Sm iia Opens Christmas Shopping Season ^im rtystv*1 3 COVERING I Oe I.AW',a? 1 rav?N3Hipj e* J «»?MC95ii„ WAflljHW And • >UaUJOEO. H iT M U i am ■I ■■-•.' 'tfceute ■ M A I A * AH SWMMMJHI Uam&br MATAWAN. N. J., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1965 Meinbor W K YEAR -~ 14tn WEB' Naw Jertej- I1™** AacneUUao EditorltJ AM»c}aUo Sing!* Copy Ton C*nH rr 0 Santa Arrives In Matawan A uthority To M ownship' PBA Receives Charier I Request Bids I . I j 'Itv; .MalJ'van 'Iov/u-dnp Uiibt'.ri p* 'viv ii| ;i .c.v-v lim ; hriv.e-.Ni thv i Authority Tuesday flight vof>*d to ; Sfnithninf* p :ko ai.d aparrirrats ' ; ad ve rtise f*>r b ids, re turn ab le D er. |Jo bt* crmsin.K.UN.l on lhv C am po i , 112, fui cyn-.MuctiOii of a 2 SOO t'OOi p.'jm'r:.;/ *»rf ! -va-it Maio Si. Mitv.ir 1 [.stretch of sevvtr line in tb'.* Clib h. I ripba^ii, «nth**rny Ui-I • WiOd Bvach area. j;J^cuo-, rtrtx>i icd Io jl tn*.* co n n at lur j T|i>: auliKoUy contends lhc work -psiipu:.*» r;v: -it th*- v. 5-lt>, j has not been don* proprrly by Iho !iu ;.i hyt has requited lhat tht* au ,orig:nal cd.atrartor, C. J. Pnrdcu, ; Ihom y pav one tlunl v*i‘ this. North Brunswick, and i.s Mdtn;; k Vr ‘i •aphajp.Ni 'W'damcd that j up completion of the satire new ; |h« 'He \vih prnvido s»*r\ i* r fo»- srvvci iii the Oittv.oy^ Jinui'* sinifiui Ii'.1 ' CiiHwoo-J iitca yi.H IM** n.iifixt? i*\ii - 1'bt* ify wii) .s».‘t,‘k ('> btiVi* »§ ?•!.’.'■V'V ir. fm u Jljt* ;tf>irt• j ll»‘‘ tchi ! (o nt!.iC r |>ai>1 for wii ««cnt . [o ii.'vV;:!,; ' !•.»( t a p e rfo rm a n c e bujuJ pr>%h,U by lii'.- di*) o r u >i1 (. urrt'tU u jn ia^ni,* /u<;d>. ; Pardun firm or (rori aln‘.v.ly ttJ.i.’.t W'\i\ i ri,‘i v v.'V, !i.* l>: cot;. ’ iv l'h 1 .• *!<f 'tnd'-i A jiy jna! nTtfjiw.*, ,it '-ji' i‘ ; l ‘i )CV: (*f V *.! *-;*< jii»i’it', ).. Ojm>. i-.'.o- Court O ritfji ; rjli' (:> - ;)»;?m a-.i • <11- ’ d'inn.-; i'v1 •»• t'f*n''- M:»* 1 >.‘v ’.'u 'v- tiu* cviuraiosi and. actiu.nty won o--.. : urn:* ’>t*!lni*» pH'd'an lo loiui*.i.w sh.' I'O.t- M: Tr »i*! t r a il in a dis> /..^ u\*.n \*xten.siou " I l,v? n - n n a c l Th-.* a u llia riiy ! u m j! . an.l fijtiiiici ■* u! A * r; c :i: 1 thi'i'ai^iu'd Pardun \v;ti; civ*i ;o. ( .rt ( 'n , ntd T ho VI 1 h.« > .» tempt betou* U>o tojui.m •Ni'V.fr.jiv conM JCf u ?!n »ri<* y.rhor- S «nU maid* a dram atic v u lt to M ataw aa S aturday ! M ataw an. A Iwn e, Santa is grv"(c*d by M ayor Kdward or u s u in i'd w o rk a n d coinj»U»U‘(J ii'; '.v!ir h covers Pius**s f and II alteroora, tanUaig ky h»Hc*p(«r In tht oarklaj tat o l, £. Hyiov, vMi) and Goodwyn (joodliait, af the Mai- liiyinfi lines m iht* t'lifKvoud area. ol it* const! uiiant proyiatn ih;s. the C«uU«i Jeraey Sauk and Trust Co., Main S l.; awxi.R^t-crMiign Commission. Il vas estunaicd Iho new liflay f»%ci. orov.ifo*! for tr-Mtnvm Santa's arrival opcnwl the yule (hopping sea*on In I ____ v.'tj ild u; -?.n Ih*: pJr*' ft»r lh“ «v»i* |o.iHMMUM) .m IIohs u f st*'.\i.*ra;;t.* s.'VUi.it! . J:i :> JVi‘--,n , .V tom Lutiid no's ^ ia'-' i Mlonso Viiowvino, (U‘H> vtat** vn’t* j»i»-.idi!nl i aeu uuit was formed Svpt. IS «-b<*n lh‘‘ tm vnfblp l-l- -JA »xf‘.noy t; j lV M art *1 his ts the »l \h in ti\e t?iti ui tin* **atraljue«\ Avuxiation, prr^cots wilhdr<*» fro;u tht K:*.-.iiburg **HA which «i e«m* mutod <nv»r.i»»s v>t thv* sy>t*.*«n. (i"s i, nuaLy a dtarU-j fot M ataw aa Townshiji Chupt«*r to prisi'd o< otHc«*i« frnm thst btirouj*h, Madison Township Votes For sC*< (ot Oct i> Whii*.* .y*iue scC*| AnticIpnU' bu'ivas^ Pauohna/* l lilford iMarUli jr., lor.il president. Ih? Bwch jm) MftUwaa HorcuKh, tio:;-* of tho aVsU'rn CouM lx* ser*} Pliant III ot oonsiiucuon iv vitvd otiieri> could tiol until *ht? ad-: ntnv l‘ndt.*r way. tht* Uin-ctoi addcti, dJtio.vii wotk n oniplottvl land officials ar-’ a ‘*0 jv*; S lad kn s Ouster; Mullane Named About three per u*m />; th-.' lin o ,: mc«i*as^ n* H.*v\a>it*, a now Regional Board Receives Bids l)Ul a'»Kil Va por to r i o' ‘H** ior,- <**mlr.»«-t u ir o;d«M', ; John K. M ullane, form er t o w n • cent Canccllerl, ’Republican*. rnak-j sonu-what out ni sy-uip a thy, w ith noctitV'*5:,_ , art* in liie nx‘\\ l-’“ authv»tu\ »t!v » a )opi**d a ship attorney ar.d now dty solici-j Ing a majority tv> appoUt him. j thorn.1 of her o»vn fatty on thi* o w n - , dKput. Hi.' imiv-ir o.ti-i .it-il it 1 Im i'l i-'-.n!,it.ua tv' rji- j .i;< ill* tor of Siiuth An,boy, tvhrfe J1*11 Major Harry Mo'son^ci anct; cil. haminorml at them fw j:i ex-{would »ak.? al«m i«n »<•<•;.> to lav tL’ iiii.mn j>t im-n il, fm i"m- F o r INew U o y d Road School puctu'M law, was nknted the new i Councilmen Vi'ctoi O'Utica uiid ’ l>!-»naii<m that w,i; nut ; tnc -*5t«0 n" .1 v--l \ln.i m tlw j.!"ii-H •>: i.u- t'::tf.v,»nt - vliltn.wil ! 1 n<Kgi<:tr«t-i of Madfjna Yowiwhipf i.eon#T<( Hornster, D^ntocrar*. .nt.iina. Sho made favorable m m 'm n wwk if in el»v.tUM aiva., a id H'.k i Ians tu.K h.tliiint^ il.a ll.t/j wers Sl,.»^).v*vK) uuJn the ih»..:a'. ii V i'l.iu,’ . *v‘ :rr*! K»**.* and CV.* Mondav. Mr. Mutlftti* was named j"no." Mr. Mull^nf's api'msnl- »« Mr. SUtlkuV w i’k w:I'i i> vcn-! Ihtoiiith istll.is In- do : l!-nwver. <i.-»|v:i- th.* far. tii.11 tft r..v l t‘.. M O.a v.*n U- .■ bur* u .t^ p ro r.ian i, th- !u-,| - P.trd’,. iv*f*r Jr Saker 0 » * »ittiglit Wt«ty line vot«, Cwm-; raciit fS for three vctm. Mr.'\Iul-i*lf!>' humIw ‘ft li-l .» " ! 1' ’ .! /.IntJ. •• /, : .... tm.i.-v.l* jM«’ • ■ MO’.ih ! Ilf I t?liv I'li^HiitS •■■.l I* t- K’l 4•III Sia c:lno*u Donald M*cr#», Donald j Ua«, a Dcmucrat pnut u t in onnn He-1ne.l ( Mr. Mullane wa* v tm . lu- .................. s m i i . ill -tl1 . it \\» “ r « I ,i> \ i . \ .i ^ J TiiMi.ay. Richard 0<aly w i Vin- luibii'.'au votei, ilisplat'ei Samuel < Madi-™ laivti'-n;-. i.i I't*. u-Ii.mi . w.i ,>l ;i;i,t > i.f- aff.-:-;- ’ . ■»>.*'*? v' .ol-’n ' .» ) Jlr ior H;os, =•* •.••' *{ 'Kl* ,'<>.1 ■■ a • r.O i• I U'. ... *' •' '. •-'« . .»•* ’ ■* I [ i * fn ' t IM' «t; 1 .If I. » I Sladkus, Perth Ambov. who lu d , tho lo.vn sW p L oin inituv " i* iu.'.d-, iM. • H> U i.*'**r.rC to; !.!• >, 5 ;.i! */ a * ! - j served tin* p*>» iiv 'y r a ri. M r .! « '8 iii«!tu.rf. aa-! w.t-i' Sludy Pr.,:«t-.al 1 Hi!' t> i IV nn MvU-.fjf f i.f Cu , ,li.,' • •.*:» •-/ Mt v 11 Vi>»> K r> ; I- Scr-^il to.* tu ial dtnl Oi.^iOtn*,.*, «.i Jkmrd Siadkni wan first appointed as a i wrestling .Mth lhe firn imiuct 0 :. 'tli- i.i!i,-»r” -y a.; ■ .1 I >*j. h.t|.iv‘t >*i a’ i !n. l»\'n {‘wi.-hii-M j ! a**,’ -'v 1 t h o . ; ){*i pjt•)''■-1 j r ‘ ■ i.»,i;iti',> .S * s i"- ... i- I !i. ■ .1 ‘ : r ‘ '., i Ho^uUlivan In 195i/ and wm roiiant inj'.'i ho i^ini* docflopnvn! \ s tu d / a n d ap{»rru .il o; itL’s, f ih o r itv N»n-l* HerMt J. Parkar, former r^.M 'lt '.l tt J." V>H* fo. p..* I illt. H. U (ir, Ibadvm ■Urathnwo Civic A-iVH'I.'Uon td b) J D- inociatic ir4ojoi i*\ h • S : i* - , 1 »* j W o ih . Jti\ It*rs» v t ‘o IW?. 1 » juresldwt, hjii Iwconi* thn MK- P . ,- H-o * '.s, SU I, Mi u l'n ’ci l:o;i VS' O ,s, (.ed tar.d!daii’ ti» I'H* fur a M l tii- Tin' aolinn of trn* fiO P n*,»v»ritv Jcitr- 1 av, jj?‘».*.‘ J t» St;!nr)^ ll * itviit.f^: i ».,t 'A v t.iiiii' wan TovrMhlp 'pat on the IVl&ta* Monday lhc dpwintn:-*u; o tri»a W orl.1- !t " .', P.t**air, Hr • i i .
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