UNDERSTANDING THE BOOK OF ACTS by Charles F. Baker President Emeritus – Grace Bible College Grand Rapids, Michigan Grace Bible College Publications Grand Rapids, Michigan 49509 UNDERSTANDING THE BOOK OF ACTS Copyright Ó 1981 by Grace Bible College Publications, 1011 Aldon Street, S.W., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49509. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher, except for brief excerpts in magazine reviews, etc. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Baker, Charles F. Understanding the Book of Acts Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Bible. N. T., Acts – Commentaries. I Bible. N.T., Acts. English. 1981. II. Title. BS2625.3.B32 226’.607 85-769 ISBN 0-912340-03-7 AACR2 Printed in the United States of America By Grace Mission Press 2 3 Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION 11 CHRONOLOGY OF THE ACTS PERIOD 15 SECTION ONE: THE GOSPEL TO THE JEWS ONLY, Chapters 1 – 9 19 I. PRE-PENTECOST EVENTS: 1:1-26 22 A. Introduction to the Book, 1:1-5 22 B. The Final Commission, 1:6-8 23 C. The Ascension, 1:9-11 24 D. Successor of Judas Chosen, 1:12-26 24 II. PETER’S MINISTRY IN JERUSALEM, 2:1-7:60 25 A. The Day of Pentecost, 2:1-13 25 B. Peter’s Pentecostal Sermon, 2:14-42 27 1. Those Addressed 27 2. The Time of the Sermon 27 3. Pentecost the Fulfillment of Prophecy 27 4. The Resurrection of Christ Attested 28 5. The Invitation 29 6. All Things Common 31 C. Events Leading to Peter’s Second Sermon, 3:1-11 32 D. Peter’s Second Sermon, 3:12-26 32 1. Why the Gospel to Israel First 33 2. All Now Fulfilled 33 3. The Kingdom Offered 34 E. The Apostles Testify before the Sanhedrin, 4:1-22 36 1. Their Arrest 36 2. The Rulers’ Question and the Apostles’ Answer 36 3. The Consternation of the Rulers 38 4. The Apostles’ Reaction 38 5. The Believers’ prayer for Boldness 38 6. All Things Common 39 F. The First Failure: Ananias and Sapphira, 5:1-11 40 G. Signs and Wonders Performed, 5:12-16 40 H. Persecution Increases, 5:17-42 41 1. The Apostles Arrested and Divinely Released 41 2. The Counsel of Gamaliel 42 3. Rejoicing of the Apostles 42 I. Appointment of Deacons, 6:1-7 43 J. Martyrdom of Stephen, 6:8 – 7:60 43 1. Arrest of Stephen 43 2. Stephen’s Defense 44 3. Stephen Stoned 45 K. Saul Persecutes the Church at Jerusalem, 8:1-3 45 III. PHILIP’S MINISTRY IN SAMARIA AND JUDEA, 8:4-40 46 A. Ministry in Samaria, 8:4-25 46 1. Scattering of Believers 46 4 2. Identity of the Samaritans 47 3. Simon Magus 48 B. Ministry to the Ethiopian Eunuch, 8:26-40 49 1. Identity of the Eunuch 49 2. Angelic Visitations 49 3. Exposition of Isaiah 53 50 4. Conversion and Baptism of the Eunuch 51 IV. SAUL’S CONVERSION AND MINISTRY IN DAMASCUS AND JERUSALEM, 9:1-31 52 A. Saul’s Conversion 52 B. Saul Preaches in Damascus 54 C. Saul Escapes to Jerusalem 55 D. Saul Returns to Tarsus 56 E. Significance of Saul’s Conversion 57 SECTION TWO: THE GOSPEL TO THE GENTILES THROUGH PETER AND OTHERS, Chapters 9:31 – 12:25 I. PETER’S MINISTRY IN LYDDA AND JOPPA, 9:32-43 58 II. THE CONVERSION OF CORNELIUS, 10:1-48 59 A. Cornelius’ Vision 60 B. Peter’s Vision 61 C. Peter’s Meeting with Cornelius 61 D. Peter’s Sermon 62 E. Cornelius’ Salvation 63 F. Significance of Cornelius 63 III. PETER EXPLAINS GENTILE SALVATION TO OTHER APOSTLES, 11:1-18 63 IV. GENTILES RECEIVED INTO CHURCH AT ANTIOCH, 11:19-26 67 V. ANTIOCH SENDS FAMINE-RELIEF TO JERUSALEM, 11:27-30, 12:25 68 VI. PERSECUTION BY HEROD, 12:1-25 69 A. James Beheaded 69 B. Peter Miraculously Delivered 69 C. Death of Herod 70 SECTION THREE: THE GOSPEL TO THE GENTILES THROUGH PAUL, Chapters 13:1 – 28:31 I. THE FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY, 13:1-14:28 72 A. Paul and Barnabas Separated unto Gentile Ministry, 13:1-3 72 B. The Journey, 13:1 – 14:28 76 1. Cyprus, 13:4-12 76 2. Antioch in Pisidia, 13:13-52 77 3. Iconium, 14:1-7 82 4. Paul Stoned at Lystra, 14:8-20 82 5. Return to Antioch in Syria, 14:21-28 84 II. THE JERUSALEM COUNCIL, 15:1-35 85 A. Reason for the Council, 15:1-6 85 B. Peter’s Speech, 15:7-11 88 C. Testimony of Paul and Barnabas, 15:12 89 5 D. James Gives His Judgment, 15:13-21 89 E. Letter Sent Freeing Gentiles from Law Observance, 15:22-35 91 III. THE SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEY, 15:36-18:22 93 A. Paul Separates from Barnabas, 15:36-41 93 B. Timothy Joins Paul’s Party, 16:1-5 93 C. Vision of Man of Macedonia, 16:6-12 94 D. First Convert in Europe, 16:13-15 96 E. Paul and Silas Arrested, 16:16-29 97 F. Conversion of Philippian Jailer, 16:30-34 98 G. Paul and Silas Released, 16:35-40 100 H. Synagogue at Thessalonica, 17:1-9 100 I. The Noble Bereans, 17:10-15 101 J. Paul’s Sermon on Mars’ Hill, 17:16-34 102 K. Year and a Half Ministry at Corinth, 18:1-18 106 L. Paul’s Stop at Ephesus, 18:18-21 109 M. Paul’s Fourth Visit at Jerusalem, 18:22 110 IV. THE THIRD MISSIONARY JOURNEY, 18:23-20:38 110 A. Apollos at Ephesus, 18:24-28 110 B. Paul’s Encounter with John’s Disciples at Ephesus, 19:1-7 111 C. Three-Month Synagogue Ministry, 19:8-9 113 D. Move to the School of Tyrannus, 19:9-22 113 E. The Riot at Ephesus, 19:23-41 114 F. Paul Visits Macedonia and Greece, 20:1-6 117 G. Paul’s Farewell at Troas, 20:7-12 119 H. Paul Meets with the Ephesian Elders, 20:13-38 120 V. THE TRIP TO JERUSALEM, 21:1-17 121 A. Voyage from Miletus to Tyre, 21:1-6 121 B. From Tyre to Caesarea, 21:7-14 122 C. From Caesarea to Jerusalem, 21:15-17 122 VI. PAUL’S EXPERIENCES AT JERUSALEM, 21:18-23:22 123 A. His Meeting with James and the Elders, 21:18-25 123 B. Excursus on Paul, James, and Circumcision 124 1. Paul 124 2. James 132 3. Circumcision 136 C. The Uproar and Arrest, 21:18-36 140 D. Paul’s Defense Before the People, 21:37 – 22:21 141 E. Paul Brought Before the Jewish Sanhedrin, 22:30 – 23:11 143 F. The Plot to Kill Paul, 23:12-22 145 VII. PAUL’S TWO-YEAR IMPRISONMENT AT CAESAREA, 23:23-26:32 145 A. Paul Whisked Off to Caesarea by Night, 23:23-35 145 B. Paul’s Defense before Felix, 24:1-27 146 C. Paul Appeals to Caesar, 25:1-12 148 D. Paul Testifies before King Agrippa and Bernice, 25:13 – 26:32 149 VIII. PAUL’S TRIP TO ROME, 27:1-28:10 155 A. From Caesarea to Fair Havens, 27:1-12 155 B. The Storm, 27:13-38 156 C. The Shipwreck, 27:39-44 157 D. Paul on the Island of Malta, 28:1-10 157 E. On to Rome, 28:10-16 158 6 F. Paul Meets with Jewish Leaders at Rome, 28:17-24 160 G. Final Pronouncement of Blindness Upon Israel, 28:25-31 161 162 IX THE PURPOSE OF THE BOOK OF ACTS 7 This book is dedicated to my many students of past years with whom I had the privilege and joy of sharing the great doctrinal and dispensational truths of God’s inerrant Word. 8 Foreword Understanding the Book of Acts is a companion volume to Understanding the Gospels by the same author. Mr. Baker's main thesis is that the Book of Acts is primarily the record of God's offer of the Messianic Kingdom to the nation of Israel, the rejection of that offer, and the final setting aside of national Israel. The first half of Acts is seen as a continuation of the Kingdom ministry begun by Jesus Christ in the Gospel records to none but the Jews only. The latter part is seen as a transition, or a turning away from the long-prophesied Israelitish program to a new and hitherto unrevealed dispensation concerning the Church which is called the Body of Christ. A new Apostle by the name of Paul is separated for this distinctive ministry in chapter 13. While going to the Jews first throughout the Roman world, his ministry is characterized by pronouncing spiritual blindness upon unbelieving Jews, followed by a turning to the Gentiles. The Book ends with the final pronouncement and final turning. Mr. Baker correlates the epistles written by Paul during and after the Acts Period with the text. The new spiritual order under Paul is developed, showing both the differences and similarities between Israelitish and Body programs. Since the author believes that a proper understanding of Acts and Pauline theology will answer many of the questions being raised by Charismatics today, anyone who has these questions unresolved should find satisfying reading in Understanding the Acts. Jack T. Dean, Ph.D. President Grace Bible College 9 Preface Every sincere minister of the Word of God trusts that he has been led by the Spirit of God in the exposition of that Word.
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