CAMERON COUNTY Bid Proposal, Contract, & 2021 Specifications Documents PROJECT: ADOLPH THOMAE JR. COUNTY PARK ROADWAY AND PARKING IMPROVEMENTS Bid No. 210203 The packet includes all required County forms. For questions & answers, please contact: PROJECT ENGINEER: BENJAMIN L. WORSHAM, P.E., P.T.O.E. COUNTY ENGINEER 1390 W. EXPRESSWAY 83 SAN BENITO, TEXAS 78586 (956) 247-3500 BID PROPOSAL, CONTRACT & SPECIFICATIONS Cameron County Commissioners’ Court Hon. Eddie Trevino, Jr. County Judge Ms. Sofia C. Benavides County Commissioner, Pct. 1 Mr. Joey Lopez County Commissioner, Pct. 2 Mr. David A. Garza County Commissioner, Pct. 3 Mr. Gustavo Ruiz County Commissioner, Pct. 4 Cameron County Department of Transportation Pete Sepulveda, Jr. County Administrator Benjamin L. Worsham, P.E. County Engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages SECTION 1: BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS Note: Section 1 – A, B, C are to be submitted as part of the Bid Proposal documents. A. BID PROPOSAL ………………………………………………………………………………. 1-26 Invitation to Bid and Advertisement Instruction for Submitting Bids Instruction to Bidders (Special Provisions) Technical Special Instruction to Bidders Bid Proposal List of Sub-Contractors Addendum Acknowledgement Bid Bond Statement of Bidder's Qualifications Certificate as to Corporate Principle B. CAMERON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPT. FORMS …………………………… 1-15 (These forms must be submitted with the bid proposal) Attachment A: Vendor References Attachment B: Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder Attachment C: Residence Certification Attachment D: Non-Lobbying Certification Attachment E: Order Adopting Contracting Rules for Persons Indebted to County Attachment F: Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility Attachment G: Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Attachment H: Disclosure of Interest TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages SECTION 2: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS …………………………………………...… 1-10 Standard Form of Agreement Performance Bond Payment Bond Attorney’s Review Certifications Notice of Award Letter SECTION 3: GENERAL CONDITIONS …………………………………..……………………… 1-33 Terms and Conditions General Conditions of the Agreement Prevailing Wage Requirements Special Provisions SECTION 4: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 105 REMOVING TREATED AND UNTREATED BASE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT ITEM 161 COMPOST ITEM 204 SPRINKLING ITEM 210 ROLLING ITEM 216 PROOF ROLLING ITEM 247 FLEXIBLE BASE ITEM 247-003 SPECIAL PROVISION ITEM 300 ASPHALTS, OILS, AND EMULSIONS ITEM 301 ASPHALT ANTISTRIPING AGENTS ITEM 305 SALVAGING, HAULING, AND STOCKPILING RECLAIMABLE ASPHALT PAVEMENT ITEM 310 PRIME COAT ITEM 316 SEAL COAT ITEM 320 EQUIPMENT FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ITEM 340 DENSE-GRADED HOT-MIX ASPHALT (SMALL QUANTITY) ITEM 340-003 SPECIAL PROVISION ITEM 432 RIPRAP ITEM 500 MOBILIZATION ITEM 502 BARRICADES, SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING ITEM 502-008 SPECIAL PROVISION ITEM 506 TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 ITEM 506‐002 SPECIAL PROVISION ITEM 520 WEIGHING AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT ITEM 556 PIPE UNDERDRAINS ITEM 585 RIDE QUALITY FOR PAVEMENT STRUCTURES ITEM 662 WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS ITEM 666 RETROREFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS ITEM 666‐007 SPECIAL PROVISION ITEM 668 PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS ITEM 672 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS ITEM 677 ELIMINATING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS ITEM 678 PAVEMENT SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MARKINGS ITEM 5901 SS PLASTIC SPEED BUMP TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 SECTION 1-A BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS CAMERON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INVITATION TO BID BID NUMBER: 210203 (to be issued by purchasing dept.) BID TITLE: ADOLPH THOMAE JR. COUNTY PARK ROADWAY AND PARKING IMPROVEMENTS DATE DUE: FEBRUARY 11, 2021 DUE NO LATER THAN 11:00 AM Bids will be opened at the Cameron County Courthouse, 1100 East Monroe Street, Brownsville, Texas in the Purchasing Department – 3rd Floor – Room # 345 at 11:01 a.m. (as per Purchasing Dept. time clock) on deadline due date. Bids received later than the date and time above will not be considered. Please return bid ORIGINAL ONE (1) in sealed envelope. Be sure that return envelope shows the Bid Number, Description and is marked “SEALED BID”. RETURN BID TO: by U.S. mail or delivered to the Cameron County Purchasing Department County Courthouse 1100 E. Monroe St, 3rd Floor, Room 345 Brownsville, Texas 78520. For additional information or to request addendum email: Mike Forbes or Dalia Loera at [email protected] or [email protected] YOU MUST SIGN BELOW IN INK; FAILURE TO SIGN WILL DISQUALIFY THE OFFER. All prices must be typewritten or written in ink. Company Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Company Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: _____________________________________________________________________________ Historically Underutilized Business (State of Texas) Certification VID Number: _______________________________ Telephone No.___________________________Fax No.___________________e-mail__________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________ Print Name: _____________________________ How did you find out about this Bid? ________________________________________(ex: Newspaper, Web, Mail) Is Bidder’s principal place of Business within Cameron County? Yes - No (circle one) Note: (Your signature attests to your offer to provide the goods and/or services in this bid according to the published provision of this bid. When an award letter is issued, this Bid becomes the contract. If a Bid required specific Contract is to be utilized in addition to this Bid, this signed Bid will become part of that contract. When an additional Contract is required a Bid award does not constitute a contract award and Bid / Contract is not valid until contract is awarded by Commissioners Court (when applicable) signed by County Judge) and Purchase Order is issued. SECTION 1-A: BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS Page 2 Advertisement to be published in the following newspaper(s) classified ads section: Newspaper(s) BROWNSVILLE HERALD, BROWNSVILLE TX Advertisement to be published on the following dates: 1ST Sunday: January 24, 2021 2ND Sunday: January 31, 2021 NOTE: Cameron County will place the AD in the newspaper(s). SECTION 1-A: BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS Page 3 Cameron County Purchasing Department Instruction for Submitting Bids These General Instructions apply to all offers made to Cameron County, Texas (herein after referred to as “County”) by all prospective vendors (herein after referred to as “Bidders”) on behalf of Solicitations including, but not limited to, Invitations to Bid and Requests for Quotes. Carefully read all instructions, requirements and specifications. Fill out all forms properly and completely. Submit your bid with all appropriate supplements and/or samples. Prior to returning your sealed bid response / submittal, all Addendums - if issued - should be reviewed and downloaded by entering the County Purchasing web http://www.co.cameron.tx.us/administration/purchasing_department/bids_rfp(q)_and_addms_and_tabs.php Addendums Column (updated Addendums). These Addendums must be signed and returned with your bid in order to avoid disqualification. All Tabulations can also be viewed and downloaded at this site. Annual Bid award information can be accessed at: http://www.co.cameron.tx.us/administration/purchasing_department/bids_rfp(q)_and_addms_and_tabs.php Review this document in its entirety. Be sure your Bid is complete, and double check your Bid for accuracy. Cameron County is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Review this document in its entirety. Be sure your bid is complete, and double check your bid for accuracy. GOVERNING FORMS: In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of these requirements and the specifications, the specifications shall govern. In the event of any conflict of interpretation of any part of this overall document, Cameron County’s interpretation shall govern. Where substitutions are used, they must be of equivalent value or service, and specified by the bidder as such, in the columns to the right on the "Minimum Specifications' Forms". The County’s specifications may be exceeded and should be noted by the Vendor as such. Any bid NOT MEETING the Minimum Requirements specified will be rejected. GOVERNING LAW: This invitation to bid is governed by the competitive bidding requirements of the County Purchasing Act, Texas Local Government Code, δ262.021 et seq., as amended. Bidders shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Bidder is further advised that these requirements shall be fully governed by the laws of the State of Texas and that Cameron County may request and rely on advice, decisions and opinions of the Attorney General of Texas and the County Attorney concerning any portion of these requirements. Questions requiring only clarification of instructions or specifications will be handled verbally. If any questions results in a change or addition to this Bid, the Change(s) and addition(s) will be forwarded to all vendors involved (as quickly as possible) in the form of a written addendum only. Verbal changes to Bids/RFP’s/RFQ’s must be backed-up by written addendum or written Q/A clarifications which would be posted on County Purchasing Web site. Without written Addendum or written Q / A clarification, verbal changes to Bids / RFP / RFQ will not apply. Note: Sign the Vendor’s Affidavit Notice. Complete Attachments A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I return
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