Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Analytical Methods. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 Supporting Information for A non-targeted high-coverage microbial metabolomics pretreatment method development and application in drug resistant Salmonella 1 1* 2 1 1* YiYun Zhang , Jian Ji , MengZhe Lan , Tingwei Wang , Xiulan Sun 1State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and Technology, National Engineering Research Center for Functional Food, Collaborative Innovation Center of Food Safety and Quality Control in Jiangsu Province, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, People’s Republic of China 2 Guangzhou GRG Metrology & Test Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510630, China Corresponding author*: Xiulan Sun, Jian Ji Address: Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel:+86-510-85912330 Fax: 85329015 Table S1 Metabolites with significant differences in abundance under two quenching methods (fold change value >2 or <0.5 and p value <0.05) Metabolite name classify Fold Change P-value 2,6-diaminopimelic acid Amino acid 3.77 0.030132 4-aminobutyric acid Amino acid 13.2 0.004525 5-Aminovaleric acid Amino acid 18.22 0.001444 5-Oxoproline Amino acid 6.75 0.000788 alanine Amino acid 4.7 0.001054 alpha-aminoadipic acid Amino acid 13.42 0.001543 aspartic acid Amino acid 5.87 0.014889 beta alanine Amino acid 6.79 0.012241 citrulline Amino acid 12.45 0.00047 cysteine Amino acid 14.71 0.004548 cysteine-glycine Amino acid 11.08 0.001049 glutamic acid Amino acid 14.6 0.002425 glutamine Amino acid 8.95 0.017625 glycine Amino acid 4.01 0.000139 glycyl-proline Amino acid 21.77 0.000749 histidine Amino acid 64.98 0.002143 homocystine Amino acid 12.94 0.001064 homoserine Amino acid 43.88 0.000255 isoleucine Amino acid 11.97 0.001154 L-pipecolic acid Amino acid 7.05 0.001455 lysine Amino acid 37.77 0.006913 methionine Amino acid 5.76 0.001111 methionine sulfoxide Amino acid 2.05 0.003257 N-acetylornithine Amino acid 12.23 0.000021 ornithine Amino acid 28.58 0.001072 phenylalanine Amino acid 12.39 0.002631 proline Amino acid 7.2 0.001499 serine Amino acid 3.99 0.000448 threonine Amino acid 4.09 0.004556 tyrosine Amino acid 7.26 0.002245 1,5-anhydroglucitol Carbohydrate 11.99 0.001633 1-Deoxypentitol Carbohydrate 4.58 0.003404 3-phosphoglycerate Carbohydrate 20.29 0.000335 6-deoxyglucose Carbohydrate 5.13 0.000036 fructose Carbohydrate 3.11 0.012088 fructose-1-phosphate Carbohydrate 7.78 0.000999 galactinol Carbohydrate 9.22 0.000358 galactitol Carbohydrate 2.31 0.004864 galactose Carbohydrate 2.04 0.001911 glucose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 4.64 0.033028 glyceric acid Carbohydrate 8.99 0.000171 maltose Carbohydrate 2.49 0.022316 mannose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 66.61 0.000492 myo-inositol Carbohydrate 8.54 0.001104 pantothenic acid Carbohydrate 15.39 0.002114 pentonic acid Carbohydrate 4.99 0.003636 pyrophosphate Carbohydrate 9.42 0.001911 ribonic acid Carbohydrate 3.44 0.002408 ribose-5-phosphate Carbohydrate 7.98 0.023842 tagatose Carbohydrate 3.42 0.008776 threonic acid Carbohydrate 38.89 0.004951 trehalose Carbohydrate 11.71 0.030036 1-monopalmitin Lipid 2.01 0.030055 2-monopalmitin Lipid 2.35 0.032797 Beta-Glutamic acid Lipid 14.38 0.002461 Galactosylglycerol Lipid 8.37 0.001919 isohexonic acid Lipid 9.64 0.002598 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine Nucleoside 3.97 0.002896 adenosine-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 8.62 0.000728 cytidine-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 4.45 0.000177 inosine Nucleoside 9.2 0.000986 inosine-5'-monophosphate Nucleoside 10.06 0.0014 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine Nucleoside 3.09 0.016126 uridine Nucleoside 2.22 0.010123 uridine-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 26.78 0.010945 xanthosine Nucleoside 9.65 0.005173 malate Others 40.23 0.005542 N-acetylputrescine Others 4.71 0.004125 phosphoenolpyruvate Others 12.12 0.000003 succinic acid Others 75.34 0.000196 putrescine Others 15.52 0.000005 spermidine Others 7.78 0.000102 2,5-Dihydroxypyrazine Others 3.99 0.027092 5,6-dihydrouracil Others 32.52 0.008658 5-methoxytryptamine Others 43.87 0.006689 adenine Others 3.03 0.001096 conduritol-beta-expoxide Others 11.79 0.000623 dehydroascorbic acid Others 15.03 0.001105 guanine Others 8.6 0.00781 hypoxanthine Others 112.07 0.00312 nicotinamide Others 5.4 0.002057 nicotinic acid Others 3.26 0.002936 serotonin Others 9.46 0.011313 uracil Others 7 0.01203 uric acid Others 6.83 0.000896 xanthine Others 48.42 0.005879 p-Hydroxyphenyl lactic acid Others 15.87 0.010684 4-hydroxybenzoate Others 9.99 0.000202 noradrenaline Others 14.26 0.001581 tyramine Others 49.24 0.000007 Fig S1 The top 25 metabolites with the most significant difference between the two quenching methods through the T test Table S2 Metabolites with significant differences in abundance under three extraction solvent (fold change value >2 or <0.5 and p value <0.05) Metabolite Name Classify Fold Change p.value 2,6-diaminopimelic acid Amino acid 3.2088 0.0051113 aspartic acid Amino acid 2.1106 0.020952 beta alanine Amino acid 2.2397 0.001199 glutathione Amino acid 0.13926 0.040811 histidine Amino acid 0.34598 0.044294 methionine sulfoxide Amino acid 0.33335 0.011716 3-phosphoglycerate Carbohydrate 9.0154 0.00094222 galactinol Carbohydrate 3.6639 0.0029633 galactose Carbohydrate 3.1917 0.00056296 galactose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 5.9416 0.0079469 glucose Carbohydrate 3.3626 0.00043157 glucose-1-phosphate Carbohydrate 7.2806 0.00011491 glucose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 6.0987 0.0011837 glyceric acid Carbohydrate 2.4575 0.0037233 mannose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 3.7523 0.019332 pyrophosphate Carbohydrate 4.6509 0.00010311 trehalose Carbohydrate 0.34233 0.012641 xylose Carbohydrate 5.3663 0.00057144 dodecanol Lipid 0.34014 0.040288 hexadecylglycerol Lipid 0.36881 0.022847 isohexonic acid Lipid 2.3676 0.0026692 isopentadecanoic acid Lipid 3.1938 0.011571 adenosine Nucleoside 2.2897 0.0008171 adenosine-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 2.2483 0.0076484 inosine Nucleoside 6.031 0.000041715 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine Nucleoside 3.2868 0.0041404 uridine Nucleoside 2.9029 0.0027882 uridin-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 11.624 0.0059412 xanthosine Nucleoside 2.5404 0.041721 Fig S2 The top 25 metabolites with the most significant difference under three extraction solvent through the T test Table S3 Metabolites with significant differences in abundance under two extraction methods (fold change value >2 or <0.5 and p value <0.05) Metabolite Classify Fold Change p.value 1-monoheptadecanoyl glyceride Lipid 0.44429 0.025073 2-monopalmitin Lipid 0.49303 0.026122 creatinine Amino acid 0.31216 0.02528 galactose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 0.38547 0.022987 glucose Carbohydrate 0.48719 0.000978 glucose-6-phosphate Carbohydrate 0.4311 0.01696 glutamyl-valine Amino acid 0.42928 0.002842 glycyl tyrosine Amino acid 0.25701 0.032624 hexadecylglycerol Lipid 0.41223 0.019619 inosine Nucleoside 0.25482 5.4E-05 lactulose Carbohydrate 0.4687 0.003982 monomyristin Lipid 0.38332 0.012668 myristic acid Lipid 0.4143 0.000548 palmitic acid Lipid 0.47668 8.11E-05 pyrophosphate Carbohydrate 0.37944 0.000799 salicylic acid Benzenoids 5.2428 0.000468 uridine-5-monophosphate Nucleoside 0.2811 0.016056 Fig S3 The top 25 metabolites with the most significant difference between the two extraction methods through the T test Table S4 The RSD values for all metabolites Amino acid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 isoleucine 0.1865 0.1305 0.6586 0.0574 0.1976 0.2245 0.1555 0.125 0.0419 0.052 0.094 0.1697 proline 0.1797 0.2854 0.4094 0.1248 0.2992 0.3335 0.1471 0.2907 0.2042 0.2115 0.2324 0.7348 glycine 0.2261 0.0809 0.3611 0.0542 0.348 0.1166 0.0483 0.0981 0.115 0.0627 0.69 0.3431 serine 0.0615 0.1357 0.3133 0.376 0.3605 0.4329 0.0914 0.1866 0.1945 0.2133 0.0398 0.3392 L-pipecolic acid 0.1221 0.078 0.0927 0.1284 0.06 0.162 0.1545 0.0891 0.0796 0.0176 0.0547 0.1034 threonine 0.1079 0.0359 0.3933 0.1839 0.3216 0.594 0.171 0.1073 0.1028 0.5427 0.0394 0.3017 beta alanine 0.2145 0.0723 0.2019 0.1513 0.9498 0.2862 0.276 0.0685 0.0913 0.0208 0.1018 0.1486 homoserine 0.4659 0.3523 0.4359 0.1804 0.2762 0.2424 0.1123 0.0313 0.1213 0.1827 0.0877 0.2365 trans-4-hydroxy-L- 0.0652 0.066 0.0748 0.1367 0.0062 0.023 0.142 0.0285 0.0914 0.0786 0.1015 0.2898 proline 3-aminoisobutyric 0.0659 0.7077 0.9322 0.074 0.1126 0.3488 0.1159 0.1274 0.6609 0.0198 0.0709 0.1282 acid aspartic acid 0.1216 0.1066 0.6226 0.2025 0.4724 0.5816 0.2856 0.1136 0.1431 0.0667 0.2259 0.3512 methionine 0.1195 0.0852 0.6373 0.047 0.7687 0.166 0.1259 0.1457 0.081 0.0249 0.377 0.2338 5-Oxoproline 0.1293 0.025 0.5707 0.1437 0.3509 0.5005 0.1301 0.143 0.1314 0.0075 0.0651 0.4299 asparagine 0.4475 0.3242 0.1653 0.3188 0.3077 0.6045 0.1249 0.1576 0.1512 0.6114 0.0697 0.8885 4-aminobutyric acid 0.3861 0.1666 0.5059 0.0968 0.3708 0.333 0.2253 0.2831 0.2816 0.1028 0.0863 0.3271 L-glutamic acid 0.3861 0.5922 0.5059 0.0968 0.3708 0.333 0.704 0.4352 0.2816 0.1028 0.6024 0.3271 cysteine 0.166 0.6859 0.6054 0.5742 0.2124 0.6967 0.2291 0.3062 0.0522 0.0909 0.2763 0.2861 creatinine 0.0872 0.1825 0.8125 0.311 0.7071 0.3242 0.0491 0.2789 0.0794 0.1247 0.1136 0.4464 alanine 0.1498 0.1121 0.6808 0.0316 0.6878 0.439 0.1271 0.115 0.0796 0.0441 0.1472 0.198 ornithine 0.0938 0.1013 0.4758 0.0166 0.4462 0.3913 0.1475 0.1163 0.1657 0.0408 0.1832 0.2137 1-Deoxypentitol 0.1267 0.105 0.6791 0.6991 0.6941 0.4786 0.1931 0.1486 0.1392 0.0095 0.1655 0.3839 5-Aminovaleric acid 0.1897 0.0589 0.2875 0.142 0.6763 0.3941 0.1706 0.0589 0.1072 0.0393 0.0575 0.1934 phenylalanine 0.1633 0.0889 0.5848 0.0564 0.225 0.3173 0.1795 0.0855 0.0884 0.0393
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