CAKE & COCKHORSE VOLUME FIVE NUMBERS 1 - 9 Autumn 1971 - kmmer 1974 VOLUME SIX NUMBERS 1 - 6 Autumn 1974 - Summsr 1976 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY c/o Banbury Mueeum. Banbury, Oxon. @ Banbury Historical Society, 1971-1976 .. .... .. , _c .,. , 1 '; *: *: . J Volume Five printed by Express Litho Service, Cowley, Oxford Volume Six printad by Techuicopy Ltd. , Stonehouse, Glos. ; Banbury Instant Printing, Banbury; and Parchment (chdord)Ltd. cms volume v Bary- The Pattern of Local Government, 1554-1835, Part 1 3 Banbury Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterburg, 1701-1723 18 Banbury at the turn of the Century 23 A Chimney-Plece at Banbury? 43 Naming after Godparents 47 The Archaeological Implications of Redevelopment in Banbury 49 The Building and Furnishing of St. Marg’s Church 63 Banbury Marriages at Draytcm in 1790 78 Banbury - The Pattern of Local Governmeat, 1554-1835, Part 2 83 Kings suttaa Station 96 The Banbury Workhouse Child during the 1890s 103 Banbury Castle - A Summary of Excavations in 1972 109 Travellers’ Tales, Part 1 127 Travellers’ Tales, Part 2 143 WO&~~XWRWSUIC~, 1580-1644 167 Excavations at Baalrury Castle, 1973-74 An Interim Report 177 VdUlWM Tooley’s Boatyard 3 Shenington: The Village an the shlniag Hill 5 Aepeote of Iaba~ringLife: The Model Farm at Ditchley, 1856-73 13 Working the Cut - Reminiecences of a Boatman 19 James Sutton - A Presbyterian Preacher 30 Opem Village: Victorian Middle Bartar. 39 A Note on Sergean@ Tenure at south Newin%oa 48 The Plush Industry in Shutford 59 Relfgious Secte in 19th Century Banbury: Some New Evidence .7a A Disputed Inheritance 83 8hip Money Assessments (1636)and Rateable Values (1974) 88 &persbltioa and Witchcraft in the Nineteenth Century 89 The Estates of the Barony Saye and Sele in Pre-Rm1uti-q England 107 Tudor Inspiration in Broughtm Castle 122 bdex of Places and Subjecte, Vole. V and Vi 129 hdex of Names, Vols. V and VI 140 CAKE AND COCKfIORSE, VOLUMES 5 AND 6 1M)EX OF PLACES AND SUBJBCTS Note. Streets, churches, colleges, etc, in Banbury axe listed under Banbury, in London, under London, and in Oxford, under Oxford. Abeokuta vi 65 Banbury, Oxon, contd Aberystwyth, Wales v 40 Act for r_ebuilding. churkh. V' 63,63;77 Abingdon, Berks v 3 agricultural riots, 1830 v 92 "A Bride-Bush" by Vh Whately V 163 air displays v 32,39 Adderbury, Oxon V 67,72,133,136,137,143, aldermen v 3,6-9,11,13,14,47,90,92 146,149,150,152,155, vi 4,82,98, almshouses .v 87 114-16 . apprenticeship of worJthouse children church vi 84,155 v 117 Friends' burial ground vi 43 archaeology, Castle' v 45,46,48-56, Halle Place v 150,155 109-16,177-81 House v 133,149,150 implications of redevelopment v Manor v 150,155 49-56 Methodist church Y 39 assistants (to the Corporation) v 6, West v 97 7,11 agricultural imprpvement v 153 assize of bread, beer and wine v 3 Labourers' Union - see under National "AS YOU Like It" V 24 riots, 1830 v 92, vi 45,46 auditors v 10.30, Trade Unionism in Oxon 1872-81 bailiff v 3,8-10,16 Vi 52.53 Banbury (Cross) Motor CO v 40 workers' trade union movement v 42,43 Banbury GuaFdian v 26 agriculture - model farm at Ditchley Banbury Nomads Football Club field - -.__vi 13-16 __ - v 36 Alkerton, Oxon vi 5 Banbury United ground v 32 church vi 8.9 bands, German v 23 rectory vi 4 one-man v 23 altar, stone (at Kings Sutton) v 160 baptisms, Mming customs v 47-48 Ambrosden, Oxon v 167 Baptists v 158, vi 79 CO. Antrim, Ireland v 98 barrel-organs v 23 archaeology v 44 bars or gates v 128 at Banbury Castle v 45,46,48-56,109-16, see also under streets 177-81 Bird, Alfred, & Sons Ltd v 139-40 at Hanwell v 181 boardlng-out of workhouse children at Somerton v 182 v 105,106 MO Plotorway v 100 Boer War v 26 architects v 43 Book of Benbury, The vi 103 armorial glass - see under glass Borough status, 1554 v 3 Ashe. Hats vi 109,120 Braggins gate V 32,40 Aston, Steeple, oxon v 1308 vi 398 bread-weighers v 10 43-45.47 Bretch Bill v 67 Aston-le-Wails, Nhants v 78 bridge v 5,15,16,83,128 h*op8 Nhants v 164 -masters v 10 Spa v 130,131,134,135,1388139 Britannia Works field v 32 Attleborough, Norf v 67 British Women's Temperance Assn v 105 Australia, Port Philip vi 45 burgesses (capital) v 3,6-9,11,13 Aylesbury, Bucks v 133 14,90 AynhO, lvhdflb V 80895,164, Vi 18824825899 Cadbury Memorial Hall v 23 cakes v 157,164 Baddesley Clinton, warw v 170 Calthorpe v 587819,20#%8173, vi 30 Balscote, Oxon v 36,121 31 Bampton, Oxon v 27 Manor House v 156, vi 83-87 mw8 Oxon Calvinistic Baptists vi 78 accountant v 30 Campbellites vi 78 129 130 Index of Places and Subjects Banbwy, Oxon, contd Banbury, Oxon contd canal v 35,79,80,84,90,153,161, vi 3 corn riots v 15 19-29 coroner v 6,30 carriers' parade v 41 council or corporation v 3,6,158,165 cars, early v 26,28,40,41 councillors v 92,93 Castle v 5,22,45,48-56,89,101,109-16, Court of Pie Powder v 3,157 128,142,156,168,177-81, vi 99,102 Court of Record v 3.94 108,109,112,115,119,125 craft guilds v 5 cattle market v 157 cricket v 36,39 in streets v 35 Cross, Bread v 165 qemetary keeper v 30 High v 28,31,165, vi 88 'chamberlain v 6,10,11,13,19 White v 5 chapel well v 84 Crouch Hill v 23,156, vi 86,87 chapels - see churches crucifix from St John's Hospital charities v 87,89,158,159 v 45,58 charity to workhouse children v 104,105 Cuttle Brook v 83,109,181 charter of incorporation, 1554 v 3,4 dances v 29 Pnd, 1608 v 6 Diamond Jubilee, celebrations for abortive, 1683 v 7 Queen Victoria's v 105 3rd, 1718 v 7,8,13,16 ciples of Christ vi 78 cheese v 146,155,157 children, destitute v 103-08,l churches and chapels 11 Hall, Calthorpe St v 29.30 Bridge St Baptist vi 79 ington v 5,7,98,156, vi 83,86 Chapel of the Trinity v 128 . , cation v 39,103,158,159 Christ Church v 97,158 ctricity station v 158 Dissenters ' or Presbyterian Meet; gration to Canada of workhouse House v 78 children v 117 Gatteridge St v 79,80 Employment Exchange v 28 Grimsbury Methodist v 39 prospects for workhouse children Marlborough Rd Methodist v 32,36 v 108,117 New Grimsbury vi 79,80 Ensham meadows v 87 St Hugh's v 98 entertainment of workhouse children St John's Ranan Catholic vi 4 v 104,105 St W'Sv 5,7,9,25,28,31,61,63-78, fairs v 3,6,26,36,92,105,136,157, 130o,151,158, Vi 60,98 164, vi 21 bells v 76 Twelfth v 41,58 building rates v Farm Field vi 86,87 clock v 70,76 farm manager v 30 glass, armorial v 130 feasting v 5,92 organ v 72,76 fetes v 23-26,28,39 pews v 67-69 Fire Brigade v 25-27.29 pulpit v 76 -fighting display v 25 re-opening v 69 services v 158 tower v 69-71 station v 29 yard v 13.87 food and dress of workhouse children churchwardens v 10,13,48,87,131 v 106-08,120 cinema v 28,30,40 football v 36,39 music at v 40 Freedom of Borough v 13 civil war v 109 gallows v 5,6 Clerk of the Peace v 30 gaol v 6,87,92 Clerk to the Justices v 30 Gas Company v 158 clock, long-case, 1750, by John -lighting v 86,90 Lamprey v 58 gasometers v 84 Coade stone v 67 general election, 1831 v 92 coins found in excavations v 115 General Foods Ltd v 139,140 collector of piccage and stallage v 30 garages, early v 40 Congregationalists vi 78 Gardner turnip cutter v 32 constables v 3,10,87,92 Gilletts Bank v 30 Corn Exchange v 91,115 Godparents, naming after v 47.48 Index of Places and Subjects 131 Banbury, Oxon, contd b an bury, Oxon, conta Great War, 1914-18 V 28 magic lantern entertainment v 105 GrimsbWy v 5,7,156, vi 88 Manor Estate V 35 hall keeper v 30 Mansfield's Arcade v 28,30 Hanoverian/JaCobite rivalry V 7 map, 1685 v 101 Hardwick v 5 ,7,19 I 128 1694 vi 86,87 wharf v 35 market v 3,38,128 Barriers Athletic Club. V 105,119 market, horse v 6 Historical Society marriages at Drayton, 1790 v 78 Cake & Cockhorse V 1,21t101,156, May Day, "garlands" v 23 vi 1 mayor v 6-9,ll-15,26,90,92-94,165 Report and Accounts 1971 - V 56-60 deputy v 10 Report and Accounts 1972 - V 122-24 mayoral chair of state v 7 Report and Accounts 1973 - V 182-84 Mechanics Institute v 28, vi 88 Report and Accounts 1974 - Vi 54-56 medical officer of health v 30 Report and Accounts 1975 - Vi 126-28 Member of Parliament v 3,13-15,92, horse-cloths and webbing vi 60 151 horses in Horse Fair v 41 Metropolitan Asylums Board's training Aorton General Hospital v 40, vi 88 ship Ermouth v 117 Hospital of Our Sovereign Lord James Mill vi 86,87 the ung, or King's Hospital v 6 monuments in church v 65,146,151 hot cross buns v 25 "ye #hors" vi 86,87 Rouse of Correction v 10 Municipal Corporations Act, 1835 Hunt Edmunds Brewery v 105 v.1,92 Independents vi 78 munitions factory v 28 Inns, etc museum v 97,164, vi 53,83,88 Albion v 79 Neithrop v 5,7,15,20,72,74,156 Bear v 19.48 House v 24,26 Blacklocks v 98 nonconforming interests in boroughs The Case is Altered v 36 v6 Coach and Horses v 165 Nonconformity vi 78-80 Cock vi 78, Old People's Eome, Dashwood Rd vi 4 Cromwell Lodge v 26 .
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