MAJOR DHYANCHAND INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUNDELKHAND UNIVERSITY KANPUR ROAD, JHANSI COURSE OF STUDY AND PRESCRIBED BOOKS FOR THE BPE THREE YEAR ORDINANCE FOR BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (03 YEAR DEGREE COURSE) IA. ELIGIBILITY : BPE : - 10 + 2 Examination passed in any discipline. 1 B. Intake: - 100 seats Note : - Reservation as per rules of the State Government / University. 2 Duration – Minimum 03 year (Max 06 years for completion of course) 3 Criteria of Admission: - Direct Admission (As per merit list) 4 medium of Instruction and Examination: - English or Hindi 5 Fees : - 15000/- Refund of Fees: - As per University Rules 6 Examination:- 1 Attendance: 75% of attendance in one academic Session and separately in Theory & Practical classes. 2 In case of Short attendance in any circumstances university rules to be followed. 3 Shortage of 10% attendance shall be condoned by the HOD as per recommendation of class teacher. Note: - In addition of the above provision a candidate must fulfill the following requirement in Order to be eligible of appear at the BPE. Part III Examination:- Students have a attended a leadership training camp organized by the University for at least 10 Days II Process of Evaluation (a) Theory Papers : Annual examination shall be conducted by the University as mentioned in the academic calendar of the department. The question paper will be set by examiners appointed by the vice-Chancellor based on the recommendation of the board of studies. The pattern of the question paper will be decided by the University. The weigtage of this examination will be 100%. (b) Practical skill Practical skill (Part D) ability which included ten lessons Plan of different Games/ Sports having included final lesson on any two game/sports. (c) Teaching ability Teaching ability (Part C) included ten lessons Plan in BPE II year. (d) Qualifying marks and promotion: The minimum passing marks shall be 33% in the aggregate of the maximum marks. There shall be final examination at the end of each year and a candidate will have to pass separately in part I,II and II examination and also separate in part- (A) theory , part B Practical Skills Part – C Teaching ability (in BPE. Part II) and part D specialization (consisting also of a theory paper in BPE III ) sessional marks and final practical exam. The result of examination shall be given separately in mark sheets for each year under three Heads (i.e.) Part (A) Theory, Part (B) Practical skills, Part (C)Teaching Ability for BPE I , BPE II , BPE III marks sheet will carry cumulated result for proceeding two year in addition to Part- (D) specialization. The degree will include one division on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in BPE I,II, and III in all the parts i.e. Theory (A) Practical Skill (B) Teaching Ability (C) including Ten practice Lesson Plans and Specialization (D )combined together. He/She shall be awarded a division, as detailed below: I third Division 33% or more than but less than 45% II Second Division: 45% or more than but less than 60% III First Division: 60% or more than but less than 75% IV First Division with Distinction: 75% or more. (i) In teaching ability the minimum aggregate required shall be 40 % and it shall consist of sessional grades and final examination at the end of the year. (ii) In practical skill the minimum aggregate required shall be 40% and it shall consist of sessional grades. A candidate will choose four games from the following Group a and B of (two from each group in BPE II for an advance course). Depending on the administrative feasibility student may be required to take second or third option in case it is not practical to offers in particular sports/games. (iii) In specialization in BPE III the minimum marks required shall be 33% in theory paper and 40% in sessional work and final practical examination. (iv) A candidate will choose two games/sports (one from each group)out of the four offered in BPE II for specialization under Part D, in BPE III. (v) If a candidate failing in part A (Theory) in BPE I ,II and III examination, or Part D (specialization )of BPE part III only , he/she will be required to pass the subsequent examination only in the part/Parts in which he/she has failed. (a) A candidate failing in sessional grades in part D (Practical Skill) in BPE I, II or III shall be allowed to take theory examination. In such case the result may be held till he /she take back paper in the part concerned at the time fixed by the university for this purpose and passed in it, he /She will be eligible for admission to the higher class only in the year subsequently to his/her passing in both parts (b) No minimum pass percentage for sessional marks in teaching ability, however the candidate obtained 40% marks to pass it in final exam. if candidate failed in teaching ability he will allowed to appeared again when the university fixed the practical next exam/next session exam to passing the teaching ability. (iv) Deceleration of result and award of degree Result declared by the university after the completion of evaluation, the degree awarded by the university at annual convocation. (v) Division improvement The improvement of percentage allowed in two papers. (vi) Ex student In case of student fails in the examination as per relevant provision (vii) Scrutiny Scrutiny facility will be given as per university rules in two papers on payment prescribed by the university time to time. B.P.E. (Three Years Programme) B.P.E - I Year SCHEME OF EXAMINATION PART-A (THEORY) Subject Code Theory Subjects MAX Min. Aggre. MARKS Pass Marks BPE 101 ANATOMY AND FIRST AID 100 33 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION BPE 102 AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 100 33 HISTORY OF PHYSICAL BPE 103 EDUCATION 100 33 METHODS OF PHYSICAL BPE 104 EDUCATION 100 33 ENGLISH AND GENRAL BPE 105 KNOWLEDGE OF SPORTS 100 33 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ENVIORNMENTAL SCIENCE BPE 106 100 33 TOTAL 600 198 SESSIONAL 100 33 THEORY TOTAL 700 231 PART B (PRACTICAL SKILL) INTERNAL MAX MARKS MIN PRACTICAL SKILL TEST 300 120 GRAND TOTAL MAX MARKS MIN MARKS 1000 400 B.P.E - II Year SCHEME OF EXAMINATION PART-A (THEORY) Subject Code Theory Subjects MAX Min. Aggre. MARKS Pass Marks PHYSIOLOGY BPE 107 100 33 HEALTH EDUCATION BPE 108 100 33 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOAL BPE 109 SCIENCE 100 33 EUDCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY BPE 110 100 33 KINESIOLOGY BPE 111 100 33 TOTAL 500 165 SESSIONAL 100 33 THEORY TOTAL 600 198 PART B (PRACTICAL SKILL) INTERNAL MAX MARKS MIN PRACTICAL 400 160 PART C (TEACHING ABILITY PRACTICAL) TEACHING PRACTICE MAX MARKS MIN 100 40 SESSIONAL 50 20 PART B TOTAL 150 60 GRAND TOTAL MAX MARKS MIN MARKS 1150 418 B.P.E - IIIYear SCHEME OF EXAMINATION PART-A (THEORY) Subject Code Theory Subjects MAX Min. Aggre. MARKS Pass Marks FOUNDATION OF PHYSICAL BPE 112 EDUCATION 100 33 CORRECTIVES AND BPE 113 REHABILITATION IN PHYSICAL 100 33 EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION BPE 114 100 33 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS BPE 115 100 33 MANAGEMENT IN PHYSICAL BPE 116 EDUCATION 100 33 TOTAL 500 165 SESSIONAL 100 33 THEORY TOTAL 600 198 PART D SPECILIZATION (IN TWO GAMES) PRACTICAL SPECILIZATION MAX MARKS MIN PASS MARKS PRACTICAL PART A 100 40 THEORY PAPER 50 17 PRACTICAL PART A PRACTICAL PART B 100 40 THEORY PAPER 50 17 PRACTICAL PART B SESSIONAL 50 17 TAOTAL 350 134 BPE - I PAPER-I ANATOMY AND FIRST AID Code-BPE 201 UNIT –I 1. Introduction and Level of Organization: 1.1 Introduction: 1.1.1 Meaning and Concept of Anatomy. 1.1.2 Need and Importance of the knowledge of Anatomy in the Field of Physical Education. 1.2 Levels of Organization of Human Body: 1.2.1 Definition of Cell, Tissue, Organ and System. 1.2.2 Microscopic Structure, Composition and Function of Cell. 1.2.3 Essential Properties of living Organism. 1.3 Classification, Structure and Function of Tissues: 1.3.1 Epithelial tissue 1.3.2 Connective Tissue 1.3.3 Muscular Tissue 1.3.4 Nervous Tissue UNIT-II 2. Skeletal System: 2.1 Skeleton 2.1.1 Different Parts of Human Skeleton. 2.1.2 Types of Bones. 2.1.3 Gross and Microscopic Structure and Function of Bones. 2.2 Joints 2.2.1 Joint’s Nomenclature and Classification. 2.2.2 Names of the Movements around Joints. 2.2.3 Structure of the Typical Synovial Joint. 2.3 Muscles 2.3.1 Structure and Function of Skeletal Muscles. 2.3.2 Names of Major Muscles of Different parts of Body. UNIT-III 3. Energetic, Transport & Excretion: 3.1 Cardio-Respiratory System: 3.1.1 Anatomical Position and Gross Structure of the Heart 3.1.2 Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation. 3.1.3 Blood Vessels- Artery, Vein and Capillaries 3.2 Respiratory System: 3.2.1 Meaning of External and Internal Respiration 3.2.2 Organs of Respiration 3.2.3 Structure of Lungs 3.2.4 Introduction to Mechanism of Respiration 3.4 Digestive System: 3.4.1 Parts of Digestive Tract, Structure and Function in brief 3.4.2 Steps of Digestion 3.4.3 Digestive Glands- Structure and Function 3.5 Excretory System: 3.5.1 Routes of Excretion from Human Body. 3.5.2 Organs of Urinary System. 3.5.3 Structure and Function of Kidney. UNIT –IV 4. Neuro-Humoral & Reproductive System: 4.1 Nervous System: 4.1.1 Structural Division-Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System.
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