Manrlfrstpr lEo^ning il|fralii M an o f the Stii District so ^ t tf town for a fire amsrgancy word The r r i— dshlp Circle o f the any o f the equipment at the dis­ will be relayed to the men at the salvation Army will meet a t the Soprano Soloist Civil Defense play is needed In any part of the lot by Police radio at once. jU w u tT o w n citadel tonight at 7:80. From there they will proceed to the home of H».ewlMr ■—Hug th« the vice president, Mrs. Ethel Meet Tonight fS w e -A O * will »• Md t«> Carlson of Sunset Ridge, r East bW St I'M at tfes Masonic T «n - Hartford. Mrs. Rhode Krinjak 10,132 piB, A ring o t intcrMting will assist the hostess. Auxiliary Police to Be Member of the Audit •ole—d t » —I pletu—a, with ap- GET B— a of Olfcalatlo— pM rtata oamm— ta, will follow Sunday school teachers of the At Legion Hall to Get the bualiM— s—aion. Membera of Covehant-Congregstionsl church Their Helmets M Udiaater tiod|;« a— Invited to will meet tonight at 7:30, with Mr. ■ttand and may bring their frienda. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson of 23 Oak READY, (Ulaaaiaed Adverttotag oa MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1950 Chief Schendel haa called a I VOL. LXX, NO. 32 Grove street. meeting of all men who have been | H m annual budgat meeting of accepted as Civil Defense Auxiliary the Second Congregational church, Manchester Lodge of Masons Police tonight at 7 at the Legion FOR Ine,, wlU take place in the veatry I will confer the Entered Apprentice Hall. Letters, totaling 105 in all, Three Killed Mayor and New Town Counsel thla evening at eight o’clock. Thle degree at a special communication have been sent to the men by the la an tmpOTtant meeting and all Heavy Early Vote w to be held at Masonic Temple on Chief asking them to be present. members are urged to attend. Tuesday. November 7 at seven COLD Mystery Withdrawal The men will be flnger-printed and As Blast Rips thirty p. m. Worshipful Master Stewart Kennedy has announced blue helmets will be Issued to Mrs. Olive Recave, mother advi them. Fifty white coveral suits •or of Manchester Assembly. No. that Senior Deacon Graham L. WEATHER Indicates Record Clark will preside over the degree will be issued to men who w in be British Plant 16, Order of Rainbow for Girls, on duty at the Civil Defense dis­ requests members who wish to at­ work. RefreshmenU and a social play at the Jarvis Lot next Sun­ Of Strong Red Units tend the institution o f Glastonbury hour will follow. day, Nov. 12. Assembly, Saturday, November 11, WITH Fifteen Injured, 1 Youth The Chief has planned for ade­ Off-Year Turn-Out in the Masonic Temple. East Xi Gamma Chapter of BeU quate police protection for all Missing in Tragedy Hartford, to call Worthy Advisor Sigma Phi will hold iU regular vehicles and heavy equipment mov­ Mary Davies for transportation meeting tomorrow night at eight Mias Marjorte Kkippenburg At Explosives Factory end supper reservations immedi­ o’clock at the home of Mrs. Albert ed onto the lot Saturday afternoon Bauling’s 32 States Picking Gov­ Puzzles U. N. Forces and evening In preparation for the 75 Miles from London ately. Poet, 132 Green road. Mias Marjorie Kloppenburg will Seek A irliner display on Sunday. ernors; 432 House and | be presented as soprano soloist State Director of Civil Defense, “The meeting of the Center Thes­ Harwich, England. Nov. 7—OP) by the Chaminade Club at a bene­ Roger Gleason, Will be Invited to 36 Senate Seats at I Allies Expand Slender pians scheduled for tonight has Reported Lost —A violent last at an explosives be on hand Sunday afternoon and been postponed until next week fit concert Tueaday evening. No­ Woolens State Across Conn-1 plant near here killed at least May Stall Korea Vote Beachhead North of vember 14. at the Bowera School. bring with him euch personnel as three persons and injured 15 to­ Monday. Mlaa Kloppenburg. who la now N O T IC E he may wish. try; Contests Close Over Montana day. Another worker is missing. rria|| /^a a Tl 1 A • ! Ghoiigelion R iv e r ; studying voice at the Soldano- Of the various Public Utilities The explosion occurred In the Zoning Board of Ap­ A meeting of the American Schuleen Studloa of New York, the Soirthern New England Tel. In Many Communities Legion Armistiee supper commit­ mixing room at a factory owned 1 ill Liliiiia Keels Arrive Meet uttie opposition; peals public hearing holda the Bachelor of Mualc de­ Co., have already signified its in­ by the Explosives and Chemcal IJ. 8. Muiilangs Rout tee will be held Wednesday evening gree from Boaton University where tention of having a good showing Concern Felt for Seven­ scheduled for Monday, at eight o’clock at the Legion 58” WATER REPELLENT By The Associated Press Products, Ltd. she majored In music education of equipment on hand at the Civil teen Passengers anti RukNiaii Built Jqts in November 6, 1950 at 8 Home. and atiidied voice with Miss Hot contests in the big The factory is on Bramble Is- So„.in.„u in u M. K- Yujio to Buck Defense Display. • population states brought .out lanct at the mouth of the river P. M. in the Municipal Gladys de Almeida. As an under­ Stuart Lynne who heads up the ALL WOOL COATTNC AND SNOW SUITING 4 Crew Members of vors Action After (A»n- P LongPHt - Air Battle; Naze on the North Sea coast, five Harold A. Turkington John D, LaBelle Building 151LL BE Due to the inclement weather graduate Miss Kloppenburg was local amateur radio operators says a heavy early vote and point­ Northwest Lines Ship miles south of Harwich and 75 Named Mayor Again Named Town Counsel Marinea Seize Height HELD INSTEAD AT Saturday it was impossible to make soprano soloist with the Boston' that he will have 4 portable sets in Wine, .Brown, Navy, and Forest Gheen ed to a probable record pile- fronting; Peipiti); Di'li'-, follow-up calls and to cover the University Glee club of which she miles northeast of London. U. N. in Event POLICE HEADQUAR- operation at the display. up of ballots today in the Kales Willi ('Jiurges outlying districts in the Girl Scout was president her senior year. Yard Helena, Mont., Nov. 7—t e ­ Blast Felt 10 Mllro Away Seoul, Nov. 7.— (fl*)— Unit­ Details have been worked out $ 2 - 9 8 .. - I «TERS. ' hou«e-to-house canvass. Theae Her last two years In Boston she “off-year” congressional elec­ The blast broke windows in between the five chiefs, James state Aeronautics Director Frank ed Nations forces expanded calls will be made this week. was soprano soloist at ths First tions. Long lines formed at Clacton. 10 nr.llea away Vlllagcre Lake Success, Nov. 7—(/Pj - Uni- I Of China W ar Schaub of the 8.M.F.D. and John Wiley said today a Northwest A ir­ tlieir slim bridgelieatl north Unitarisn church In Jamaica Plain. >- polling places in Ohio where of Great. Oakley, a mile and a Turkington Is Mayor, ted Nations diplomats conferred ^ Thanksgiving Special e- lines plane, with 17 paasengera of the Chongchon river today During her senior jresr ahe was half from the factor.,-, said it went tiMlay on how to handle General given the signal honor of being ir Senator Robert A. Taft— Mr. and a crew of four aboard, is mlsa- 58” ALL WOOL PRE-SHRUNK FLANNELS Republican to many—was battling off like a ’’great bomb." Tito Iiulirates II. S. Siip- as some Communists mys­ the only mu.'lc education major o Police threw a cordon around MacArthur's charges that Com­ Democrat Joe Ferguson for the Ing on a flight over the Continen­ LaBelle Town Counsel munist China has sent her troops teriously withdrew on the to give a full recital of her own. cn the island Immediately. |iort If Thin Country RED CEDAR Senate. The turnout of voters tal Divide between here and Into Korea. She will be heard on November ScarleL Navy. Black, Brown, Grey, Wine, l- There were unconfirmed reports northwest Korean warfront. “CORNERSTONE CAPERS" was heavy alao in New York, New Butte. They have only 21 hours to make Ami Chinosr Reds 14 in two Brahms Heder and two I- that three girls were dead and one Two U. S. 24th Division regi­ and Forest Green. Yard Jersey, Massachusetts and other one of the moat significant de­ A MUSICAL VARIETY SHOW selections by contemporary com­ 32 Pci Dinnerware Set $2-98 t. The plane left this Civil Aero­ youth was missing. Inoiimkpiit Retained as ments and the Britiah Com- CLOTHES POLES key states. cisions In the history of the world Reaeh Open Break nautics Administration radio con­ Youth Wheeling Explosives Doctor Held , posers. Her secompanlst will be In 32 states, the voters were organization. The Securlty'Council monwralth Brigade moved ahead her mother. Mrs. Maude Kloppen- trol area at -7:53 a. m. (mat), •^he missing youth was reported Contest Develops fiir two end one-fourth miles after a HOIUSTER SCHOOL AUDITORIUM In 20, 25, 30 Ft. Lengths ► picking governors as well as help­ (9:35 a. m. cst.) officials of the meets In emergency session tomor­ New York. Nov. 7 t/P)— The burg. secretary of the Chaminade Reg. $8.49 ing to decide whether the Demo­ wheeling a trolley loaded with ex­ Post; LaBelle Appoint­ heavy air bombing in the PMtehon »- C AA tower sai.
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