Cl)e ;Palestine #a?ette No. 1506 THURSDAY, 18TH JULY, 1946 665 CONTENTS Page ORDINANCES CONFIRMED Confirmation of Ordinances Nqs. 3 and 4 of 1946 - - - - 667 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Notice to Citrus Growers and Exporters - - - - 667 Notice regarding Travelling Facilities to Italy for British Subjects and British Pro­ tected Subjects - - - - - - 667 Chief Magistrates appointed to act as Relieving Presidents of District Courts - 667 ־ - Registrar appointed to act as Judge of the District Court - 667 Leave of Government Officers—Approval of - - - - 668 Appointments, etc. ggg ־ - - - Medical Licences granted 669 Dentists' Licences granted - - - - - 669 Midwives' Licences granted - - - - - 669 ־ - - - Pharmacists' Licences granted - 669 . Cessation of Issue and Sale of Palestine 3% Defence Bonds and Savings Certificates - 669 . Adjudication of Contracts - - - - 669 Government Counterfoil Receipts lost - - - - 670 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - ..... - - ..... - 670 Citation Orders - - - - - - 670 •RETURNS Abstract of Estimates, 1945/46, of the Local Council of Benei Beraq - - 676 ! Persons changing their Names - - - - - ,: 677 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - - 679 Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - ^ - 679 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, COMPANIES, ETC. - - 679 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Order under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, prescribing the Maximum Aggregate Number of Immigration Certificates that may be granted during the Period from 15th July, 1946, to the 14th August, 1946 - - - 907 Notice under the Department of Labour Ordinance, 1943, appointing a Person to be an Inspector for the Purpose of the Ordinance - 907 Notice under the Cinematograph Films Ordinance, nominating an Administrative As­ sistant, in place of an Assistant Secretary, to be a Member of the Censorship Board 907 . Order under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, amending a Vesting Order 908 . Hebron Municipal Commission (Authorisation of Loan) Order, 1946, under the Muni­ cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - - - 908 Order No. 16 of 1946, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, fixing the Limits of ־ - the Emek Hepher Town Planning Area - - 909 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Panel­ ־ - lation Scheme within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - 910 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of the Natha- nya Outline Town Planning Scheme (Modification 1945) - - - 911 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Detailed Scheme within the Haifa Town Planning Area - - - 927 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to modify a Detailed Scheme, and to put into Force Detailed Schemes, respectively, within the Haifa Town Planning Area - - - - - 928 (Continued) PRICE: 115 MILS. CONTENTS. {Continued) Notices of De-Requisition of certain Lands by a Competent Authority, under the De­ fence Regulations, 1939 - 929 Notices under the Press Ordinance, regarding Cancellation of a Permit for Publica­ tion of a Newspaper, and Changes in a Permit for Publication of a Newspaper, respectively - - - - - 931 Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting Permits to keep Printing Presses - 931 Notice under the Post Office Ordinance, fixing Rates to be charged in respect of certain Services - • - - - 932 Notice under the Land Registers Ordinance, 1944, regarding Destruction of Entries in Land Registers in respect of certain Lands - - - - 933 Order under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, 1945, revoking to a certain Extent Orders whereby Localities in the Sub-Districts of Haifa and Tulkarm were declared to be Infected Areas on account of the Existence of Foot-and-Mouth Disease therein - 935 Notice under the Prisons Ordinance, 1946, appointing Inspectors to exercise Powers of Superior Prison Officers - - - - 936 Notice under the Education Ordinance, registering a School as a "Public School" - 936 Defence (Control of Sale of Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Spare Parts) (Revocation) Order, 1946, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - - - 936 Defence (Control of Macaroni) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1946, under the Defence Re­ gulations, 1939 - - - - - - 936 Food Control (Maximum Prices for Milk Powder) (Amendment) Order, 1946, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 937 Food Control (Cheese) (Manufacture and Maximum Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1946, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - 937 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, prescribing the Date for Holding of Elections for Councillors for the Municipal Corporation of Acre - 938 Directions under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance to the Director of Public Works to remove certain Structures erected in contravention of certain Orders - 938 Courts Vacation Rules (No. 2), 1946, under the Courts Ordinance - - 939 Courts Vacation Order (No. 2), 1946, under the Courts Ordinance - - - 939 ^ Port of Haifa (Lighterage and Porterage) Rules, 1946, under the Ports Ordinance - 940 Port of Haifa (Tariff for Certain Services) Order, 1946, under the Ports Ordinance - 944 Port of Jaffa (Lighterage and Porterage) Rules, 1946, under the Ports Ordinance • . • - 948 ־ Port of Jaffa (Tariff for Certain Services) Order, 1946, under the Ports Ordinance 952 Ports (Shipping Agents) Order, 1946, under the Ports Ordinance - - 956 , Order under the Press Ordinance, suspending the Publication of a Newspaper - 958 SUPPLEMENT No. 3.. BILLS PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION Citrus Marketing Bill, 1946 - - - - - 83 Provident Fund (Amendment) Bill, 1946 - - - - 94 18th July, 1946 667 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. I.. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance, in respect of Ordinance No. 3 of 1946, intitled "Prisons Ordinance, 1946". 13th-July, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (OP/63/45) Chief Secretary. 11• The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance! in respect of Ordinance No. 4 of 1946, entitled "Police Ordinance, 1946". 13th July, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (OP/63/45) Chief Secretary. NOTICE TO CITRUS GROWERS AND EXPORTERS. CITRUS MARKETING SCHEME FOR 1946/47 SEASON. It is hereby notified that under the Citrus Marketing Ordinance, 1946, which embodies a re• vised Marketing Scheme for the 1946/47 crop and• which is published as a Bill in Supplement No. 3 to this Gazette, no person will be permitted to export, or to sell to His Majesty's Forces for export, any shamuti oranges, valencia oranges, grapefruit or lemons, unless and until he has been finally approved as a citrus exporter for the 1946/47 season by the Citrus Marketing Board at its discretion, and no citrus grower will be entitled to participate in any such ex• port or sale unless and until he is linked to a citrus exporter finally approved as such by the Board. No person wishing to act as a citrus exporter may enter into any linking agreement with any grower unless and until he has obtained in writing the provisional approval of the Board as a citrus exporter, which approval may be granted or refused by the Board at its discretion. An application for such provisional approval will be considered by the Board only if it is submitted to the Board on a special form obtained at the offices of the Board and not later than within three days from the date when the said draft Ordinance comes into force. The said draft Ordinance is likely to come into force very soon, and therefore intending citrus exporters are strongly advised to submit their applications for provisional approval by the Citrus Market• ing Board immediately on publication of this present notice. Special forms to be used for submitting such applications are available free of charge at the office of the Board, Hinawi Building, Jaffa—Tel Aviv Road, Jaffa. NOTICE. British subjects and British protected subjects including Palestinian citizens do not require visas for Italy if they propose to proceed to that territory in direct transit. Travellers in this category should be in possession of visas and rail or air, or steamship tickets to the country of final destination beyond Italy. 2. British subjects and British protected subjects, including Palestinian citizens, who propose to visit Italy on business or for urgent personal affairs, should make application for a visa at the sub-office of the Department of Migration in the district of residence. 3. All other nationals should make application for visas for Italy through their Consular Officers in Palestine or in the Middle East, or in the last resort should apply direct to the Ufficio Stranieri, Minutero degli A ffari Esteri, Rome. 4. Nationals whose countries are not represented in the Middle East by a Consular Officer, and persons who are stateless should submit their applications for visas for Italy to the Ufficio Stranieri, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Rome, direct. (1/270/45) NOTICES. I. It is hereby notified for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(«) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has ap• pointed the following Chief Magistrates to act as Relieving Presidents of District Courts from the 10th to the 28th July, 1946, both dates inclusive. Mr. C. C. Ross Mr. M. R. F. Rogers. 11th July, 1946. P. G. DICKINSON (Gaz/5/40) Acting Chief
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