Government of West Bengal OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE& COLLECTOR, BANKURA (Panchayat& Rural Development Section) Administrative Building, 2nd floor, PO &District : Bankura, PIN : 722101 B A N K U R A Ph. No. & Fax – (03242) 254636 e-mail : [email protected] Memo No:- 970/P&RD_BNK Date:- 07/07/2020 NOTIFICATION Whereas, in terms of Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-1(A), dated. 17/05/2020 of the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs, the lock down measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 has been extended up to 31/05/2020. And whereas, in continuation to the above order, certain directives and clarifications in respect of restrictions and relaxation that will be applicable in respect of the Affected areas (Containment Zone), Buffer areas & clean areas have been issued by the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal vide Order No. 177-CS/2020, dated. 18/05/2020 read with order no. 218-CS/2020 dated 30-05-2020 of the Chief Secretary, GoWB, lockdown restrictions in the affected areas (containment zone) have been extended up to 15-06-2020. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upon the undersigned vide Clause 6(i) of the order of the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal mentioned above, and power delegated by the District Magistrate, Bankura vide memo no. 723(8)/1/Health dated 29/05/2020 the area(s) of Bankura District as mentioned in the ANNEXURE-A(Enclosed herewith) is/are hereby notified as Affected Area(Containment Zone) [Category-A] and ANNEXURE –B (Enclosed herewith) is/are hereby notified as Buffer Zone [Category-B] in terms of Memo No H&FW/176/20 dated 01.06.2020 of the Health & Family Welfare Department, GoWB. All the Directives and clarifications in respect of the Prohibitions, General Advisory and Restrictions/Interventions Applicable for the Affected Area (Containment Zone) [Category-A] as mentioned vide clauses 1,2 &3 of the Order No. 177- CS/2020 dated. 18/05/2020& order no. 218-CS/2020 dated 30-05-2020 will remain applicable for the area(s) mentioned above. This order will take immediate effect. Enclosure: ANNEXURE-A & B Additional District Magistrate (Gen) Bankura Memo No:- 970/1(20)/P&RD_BNK Date:- 07/07/2020 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:- 1. Director of Information, West Bengal for kind information and with the request to publish in Egiye Bangla website. 2. Superintendent of Police. Bankura. 3. Addl. District Magistrate (Health), Bankura. 4. Chief Medical Officer of Health, Bankura/Bishnupur Health District. 5. Sub-divisional Officer, Bankura/Khatra/Bishnupur. 6. Superintendent of Excise, Bankura 7. District Information Officer, NIC, Bankura for publication in District website. 8. Officer-in-Charge, Health Section, Bankura. 9. The Administrator, Bankura/Bishnupur/Sonamukhi Municipality. 10. Block Development Officer,…………………..Block. 11. CA to the District Magistrate, Bankura with a request to place it before the authority. Additional District Magistrate (Gen) Bankura Annexure-A District: Bankura A-Zone (Affected Area) in connection with Covid-19 Disease Date : - 07/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 District Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward A-Zone (Affected Area) Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Sri Ashok Kr. Rakshit, Jt. BDO, Chhatna Dev. 1 Bankura Bankura Sadar Chhatna Jhunjka Mondal Para 22/06/2020 Block. Mobile No.8617039738 Alamgir Hossain, WBCS(Exe) Tirshulia Village Block Development Officer 2 Bankura Khatra Hirbandh Hirbandh 25/06/2020 Vill- Tirshulia Hirbandh Development Block Mobile No. - 8373052839 Sri. Gautam Sanyal, WBCS(Exe), Block Development Officer, Saltora Development 3 Bankura Bankura Sadar Saltora Bamuntore Kechka 25/06/2020 Block Mobile No. 8373052833 Sri. Gautam Sanyal, WBCS(Exe), Block Development Officer, Saltora Development 4 Bankura Bankura Sadar Saltora Gogra Gogra 25/06/2020 Block Mobile No. 8373052833 Sri. Gautam Sanyal, WBCS(Exe), Block Development Officer, Saltora Development 5 Bankura Bankura Sadar Saltora Salma Singhir 25/06/2020 Block Mobile No. 8373052833 Snehasis Dutta, WBCS(Exe), BDO, Bishnupur 6 Bankura Bishnupur Bishnupur Bhara Bhara College Hostel 25/06/2020 Dev. Block Mobile No. 9434754746 Manasi Bhadra Chakrabarti WBCS(Exe), 7 Bankura Bishnupur Indas Karisunda Entire Karisunda BDO, Indas Dev. Block Mobile No. 25/06/2020 9475900083 Sri Bittu Bhowmik, WBCS(Exe), BDO,Joypur 8 Bankura Bishnupur Joypur Shyamnagar Entire Shyamnagar Village Development Block, Mobile No. 25/06/2020 9475900075 Page 1 of 10 Annexure-A District: Bankura A-Zone (Affected Area) in connection with Covid-19 Disease Date : - 07/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 District Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward A-Zone (Affected Area) Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Sri Bittu Bhowmik, WBCS(Exe), BDO,Joypur 9 Bankura Bishnupur Joypur Salda Entire Rajagram Village Development Block, Mobile No. 26/06/2020 9475900075 Sri Krishnendu Ghosh, WBCS(Exe), 10 Bankura Bishnupur Kotulpur Gopinathpur Entire Madhabpur Village BDO,Kotulpur Development Block 26/06/2020 Mobile No. 9475900076 Manasi Bhadra Chakrabarti WBCS(Exe), 11 Bankura Bishnupur Indas Karisunda G.P. Entire Bhabapur BDO, Indas Dev. Block Mobile No. 27/06/2020 9475900083 Manasi Bhadra Chakrabarti WBCS(Exe), 12 Bankura Bishnupur Indas Mangalpur G.P. Entire Jashdighi BDO, Indas Dev. Block Mobile No. 27/06/2020 9475900083 Sanglap Banerjee, WBCS (Exe.), Block 13 Bankura Khatra Sarenga Sarenga Village-Saluka, Dule Para 28/06/2020 Development Officer, Mob No-7076200629 Sri Subhendu Ganguly, Jt. B.D.O., 14 Bankura Sadar Barjora Beliatore Beliatore Brahman Para Barjora Block, Bankura 29/06/2020 Mobile No. 9933989551 Sri Bhaskar Ray, WBCS(Exe), Block 15 Bankura Bankura Sadar Barjora Beliatore Beliatore Baromile Development Officer, Barjora Development 29/06/2020 Block, Mobile No. 8373052836 Sri. Biplab Kr. Roy, WBCS(Exe), Block 16 Bankura Bankura Sadar Bankura-I Anchuri Masjidpara Uttarbonkanta Development Officer, Bankura-I 30/06/2020 Development Block, Mobile No.9475900057 Page 2 of 10 Annexure-A District: Bankura A-Zone (Affected Area) in connection with Covid-19 Disease Date : - 07/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 District Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward A-Zone (Affected Area) Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Sri. Biplab Kr. Roy, WBCS(Exe), Block 17 Bankura Bankura Sadar Bankura-I Anchuri Namopara, Jalhari Development Officer, Bankura-I 30/06/2020 Development Block, Mobile No.9475900057 Manish Nandy,WBCS(Exe.),Block Around 200 m of the Zakir 18 Bankura Khatra Indpur Gourbazar Development Officer,Indpur,Bankura, 01/07/2020 Hussain Dalal's Shop Mobile No. - 83489 42366 Village-Gargaria Ghosh Para Sanglap Banerjee, WBCS (Exe.), Block 19 Bankura Khatra Sarenga Gargaria G.P.-Gargaria, P.O.-Gargaria, 01/07/2020 Development Officer, Mob No-7076200629 PS-Sarenga, Dist-Bankura Sourav Mazumder,WBCS(Exe.), Block 20 Bankura Khatra Taldangra Bibarda Bibarda Jr. Basic School 29/06/2020 Development Officer,Taldangra,Bankura Rathindranath Adhikari, WBCS (Exe), Block Dey Para under Parsola 21 Bankura Khatra Simlapal Parsola Dev Officer, Simlapal, Bankura. Mobile No - 02/07/2020 village 8373052843 Smt. Saswati Das, WBCS (Exe), BDO, 22 Bankura Bankura Sadar Chhatna Chhatna-I Bouri Para Chhatna Dev. Block. Mobile No. 02/07/2020 9475900059 House of Bikash Bauri and surrounding area comprises Sri. Susanta Kumar Basu, WBCS(Exe), Block house's of sadhan Development Officer, Gangajalghati Development 23 Bankura Bankura Sadar Gangajalghati Bhaktabandh 02/07/2020 Bauri,Chinmoy Bauri,mKadan Block Bauri,Natabar Mallick & Gopal Mobile No. 947590060 Mallick Page 3 of 10 Annexure-A District: Bankura A-Zone (Affected Area) in connection with Covid-19 Disease Date : - 07/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 District Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward A-Zone (Affected Area) Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) House of Laxmi Malakar, Bankura Sri Manas Giri, WBCS (Exe), 24 Bankura Bankura Sadar Ward No - 7 Fasidanga, Harijan Collony, 02/07/2020 Municipality DMDC (HQ), Mobile No - 7319374397 Ward - 7 Sri. Biplab Kr. Roy, WBCS(Exe), Block Drivers' Rest Room Development Officer, Bankura-I Development 25 Bankura Bankura Sadar Bankura-I Anchuri S.B.S.T.C Bus Depot. 03/07/2020 Block Ailakundi Mobile No.9475900057 Bimal Kumar Sharma, WBCS (Exe) Block 26 Bankura Bankura Onda Lodna Kochkhalui Malgop Para Development Officer,Onda, Mobile No - 02/07/2020 9475900064 Near Khatra Court ( From Sanjay Senapati, WBCS(Exe), 27 Bankura Khatra Khatra Khatra Gram I No Mou X-Ray to Bauripara Dhalai Block Development Officer, 03/07/2020 Road) Khatra Mobile No. 8373052840 200 mtr. arround bhaluka pry. Manish Nandy,WBCS(Exe.),Block Development 28 Bankura Khatra Indpur Indpur school including joiba sar Officer,Indpur,Bankura, 04/07/2020 karkhana Mobile No. - 83489 42366 Manish Nandy,WBCS(Exe.),Block Development 200 mtr. arround pairachali 29 Bankura Khatra Indpur Hatagram Officer,Indpur,Bankura, 04/07/2020 bus stop (nh-60) Mobile No. - 83489 42366 Sanjay Senapati, WBCS(Exe), Khatra Cinema Hall to Khatra 30 Bankura Khatra Khatra Khatra Gram I No Block Development Officer, 05/07/2020 Sub-Station Khatra Mobile No. 8373052840 Smt. Devleena Sardar, WBCS(Exe), BDO, 31 Bankura Bishnupur Sonamukhi Dhulai Tentul Bagan Sonamukhi Dev. Block 05/07/2020 Mobile No. 9475900080 Page 4 of 10 Annexure-A District: Bankura A-Zone (Affected Area) in connection with Covid-19 Disease Date : - 07/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 District Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward A-Zone (Affected Area) Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Smt. Devleena Sardar, WBCS(Exe), BDO, 32 Bankura Bishnupur Sonamukhi Radhamohanpur Purba Patrahati Sonamukhi Dev. Block 05/07/2020 Mobile No. 9475900080 Smt. Devleena Sardar, WBCS(Exe), BDO, 33 Bankura Bishnupur Sonamukhi Radhamohanpur Belowa Sonamukhi Dev. Block 05/07/2020 Mobile No. 9475900080 Sri Bittu Bhowmik, WBCS(Exe), BDO,Joypur 34 Bankura Bishnupur Joypur Moynapur Entire Kallaiya Village 05/07/2020 Development Block Mobile No.
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