Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Catalog 1937-/938 Parkland, Washington DEDICATION N the occasion of the O Swedish Tercentenary Pa­ cific Lutheran College accords due recognition to the Swedish contribution to American life through three hundred years, 1638 ·1938 Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Volume xvrn MAY. 1938 No.1 CATALOG 1937-1938 e..Anl10uncements for 1938-1939 ===Parkland, Washington=== Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, Washington. Entered as second-class matter April 26, 1927, at the post office a.t Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912. School Calendar SUMMER SESSION 1938 Registration begins 9 a. m. Monday, June 13 Classes begin 8:00 a. m. Tuesday, June 14 Independence Day, a holiday Monday, July 4 First Term ends Friday, July 15 Second Term begins Monday, July 18 Summer Session closes Friday, August 12 FIRST SEMESTER 1938 Registration begins 9 a. m. Monday, September 12 Formal Opening, 10: 15 a. m. Tuesday, September 13 Classes begin 11:10 a. m. Tuesday, September 13 First Quarter ends Friday, November 11 Thanksgiving Recess begins 3 :30 p. m. Wednesday, November 23 Thanksgiving Recess closes 8: 10 a. m. Monday, November 28 Christmas Recess begins 3:30 p. m. Friday, December 16 1939 Christmas Recess ends 8:10 a. m. Tuesday, January 3 Semester Examinations close Friday, January 27 SECOND SEMESTER Registration completed Monday, January 30 Washington's Birthday, a holiday Wednesday, February 22 Third Quarter ends Friday, March 31 Easter Recess begins 3:30 p. m. Wednesday, April 5 Easter Recess ends 8:10 a. m. Monday, April 11 Memorial Day, a holiday Tuesday, May 30 Class Ex ercises, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, June 3 Baccalaureate Service, 8 p. m. Sunday, June 4 Semester Examinations close Monday, June 5 Commencement Exercises, 8 p. m. Monday, June 5 SUMMER SESSION (Tentative) 1939 Registration begins 9 a. m. Monday, June 12 Classes begin 8:00 a. m. Tuesday, June 13 Independence Day, a holiday Tuesday, July 4 First Term ends Friday, July 14 Second Term begins Monday, July 17 Summer Session closes Friday, August 11 4 PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Elected by the Pacific Lutheran College Association Term Expires 1938 Rev. O. K. Davidson, 303 N. E. Multnomah St., Portlap..d, Oregon Mr. A. A. Mykland, Vice President, Issaquah, Washington ev. H. J. Thorpe, 172 West 12th Ave., Eugene, Oregon Term Expires 1939 Mr. M. T. Hokenstad, Route 1, Snohomish, Washington Rev. P. J. Luvaas, 242 E. 6th Ave., Eugene, Oregon Rev. S. J. N. Ylvisaker, Secretary, Stanwood, Washington Term Expires 1940 Rev. ALf M . Kraabel, President, 1317 N. E. Grand Ave., Portland, Oregon Mr. F. C. Mason, Treasurer, 2402 N. Union Ave., Tacoma, \V/ashington Rev. L. Rasmussen, Burlington, Washington Elected by the Northwestern District of the American Lutheran Church Term Expires 1940 Rev. L. Ludwig, 3315 N. E. 17th Ave., Portland, Oregon Term Expires 1942 Rev. A. R. M. Kettner, 909 So. 5th St., Tacoma, \;qashington Term Expires 1944 Rev. E. C. Knorr, 810 W. Crockett St., Seattle, Washington Elected by the Columbia Conference of the Augustana Synod Term Expires 1939 Rev. C. S. Odell, 626 N. W. 19th St., Portland, Oregon Term Expires 1940 Dr. C. R. Swanson, 9U Stewart St., Seattle, Washington Term Expires 1941 Rev. Elmer M. Johns()n, 1017 4th Ave. E., Olympia, \Xlashington Executive Committee of the Board Rev. Alf M. Kraabel Rev. L. Ludwig Mr. F. C. Mason Dr. C. R. Swanson Rev. S. J. N. Ylvisaker PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE 5 BOARD OF VISITORS R-.:v. Theo. Hokenstad, Bremerton, Washington Rev. Mikkel Lono, Parkland, Washington Rev. L. J. Floren, Poulsbo, \'\1ashington Mrs. R. Bogstad, 2112 Agate St., Eugene, Oregon Mrs. H. Holte, 1609 44th Ave. S. W., Seattle, Washington CHURCH OFFICIALS Ceneral Dr. J. A. Aasgaard, President, 408 5th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. T. F. Gullixson, First Vice President, Luther Theological Seminary, Como and Pierce Aves., St. Paul, Minnesota Dr. G. M. Bruce, Second Vice President, 1 Seminary Campus, Como and Pierce Aves., St. Paul, Minnesota Dr. A. J. Bergsaker, Secretary, 408 5th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. H. O. Shurson, Treasurer, 425 4th St. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota Pacific District Rev. H. L. Foss, President, 105 Columbia St., Seattle, Washington Rev. H. J. Thorpe, Vice President, 172 \'\1est 12th Ave., Eugene, Oregon Dr. H. A. Stub, Secretary, 1215 Thomas St., Seattle, Washington Board of Education Dr. J. A. Aasgaard, President, 408 5th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. J. c. K. Preus, Executive Secretary, 408 5th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. S. C. Eastvold, 1004 Oxford Ave., Eau Claire, Wisconsin Rev. Arthur E. Hanson, 495 Park Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. Wm. B. Ingvo'ldstad, Decorah, Iowa Hon. R. A. Nestos, Minot, North Dakota Mr. Joseph G. Norby, Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Rev. L. A. Pierson, 800 S. Summit Ave., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 6 PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION 1937-1938 President Oscar Adolf Tingelstad Vice President in Charge of Field Service Mikkel Lono Dean of the Junior College Division Philip Enoch Hauge Principal of the High School Nils Joseph Hong Business Manager F. E. Theodore Nelsson Registrar Philip Enoch Hauge Dean of Men Elvin Martin Akre Dean of Women Mrs. Lora B. Kreidlet Assistant Dean of Women Gladys Gilbertson Normal Supervisor Vivian Johnson Librarian John Ulrik Xavier Assistant Librarian Ole J. Stuen College Pastor Rev. Trygve O. Svare Physician John Arnason Johnson, M. D. Secretary of the Faculty W. D. Keith Reid Secretaries to the Administration Alma M. Stolee, Esther M. Olson Treasurer of the Endowment Fund Herman E. Anderson Assis tant to the Regis trar Mrs. Irene Dahl Hageness Assistant to the Treasurer Mrs. Esther Davis Field Agents Victor A. Elvestrom, Paul A. Preus Director of the Summer Session Philip Enoch Hauge Athletic Director for Boys Clifford Orin Olson Athletic Director for Girls Mrs. Adah Dapper Drama Club Adviser Gladys Gilbertson Coach of Forensics Jesse Philip Pflueger Director of Music Organizations Gunnar Johannes Malmin Manager of the Choir Clifford Orin Olson Mooring Mast Advisers Mrs. Ruth S. Franck, Ole J. Stuen Mission Society Adviser Jesse Philip Pflueger Saga Advisers Nils Joseph Hong, F. E. Theodore Neisson Engineer and Electrician Thorsten H. Olson Janitor and Custodian Severin Hinderlie Faculty REV. OSCAR ADOLF TINGELSTAD _____ . ___ ._.. __ . ___ ... ____ ._______ ..__ President Graduate, Pacific Lutheran Academy, 1900, 1902; A. B., Luther College, 1905; Cando Theo!., Luther Seminary, 1907; A. M., University of Chicago, 1913; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1925. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1928. REV. JOHN ULRIK XAVIER, Librarian ________ .Library Science A. B., Luther College, 1893; Cando Theol., Luther Seminary, 1898; gradu­ ate work, University of Minnesota, 1898-99; M. A., University of Wash­ ington, 1929. At Pacific Lutheran Academy, 1902-07, 1908-16; at Pacific Lutheran College since 1920. NILS JOSEPH HONG , Principal of the High School _ .. ___ English, Greek A. B., Luther College, 1895; grad ute work, University of Washington, summers 1914, 1915, 1918, 1922, 1930. At Pacific Lutheran Academy (principal), 1897-1918; at Pacific Lutheran College since 1928. OLE J. STUEN . ._ __ .. ___ _ .____ . __. ___ _ __ ._... ___ .__ __N orse, Mathematics B. A., University of Washington, 1912; M. A., University of Washington, 1913, also graduate work there, summers 1914, 1915, 1916, 1936. At Pacific Lutheran Academy, 1913-18; at Pacific Lutheran College since 1921. PHILIP ENOCH HAUGE, Dean of the Junior College .. Education, Psycholog'J A. B., St. Olaf College, 1920; M. A., University of Washington, 1924; graduate work, University of Washington, summer 1930, and part time 1931-32, University of Chicago, summer 1933. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1920. f _._._ .._._ .... MRS. LORA BRADFORD KREIDLER, Dean o Women .. _Art College work, Carleton College, 1890-91, University of Minnesota, 1891- 92; art work, MinneapOlis School of Art, 1895-98, College of Puget Sound, summer 1924, University of Washington, summers 1929, 1930. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1921. PETER JEREMIAH BARDON ... _. __ . __.. _. .____ . ... ___. ._ . _ _ Social Science B. S., Valparaiso College, 1892; B. A., University of Washington, 1911; M. A., University of Washington, 1927; graduate work, University of Washington, summers 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935. At Pacific Luth­ eran Academy, 1912-17; at Pacific Lutheran College since 1929. REV. ANDERS WILLIAM RAMSTAD __ ....._. __ ._Chemistry, Mathematics A. B., st. Olaf College, 1914; Cando Theo!., Luther Theological Seminary, 1918; M. S., University of Washington, 1936. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1925. VICTOR A. ELVESTROM _______ ..___ ._. ___ ..._. __ . ..______ _ ield Agent A. B., Luther College, 1922. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1928. On leave of absence since February I, 1937. MRS. LOUISE STIXRUD TAYLOR, Assistant Registrar _____.... __. ._ __ -. ----.--.. -... ..--- . --... -.... -...- -- ___. _ ..._-.English, Home Relations B. A., University of Washington, 1924; graduate work, University of Washingto n, 1925. At Pacific Lutheran College, 1927-29 and since 1930. On leave of absence since August, 1935. MRS. ELIZABETH HOLM BONDY _____ ._ ..__ .... __ .. ___ .... __ .French, German A. B., Fairmont College, 1910; study abroad, 1912-13; graduate work, University of Wisconsin, summers 1914, 1915; M. A., University of Wash­ ington, 1928, also graduate work there, summers 1930, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1929. 8 PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE CLIFFORD ORIN OLSON ___________________ ____ _ _________ ___ ..__ yhysical Education A. B., Luther College, 1927; Summer Coaching School, Bemidji, Minne­ sota, 1929; State College of Washington, summer 1930; University of Washington, summer 1931; Luther College Coaching School, Decorah, Iowa, 1933. At Pacific Lutheran College since 1929. PAUL RICHARD HIGHBY ____________ _________________________Biology A. B., Luther College, 1929; M. A., University of Minnesota, 1930; gradu­ ate work, University of Washington, autumn 1930, University of Oregon, summer 1931, University of Minnesota, summer 1932, 1935-38.
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