InterInternetnet safetysafety imporimportanttant forfor kidskids,,, parentsparents -- PPageage 66 the Irving Rambler www.irvingrambler.com “The Newspaper Irving Reads” August 24, 2006 Comics Page 11 Police warnings for THIS Classifieds Page 11 Town Hall meetings Obituaries Page 9 motorists scheduled Police & Fire Page 2 WEEK Puzzles Page 10 Page 3 Page 12 TTraravelingveling eexhibitxhibit andand librarlibraryy proprogramsgrams bringbring historhistoryy toto lifelife Over time, everyday events and of the Irving Central Library Creek residential area founded by common knowledge fade from daily through Sep. 29 freed slave settlers. relevance into the dusty pages of “When visitors come they will “On the exhibit itself, I like the history books. A traveling exhibit, find a 75 foot, six panel exhibit on documents and pictures chosen for Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln’s Lincoln’s thoughts and the process display. It is interesting without Journey to Emancipation, shakes of events that started the Civil War having a lot of things to read. It off some of the dust and reminds and the middle and ending of the allows people to get a sense of his- us of the roads we have traveled as war,” librarian Linda Opella said. tory. I really like the panels and the a nation. “One of the important things way they put them together and set Panels presenting historical about the exhibit is the fact that we them up,” Ms Opella said. documents, period photographs are the only library in Texas that is “I love how clearly written and and illustrations from the Civil War getting it. It is very significant part simple it is,” librarian Mary Archer era will be on display and free for of the history of the United States. public viewing on the second floor In the Irving area, we have the Bear See LIBRARY, Page 5 New school year greets open- ing of Stipes Elementary Across the city all of the back to school anticipation became the reality of a new school year as Irv- ing ISD once again greeted stu- dents on Aug. 23. Perhaps no where else in the district were teachers, students, parents and staff more ex- cited than at Stipes Elementary, which opened its doors to students for the first time on Wednesday morning. Named for John and Margie Stipes, Stipes Elementary is the 20th Irving ISD elementary school. “We are so excited about open- ing and receiving children that we can hardly stand it,” Marty French, principal of Stipes Elementary, said. “We have planned quite a bit aca- demically and also for their social and emotional development. Help- Echoes of the past are revisited as librarians, Linda Opella, Chris Ready and waiting for new students, Marty French, principal of Stipes Dobson, Sylvia Nordeman and Mary Archer, greet visitors to the Forever ing the whole child to be success- Elementary makes final preparations for the beginning of a new school Free exhibit. ful in life. year. “We welcome everyone and we are totally committed to helping everyone achieve. That may take Aerospace engineers and astronauts attend logistics conference some academic intervention or par- By Jess Paniszczyn as the event’s keynote speaker and as an astronaut, to be recognized ent training. Whatever it takes for Logistics Conference and Exposi- Astronauts, rocket scientists received this year’s Jack H. Will- as a logistician. the child, we are committed to help- tion presented at the Omni and engineers traveled to Irving to iams Space Logistics Medal. Dr. “Without a doubt, repairing the ing them. Mandalay Hotel Aug. 16 – 17. attend the SOLE – The International Grunsfeld is the astronaut most re- Hubble telescope is the neatest “Stipes Elementary has actu- NASA astronaut and logisti- Society of Logistics’ 41st annual sponsible for the on-orbit servic- thing I have gotten to do. I grew up ally the same floor plan basically as cian, Dr. John M. Grunsfeld, served ing of the Hubble Space Telescope as a scientist engineer and as an Townsell Elementary, so it is very over the past six years. An astro- astronomer. Everyone in the astro- similar. We have a wonderful, beau- physicist, he has repaired satellites nomical community affecting the tiful view from our cafeteria because as a crew member of NASA shuttles whole planet holds Hubble in high one wall is windows. We happen to Discovery, Columbia, Endeavour, regard. When I first went up to lookout over a little bit of prairie and Atlantis as well as the Russian Hubble, it was the only time I expe- with some horses roaming. It is a Space Station Mir. rienced a dreamlike state where I nice, peaceful scene and it helps us “It is very exciting to be recog- had to pinch myself and say, ‘Am I remember and be in tune with na- nized by this award,” Dr. Grunsfeld really here?’ There was a particular ture. said. “In part, because logistics is moment when I reached out to “Our gyms are fabulous. We often a forgotten part of engineer- touch the telescope for the first time have two full size gyms with a won- ing, yet it drives everything. to make sure it was really there. derful sound system. They are ex- “When we go to visit the See FROM, Page 7 tremely colorful and I know the chil- Hubble Space Telescope, we are dren will be glad to get into shape. basically going to a field site. We Irving Rambler $0.25 We have a gorgeous library with are trying to move a maintenance about $100,000 worth of materials When it really does take a rocket scientist, you can’t go wrong with facility into Earth orbit. Success or right now and we will be ordering satellite engineer, Frank Cepollina; astronaut, Dr. John M. Grunsfeld, and the president of SOLE – The International Society of Logistics, Dr. failure lies in having done all of the more. Each of our classrooms has a Lloyd H. Muller, CPL. The three were in Irving last week for the 2006 proper logistics as a team. So it is See NEW, Page 6 presentation of the Jack H. Williams Space Logistics Medal to Dr. neat rather than being recognized Grunsfeld. See COMMUNITY, Page 5 Page 2 August 24, 2006 www.irvingrambler.com The Irving Rambler Community Calendar soned “professional” (or some- August 25 – 28 Northwest The program is for girls ages August 28 North Lake College Greater Irving Republican Club and 7-12. The cost is $65/person. For Chorale - The North Lake College Irving Democrat Club will host a where in between!) please join us Branch Library Renovations - The at 7:00 p.m. at Lee Park Recreation Northwest Branch Library, 2928 N. more information call 214-447-9753 Chorale will begin rehearsal for its Judicial Candidates Forum. The or go to their website at third season in the college’s choir Forum will take place at Irving City Center. irvingHOMEschoolers is an Belt Line Road, will be closed Aug. all-inclusive home school group 25-28 for renovations. Plans include www.eteamz.com/igba. room. The choir is both a commu- Hall starting at 6:30 p.m. and end- nity and a college choir and open ing 8:30 p.m. based in Irving. All home school- making room for a new teen area, ing families are welcome. For more grouping the branch’s public com- August 28 Infant/Child CPR, Car to the public. The concert, “A Night Seat Safety and SIDS Class - in Old Vienna” will include Mozart’s August 31 Irving Homeschoolers information log onto: puters for future classes, widening www.irvinghomeschoolers.com or book aisles, and creating a quieter Baylor Medical Center at Irving will Misericordias Domini, Ave Verum - Whether you are just thinking of hold the class from 7 p.m. to 9:45 Corpus, Laudate Dominum, as well home schooling or you are a sea- email us at: space for adult visitors. The library [email protected]. will reopen at noon Aug. 29. p.m., at the Coppertree Medical as The Heaven’s Are Telling, Alles Building, suite 2030, 1302 Lane St. hat seine Zeit, and the Little Organ August 26 and 31 Irving Girls in Irving. Participants will learn in- Mass by Hadyn. All voice parts are Toler, Neumann Basketball Association - The Irv- fant/child CPR as well as informa- needed. For further information, ing Girls Basketball Association tion on car seat safety and Sudden please contact Allan Andrews, announce engagement has extended registration for its fall Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The North Lake College Director of season until September 1, 2006. class is $25 per person. Refresh- Choirs, at 972-273-3277. Registration may be done in per- ments will be provided. For more son at West Park Recreation Cen- information call 972-579-8243. To August 28 – 29 Judicial Candi- ter, 530 Davis, August 26 from 10 register, call 1-800-4BAYLOR. dates Forum - The Irving Bar As- a.m. – 2 p.m. and again on Aug. 31 sociation and co-hosts, Dallas Bar from 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Association Criminal Law section, Chamber of Commerce Economic DevELOPMENT The Big XII Conference has now Federal Emergency Management IBM is working with researchers to opened its headquarter offices (re- Agency (FEMA) worth up to $250 launch a project that will unleash locating from Dallas) in Irving at the million each. Fluor will haul and in- the power of supercomputing tech- former Industrial Properties build- stall temporary housing units dur- nology in the battle against ing located at 400 E. John Carpen- ing future disasters anywhere in the cancer. The Help Defeat Cancer ter Freeway.
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