University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-11-1975 Sandspur, Vol. 81 No. 21, April 11, 1975 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 81 No. 21, April 11, 1975" (1975). The Rollins Sandspur. 1467. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1467 Second class postage paid at Winter Park Florida 32TS9 EOHittS g>anti0pur No. 21, Vol. 81 April 11 Anchors A weigh POTPOURRI This is the start of what we in the presentation to the greatest Rollins Student Activities board hope will be baseball fan of them all. And mark 58 TO SET SAIL a regular feature in the Sandspur. It is Saturday, Maj 3, on your calendar, designed to be a review of the past because Rollins plays Stetson in Fifty eight students will spend the baseball. But Saturday, May 3. is accepted in priority order. The following students shall be events, and a place to announce first day of class next fall winging The academic set-up abroad is the upcoming events. This article is Beach Day at the park. .Thanks to attending Rollins - in - Ireland: Leslie the Student Activities Board, every­ their way to two unique educational same as Mother Rollins': the student Ahrens, Howard Bascom, Elaine Behr, similar to the Student Center News programs: Rollins - in - Australia and chooses four courses, which are con­ heard on the Mark Maier "Beatle one wearing a bathing suit and Gaeta Bell, Chris Boesch, Janice bringing a beach towel will receive Rollins-in-Ireland. ducted on a graded basis (no pass-fail Buckley, Jill Burgess, Bradley Clark, Special" radio shows on WPRK FM, This fall term marks the second option); tests, including a final exam 91.5, on Thursday nights (9-12 p.m.). unlimited free cokes from the con­ Wendy Clark, Julia Coyle, Kevin"] cession stand. Come out that Saturday year of the Rollins overseas programs are administered and attendance is The only differences will be that last Crowley, Nancy Dandy, John Durkee, and catch the rays and root for the administered by Dr. Frank Sedwick. required. The professors are drafted minute schedule changes will be heard William Eames, Lelia Gammon, Tars. Last year's were so successful that from local universities, but Rollins Victoria Glendinning, Melissa Good­ on the radio. Also relating to sports, the Student three students are returning overseas students do not attend classes with ing, Susan Gordon, Chris Gross, First off, the Student Activities Activities Board is subsidizing a to the countries they missed the first the local students, as the Rollins Kathy Hart, Margaret Ann Hughes, Board would like to thank everyone professional soccer match to be played time around. courses are specialized to give the Patrick Lamb, Chris Lawrence, Alison for making the "Who Killed JFK?" on the Sandspur Field this Sunday at "The experience was valuable to me American student a background of the Lee, Barbara Jean Lovejoy, Dudley presentation such a success. The 1:30 p.m. because living in a country, getting to country in which he is living. Cost for Malone, Dane Neller, Tomothy Pat­ lecture and slide presentation, for Tne subsidy will enable all students, meet the people that live there - the the Ireland program, including air­ terson, David Pearson, Russell Rizor, those who missed it, was presented by faculty and staff to attend the event total experience of being there can be fare, is equal to the Rollins fall term; Richard Savid, Frank Serrano, Peter Mr. Bob Katz and his associates, on free of charge. ^e best education of all," said the Australian program costs $250.00 Sharp, John Shubert, Sarah Taylor, the assassination of former President Australian veteran Julie Hicks. Gaeta more to offset the hefty travel Paul Twomey, Martha Weatherhead, Kennedy. In his speech, Mr. Katz Tthe game Pits the U.S. National Bell, who is enrolled in the Ireland expenses to Australia. The student is and Patricia Wynne. made some interesting points, and Soccer League Champions, San Antonio Thunder, against the Tampa program for next fall, said she opted responsible for his own transportation Twenty more students will be brought some relatively obscure facts powerhouse, the Tampa Bay to go abroad because she wanted "the to the point of departure: New York studying in Australia: Cecilia Arm­ to light. The feeling of Mr. Katz, his Rowdies, and should provide specta­ opportunity to travel and live in for Ireland, Los Angelos for Australia. strong, Philip Bethell, Robert Boyle, associates, and the overwhelming tors with some of the best soccer ever another culture and experience a Subjects taught in Ireland include Robert Collins, Robert Eberly, Peter majority of those in attendence was to be seen on the Sandspur, possibly different lifestyle." History of Ireland, Irish Folklore, Ehrlich, Jo Gawthrop, Arden Gould, that the Warren Commission Report even in all of Florida. The Student So many Rollins students wanted to Irish Archeology; Irish Theatre; 20th A. Todd Griffith, John Joyeusaz, should be examined, and a new Activities Board urges everyone to take advantage of the foreign term Century Irish Literature; Irish Gov­ Robert Korsan, William Langdon, commission should be approinted to turn out Sunday for what promises to that despite brochure promises of ernment and Politics; and The Irish Anne Laurie, John Manderson, bring the true facts of the assassi­ be an exciting afternoon. automatic acceptance "as long as your Economy. Australian courses will be Barbara Jean Miller, James Patricelli, nation to light. OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS: Hold cumulative academic average is not History of Australia, (Political Beth Radford, Susan Sharp, Charles VIDEO: The video for the re­ on to your Alpha Waves, here comes below a C as of June 1975," those with Science) Australia, Asia and the Sullivan and Patricia Vanderwerf. mainder of the week will be "The Alex Tanous on a return engagement the highest grade point averages were Pacific, Australian Geography and Gladiators," a story of computerized to the campus. Those of you here two Demography; 20th Century Litera­ war between China and the West. years ago will remember the tremen­ ture of Australia, the Australian Next week will be a double feature dous reception and impact the capti­ STUDENT Economy, Australian Anthropology video program. The Athletic depart­ Graduate vating speaker had when he packed (or Sociology), Australian Govern­ ment is helping us out in sponsoring Bush on a weeknight of pouring down ment and politics, and Australian "Billie Jean King." Need I say more? rain. The dynamic psychic is present­ Environmental Studies. And The Behavioral Science depart­ ACTIVITIES ing a lecture entitled, "Spirits and School ment is co-sponsoring "The Repeater" ESP," and will be speaking at 8 p.m. in a film about convicts. Be sure to check Bush Auditorium this coming Tues­ the posters and advertisements for PRESENTS day, the 15th. Offers details. NOT TO MENTION. .The Student CONCERT: We are this close to a Activities Board welcomes and strong­ concert but things are so sketchy at FILM ly encourages student input into its this time that all I can say is wait for Mini-Mester meetings. After all, our main goal is to next week's Sandspur. present what you want to see. The SPECIAL EVENTS: At the base­ next meeting of the Board is Tuesday, We saw the facts presented on ball field this Saturday, Rollins will The Rollins College School of Con­ April 15, at 6 p.m. in the Student Monday night with "Who Killed play Eckerd in a doubleheader, first tinuing Education, n an effort to Union office and students are invited game beginning at 1:30 p.m. However J.F.K.?"; now we can see these facts accommodate students who wish to to attend and share their ideas with dramatized in "Executive Action." take courses at an accelerated pace, between games will be a special Was President Kennedy killed by one will offer five pre-summer courses man's bullet or by a conspiracy? during its mini-mester scheduled to Kennedy had not hidden his deter­ Symphony begin on June 2 and conclude on June mination to reduce U. S. Military 13. Under the mini-mester system, bases or to avoid having U. S. troops students will meet as a class for 31 •> in Vietnam. He strongly upported a To Perform hourse every day, Monday through Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Civil Friday, for two weeks. Each of the Rights Movement. The Bay of Pigs five courses offered carry with them 3 had left a bad taste with many The Florida Symphony Orchestra semester hours of credit. powerful men in the U. S. The only will combine with the Rollins Chamber Among the courses to be offered way to stop these policies, which Orchestra to present the sixth Rollins will be Estate Planning, a practical threatened their hold on the economy, Concert performance set for Sunday, study concerning wills, laws of April 13 at 4 p.m. in the Annie Russell would be the assassination of a intestacy, federal estate tax and mon-. Theatre. Tickets for the concert are "resident. "Executive Action" shows The course will emphasize actual $3.50. estate planning techniques which will how they might have gone about Mr. Thomas Brockman will be enable students to plan their personal arranging it from the training of featured as a piano soloist and will estates.
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