Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-19-1993 The BG News April 19, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 19, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5531. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5531 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. /? The BG News Monday, April 19,1993 The BG Mews Volume 75, Issue 138 Making The Switch Hostages alive, but end to riot still unsure by Rodd Aubrey The Associated Press LUCASVTLLE, Ohio - Negotia- tors trying to end a prison upris- ing said Sunday they have proof that five hostages held by prisoners were alive but did not say whether a settlement to the eight-day Insurrection was im- minent. A state corrections department spokesperson said negotiators at Southern Ohio Correctional Fa- cility have obtained an audio tape proving that all five guards being held hostage were "alive and well." Sharron Kornegay, spokeswo- man for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, said only that hostages' families had heard the tape and verified the guards' identities. She would not say when or how the tape was obtained. Kornegay would not comment on negotiations to end the siege that began April 11 when 450 prisoners took control of a cell- block at the maximum-security Delta Gamma sorority members switch riders during the Delta children from troubled families. Delta Gamma sorority and Phi prison about 70 miles south of Upsilon 43rd Annual Bike Race In the parking lot next to the Stu- Sigma Kappa won the event with Pi Beta Phi sorority taking home Columbus. Seven inmates and dent Services Building Sunday afternoon. Proceeds from the phi- the spirit award. one guard have died in the stan- lanthropy will go to The Villages, Inc. which provides homes for doff. On Saturday, corrections offi- cials said a surrender was possi- ble and summoned a television crew and a still photographer to the prison compound. The Two guilty in King beating prisoners had wanted cameras to videotape the surrender, offi- hours of deliberations spread sparked three days of rioting in Sgt. Stacey Koon, the supervi- cials said. by Linda Deutsch Los Angeles that killed 54 and sor at the scene of the March 3, But Saturday night, authorities The Associated Press over seven days. Churchgoers in riot-scarred caused $1 billion in damage, and 1991, beating, was convicted of asked the journalists to leave the South Central Los Angeles unrest hit other cities from At- allowing King's civil rights to be grounds after food was brought in for the inmates. Prisoners LOS ANGELES - A federal greeted the decision with high- lanta to San Francisco. violated. Officer Laurence fives and shouts of "Thank you, The federal jury had heard Powell, who delivered the most were last given food on Wednes- Jury convicted two police offi- day. cers Saturday of violating the Jesus!" and "Justice!" President more than six weeks of testi- baton blows in the videotape, was Clinton praised the jury- mony, including King's, who convicted of violating those Since the riot, two hostages civil rights of black motorist have been released. Both are Rodney King, capping a tumul- All 7,700 city police officers didn't testify in the state trial. rights. were mobilized in anticipation of The jury also repeatedly watched Officer Theodore Briseno and prison guards. tuous two years that began with Former hostage, James A De- his videotaped beating and led to the verdict, and 600 National the videotape snowing King be- Timothy Wind, a rookie officer Guard troops were standing by in ing pummeled by batons, kicked fired after the beating, were ac- mons, 26, said in published re- the nation's worst rioting in dec- ports Sunday that Robert Vallan- ades. Two other officers were armories. But the streets were and shocked with an electronic quitted. Briseno was shown calm after the jury's decision stun gun. stomping on King at one point but dingham, the only hostage to die, acquitted. was killed because a corrections The convictions of the sergeant was announced That videotape -- shot by also appeared to try to stop the The outcome was a dramatic George Holliday, who lived beating; Wind didn't appear to spokesperson downplayed in- who supervised the beating and mates' threats to kill a hostage. the officer who struck the most contrast to the officers' first trial across the street from the beat- take a major role. in state court a year ago. That ing scene and was testing a new King was home with his family Vallandingham was found dead baton blows were announced in Thursday in the yard outside the an unusual 7 am. court session. It jury took 32 hours to acquit them camera - was broadcast world- as the verdicts were read, said lasted only IS minutes, compared of most assault charges, dead- wide, provoking debate over with the jury's agonizing 40 locking on one. The verdicts police brutality and racism. See Verdict, page 5. See rriaorv page 2. The BG News April 19,1993 Prison Continued from page 1. Graduate Senate barricaded cellblock. Demons, who was released Friday after inmates were al- lowed to air their demands on a calls for campus live television broadcast, said comments from spokeswoman Tessa Unwin may have contrib- uted to the death. child care facility During a briefing Wednesday, Unwin responded to questions how to go about getting the facili- about a sheet hung from a prison byJenlBond student government reporter ty established. window bearing a threat to kill a While supporting the issue of guard. She said: "There have day care, GSS failed to pass a bill been threatening things like this Graduate Student Senate requesting the University not from the beginning ... It's part of TU BG NtWi/Blll Dernwdy Jr. passed a bill Friday calling for take sides on controversial is- the language of negotiations." the University to consider estab- sues. The bill was a result of an "He died after that woman During Sunday mornings grand opening of the Pharm, 1044 N. lishing a child care facility on April 6 display next to the Stu- said, 'Oh, they have been making Main St, Executive Vice President of Seaway Food Town Inc. campus and to make the issue a dent Services Building. The ex- death threats since Sunday.' As if David Wal rod cuts the ribbon. high priority on the next Univer- hibit consisted of 1,100 white our lives were jokes," said De- sity budget. crosses entitled "Cemetery of mons, a guard. The bill states there is a need Innocents" and were put up by He also said his captors told for convenient and affordable Students for Life to represent him they had warned SOCF War- Drugstore offers child care for students, faculty one-fourth of the children killed den Arthur Tat e Jr. about a pos- and staff at the University. A each day by abortion in the sible uprising. Demons said in- 1990 ad hoc committee estab- United States. mates told Tate a few days be- 'everything, plus' lished by the Faculty Senate Senator Ted Eaton said the fore rebellion that they "would made a recommendation for a University took an official stance take over" if Muslim inmates child care facility, but the admin- on the issue by not informing the were forced to take tuberculosis by Courtney Gangeml istration "has taken no subse- student body or any group with tests. Muslim beliefs forbid such city reporter quent action in response to any of dissenting opinions of the display tests. these recommendations." before it occurred. Prison officials declined to GSS welfare coordinator Lisa "This was a controversial situ- comment on Demons' state- From kegs to eggs, videos to perfumes, Pharm Deep Discount Sawyer said she met with Lester ation, and it was done when no Drugs had its grand opening Sunday morning. ments. Barber, assistant to President one had a chance to object," he The replacement of Tate is Located on South Main Street, Pharm Deep Discount Drugs is Olscamp, to discuss the issue. the 20th chain store to open. Frank Shuf f, store manager, said he said. "By not informing students among inmate demands. They "[Barber] was guardedly opti- the University has taken a stance also have demanded amnesty, re- hoped for success at the store's opening. mistic and basically said the bot- on the issue." ligious freedom for Muslim in- "We've got everything," Shuff said. "The free cholesterol tom line is financial," she said. Senator Jack Zibluk said the mates and freer telephone and screening should draw a crowd, along with the free lottery tick- "He also is concerned that there bill is commendable but if visitor privileges. ets [given away] with a $20 purchase." may not be enough support from passed, the University would He said he spent his time in Michelle McElroy, senior general business major, said she be- those the facility would not bene- face lawsuits because they would captivity blindfolded and bound lieved the opening was a success. fit." be interfering with free speech with duct tape. He said he "I wasn't too sure what they would have, but they had every- In addition to the child care "I am concerned with who de- prayed, thought constantly of his thing I needed, plus," McElroy said.
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