Grass & Grain, April 8, 2008 Page 17 Thirteen new agritourism businesses register with State of Kansas Just weeks after attending an agri- There are currently 231 registered agri- tourism workshop series in Emporia, 13 tourism vendors in Kansas. new agritourism businesses registered “It’s extremely rewarding to work with with the State of Kansas this morning in these innovative farmers, ranchers and Topeka. other rural business people,” said Janzten, The 13 applications were submitted to Director of Rural Development for Flint Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh by Hills Resource Conservation & Develop- workshop instructor Jan Janzten at a cere- ment. “Their dreams are to share this mony in the Secretary of State’s Office. beautiful and interesting rural environ- The new entrepreneurs all attended a ment, history and culture with visitors workshop series titled “Agritourism: Your from urban areas of our country and Next Cash Crop?” hosted earlier this year around the world. By taking part in these by the Flint Hills Resource Conservation & workshops, the participants discovered Development Agency and the Kansas how they can realize their dreams and also Small Business Development Center at create a secondary or even primary source Emporia State University. The workshops of income, thus enhancing the quality of were designed for anyone interested in life for themselves and the rural communi- starting a new agritourism businesses or ties where they live. Given the success of expanding an existing ag-based business to these workshops, we will definitely be of- include elements of agritourism. Topics in- fering more of them.” cluded financing, product pricing, busi- Agritourism is typically defined as the ness plan writing and legal issues. crossroads of traditional agriculture and Once the applications are processed, tourism. Farmers across Kansas are rea- applicants will be eligible to open for lizing the benefits of tailoring their oper- business and receive a variety of financial ations to tourists, who are increasingly and technical assistance from the Kansas longing to visit a working ranch, rope a Representatives of the Kansas Department of Commerce and Travel and Tourism Department of Commerce. Registered agri- calf, ride a horse, pick their own apples or agencies gathered in Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh’s office last week to cele- tourism businesses also benefit by being tour a winery. These activities provide listed as a registered agritourism operator lifelong memories for tourists and addi- brate the registration of the new Flint Hills agritourism ventures. Jan Jantzen, pic- at TravelKS.com, the official website of the tional revenue for Kansas farmers who tured third from the right, who coordinated the agritourism workshop sponsored in state’s travel and tourism industry. host them. part by the Flint Hills RC&D office, delivered the applications. COMM. CATTLE AUCTION CO. INC. EVERY FRIDAY MANHATTAN AUCTIONEERS 1-800-834-1029 STARTING 9:00 A.M. ON CULL COWS JOHN CLINE Toll-Free FOLLOWED BY STOCKER FEEDERS — 11:00 A.M. SAM GRIFFIN B OFFICE PHONE 785-776-4815 • OWNERS MERVIN SEXTON & JOHN CLINE MONTE JESSUP For our sale Friday, April 4th weaned steers in Gary Hageman Leonardville 6 blk hfrs 675 @ 87.00 EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR grass weight and condition were selling at fully Kenny Whearty Wamego 9 blk hfrs 692 @ 86.85 steady prices. Light heifers were selling steady Larry Nielsen Americus 12 char hfrs 690 @ 86.00 FRIDAY, APRIL 11 Paul Ehm Manhattan 7 mix hfrs 765 @ 85.35 69 fancy Hereford strs & hfrs, weaned 21 to weaker. Heavy, fleshy unweaned fall calves Ed Vinduska Marion 5 herf hfrs 893 @ 84.00 are showing resistance. Heavy feeder steers & Ed Vinduska Marion 29 mix hfrs 848 @ 82.85 days, all shots & double fly tags, 250-500 lbs. heifers were selling at mostly steady prices on BULLS — 1,550-2,325 LBS. 40 black strs & hfrs, 1 rd shots, 550-750 lbs. the kind offered with quality and condition being Randy Parker White City 1 blk bull 2305 @ 60.50 35 fancy blk Simm-x strs & hfrs, weaned 40 the deciding factor. Cull cows and bulls were David Mullinix Burlingame 1 blk bull 2145 @ 60.00 days, 2 complete rds shots, 450-550 lbs. selling steady. Following is a partial listing. Randy parker White City 1 blk bull 1930 @ 53.75 Milton Berg Blaine 1 blk bull 1570 @ 53.75 31 xbred bulls, weaned, 550-700 lbs. 30 choice reputation blk & bwf OCV replace- STEER CALVES — 400-550 LBS. Joe Domann Easton 37 cross strs 517 @ 130.00 COWS & HEIFERETTES — 800-1,625 LBS. ment heifers, sired by Fink Beef Genetics Harold McCarter Wamego 5 blk strs 457 @ 128.00 Downey Ranch Wamego 1 blk cow 865 @ 74.00 Angus bulls Joe Domann Easton 6 cross strs 422 @ 125.00 T&A Angus Basehor 1 blk cow 805 @ 69.00 Nyle Salmans McLouth 1 cross cow 840 @ 67.50 27 choice blk replacement quality heifers, Harold McCarter Wamego 10 mix strs 518 @ 124.50 750-800 lbs. Monty Havel Burlingame 7 blk strs 445 @ 124.00 Keith Schaefer Linn 1 blk cow 870 @ 59.00 Monty Havel Burlingame 5 blk strs 548 @ 122.50 Ed Slusher Osage City 1 blk cow 1780 @ 54.50 20 black Simm strs & hfrs, 550-650 lbs. Fred Ullery Scranton 6 blk strs 547 @ 118.50 Greg Buehler Mayetta 1 cross cow 1060 @ 51.00 15 blk steers, bulls & heifers, weaned, shots, Ed Slusher Osage City 8 blk strs 529 @ 114.00 Steve & Sharon Eckhoff Manhattan 1 blk cow 1255 @ 49.75 Bruce Kaump Randolph 1 cross cow 1355 @ 49.75 550-600 lbs. FEEDER STEERS — 550-950 LBS. Janet James Ozawkie 1 herf cow 1150 @ 48.25 Marvin Teske Wheaton 5 blk strs 594 @ 125.00 Line Cattle CO. Wamego 2 blk cows 900 @ 47.50 SPECIAL STOCK COW & Rick Nichols Council Grove 5 blk strs 590 @ 124.50 Brent Miller Alma 1 bwf cow 1335 @ 47.00 BRED HEIFERS SALE, APRIL 16 Joe Domann Easton 23 cross strs 583 @ 123.75 Tom Kimball Manhattan 1 bwf cow 1095 @ 47.00 Bill Burris Allen 6 blk strs 681 @ 108.75 Randy Parker White CIty 1 blk cow 1210 @ 47.00 STARTING AT 11 AM Harold McCarter Wamego 13 mix strs 655 @ 107.75 Keith Rockhold Ottawa 1 cross cow 1170 @ 47.00 Lynn Haverkamp Home 1 char cow 1250 @ 47.00 William Shields Estate, Havensville, KS. Joe Domann Easton 7 cross strs 689 @ 106.25 Complete herd dispersal of 85 big fancy John Hieger Wamego 8 blk strs 676 @ 105.25 Dennis Kelly Bonner Springs 1 bwf cow 1280 @ 46.00 Ed Slusher Osage City 10 cross strs 627 @ 103.00 Lorby Zimmerman Alta Vista 1 blk cow 1620 @ 45.75 homeraised BWF cows, 3 years to SS. 55 Bill Burris Allen 13 mix strs 776 @ 94.10 Umscheid Farms Flush 1 cross cow 945 @ 45.50 will have 250-350 lb. Angus sired, Nov.- John Hieger Wamego 30 blk strs 777 @ 94.00 Leland Leonard White City 1 blk cow 1240 @ 44.75 Keith & Shawn Schaefer Linn 1 cross cow 1055 @ 43.50 Dec. Angus calves by side. 20 are bred Gary Hageman Leonardville 5 blk strs 736 @ 92.50 heifers to start calving Nov. 1st. 3 Hun- Ed Vinduska Marion 46 mix strs 798 @ 91.25 Marilyn Wells Dwight 1 cross cow 1040 @ 43.25 Kenny Whearty Wamego 5 mix strs 769 @ 90.25 John Eagan Topeka 1 cross cow 1010 @ 43.25 ninghake Angus bulls, 2-3 years old. Paul Ehm Manhattan 5 mix strs 869 @ 85.50 Amy Hageman Leonardville 1 bwf cow 1290 @ 43.25 Bill Burris Allen 5 blk strs 925 @ 85.25 Barbra Flores Manhattan 1 blk cow 1065 @ 40.00 60 older blk cows; 15 w/calves by side; 15 Wendell Vandorn Vliets 9 blk strs 852 @ 85.00 John Boggs Topeka 1 herf cow 1095 @ 38.00 heavy springers; balance to calve in the fall Ed Vinduska Marion 31 mix strs 946 @ 84.00 BRAUNVIEH BULL SALE 18 high quality blk & bwf cows, SS to older HEIFER CALVES — 225-550 LBS. w/30-60 day old calves by side Joe Domann Easton 36 cross hfrs 476 @ 114.00 Wednesday, April 9 10 Angus 2nd calf cows bred to Frontier Harold McCarter Wamego 7 cross hfrs 335 @ 107.00 Mark Nelson: 402-984-8263 Angus bulls for Sept. calves Troy McCranny Berryton 5 blk hfrs 506 @ 106.00 braunviehbull.com 8 fancy Polled Hereford 1st calf hfrs w/30 to Keith Rockhold Ottawa 5 blk hfrs 427 @ 106.00 45 day old bwf calves by side Rich Waeltermann Leavenworth 5 blk hfrs 404 @ 105.00 VIEW BULLS APRIL 8, 5:30 PM Monty Havel Burlingame 8 blk hfrs 527 @ 102.00 5 Horned Hereford bulls, 2 years old Ed Slusher Osage City 6 blk hfrs 528 @ 100.50 PRE-SALE PROGRAM 3 blk Limo Angus-x bulls, 15 mo. old, all Marvin Teske Wheaton 6 blk hfrs 535 @ 100.50 Sale on Superior & RFD-TV shots, semen checked FEEDER HEIFERS — 550-900 LBS. 2 registered Polled Char bulls, 14 mo. old, 84 Joe Domann Easton 17 cross hfrs 550 @ 105.00 EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR and 87 lb. birthweight. Semen checked M4 Cattle Co. Wheaton 8 blk hfrs 613 @ 103.00 FRIDAY, APRIL 18 2 Reg. Angus bulls, 5 yrs. old, Precise and Rick Nichols Council Grove 6 blk hfrs 625 @ 92.75 Traveler breeding Harold McCarter Wamego 8 mix hfrs 611 @ 91.00 65 blk strs & hfrs, weaned 30 days, bunk Gary Hageman Leonardville 5 blk hfrs 606 @ 89.50 broke, shots, 400-600 lbs. (1) 1/2 Angus, 1/2 Simm & (1) 3/4 Simm, 1/4 Harold McCarter Wamego 6 cross hfrs 605 @ 88.00 56 blk & Red Angus strs & hfrs, weaned, 2 rds Angus AI sired 19 mo.
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