University Of 'Meet Author' Sou1h Florida Ruby Hart Phillips Campus Edition Wed., 1:25 p.m. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR-No. 46 TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1963 PRICE FIVE CENTS Engineering College Asked By State Board Of Control Decisio.n Pl.ans To. Now Up Register Are Set Students intending to register To State for courses in Trimester III, IliA and IIIB should already have obtained class schedules By Jack McClintock and appointmeht cards and be­ The State Board of Con· gun consultation with their ad­ trol, in a special meeting on visors, according to Frank Spain, the USF campus last week, registrar. recommended e stab lis h· Registration packets will not ment of a College of Engi· be available until April 15, but class schedules and aPJ;ioint­ neering at the University of ment cards are in circulation, -(USF Photo) South Florida. If the state leg­ the latter by mail. BOARD OF CONTROL REQUESTS USF ENGINEERING SCHOOL islature, at its next session, acts The Florida State Board of Control, meeting here last Tuesday, voted to in­ on this recommendation, $52,000 June Date Open will be provided for planning of Students are u1·ged to register clude an engineering school at the University of South Florida. Shown, left to an engineering building and for both IliA and IIIB during right, in one of their sessions are Hendrix Chandler, information officer of the program on this campus. The registi·ation April 24 and 25, board, Chestt_lr Whittle, Gert Schmidt, John Pace, Executive Director J. Broward board recommended construc­ but they will be allowed to reg­ Cui pepper, Chairman Baya M. Harrison, Frank M. B u c h a nan, Wayne McCall, tion of the $1.3 million building ister June 18 ·<>r 19 for IIIB Charles Forman and Business Manager Bill Hendrix. be started in 1965. along with new students. The board made its recom­ Spain said that all students mendation on the basis of a re­ currently enrolled in Trimester cent study by noted educators II will be automatically enrolled of space era needs of higher for the fall Trimester I, even if education in the state of Flor­ they do not attend classes dur­ ida. The study suggested that ing III, IIIA and IIIB. Packets $33 million be added to the will be available for these stu­ board's previous budget request, South dents at the time of registration but the board members voted La b or to add only some $22.5 million. immediately following Recommends $352,081,486 Day. The Board of Control has The appointment time prior­ recommended a total of $352,~ Florida ity system used ·for the ·coming 081,486 be spent for Florida registration was b a s e d upon higher education in the next student number, classification biennium, including costs of and grade point average. the state junior college system Packets Soon Ready and educational television. Registration packets may be Decker Named President At the board's five-hour meet­ Open picked up in the registrar's of­ ing in President Allen's con­ fice April 15·18 between 8 a.m. ference room last week, it also and 12 o'clock and between 1 made these recommendations to the State Legislature concern­ and 5 p.m. Students are re­ Of Universite Congo.laise ing the state's university system. House minded that picking up packets Oceanographic Activities on these dates will eliminate time in lines April 24 and 25. 'J-r.,...=mll'\"1"''!1 ',• 'Dcd:~~ rcct, r bcrs rc;H·csentiog both ~hun•h~>~ tl)e fi?Cond lanl!uae:t' "The devel?J?mef!t of oceano;; t personnel at the Uni- and secular groups interested in Slj: Pete Resident 1' ~rapln_c achvltles · m <thfi' gulf, Students currently enrolled of South Florida, has re· the university. Decker, who joined ~.he USF mel udmg basm~ of a large re­ wh<> a.·e staff f'lf''llben, -VI!H'l<--....... ·, Bay Showcase study students going on the signed effective The faculty will be recruited staff in Septembe1 1961, was ~.earch vessel _1n Tampa June 30 to be- from Europe, the United States born in sierra Leone West UJ?.der. the drrectlon of . the work period in Trimester Ill or . · Umvers1ty of South Flonda." students for registration mny come president of and, hopefully, from other Afri­ Afnca, .where. h1.s parents were The board's recommendation register between 1 and 3 p.m. a university to can universities, Decker said. Method1st. ffilSSwnanes. They also stated that "It is intended on T h u r s d a y, April 11, in be founded by The language of the university now hve m St. Petersburg and that FSU and the University of AD2096. Prot- will be French, but Decker said ••. See Stories the Congo h1s fat h e r, the . Rev. C. C. South Florida shall work co­ Early. Pickup cstant Council in he hopes to have a bi-lingual De~ker,. teaches sociology at the operatively together in oceano­ the Republic of upper division, with English as Umverslty of Tampa. graphic study in the gulf, with In This Issue Work- study students should Congo, FSU in charge of the operation." pick up their packets on Tues­ T h e Council, Dr. J. Broward Culpepper, day, April 9 in the work-study which represents executive director of the office. Employes and registra­ a major portion Board of Control, added that tion assistants should pick up of P o tr e stant USF would be "involved (in the their packets from the regis­ g r o u p s in the program) to the extent that they trar's office April 10. Decker Congo, has as its want to be." Some $7,000 of the Expected enrollment for Tri­ goal establishment of a fully ac­ board's recommendation budget mester III, the firs L official credited institution of higher is to go to USF for development commencing of a senior year at learning, to be called the Uni­ qf facilities for this activity. USF, is between 1JOO and 1500 versite Congolaise. It will be Engineering School students. the third university in the The board also suggested ap­ Congo and the 33rd in Africa, propriation of $9,144,000 for and will be located in Stanley­ "Engineering Instruction and 'Meet Author,• Too ville. Research," some of which will Decker s a i d the university come to USF. will be considered a private in­ The proposal also recom­ DC Banquet stitution of higher learning as­ mends expenditure of funds to sociated with t h e Protestant attract "distinguished pr<>fes­ movement in the Congo, and sors of national and interna­ To BeHeld will accept qualified students of tional reputation to be em­ any race, nationality or religion. ployed in the University Sys­ tem." This Friday "It will not be considered a Fifty undergraduate scbolar­ :Protestant institution," he said, . lips <>f $1 ,000 per student Ruby Hart Phillips, current *but rather a private institution were also suggested by the Caribbean correspondent for the of Protestant inspiration." board's proposal, plus 24 grad­ New York Times, will be fea­ Although his election as pres· tured at the Meet the Author uate fellowships at $4,000 per for !dent by the Congo Protestant . year. Coffee H o u r scheduled Council marked the first con· • Automation Wednesday, April 3, at 1:25 crete step toward establishing Also recommendeed was a p.m. in the University Ballroom. the university, it has been under sum of $500,000 for develop­ Miss Phillip's latest book is en­ discussion for several years. In ment of automated procedures titled "The Cuban Dilemma." be went to the Congo in the state's university librar­ During the Cuban crisis she ies, and development of a took an active part in reporting higher education consultant up-to-date facts on happenings the council from the Agricul­ modern communications system in the area. T e c h n i c a I Assistance between libraries to facilitate ,·ounaa1tlola, a Christian founda- exchange of information. --------------------------------------- Coffee Hour with no sectarian affilia­ The board proposed, in ad­ Present employe of the Hull . ATAF was interested in dition, that $200,000 be allotted House in Chicago, Mrs. Theo­ part it might play in estab­ for a comprehensive study of dore Ashford, will be the spe­ <>f a university, and Flod;la's educational needs for 50,000 Words Per Minute cial guest speaker at a Univer­ requested to act as -(lj SF Photo) the 1:\..ture. sity. Coffee Hour on Tuesday, country, A TENDER MOMENT IN 'STREETCAR' Apnl 1, at 1:25 p.m. Professional actor Matt Bross plays the role of The Hull House is a settle­ ment house in Chicago which " El~ stabllisl1ment of this univer­ Stanley, made famous by Marlon Brando, in the USF Reached by Speed-Readers founded by Jane Addams. come about by insist­ Theater production of "A Streetcar Named Desire." Tampa Council was the Protestant move­ The Williams' drama begins a four-day run on Wednes­ To Meet Here By LOUISE STEWART w.p.m with 600 at the end of the of the speed-reading. Students Foreign Affairs the Congo," Decker day, April 3, at the University Theater. Mary Ann Pressing forward in the field evening. His progress was of Carett's class have vowed to Mrs. Ashford will speak pri­ a great extent it is The Tampa City Council will of speed-reading for Trimester slower than Hebert's, the count challenge the scoffers and at marily on her work with immi­ first African univer- Kirschner plays his wife, Stella.
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