Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development: The BALANCED Project FINAL REPORT For Period September 2008 to September 2013 USAID Cooperative Agreement No. GPO-A-00-08-00002-00 Population, Health and Environment Technical Leadership Cooperative Agreement Implemented by: Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc. Conservation International This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. GPO-A-00-08-00002-00. The Project is managed by the Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island in collaboration with PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc. and Conservational International. For more information contact: Lesley Squillante Email: [email protected] Table of Contents I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 I. Assessment of Project Impact .............................................................................................. 1 II. Cumulative Results Achieved .............................................................................................. 6 IR1 Capacity built for integrated PHE implementation .......................................................... 7 Achievements .......................................................................................................................... 7 Lessons Learned: .................................................................................................................. 10 IR2 PHE knowledge and tools developed, synthesized, and shared ..................................... 11 PHE Toolkit .......................................................................................................................... 11 PHE Tools and Manuals ....................................................................................................... 12 Technical Reports ................................................................................................................. 12 Other Resources to Promote PHE ......................................................................................... 12 Advisory Committee ............................................................................................................. 13 Best Practices ........................................................................................................................ 14 Challenges and Lessons Learned .......................................................................................... 14 IR3 Results-oriented PHE field activities implemented in areas of high biodiversity .......... 15 Tanzania ................................................................................................................................ 15 Seed Grants ........................................................................................................................... 18 Integrated Program Approaches to Glacier Melt Impacts in Asia – Field Support .............. 26 Scaling-up PHE in the Philippines – Field Support .............................................................. 26 III. Research Findings ............................................................................................................... 30 Value-added research ................................................................................................................ 30 Behavior Monitoring in Tanzania and the Philippines ............................................................. 30 Baseline survey ..................................................................................................................... 31 End of Project Surveys and Analyses ................................................................................... 31 IV. Challenges and Lessons Learned/Recommendations ..................................................... 32 Annex 1: Performance Monitoring Table ................................................................................. 36 Annex 2: Summary of BALANCED activities from January 1 to Sept 16, 2013 .................. 38 Annex 3: BALANCED-Philippines Final Report ...................................................................... 0 Acronyms ABCG Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group ADDO Accredited Drug Dispensary Outlet BALANCED Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development BCC Behavior Change Communication BINP Bwindi Impenetrable National Park BMCT Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Trust BMS Behavioral Monitoring Survey CA Collaborating Agencies CAR Central Asia Republic CBD Community-based Distributors CBFP Community-based Family Planning CBO Community-based Organization CI Conservation International CIP Conservation International Philippines CMO Community-managed Organization COMACO Community Markets for Conservation CRC Coastal Resources Center CRM Coastal Resources Management CTI Coral Triangle Initiative CTPH Conservation Through Public Health DBC Designing for Behavior Change DCB Dual Capacity Building DED District Executive Director DMO District Medical Office EARTH Evaluation and Research Technologies for Health ECHNTS Esiama Community Health Nurses Training School ECO Ecological Christian Organization ECSP Environmental Security and Change Project EHP Environmental Health Project ENWRA Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resource Association FON Friends of the Nation FP Family Planning GH Global Health GIZ German Society for International Cooperation GMVR Glacier Melt Vulnerability Resilience HEW Health Extension Worker HOPE-LVB Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin ICM Integrated Coastal Management ICFG Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance (Project) IEC Information, Education and Communication IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IR Intermediate Result K4Health Knowledge for Health KM Knowledge Management M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEAT Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool MGNP Mgahinga Gorilla National Park MOH Ministry of Health MOU/A Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement MSI Marie Stopes International NGO Non-Governmental Organization NRM Natural Resources Management OEECC Office of Energy, Environment and Climate Change OH Office of Health OPRH Office of Population and Reproductive Health OSIENALA Friends of Lake Victoria PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PFPI PATH Foundation Philippines Inc. PHE Population-Health-Environment PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PNG Papua New Guinea PTAL PHE Technical Assistance Lead RH Reproductive Health SACCOS Savings and Credit Cooperative Society SANAPA Saadani National Park SOTA State of the Art SSE South-to-South Exchange STI Sexually Transmitted Infections TCMP Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership TKCP Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program TOT Training of Trainers UHMG Uganda Health Marketing Group URI University of Rhode Island USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government VEDCO Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns VHT Village Health Teams VIP Verde Island Passage VSLA Village Savings and Loan Association WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WHO World Health Organization WPZ Woodland Park Zoo WWC Woodrow Wilson Center WWF World Wildlife Fund YPE Youth Peer Educator YUS Yopno, Uruwa and Som (Rivers) I. Introduction The BALANCED Project has been funded by the United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Global Health (USAID/GH) from 2008 to 2013 to advance and support wider use of population, health and environment (PHE) approaches worldwide. USAID’s PHE technical leadership cooperative agreement was led by Coastal Resources Center (CRC) at the University of Rhode Island (URI) and its international partners, PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc. (PFPI) and Conservation International (CI). The five-year BALANCED Project received $5,560,000 in Core funding from the USAID/GH Office of Population and Reproductive Health (OPRH) and $1,882,000 in field support funds from the Asia Bureau and from the USAID/Philippines Office of Health and the Office of Energy, Environment and Climate Change. The vision of the BALANCED Project was: "Cadres of competent PHE champions and practitioners from Africa and Asia are promoting the comparative advantage of approaches that simultaneously support family planning and conservation, are working collaboratively with other groups globally to apply PHE knowledge and state-of-the-art (SOTA) practices in remote biodiversity-rich areas, and are actively documenting and sharing evidence of the added-value and better practices of PHE using 21st century knowledge management and learning tools." In order to implement this vision, BALANCED focused on three key intermediate results (IRs): IR1 – Capacity built for integrated PHE implementation IR2 – PHE knowledge and tools developed, organized, synthesized and shared IR3 – Results-oriented PHE field activities implemented in areas of high biodiversity USAID/GH funds were used to integrate community-based family planning (CBFP) interventions into conservation, livelihood and community development projects in areas of threatened biodiversity where population growth was a key threat to the area of high biodiversity. Through the PHE approach BALANCED increased access to remote, underserved communities with a need for family planning (FP) and basic health services. By partnering with conservation organizations that had on-going
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