University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1967 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 9-28-1967 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 8, 9/28/1967 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1967 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 8, 9/28/1967." 71, 8 (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1967/75 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1967 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 3 7 'f) ' '7 "8>9 Page 8 Wednesday. September Z7, 1967 NEW MEXICO LOBO U1" 3~'­ v. 11 V\0,'8' NMSU Priest to Talk I-I ere WANT ADS C!o f~ '2.. OLAS.SIFIED ~VERTJSING RATES: --------~PE=.RS~O~N~AL~S~------ A new presentation of lectures, 4 Une ad., 65--4 tim.. , ,2.00. ~~~~~ ordination. He feels that they ager for the National Orchestra must be submitted by noon on day ...,.ore PERSONALITY POSTERS, PSYCHA­ slides, and music describing a face "deep emotional conflicts, Association. But he gave up his publication to Room 159,· Student Publir.a­ DELIC POSTERS 6 BUTTONS. If we New Mexico priest's efforts to tions Buildlns. or telephone 277-4002 or dl>n't have them, then you don't want often pulled, by their vocational music career to work with young 277-4102. them. Send for sampleB and list, MA­ EXICO make religion more meaningful and personal interests away from people as a Dominican priest. ROOM&BOARD DAM BUTTERFLY'S Gift Shop, 4609 for college-age people will be the religion of their youth." E. Colfax. Denver, Colonu!o. 80220. given at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, THE COLLEGE INN still has some ac­ The Newman Chapel at NMSU commodations available. 20 meals a w~ LOST Our Seventy-First Year ol Editorial Freedom Sept. 80, at the UNM anthropolo­ maid & linen service, co!<>.• '1N, s~­ was built entirely by . students. ming pool, laundry fBCJiities, pnvate LOST PUPPY. Reward for information gy building. Designed by Albuquerque arch­ parking walking distanoe to campus. leading to recovery of male Maltese-Ter­ Vol. 71 The show describes the pro­ Moderaiely priced. 803 Ash NE. Phone rier. Charcoal & White, long hair. ~hort teet Gerald Gasparich, the chapel U. Women's Group tail Near University. Name: 11Jeff~r- · Thursday, September 28, 1967 gram of the Newman Center at has a handsome altar supported 248-2881. son"". White face-black nose & e:vm. SERVICES Call CH 3-5730. 9/27, 28, 29; 10/2. New Mexico State University, by black granite stones from the ' Las Cruces, which is led by the nearby Organ Mountains. TYPEWRITER Sal"'! & Services, all Rev. Blase Schauer, a native of makes. 20 pereent discount Wlth thiS .ad. The altar is frequently deco­ Pions Sportsdoy Free pickup and delivery. Open until 8 LAUNDRY FOR LOVERS Gallup. p.m. on Manday 6 thunday. E 6 E rated with native New Mexican Typewriter Service, 2217 Coal SE, Phone We have some ot the cutest lrirlll The presentation will be spon­ plants such as yuccas and tumble­ The Women's Extramural 243-0588. who come to our laundry and coin-op sored by the New Mexico Coun­ weeds. New Mexico folk songs in Council has begun organization dry cleaners-honest I .Just ask one of FOR SALE the male ~~ottendanta who Is iBIWIIl'll on Value of NSA Congress cil of Churches and the liturgy for the first. sportsday of the year Spanish are often sung by the 1966 YAMAHA YA-6 Motore;vele. Ex­ duty-be"D tell :vou. Guys-face it I committee of St. Thomas Aquinas students. Father Schauer also in­ to be held at New Mexico State cellent condition. can ·Bob, 24ll.oo66 You not onlY wa!lt a cute lrirl-but after 6 p.m. 9/25, 27, 28, 29 one that is reasonablY clean. Resular Parish at UNM. It is titled, "The volves the students in working University Oct, 6. attendance at our lanndry Is :vour Winds Thy Messengers, the with Indians at the nearby vil­ Organizational meetings will FORSALE • surest guarantee of meeting a cute, 1956 RAMBLER MetropOlitan, rmmmg e~ea.. girL That girl is t1010 (or has Flaming Tongues Thy Servants," lage of Tortugas. be held this week for the sports­ condition. $150. Call after 5 p.m. phone just left. perish the thought) at from the 108rd Psalm. day, which will include both in­ no. 268-4906. 9/27, 28, 29; 10/2. SPEED QUEEN LAUNDRY CEN­ Debated U. Delegates Father Schauer received a by TER which is across from the Safe Tickets are available at Reid­ bachelor's degree from the Uni­ dividual and dual sports. Women ALASKAN Malamutes, PU.PPies and atud way Store on Central, which is acrQ6s By WAYNE CIDDIO ling's downtown and at the UNM versity of California and a mas­ interested in tennis will begin service. Phone 247-2602. 9/,27, 28, 29; the .street from tbe Lobo Theater, WidE!ly varied and conflicting Drugs 'Health Problem' Newm;m Center, 1815 Lomas ter's degree in musicology at practices this week, with a bad­ 10/2. ' which is across the street from • • • opinions on the value of the sum­ The drug resolution stated that STUDENT Representative tor PLAYBOY it's h!lrd to explain but the address is state legislatures should consider N.E., at $3 for adults ad $1.50 Columbia University. He spent minton interest group scheduled Magazine now hilS special rates for lovers I Wherever you are I mer's National Student Associa­ for students. for Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 4 p.m. UNM students. Call 247-9082. 9/27, 28, 107 Dartmoutb S.E. Come Young tion Congress were voiced by drug addiction as a health prob­ several years with the Robert 29; 10/2. Father Schauer has worked Shaw Chorale, and later was Ji­ in Room 15, Carlisle Gymnasium. Congress delegates in reports lem instead of as an unlawful with college-age people since his brian a11d music personnel man- Other sports included in this given to Student Senate last act. Martin said, "I went into the first sportsday are bowling, swim­ night. debate completely against the use. ing, golf, ping-pong, volleyball, of drugs in any form but after Feb. 3, April 6, July 6 Jim McAdams, elected to the hearing the medical facts I took a basketball, ·softball, dancing, ski­ Varsity Barber Shops National Supervisory Board of ing, field hockey, track and field, very different view.'' NSA. during the Congress, aaid, Martin told the audience that and gymnastics. "The Congress was .. a complete U. Seniors Planning to Teach School The Women's Extramural participants in the drug debate bust from the administrative and were warned not to speak to any­ Council works to provide the 2 LOCATIONS organizational viewpoint, but women athletes at UNM a chance one about the debate because "we Should Take National Teacher Exams NSA is working on some fantas- · could be subpoenaed to lVashing­ for practice and competition, and tic projects that everyone can The National Teacher Exami­ by several states for certifica­ is also responsible for organizing 2408 Central SE - Phone 243-4267 benefit from." ton to testify on the 'drug con­ nations for college seniors pre­ tion or licensing of teachers. women's sports for intercollegi­ ference.' We were instructed to McAdams, former vice-pres­ treat everyone as though he were paring to teach school will be Some colleges also require all ate competition. Basement of Student Union ident of the Associated Students administered Feb. 3, April 6, and · seniors preparing to teach to a cop.'' Northwest Corner - Phone 277-4815 of UNM, spoke after three other "I will have to say that the '· ' July 6, 1968. take the examinations. delegates had given their impres­ Prospective teachers at UNM On each full day of testing reports given by the delegates sions of the Congress as "disap­ were inaccurate. The only delll­ should contact the school systems prospective teachers may take the Monday Cues Start pointing, unorganized, and a com­ in which they plan to seek em­ Common Examinations, which plete fiasco." gates who can give an honest ployment, their college, or the measure the professional pre­ evaluation of the Congress are "WAlT UNTIL DARK," a melodrama written by Frederick Knott Bill Carr, ASUNM vice-pres­ myself, Steve Black (NSA Co­ Placement Office for specific ad­ paration and general cultural Of Pool Tournament ident and one of the delegates to vise on which examinations to background of teachers, and one 8Dd starring Phyllis Kirk, will be pres(!nted at the UNM Concert ordinator), and Rusty Bauman, The Union games area will spon­ KDEF the Congress, said, "I felt that because we attended all of the HaD Oct. 16. The play opened first in New- York on Feb. 2, 1966, take and on which dates they of 13 Teaching Area Examina­ sor a billiards tournament begin­ great headway was made in re­ should be taken. tions which measure mastery of to the acclaim of critics and audiences, and continued for 374 per­ debates and were fully aware of ning Monday, Oct, 2, at 7:30 p.m. formanees to Dee. 31, 1966. Shown here in a scene from the gional cooperation but the Con­ what was hapepning," McAdams The Educational Testing Serv­ the subject they expect to teach. gress as a whole was a great dis­ said.
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