DIRECTORY.] LI~COLNSHIRE. C.d.iSTOR. 12:3 of Yarborough P.C. is lord of the manor and principal Wall Letter Bo:i:, Howsham Grange, cleared 5·45 p.m. 1andowner. '!'he chief· crops are wheat, oats, barley and week days only turnips. The soil is carr, clay snd sand; subsoil, various. The area of Cadney-cum-HoiVsham is 4,540 ncre~ of land NEWSTEAD 1s a civil parish, ecclesiastically am.exed and B of water; rateable value of Cadney, [3,943; popu­ to Cadney·cum-Howsham, and I' miles south from Brigg, la ti<Jn in rgor, 404. on the river Ancholme, in Glanford Brigg union~ it con­ Post Office, Gadney. Joseph Abey, sub-postmasteT. sists of a farm of 477 acres and six cottages, the property Letters through Brigg arrive at 8 a. m.; dispah:bC<d of the Earl of Yarborough. Here wai! anciently a Gilber­ at 5·45 p.m.; no po;;t on sundays. Pos11a1 Orders are tine priory, founded by Henry II. before II73; at its issued & paid here. J3rigg, 3 miles distant, is the dissolution the revenues were e:;timated at £38; the nearest money order & telegraph office crypt of the •Chapter house still remains. and is in 'Very good preservation. The area is 473 acres of land and 4 ' HOWSHAM is a hamlet, half a mile from the station of water; rateable value, [4o6; popuhtion in r9or, 39· and 2 miles east of Cadney. Here is a small chapel of Public Elementary School, Howsham (mixed), erected in ease, a building of brick, consisting of nave only, and r847 by the third Earl of Yarborough, for 8o children; having 70 sittings : there are also chapels for the Wes· sverage attendance, 6r; William Booth, master; Miss leyans and Primitive Methodists. Bert·ha A. Ro binson, mistress Post Office, Howsham.-David Purdon, sub-postmaster. Letters through Lincoln .arrive at 6.20 a.m.; dis- · Railway Station, Howsham, George Rooley, station mastr patched at 6.r5 p.m.; no post on sundays. Post·al Oarriers.-Henry A·shton, from Howsham to Brigg-, thurs Orders are issued & paid here. North Kelsey is the & sat. & Thomas Elsome, from Cadney to Brigg, thur~ nearest money {)rder & telegraph office, 2 miles distant & sat CADNEY. 1 Richard son David & Job, farmers Lacey Charles, cowli:e~per Woodrul'fe-Peacock Rev. Edwd. Adrian! Ro~erts Theophilus, shopkeeper Love day Fanny (~rs. ), shopkeeper L.Th., F.L.S., F.G.S. (organising &. Sm~th George, farmer, C~urch farm ~iadclison George, Cl>Vrkeeper botanical secretary of the Lincoln- ' Sm1th Wm. farmer & ass1st.. overseer· :Ylason George, boot maker shire Naturalists' Union) (vicar), The! W!lley Charles, farmer . Purdun David, Post office VicaraO"e W1llmore Chas. farmer, Cadney bndgE' Raspen Hobert, cowkeeper "' Willmore William, farmer SandGrson John, cowkeeper COMMERCIAL, Sergeant Waiter, blacksmith .A.bey Joseph, farmer, Post office HOWSHAM . Skipworth Fitz Henry, farm bailiff to Elsome Thomas, farmer & carrier Dee Horace, Earii house Robert Spencer esq. of :Yiethering­ Evison & Son, wheelwrights & cow- C0~11IJUWUL. ham, Brandicarr keepers Ashton Henry,, fam1er & carrier Skipworth Peyton, cattle dealer Gi11bons .T oseph (exors. of), farmers, Beacock Charles, cowkeeper Staples Herbert, farmer,The Chestnuts machine owners & agl'icultural inl­ Bell John, cowkeeper & coal dealer Williamso!'l George Henry, farmer plement agents Clayton J ames, farmer, '!'he Grange \Villiam-son Thomas, farmer, Fox frm Hill Charles John C. farmer, Pool-. Dixon George, cow keeper thorne Drury Thomas, farmer NEWSTEAD. Houltnn Thos. Geo. frmr.SandHills frm Ellis Charles & Leonard, farmers, [Postal address, N'ewsteml, Brigg.] Parker Samuel, farmer Pepperdale Hill Charles John C. farmer,Priorv fm • Plaskitt William, farmer E"-ison Chas. carpenter & wheelwright CAENBY is a parish near the road from Market Hasen surrounded by a moat, was the seat of the Tournay to Gainsborough, 8 miles west from Market Rasen sta­ family from the time of Edward I. to the middle of the­ tion on the Hull and Lincoln branch of the Great Central I8th century, when it passed by marriage to the Cun­ (late M. S. and L.) railway, and 13 north from Lincoln, in ningtons, and from them to Lawrence Monck esq. and the lVest Lindsey division of the county, ea~t divisinn of afterwards to the Middletons, of Belsay Castle, Northum­ the wapentake of Aslackoe, petty sessional division of Lin­ berland, who have since sold it. Henry VIII. slept here in coln (Bail and Close), parts of Lindsey, Lincoln union, 1541 while on a progress through Lincolnshire. John Market Rasen county court district, rural deanery of As­ Thomas Tweed esq. town clerk of Lincoln, who is lord of lackoe, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. There the nmnor, George Redgate Copping and Frank R. Cross was a church here prior to the Conquest. The church of esqr~. are the chief landowners. The soil is clay. 'l'he St. Nicbolas is a building of stone in the Gothic style, con­ chie.f crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips, and sisting ·of chancel and nave and a turret containing one there is much land in pasture. T·he area is I,..J.S-+ acres; bell: in the chancel ifl a memorial window to the Rev. rate'lble va-lue [1,365; population in rgor, 120. George Banestre Pix M.A. rector 1868-74, by whom the Pari:sh Clerk, Albert Coney. church was new roofed and during whose incumbency it Letter Box, cleared at 4.30 p.m. week days only. Letters was rese>a~ed : there are 72 sittings. The register dates from the year 1713. · The living is a rectory, net yearly through Lincoln arrive about 8.45 a.m. The nearest value £240, with 82 acres of glebe and residence, in the money order offices are at Normanby & Glentham & gift of Sir Arthur Edward Middleton hart. of Belsay telegraph office at Ingham, 6 miles distant Castle, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Robert Boyce This place is included in the Glentham United n:strict Courtenay, of St. Bees, who is also vicar of Saxby with Sc1wol Council, formed .April, 1903; the children att~nd .Firsby. Caenby Manor House, now a farmhouse nnd the Elementary school at Glentham Courtenay Rev, Robert Boyce (rector), Copping John Hague, farmer; res. CJ1oss Charles Edward, farmer Rectory Timberland Marshal! William, cot.tager Shipley ~irs. The Hall CAISTOR js a union and market town, head of a county ern tower of three -stages, the lower portion beinrr NormaJJ, colll"t district. also of a petty -sessional divisi.on, instituted the middle stage Early English and the upper 14'th century 1890, township and parish, on a commanding western ac­ Decoratrd: it ha·s now only four pinnacles, other four clivity of the Wolds, 3 m]es north-east from the Moor­ having been blown down by a storm in 1663; the belfry town and Holton stations, and 3 west from North Kelsey storey contains a clock and 6 bells, rehung and one re­ station on the Lincoln, Cleethorpes and Hull Branch of the cast in 1904; on the tower is a sundial, dated r835, and Great Central railway, 23 north-east-by-north from Lin­ in the lower part of the tower are remains of Saxe>n and coln, 9 nm·th from Market Rasen, 9 south-east from Norman work; it·s arch, opening into t•he nave, is of a Brigg, 12 south-west from Great Grimsby and 160 from very early type and probably Saxon, and within is an London, in the North Lindsey division of the county, parts equally early recess: the nave arcades are Early English of Lindsey, south division of Yarborough wapental>e, a.nd the windows of the liouth aisle D~o:rated; ~>everal of rural deanery of Yarborough No. 2, archdeaconry of the windows ue ,stained ~. under a .recessed flrch in the Stow and diocese of Lincoln. The town is lighted with wall of the north aisle is .a fine monument w'.th effigy of gas by the Caistor Gas and Coke Company Limited, and Sir William de Hundon, of HundOfl. and Brocklesby (temp. is well supplied with water from four springs issuing Hem-y ill. or Edward I.) ; the figure is that of a. knight in irom a greystone rock, and call"d Cypherwell, Pigeon­ chain mail, covered with a. cyclas o:r long .surcoat, with spring, Stottwell and the Spa. The church of SS. Peter sword and shield, and at his feet a dog; the effigy of a lady and Paul, which stands within the area of an ancient in a wimple !Uld hands upra.ised in prayer, .supposed to be fortress, is a fine building of stone of the Norman, Early his wife, was removed at the restDrat:On of the church to English and Decorated periods, consisting of chancel, the South chapeL, but has since been replaced in the Run­ with south or Maddison chapel, and north or Hundon don chapel: within this same chapel is a third mon'..!.­ ohapel, nave, aisles, south transept. north porch and a weiit- ment (temp. Edward Ill. or Richard II.), said to be t'hat .
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