Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1948 The olC lege News, 1948-06-01, Vol. 34, No. 25 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1948-06-01, Vol. 34, No. 25 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1948). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/786 For more information, please contact [email protected]. � - • VOL. XLIV, NO. 25 C •• ;'I'I. .. , Tr... _ .f ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 1,1948 BI',. lis... O'u ...... tI PRICE 10 CE NTS Harriet Walden Ward Wins European Fellowship --------------�------------------.--------- Carol Montgomery McGovern Eighte-tn Mem,be.rs of '98 Clas8 BM Fund 194-6Return For F,ftleth Annwersary. NamedAlternate for Politics Work -------- To M. '$0 E. McClure Receives By Emily 1898wn d, EI.ie Andrew. gave the cl.�. a FeUowship for Study Approaches• End luncheon In memory of'98, her sister The Class of held it. fifty- who was a member of and Mr. In England 1 000year 18reunion this last week-we�end 11 Bancroft and his daughter'�rs. gave a W th $1 600 and memben of the clall . , , tea in memory of Ban�roft, able to attend; are plannlne to Goodhart,June I.-Harriet Wal­ Donations to Continue who was Class PreSident unhl ber march in the Commencement pro- den Ward was named by Preildent1948 death in March of t�is year. Throughont Winter; cession. Distinguished members of McBride as the wl�er ot the 83rd Mrs. John J. Boerlcke, who man­ the clan who eame to the reunion European Fellowship, at the For Chairs aged the reunion, was pleased'98. at were Marion Edwards Park and • t:ommencement exercisea here to· 1946- the number of members of who Alice Gannett.'98 Highlights;f the day. This scholarship. the highest Bryn came to the affair. Grace Park The 'Mawr$1, 600,000Fund week-end for were the filets undergraduate honor the college Wright came. back from a trip $200,00haa now0,00 reached0 of its mignon served at the Claaa Dinner givea. goes to Misa Ward for ber abroad with her daughter juat to work in English. Carol Montgom­ be goal. This money will Saturday night and the picnic at __ attend it, and other members came ery McGovern waa named as alter­ used towards faculty salariea. Wyndham, Su;day. On Monday, I from as far 8S Cleveland and Port- nate to Miss Ward for her work building Improvements, and to- D ept.o f E ngI' IS h land. At the Alumnae Dinner on in Politica. bewards endowments. Donations will Sunday, Mias Park gave a speech Elizabeth Anne McClure waa representing the class, and Mias 1948�49..ccepted throughout the winter Names S talli ngs granted the new fellowship for Gannett was toastmistress at the study in England. Mias McClure of Class Dinner.rlo received the new award for ber Now that the mUlion and a half Ex- For Essay PrlZ' e Ma n Edwarda Park work in History. mark is passed, Mrs. Manning, Miu Park, who was1922 President of BACHELOR OF ARTS «utive Director of the Drive. Bryn Mawr from until 1942. Biolo" Sylvia Stallings has been award- h ".- I·· HARRIET WALDEN WARD pointa out that it is especially dlf- II �n IVlng. since b er retlre- ed the M. Carey Thomas Ellay ment, at her home, Slowly Fields. ficult to ralae suma for endow� Prize. This prize is given by the Mary Ann Brady, of Pennsyl­ in Plymouth, MaSlachusetts. She Harriet Ward menta today. since moat founda� department of English to a senior W, vania. )'Iolda LLO degrees from Smith and Esther Esaayag�Benacerraf, of tiona prefer apecial projects. for distinction in writing. Sylvia Mount Holyoke, is on the Board of the Plans to Co ntinue New York. There are certain partswill of submitted a paper on a group of Truatees of Bryn Mawr, Radcliffe ddve prOollram which suffer poems. There were ten other en� Rosamond Kane, of New York. and Simmons CoUege. is second tries. Nelly Jane Keffer, of Pennsyl­ greatly from a deficit of funda. For vlce�preaident of the American As� Study in English vania. Cum laude with honon. instance, Mrs. Manning cited the In the past Sylvia has contrlb- soclation of Univenity Women and Anita Mol. of New Jersey. Ma,· faculty salaries. "We have to ask uted articles to Harpen and thla received the fourtb M. Carey Harriet Walden Ward, winner ot n. cum laude. alumnae and parents to feel it their spring won second prize in the Thomas1942- Award at her retirement the European Fellowship, is an Eeatherine Fanlta Reviel, of responaibility to ooropiete the en� Vogue Prix de Paris contest. In in du'l't'rnent for-<fac:U1t7 salariee in or­ English Major. She haa done hon­ New York. her freshman year she received Miss Gannett retired last year .der to maintain the high standard ors this year, the subjectII and of her the Sheelah Kilroy Memorial Schol� from her position as head of the Chemistry of faculty here," sl}e explained. paper being Richard I Mae­ $200,000 arship. As a freshman, she held Goodrich Settlement House, in About lurther is needed beth. Denny comel from Bedford Elizabeth Henderlon Bagley, of the Alice Day Jackson Scholarship 25Cleveland. which she had held for to complete thla part of the Fund. Hilla,New York, and was prepar­ Maryland. and the Anne Dunn (Brearley years; her retirement was mark­ The newly founded Rufus M. ed by the Westover School in Mid­ Sara Berman,of NewYork. Cu. School) Scholarship, and in her ed by "an enormous party," Mrs. Jones Chair of Philosophy and Re� dlebury, Connecticut.Wall laude. sophomore year she was holder of Boericke declared. Mrs. Boericke'98, ligion and the Theresa Helbum Denny awarded the Sheelah Ethelwyn Clark, of Pennsylvania. the James E. Rhoads Memorial also mentioned Alice Hood, chair are other important parts of Kilroy Memoria' Scholanbip in Cum laude.. Sophomore Seholarahip. In her with admiration: she is now spend­ the Fund prorram which will con� English lor advanced coursea1.. last Kathleen Holliday Jensen. of junior year, she held the James E. ing her time by taking a e.OUr&e in tinue through next winter. year,as well 8a the Marla East· lrlaryland. Rhoads Memorial Junior Scholar- astronomy at Columbia Univer­ Schena Chair man Brooke Hall Memorial Schol- Consuelo Houseworth Kuhn, of ship and in her senior year the sity. Most memben of the reun· According to the Bryn Mawr arahip for the highest average in New Jersey. Amelia Richards Memol'lal Schol- Ing clalll came in time for MilS .$125,College000 Fund Drive . office, the junior class. Alina Elisabeth Surmacka, of arship. McBride'sContlnwed luncheon, on Pac. on Saturday, !l 1907 Edltor-in- New York. Magna cum I.ude has been raised towards Sylvia has been editor of the Thi, year Denny wu of the College NEWS and as with honors. the Eunice Morgan Schenck Title and a member of the chorus. Chiel ot the Undergrad� Edith Ellen Woolever,laude. of Penn- Chair of French. This new chair 1948 such . member . was1907 .started when the Class of uate and College Council.. She sylvania.ClaMial Cum Archaeolon Class1948 oelkers I� hr D ISCUSSes· decided to change1907 its name has just been elected Permanent1948. The class of has elected from the Cills of Chair of Secretary of the Clan of Susan Brimmer Inches, of Mal- the following permanent of- French to the above, in MisS M a.th Pro bab'lit I Alternate: MeGover. sachusetts. Cuna laude. ficer.s: President, Ada Klein; Y Schenck's honor. Miss Schenck Carol <Montgomery McGovern. Elisabeth Washburn Young, of Secret a r y. Harriet Ward; was head of the French depart.­ alternate lor the European Fellow- Minnesota. Treasurer, Anna-Stina Ericson; In the final Sigma Xi lecture ment lor many yeara, a'll well a. ship. comes from EVanston,Illinois and Reunion Manager, Betty for tile11, year given on Tueaday, Economic. and Politic:. being the Dean ot the Graduate . and was prepared by tbe Woodrow EconOlll.lcl Coleman . .Please send all class May MillS Marguerite Lehr, School. Wilson High School In Weahington Lee _________ news to the secretary in Cornor. Alsociate Profenor of Matbe� D Jane Ettelson, of Pennayl­ ,�::0The: 0:OOO= goal. of the endowment is . C. A Politics Major. Carol 2 , � he tyble. of _ ��B= edf==O 'd= =Hil==Is = =N=ftW==Y=O ='k.== matics, discussedp' .P ' � � vania. Malna cum I.ude with ' � I wrote her honors paper on "Eli� = = I "Probability an d laUSI bil tism, the Rule ot the Select Few, honors. Statistics, in the sense of mathe- Harriman Gives·Out G, Recipe However Choaen." Barbara LeMay, of New York. I. matlcal theory useful for the Carol has held the George W. Evelyn Van Westerborg, of New analYtle of observation, presents InClass Day Speech at Taylor; Yeatman SCholarship fOi the past York. not only the difficulties i�herent two years. She waa Al6mnae1944.194.6. Re­ '50 In relating theory to practice. but PoUtiea I gion.1 Scholar from By Pat Nichol, driver on campus who was-:: faces .s well a difficulty rooted Scholar of the Wom194: n' Club of Margaret Ann B.iah, of PenD­ The toots of Ellen aarriman's "galanter" than ever. in the "non�mat:hcmatletan'ridea.
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