A-8 FRESSHERAID DECIMBER 13, 1967 MM R PIP is a natural'for the best banner cheering^erful folks like those at iPerts agree the breed is the The well bred Sm th °' "a'eos. a' '?!? ,Ji! poundl »n<l the season. At last Mercy Crusacir are working result of crossbreeding the today is a soundly built, free in _neignt l» inches, imrn ham" Mr loves to during Gilbert capably bv. unsalaried.|Bull Terrier, the Beagle, the moving dog of eye-caicmng Eleanor romp and play in a good sizeiyear'a Banner Day. Homer.iday and night and compar- lines a monthly column devot­ vard This exercise is fine, butjwho has been retired and has to hasten this day of final(Greyhound and the old-fash-appearance ion* walks are necessary to'bern a family pet" for two freedom from torturous pain ione'd "smooth coated Black|abie temperament The ed to Fox Temers for pop. Kanine Korner help develop a keen mind 'vears was brought to the field 'Your dog and mine become and Tan Terrier. Quite a fam-jSmooth Fox Terrier tips trie I uiar uogs Magazine. and make him pedestrian and and received a tremendous safer with each pas-ing day ily tree, indeed! Many, manv By Francis X. Lohmann traffic conscious. Al w a y s ovation. The radio and TV due to the untiring efforts of 1 years ago the Fox Terrier was walk your dog on a leash. announcer said that, although Mercy Crusade They need classified as a sporting breed His toys will serve a two- he has been retired for two your membership and moral idue to this association with Science Shrinks Painful Speed demon' M.tybe we and he was our 7 \car-old fold purpose First, the teeth vears. Homer, the Beagle, still and financial support Ad-fox hunting Kv.> > would feel better if we could "child" I'm sorry you didn't are exercised and he is not ^rts fan mail. How aboutjdress Mercy Cnisade at P. O.i About 1865. shortly after Hemorrhoids one sonjj imagine that you were a doc- Mick around to see the jobjso likely to chew your piano thaf . jBox 3265. Van Nuys. Calif. 'his acceptance by the F.nglish rounds ol tor ru-;hinp somewhere to de- you did; a dying dog in the'legs or your good carpet. There's no holding down; Did you know your dog|Kennel Club, the Smooth Fox the curn liver a baby or ease some-street is not a pretty sight In Hard rubber toys are best. Tthis lassie'Unda Weichel now should have 32 teeth 20 In Terrier became extremely Stops Itch-Relieves Pain body's pain. less than two seconds you nnd could unhesitatingly recom-lbylining the Puli column for'the upper jaw and 22 in the popular as a house pet and a Impossib But even though all we saw that car of yours transformed'mend the Original Dog Chew Kennel Review M a g a z i n e. lower . Art Unkletter is an show dog No other pure-bred Finds Way That Both Relieves Pain in all bi of you was your car's black a living creature lh.it had Stick, available at any pet Linda is most active in the avid Yorkshire Terrier fan- doc is more widely distribut- and Shrinks Piles In Most Cases hands, it singable Khadow and its tumping tail been beautiful into soiv.cthingjshop. for that favorite dog of Puli breed and one day soon vier. Gov. George Wallace;ed than the smoothie for he] N«w York. N.Y. (Special): Sri- New York City, in lights as you roared down the dirty. ugly, broken. a n diyours. Original Dog Chew will AKC file for a profession- goes for the Collie, and Jack is found just about even- erne di»rnvpred medimtion D.C. and at a Midwest Mi>di. ,| with whl Mrect. we know too much to bloody. Sticks are even endorsed by al dog handler's license. Palance favors the German place on earth where the Eng- , with the ability, in most ra»es - Center proved thia so. And it w u substanti hit veterinarians. One more im- Mark Twain once said: "If Shepherd lish language is spoken i tn actunlly shrink hemorrhoid' all done without narcotics or most sin believe it. I hope that when you atinifinKafttringenUnfanykind. You saw the dog. you felt a I my dog you had for a moment port ant thought to keep in you pick up a starving dog THE SMOOTH Fox Terrier and promptly stop th« burning which wi itch and relieve pain. The »ecret is f reparation H* ers first, thump, you heard a yelp and the sick, lead feeling in the mind in regards to the rear-land make him prosperous he BRKF.D OF THE WEEK — is keenly intelligent, fast to In one hcmorrhoid case after an exclusive formula for th« then my wife's scream. You throat and down to the sto- ing of your puppy give him will not bite you This is the Smooth Fox Terrier . There learn and grasp breed of dog another, Ttry striking improve­ treatment of hemorrhoids. second, i lumped on the gas and got mach that we have known [lots of love princinle difference between are two varieties of Fox Ter Many of these little canine ment was reported and verified There is no other formula liki The out of there fast ever since And that you feel 1 a do" and a man rier Smooth and Wire- guys and dolls have been used by doctors' observations. Pain it! Preparation H also labri- "Carouse think about! BARKS \\D YAPS The Haired......... The Wire....... is ^...-._.,_..._,._.._.....generally as stage and circus perform-:. and itching:.... wer« promptly r«- cate* to make bowel movement it whenever you lievtd. Then this medic less painful, it soothes irriuud of that i YOU DIDN'T bother to speeding down the street New York Mets bf.seball t-am THE LONDON Times recent-1 conceded to have existed as a ers.. Years ago, the older type ''.'t!.'''-:!!).'?.1.1!1 '!1"^.""fduce tissues and helps prevent fur­ ing musl look, so I'll tell you what the again But you'll probably u«ed to have a mascot, a Bca-lv wrote 'When cruelties to,definite breed for a longer Smooth received Internationa!international ^^"ifjn-'^finfl.med, irri- ther infection. Preparation H Impossib thump and yelp were They speed again and kill anothcrigle named Homer. The fansjanimal have disappeared period of time but on the publicity posing and listening . totej piiM comes in both ointment or iup. er. The were Chico. our pet Poodle, dog and break the heart of of the Mets have an annualjfrom the face of the earth.jother paw the Smooth was tht to "His Master's Voice." the Tests conducted on hnrt poaitory form. No prescription is needed. on the vi grey with white markings. We another family. banner day when banners are^cruelty to man will have dis-jfirst to appear at dog shows.jtrademark of RCA Victor ef patient.' hy leading doctors in Last had raised him from a baby' Your kind never learns! judged and prizes awarded appeared along with It." Won-JMost Smooth Fox Terrier ex-products. BANANAS Chuck Roast Golden Ripe, Central American HAM Boneless, Fully Cooked BEST CENTER CUT LARGE cr^^ FRESH GROUND CHUCK 59< Ib. 53 Better Foo New Crop FRESH U.S.D.A. ROASTING CHICKEN BONELESS CHOICE ORANGES BEEF ROAST Ib. Plump, Tender 79 NAVELS 4'2 to 5 Ib. Avg. Plain or "readed 1-lb. Pkg. JfT f^ FRYERS VEAL CUTLETS OV Fresh! F»ncy Button BANANA SQUASH Mushrooms u" Whole, Young BACON Freshly FRYING Cut Pur. M«id Full Pound Orange Juice CHICKENS Package 59 i 9«llon Springfield Springfield SLICED BEETS or SOFT-WEVE No. 303 GOLDEN CORN Cam Facial Quality GREEN PEAS No. 30} Csns. Crtsmtd or Whole Bathroom Tissue PORK 'N BEANS I*'" Twin-ply | Butter-Nut Sta-Pine in 2-roll Picks SUGAR COFFEE Pine Diirnfectant CHILI 'N BEANS NeJ' Full $ '* 67C Pint Your >^£J c" Bertie Choice Globe A-1 Morton's Whole Egg MACARONI MAYONNAISE SALT Springfi.ld Fre.h fun Plain or Iodized FULL John's QUART HOW you can 26 o». Snsksr AP PIZZA D.liel REHJIJ! CH.«M or feuMgs The Glamorene Lge. 15-oi. Frozen ELECTRIC Save lOc RUG larry'i/Beef, Ham, Pastrim-Save lOc SHAMPOOER BBQSANDWICHESr- KLEENEX Beef Taquitos Two Urge Box THURI ^ SHAMPOOS YOUR CARPETING ' Sheets tJs- AS BRIGHT AND FRESH AS NEW! Pk« tft Sour«"r««in a ol. Ply 280 ENGl ot » 7VC Potatoes B.ked L»rry§ Hot Beef MUFI PER DAY Reg. Pkg., AW >•»"> • rrM»" «^» -57- LOW DAILY RENTAL ONLY '2.00 Sandwich *p °[ 43 C 1 ............^.y... ........................ Froien • • Garlic Bread Pk« J/ <- PFEF Wks)* >fl'i4*|(«* »i l* ! )«> '*M» 1 *< **«i*t»i <*'v <«H p*)n w.ln St»I« Fair Puftoil 6 <* 2lc •ny O>OMf(t^i '.« *t4>«M* '* <^'•**••», l*i. i '•• tf*J, C l • -\ >l Colon gig -jr ALPO COOI Wt'< t»"d >•* »'- OH»< M»itM 0« i', lt*7, 0*>« CsWM* »*' '• SCOTTOWELS ">" ^C WHEAT P PET FOOD Zr.8*nd«ic^ le OM • Duxsr* Chopped |.o» -50 Choci AUDHtxk ......„_..>.._......... -., B.lf. Chick. n, er BAGS r** »° •2,0,2 Icj I It I ......... ...... .... STATI! CLAAAS "n JVC Mort.m.Jt Chunk* M.tl MINE f>KR. NO. PECi tUccnuood Red JflJ -5 I 1 oilel Ttssus }- reii MIIIU.
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