,· ' • ' Passover EdiUon-Page 3 Wednesday. April 6, 1955 THE ISRAELITE PRESS. ... • ,._ _____;., ___...,! FOR SALE I . I · New 5-room btmplow-~OOl UI. ~ Good W-uha for a .i lot. Near school,. oil but. pate l ,. ' . -~L . mfflt. sideva,l.b. JDll ·.lnbte ffsW1 P.a;novet to 0-.ir Blvd. Phaae 74-2187 for appoint­ · .· y ·tne ·. r.way ••• I1.;,;,;,;;I ment. .... _________ _ ewtomen md . ! WllEN BUYING A BOUSE Friemh' 1 SPJ FC1' THE HOUSE • I YOU UKE · FROM A PHOI'OGILY'H l t • •. • lI JJU?li"J)Jlil)S OF PICTURES TO CHOOSE FROll Hagadah ·an~ Kneicllach- Boston Fur Co. PlllC& TAG 0~ E\,'EBY HOt.'SE • • • SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY :.Jost Jewish of li11 Jewish foods are the Passover ones. Only the 011 W~Also Book of Romeo Jewish housewife was put on trial to create tasty, appetizing holiday at 296 SllJTH STREET, SOUTH delicacits without flour or many other elementary ingredlenb-and Ooe Bloc:lr: Eal of Eatoft•• Ston she has displll)·ed extraordinary talent in this field. FOUR PROVlNCES INVESTMENT CO. JOO 3'aln SL ctc4 F7r.l Pb- - Kneidlach ha,·e thus become not just another tasty delicacy, one more product of the brilliant talent of -the Jewish woman, who, be­ ;--' calll!e · of kashrut, was always severely limited in choosing her_ in­ gredients, and. who overcame these difficulties with glory. Kneidlach Rupertsland Drug Co. became the symbol of everything that is truly Jewi.~h in the area !l A IVID~l\o (.1,emll, anCI of ,food. 0-Uulff' . - CLARA PEARi.MAH .• There is a Jewish saying; "He doesn't mean the Hagadah, he ...uca1"710NI oua SPECIAL n %ORA WEIDMAN, · Dlrtetor MvslcDlnctol' means the .lmeidlach." In this saying the Hagahah represents the e G~ll\oli CAIWS CliUIIAWAILI! : sph:,itual element of Jewishness, an!!. the lmeidlach the very appe­ e Gll'TS FOR AU OCCASIONS e PABTl- GOODS e TOYb twng materialistic manifestation of Jewish civilization. e llOJ)EJL"I COFFD BAJI . 'Surprise' By'.Golden Agers·-, .. ··-.. ··.·. In fact, however lmeidlach are fare from being just a material­ WI DILIVII ;- istic expression; Jewish foods don't just have a body; they have a . ,• . .., . PHONE 59-8723 . -, . spirit, too. Out of context, removed from their spiritual en\'ironment, • lllltGRIGOII AT M<:LDAM AVL they also.. lose much of their delighUul taste, and kneldh1ch without Hagadah ~ far froni being so appetizing. A o- Orcnnr,a wltll • eat Gal~ );$lipef-Spectadef ·· A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO I HAPPENED TO BE IN · Entertain,,,...,. New Y11rk. at: the time of Passover. Although I have known for a Russian and Ukrainian rHa_ WHTIRN RANGEU AD eu,ert dan,,e Orebestra Plannl long time th·at Jewish .holidays make a strong impression on this Records all a.\ndJ 01 ct,ani:e mllllc V1oor vast world city, which has almost twice as many Jewish residents as 'lbo• Concert Tn,upe Jludcal Wholesale and Retail o\cts-Comed)'- ACTObata. all of the State of Israel, J was ,amazed to see bow Jewish Passover ..... OrchHtras - ConHrt Party t,) foods were injectecl into practically all of the many hundreds of C •• ;_ • H~9hl.itA6tCWomen's' · l'urnh1hed for Any Occa1lon You t ' , .. , . restaurants and cafeterias, from the seamiest to the most luxurious Ukrainian Trading Co. ' May Dnln MR. AND. MRS. RONALD·BEAR, • and exclusive, through the Broadway area-in the non.Jewish no 781 Main St. Wpg. 4, Man. LEON H. N,CHOLS less than in those with JewJsh·owners. ICHOOL OP MUIIIC Cam)iaigti ··Events Among all the Passover foods kneldlach, naturally, were in the 14 PURIIY ST. PHONI MSJ0 OJA Leh Goes to Le forefront. · They were, however, completely ·. assimilated and their Liveliest and' in~cal,dramatic spectacle Ruth A. "baptismal" name was "matzo balls." . OUB ~~;'.;&»ldrful · To tell the truth, this shocked me somewhat. Jt looked to me KOSHER-STYLE In years will highlight ~vents of the Women's UJA Campaign, like a ~rofaning of such a purely Jewish traditional food which has officials announced this week. ·: ·. · · .· · . · · ·. • • - As Bride of Ronald.· Bear become a symbol, of all that is truly Jewish in food. I would have MEALS ·The 9ala 1how,. featurlng:top.alnglng, danci!III .and itr• are the best lD town! Phone rnatic •rt11fl of the .Winnipeg •Je.wlth · community., will_ high-• On Sunday, Match 2'T, the Tai· of roses with blue l)yacinths. The eaten in these Broadway restaurants everything you wanted me to. Drop In for llghi' the Special .Gifts ($25..nd-01ier) Lune~ on Wednesday, niud Torah Synagogue. ·was the groom"s mother wore a blue lace except these "matzo balls" swimming In soup of rather doubUul April 27, and Donor. ($\0..ncJ.Over) Rally, on Monday, May 2. setting', for the candlelight ~ over taffeta with matching· head- origin. ; • • , Breakfast • Lunch • .Dinna, These . were, perhaps, tlie .same km;idlach, but without a soul. and after th• theatre 59-4444 Unique feature of th,e· big, fas~aced production will. be. tJ?.e mony when RuthJ.eb, daughter of dress and a corsage of pin]tsweet- appearance . for the . lint· time. of olden-.· Af.e Club members m Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leb, was heart roses. · · For. me, .brought up during. m,v. childhood· in a strictly traditional EXCEl,J ENT SERVJCl!o. • ·. <& .,. - special . 'surprise- presentation Jewish hollle, they had not attraction. uour Food la Tcpa" . - . that will -take the. town by storm!" united in marriage to Ronald Bear,· The groom was attended by his · But if Broadway restaurants have "matzo balls" on their menus, ., · .. Directing the show is Zora ;\Veld· 10n of Mrs. Idelle Bear of Los brother Hillard, of Los Angeles. then it is because there Js a demand for them-evidently a large one, ADOLPH'S Mr. & Mrs. Archie .Hecht man, with .Clara• Pearlman as mW1l; Angeles, CaUforni,, and · the late Other members of the. party were because everywhere, in many hundrE?ds of restaurants, you find GORBACK'S l I · · . · \ eal director · . - '· Mr. Bear, the bride"s grandparents; l\lr; ,and them. Does it not reflect American Jewishness, which casts away the DELICATESSEN i cordially invite their relatives · The 1955 • ~~men's UJA will be Unuer the traditionai white Mrs. Z. Epstein; 1 l\lisses : Lovie" Hagadah and finds its expression only In the kneidlach, in their raw I and .friends. to attend ~e _, ' officially launched at-the Top Gifts satin· canopy, anu b,;101·e an auer Kirshrot, Edith Goldberg, Shirley materialistic sense? 911 Main St. Phone 5'1-6482 I TAXI banked w1Lll seasonal flowers, Rosenfeld, and Mrs; J&ck Kaplan ACTUALLY, HOWEVER, I FIND THAT JEWS ARE NOT THE· · Under Management o"t .. BAT-MIT·ZVAH· ($100-and-Over)· · d A rll 20 Luncheon on Wed• .Ranjii A. Kravei:z performed tne as bridesmaids: Misses _Lily Leb, ,ol' AND ROIi PICKMAN PROMPT - COURTEOUS nes ay, P · • d b d A E only ·customers' for these matzo balls. Jewish foods generally are , • ' double ring ceremony, ass1Ste Y sister of the bride, an nne p- pushing their way into the America1FAnglo-Saxon menu, which dis­ ----·--~-==-I DEPENDABLE · of tlieir. 'daughter .. / P::::fll~f ~~!e~sChD~~=: Cantor B. J3rownst,oue. (f} stein, junior bridesmaids; Misses tinguishes. itself for its tastelessness and its lack of inventiveness. Jewish Welfare Fund, which con• uiven in marr,age DY her par• Esther and Freda London as . Non.Jews. l found out, are real devotees of Jewish corned-beef 24-Hour Service · ents, tne br1ue was rau.ani. iu a flowergirls. Ushers were Irven IN MELFORT rrs TUB LOUISE,. ducts. the annual women's -drive, 1 sandwiches, of Jewish gefilte fish and of other real Jewish foods ~01 PRITCHARD AVENUE reported this week that women aellll-trained imported wh.ite ny1on Leb, brother of the brid~, Sau and delicacies. Imaginative non.Jewish meat processors hnve even NEW throughout the community .are en· tulle gown over satin. 1'be bodice. Epstein, Alvin Abrahamson of St, begun to ,Produce a sort of "corned beef'' from pig meat-ealled to be held listing to put the campaign-whose was ox French cnantilly ,ace anu Paul, l\liiln., and Gary Bear, "ham kosher style!" · Saturday, April 9 at 11 a.m . objective is $42,500-over the top. Ieatlll'ed a sc·ooped necklme bead· brother of the groom, of Los ·In recent times the American (non.Jewish) "public has also taken OZARK HOTEL .PASSOVER SPECIALS ed with pearls. and sequins anu Angeles. Mrs. Morris Cohen played to Jewish bread (not to be mentioned on Passover), to the real tasty ID AND JOI VICKAA, YOUR HOfTI • Interest In Institutes had· lily pomt sleeves, the p.ncned the wedding music. Dinm;r and Jewish rye bread alld punpernickel (and who can blame them?­ e -ern Maom• with. hlh and at the Shaarey, Zedek Pesach Cho!olate1 Mrs. Cbernlack also reported in waist accentuated the fulness dance followed· ·the ceremony. Showen Synagogue .Real. American bread, aft,er all tastes like • '• • )!). Non.Jewish bakers, • PIUt-lM for the Wlflttr MonlllS that keen interest is being mani- of the bouffant skirt, which was Cantor M. Jacob was chairman • therefore, have begun to bake this. kind of bread, but lt doesn't Sader Plate fested in the "Know Your Com- worn over two crinolines. Her Out-of-town g u e s ts included: work. The customers are sure it's "Jewish bread" only when lt bears • Modern and Large S11m• Wine Cup NO CARDS Rooms. munity" Institute, the pre-cam- French illusion fingertipped veil Mrs. · Oscar Lefko, Mr. and Mrs. the name of a Jewish baiter, and ·the strange ·sltuatfon• has- arisen pl• CandlHtlck1 where non.Jewish 'bakeries attach a Jewish name to th11mselves, in FOR.
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