers, Unions and models of shared management of functions related to territorial and socio-economic policies. This model makes possible to aggregate the territories around a common metropolitan interest, therefore the research has analyzed what is the role of the unions and whether this federation of territories contribute to the creation of conditions for consolidating a metropolitan governance system. In the Metropolitan City of Florence, the place of the citizens in the metropolitan construction has been discussed. Also in this case, inter-territorial cooperation (in particular with the Metropolitan City of Bologna) are currently being implemented, showing an effort to create territorial metropolitan alliances that can have great impact on the governance of the metropolitan project. Then we looked at one of the biggest and most dense urban system in Europe with the case of Naples. Which relationships the Metropolitan City has established with the muni- cipalities, the capital city and the neighboring territories? What are the struggles to which the metropolitan entity is confronted? Milan is again another European metropolitan urban system. The Metropolitan City has chosen to invest on the "metropolitan welfare and urban regeneration" as drivers towards a new territorial governance model and consequently for the implementation of the me- tropolitan scale. At the European level, talks with representatives of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area have helped to draw a picture of the debate on the reform of the governance system, while in France, Lyon Métropole is dealing with challenges
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