Catholic Schools Week is celebrated this month.month. SEESEE 4-PAGE4-PAGE SUPPLEMENTSUPPLEMENT INSIDEINSIDE Mercer County family POPE TWEET enjoys being Catholic Pope Francis @Pontifex Read about the Morelli family, “Today people are fi ve of whom suffering from became Catholic poverty, but also last year. from lack of love." PAGE 3 www.ErieRCD.orgwww.ErieRCD.org BI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF ERIE JanuaryJanuary 18, 2015 Special Collection Help Spread the Faith Collection Pope names new cardinals Jan. 17-18 This annual collection supports the com- Nominees nudge numbers munications efforts in the Diocese of Erie, Archbishop Pierre including Faith magazine, FaithLife newspaper, Nguyen Van Nhon of the diocesan website (www.ErieRCD.org) and Hanoi, Vietnam, is a toward greater representation cardinal-designate. all social media outreach. Give at your local CNS photo parish or send a contribution to: Offi ce of Com- VATICAN CITY (CNS)—The the college at the time was made up of munications, 429 E. Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA statistical impact of Pope Francis’ Europeans. 16504. choices for the newest members of the Borrowing a category from the College of Cardinals will be small, but world of politics and economics—the signifi cant. Group of Eight countries with the The expanded group of cardinals most advanced economies—even after eligible to elect a pope—all of those the consistory the world’s most pow- Pro-life activists under the age of 80—will include erful nations still will have a majority a lower percentage of Europeans, a among cardinal electors. But instead head to D.C. slightly lower percentage of Italians, of representing 61 percent of the elec- Nearly 300 people from the Diocese of Erie a lower percentage from the United tors, the G-8 countries’ share will drop are expected to travel to Washington, D.C., States and a higher percentage of car- to 57.5 percent. this coming week for the annual March for dinals who head dioceses rather than With the Argentina-born pope’s Life, marking the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. offi ces of the Roman Curia. latest picks, the percentage of Latin Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion After the new cardinals are cre- Americans will rise to 16 percent from in all 50 states. ated Feb. 14, the college will have 125 its current 15.4 percent. Pope Fran- People for Life in Erie will take three buses members under the age of 80 and, cis named no new members from the to Washington, with student groups repre- therefore, eligible to vote in a future United States or Canada, so that part sented from Gannon University, conclave. The total number of cardi- of the world’s percentage will fall to 12 Mercyhurst University, Penn State nals will rise to 228—a record-break- percent from its current 13.6 percent. Behrend, Mercyhurst Prep, and ing number. After the new cardinals receive their St. George School, all in Erie. Much of the reaction to Pope Fran- red hats, the percentage of Africans Other parishes/schools cis’ announcement Jan. 4 of the iden- will rise to 12 percent from 11.8 per- throughout the diocese also tities of the new cardinals focused on cent. The percentage from Asia will are traveling by bus to the how they give representation in the rise to 11.2 percent from its current 10 nation’s capital. college to Catholics in some of the percent. And, the Oceania-South Pa- Seats are still available with the most remote parts of the world, or the cifi c region, which had only one vot- People for Life contingent, according to Tim “peripheries” that the Holy Father fre- ing-age cardinal, will have three; that Broderick, president. The cost is $54 per seat quently mentions. With the addition brings the region’s percentage up to 2.4 and can be reserved by calling 814-882-1333. of electors from Ethiopia, New Zea- percent from its current 0.9 percent. People for Life buses will leave Erie at 11 p.m. land, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Bringing new members into the col- on Jan. 21 and return about 2 a.m. on Jan. 23. Uruguay, Panama, Cape Verde and lege rejuvenates the body, although in To bring more attention to life issues, People Tonga, the number of countries with the past several decades the average for Life is sponsoring two student contests in electors will rise from 48 to 57. age of cardinal electors has decreased the coming months. Among the electors, the percentage only slightly with each new intake. A Pro-life Oratory Contest for students of Europeans will drop to 46.4 percent Two of Pope Francis’ picks—Cardi- month. 60 years old was the 1977 consistory in grades 9 through 12 will be held April 11 from its current 48 percent. While not nals-designate Soane Mafi of Tonga As far as the age of the new cardi- in which Pope Paul VI created four at Blasco Memorial Library in Erie. Also, a huge change, it is a sign of continu- and Daniel Sturla Berhouet of Mon- nals goes, Pope Francis is well within new cardinals. The average age of that students in grades 7 through 12 are invited to ing progress in making the college tevideo, Uruguay—are still in their the norm for the past several decades group was 57.2 years, according to submit an essay, by March 6, on the topic of more representative of the church as 50s. However, after the consistory, when the average age of incoming www.catholic-hierarchy.org, the lead- abortion, euthanasia or stem cell research. a whole; in 1960, there were 79 mem- the average age of the whole block of electors has been between 65 and 68. ing website for statistical information Go to www.peopleforlife.org for more infor- bers of the college and they came from cardinal electors will decline only by The last time the average age of a and brief biographical data of all the mation on all People for Life activi ties. only 27 countries. About 70 percent of fi ve months, dropping to 71 years, one batch of new cardinals was less than world’s bishops and cardinals. Braving the cold for life Ann Badach named executive director of Catholic Charities Catholic Conference, the lobbying arm of the Catho- Outgoing lic Church in the state. She will travel to Harrisburg director devoted three times a year, follow- ing progress and trends in 36 years to the local, state and federal leg- islation relevant to Catholic Diocese of Erie Charities and the Catholic Church, serving as an advo- BY ANNE-MARIE WELSH | FAITHLIFE cate and collaborating with efforts led by the bishops of Ann M. Badach has been Pennsylvania. named executive director of Catholic Charities of Catholic Charities for the Diocese the Diocese of Erie served of Erie. The cabinet-level posi- nearly 78,000 children, ado- Photo by Anne-Marie Welsh tion oversees many programs and lescents, adults and seniors Bonnie Pratt, far left, campus minister at Penn State Behrend, joins students from area universities at agencies designed to respond to in 2013. Erie's March for Life Jan. 10. Marchers braved below-freezing temperatures that morning. the needs of people of all faiths. Catholic Charities serves “I am delighted with the re- as the umbrella for a wide Ann M. Badach sults of our search process and the network of affi liate agen- work of the committee to identify cies, including the Good Samari- of the Family Life Offi ce within our top candidate,” said Bishop tan Center in Clearfi eld, St. Mar- Catholic Charities of the Diocese Pro-life director considers service to church Lawrence T. Persico. “I have ev- tin Center in Erie, Prince of Peace of Erie since 2004. In that posi- ery confi dence in Ann’s good Center in Farrell, and St. Eliza- tion, she was responsible for all BY MARY SOLBERG | FAITHLIFE work and in her commitment to beth of Hungary Center in Oil marriage preparation and enrich- Catholic Charities.” City. The organization also over- ment programs, and assisted with Thirty-seven-year-old Brian Badach replaces Mary Max- sees two nursing homes: Christ social service coordination. She Beal has stepped down from his well, who is retiring after 11 years the King Manor in DuBois and developed the successful Transi- position as executive director of as executive director. Maxwell St. John XXIII Home in Hermit- tions program, a grief education Pro-life of Mercer County to dis- served a total of 36 years with the age. and support ministry for divorced, cern how to serve the church in Diocese of Erie. Harborcreek Youth Services, separated and widowed persons. other ways. “It will be a privilege to sup- Better Homes in Erie, and Catho- Prior to working with the dio- “Brian is an impressive young port and promote the work our lic Rural Ministry with services in cese, she spent six years as a fam- man. He’s got a very deep, deep affi liate directors and agencies do Clarion, Venango, Crawford, For- ily counselor/caseworker with faith and he’s a very good per- every day,” Badach said. “Being est, Potter and McKean counties Family Services of Northwestern son,” said Bob Lackey, an attor- Contributed photo invited to sit at the table with all are also affi liated with Catholic PA. She also has served multiple ney and the chairperson of the of the people who work tirelessly Charities. terms as a member of the parish board for the pro-life organiza- Members of the board of Pro-life of Mercer County gathered in within the organization energizes Its Counseling and Adoption and pastoral councils at St.
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