Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Jousma Hessel V3,P7 Judge Redmon V1,P27 Juffer Hendrik V2,P191 Jungblut Catherine V19,P1595 Jungslager Evert Willem B5,F2,P2409 Juninger Karl V18,P1358 Jusseryk Franz (Frank) V8,P201 Justian Vaclav B2,F1,P369 Justian Vaclav V16,P1009 V16,P1009 Juszenzyk Franz (Frank) V8,P201 Jwaszkiewicz Maria B3,F3,P1707 Kaashoek Adriaan V3,P392 Kadlec Ivan (John) B3,F1,P1808 Kadlec John B4,F1,P1829 B4,F1,P1829 Kadlec John B2,F1,P339 Kahle Gerhard Hinrich V1,P7 Kaiser Arnold B2,F2,P1479 Kaiser Belle V16,P1056 Kaiser Martin B2,F1,P120 Kaiser William V16,P1071 Kaisten Pieter Hannent V1,P17 Kajo Janos (John) B3,F1,P1744 Kalkman Krifn (Krogan) V8,P87 Kalkman Kryn V3,P594 Kallad Mohamed B3,F3,P17981 B3,F3,P1798 Kallad Mohammed B3,F1,P1818 Kallemaard Peter V1,P51 Kallewaard Peter V1,P51 Kalman Geert V5,P327 Kalman Kazimiera Stefka B4,F2,P2243 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 148 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kalman Sofie V19,P1597 Kalman Stanley B2,F2,P1595 Kalman Stanly V18,P1444 V18,P1444 Kalnins Janis Teodors B5,F2,P2317 Kalsbeck Willem V3,P257 Kalsbeek Johanens V3,P355 Kalsbeek Thomas V5,P303 Kalsbeek Thomas V3,P552 Kameraad Adrianus V3,P294 Kameraads Cornelis V3,P447 Kamerling Leendert V3,P581 Kamerlling Leendert V7,P199 Kamerman Hendrika B4,F1,P1862 Kamhoot Geraan V1,P9 Kamhoot Johannes V1,P10 Kamhoot Leendert V1,P10 Kammaraad Adriennus V2,P348 Kammeraad Adriannes V5,P243 Kammeraad Adrieanus V5,P357 Kammeraad Corneelus V7,P413 Kammeraad Frans V2,P193 Kamminga Sjoek V3,P436 Kamp Ite Bouw V1,P165 Kamp Roentje V2,P345 Kampen Andrias J. V3,P4 Kampen Anke V8,P231 Kampen Anke T. V3,P624 Kampen Frank V8,P235 Kampen Gerrit V2,P553 Kampen Hendrik V3,P302 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 149 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kampen Jakob V3,P151 Kampen Jan A. V3,P4 Kampen John A. V8,P233 Kampen John V4,P6 Kampens Gerrit V3,P278 Kamper Gerrit V6,P413 Kamperman H. G. V2,P514 Kamphouse E. V4,P40 Kamphuis Egge B1,F3,P281 Kamphuis Egge V13,P111 V13,P111 Kamphuis Gerrit Jr. V3,P110 Kamphuis Gerrit V3,P315 Kamphuis Gerrit V2,P170 Kamphuis Hendrik Jan V3,P517 Kamphuis Jakob V3,P431 Kamphuis Klaas (Nicholas) B2,F2,P1500 Kamphuis Klaas B2,F1,P359 Kamphuis Nicholas B1,F3,P468 Kamphuis Nicholas V18,P1246 V18,P1246 Kamphuis Roelf V8,P99 Kamphuis Roelof V3,P620 Kampman H. G. W.. V2,P90 Kamps Harm V5,P171 Kamps Harm V2,P386 Kamps Henrdikus R. V2,P399 Kamps John V5,P169 Kamps John V2,P484 Kamps Louis B3,F3,P1772 B3,F3,P1772 Kamps Louis (Lukas) B3,F1,P1732 Kamstra Jelle B2,F2,P1568 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 150 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kamstra Klaas B4,F2,P2014 Kamstra Oeds B4,F2,P2013 Kamstra Reinder V2,P310 Kan Otto G. V10,P42 Kan Otto G. V10,P6 V10,P6 Kan Otto G. V4,P50 Kanay Thomas V3,P168 Kane Peter W. V3,P136 Kanters Rekins V1,P381 Kapaan John V6,P109 Kapaan John V3,P562 Kappenburg Jacob V6,P153 Kappenburg Jacob V3,P564 Kaptein Gerthen V18,P1293 Kapteyn Cornelius Paulus V13,P4 V13,P4 Kapteyn Cornelus Paulus V12,P226 Kapteyn Willemina Jatina B2,F2,P1394 Karacun Andrew B3,F1,P1678 Karaczuk Andrey B3,F1,P1678 Karafa Steve V15,P907 V15,P907 Karafa Steve B2,F1,P35 Karbowski John B2,F2,P1443 Karell Joan Alys Watson B3,F3,P1780 Karlson Karl William V12,P21 V12,P21 Karlsons Andrejs B4,F2,P2194 Karlsons Maija B4,F2,P2195 Karlsons Martins B3,F1,P2005 Karmgard Mary Mrs. V16,P1046 Karsikas Sylvester George B3,F1,P1801 Karspen Gerrit Willem V2,P337 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 151 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Karssen John V6,P117 Karssen John V3,P561 Karsten Albert P. V3,P459 Karsten Andrdew M. V6,P369 Karsten Andrew M. V3,P436 Karsten Jan V7,P39 Karsten Pieter A. V7,P37 Karsten Pieter A. V3,P459 Kartensz Martin V3,P64 Kartering Derk V6,P99 Kartheny Martin V3,P460 Karvatsky Prokop B2,F2,P1417 Karvatsky Prokop (John) V16,P1047 V16,P1047 Karwacki Frances B5,F1,P38 Kary John B2,F1,P335 Kasarka Joe V13,P233 V13,P233 Kasprzak Henry B4,F1,P1935 Kasprzak Henry B3,F1,P1820 Kass Agnes B2,F2,P1490 Kass Agnes V17,P1215 V17,P1215 Kass John Jr. V12,P222 V12,P222 Kass John Jr. B1,F2,P75 Kassabian Mushan H. MD. V3,P634 Kassouf Hasip B1,F3,P467 Kassouf Hasip V14,P85 V14,P85 Kastely Miklos B4,F2,P2047 Kastely Victoria Kenneth B4,F2,P2048 Kasten August V12,P13 V12,P13 Kasten August B1,F2,P65 Kat Claas V3,P343 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 152 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kat Heeve J. V2,P268 Kat Jan V2,P268 Kat Okko V2,P409 Katarzyna Wajman B4,F1,P1995 Katerberg Arend B5,F2,P2285 Katerberg Elizabeth Vander Boon B4,F2,P2160 Katerberg Jan B5,F2,P2308 Katerberg Jannetje B5,F2,P2309 Katerberg Johannes B4,F2,P2161 Katros James B2,F2,P1619 Katros James V19,P1605 V19,P1605 Katt Harm O. V2,P410 Katte Adrian V1,P137 Katte Gerard V1,P134 Katz Henry B4,F1,P1935 Katz Ignaz B1,F2,P149 Kauffman John V2,P301 Kaufman George Otto B1,F3,P470 Kaufman George Otto V14,P224 V14,P224 Kay Robert B. M. V2,P150 Kearney Amos V1,P356 Kearney Frank E. V2,P52 Keays Charles H. V3,P37 Keep Egbert V2,P423 Keift Derk V2,P50 Keizer Andrew V3,P170 Keizer Jan V5,P223 Keizer Jan V3,P235 Keizer Marten B4,F1,P1823 Kelava Anna B2,F2,P1623 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 153 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kelava Anna V19,P1533 V19,P1533 Keller Henrick (Henry) Fredrick V13,P22 V13,P22 Kellizy Ayshe V18,P1458 Kelly William J. V3,P353 Kelly William B2,F1,P413 Kelly William J. V5,P65 Kellzey Kallid Abdo B1,F3,P463 Kellzey Kallid Abdo V14,P43 V14,P43 Keltie William V2,P373 Kemme Claus V2,P355 Kemmel Ferdinand V5,P19 Kemperman W. V2,P513 Kempf Christoph V1,P150 Kenkema William V12,P93 V12,P93 Kennedy James V2,P106 Kent Fredrik V1,P357 Keppell Cornelius V2,P105 Ker John W. V2,P370 Kerkhoff Berend R. V2,P311 Kerkhoff Henderikus V2,P311 Kerkhoff Johannes V2,P15 Kerkstra Dick B1,F3,P427 Kerkstra Ralph B1,F3,P428 Kerner Max B1,F3,P198 Kerststein Anton V2,P16 Kettle Peter V2,P374 Kickint Veld John H. V2,P287 Kieft Adam V2,P356 Kieft Beatrice Antoinette B4,F1,P1818 Kieft Fred D. V3,P336 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 154 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kieft Frunk V2,P230 Kieft Jochem V2,P356 Kieft John V17,P1146 Kieft John V3,P334 Kieft R. V3,P419 Kieft Reentji V6,P213 Kieft Thomas V6,P209 Kieft Thomas V3,P569 Kiel Albert V2,P135 Kielly Moses V3,P79 Kiemersma J. V1,P64 Kienstra Jennie V18,P1399 Kienstra Theodorus Johannes V17,P1179 V17,P1179 Kienstra Theodorus Johannes B2,F2,P1435 Kies Johan V1,P169 Kiessling Hannelore Magdalena B4,F2,P2167 Kietzmann Albred E. B2,F2,P1371 Kietzmann Alfred E. V16,P1053 V16,P1053 Kieviet Jacob V1,P144 Kievit Henry V13,P53 V13,P53 Kievit Henry B1,F2,P253 Kievit Willem Jan V13,P114 V13,P114 Kievit William John B1,F2,P10 Kift John V1,P221 Kiirats Ilmar B3,F1,P1909 Kiirats Ilmar B4,F2,P2021 Kiirats Natalie Filipov B3,F1,P1910 Kiirats Natalie Filopov B4,F2,P2020 Kikstra Jantje V18,P1378 Kikstra Jentje (John) V14,P177 V14,P177 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 155 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kikstra John B2,F1,P138 Kikstra Wieke (Hieke) V18,P1424 Kilijanski Jan B3,F1,P1820 Kilkman Berend V3,P363 Killean Corney V7,P91 Killean Corney V3,P605 Killson John V1,P25 Kilz Ignaz B1,F2,P149 Kimerly Luke B. V2,P230 Kimm Siert M. V2,P326 Kimpton Robert V3,P122 Kinderneusz Emilia V14,P31 Kinderneusz Margit V18,P1430 Kinderof Gerardis V2,P352 Kindlarski Andrew V13,P59 V13,P59 Kindlarski Andrew B1,F3,P69 King John H. V3,P422 King Samuel V3,P373 Kinguette Henry V1,P219 Kinke Aaltje V2,P369 Kinkema Ed P. V3,P429 Kinkema Edward P. B2,F1,P417 Kinkema Edward Peter V15,P888 Kinkema Harm V2,P468 Kinkema Jane V16,P938 Kinkema Peter V2,P563 Kinney William V3,P445 Kinselly James H. V1,P297 Kint Jan V2,P422 Kint Lammert V2,P422 Friday, August 23, 2002 Page 156 of 375 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Kipper Johannes V2,P34 Kipperman Johannes V2,P14 Kirjus Jan Willem V1,P23 Kirk Harry Pilkinton B1,F3,P402 Kirk Harry Pilkington V14,P167 V14,P167 Kirk Mabel Pilkington V19,P1531 Kirkby George V3,P150 Kirkby Joseph V3,P150 Kirklund W. H. V2,P4 Kirkly George B1,F3,P200 Kirkly George V13,P198 V13,P198 Kirkmott John V2,P319 Kirkwood William V2,P3 Kirl Frederick V1,P362 Kisasondi Terezia V19,P1573 Kiser Cyrus V3,P364 Kisosondi Jacob Julius V18,P1497 Kisosondi Mato(Matthew) George V18,P1433 Kiss Ersebet V19,P1530 Kits Wicher V2,P599 Klaasen Jan V5,P205 Klaasen Jan V2,P460 Klaassen Cornelius V3,P296 Klages Christian V2,P78 Klain Edward V3,P635 Klamer Jan V3,P273 Klamer Lutjen V3,P440 Klamke George A.
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