~ ...... ' . ...__...........,...., .... ~····'"· __ ,. .. ,,.. , .. f·. "' ': _( .. ~ •'- <, r ',. I . .. f·.. ~..: . Enrollment Deacons -- ·,.n· ... Off From 1950 ' Weicome Tribble . e < ' * Telephone 4056 Volumne XXXVI, N~Lmliler 2 Cast Picked Deacons Dump Richmond Spiders Here By Thespians . 43~0 Before Slim Crowd; Passes Prove For :.Fall Play Very· Effective In Win For Wake Forest Deacons Celebrate Coach's Marriage By Posting George Spence Will Easy Triumph; Scarton And Kissell Stand Direct :"School For Howler Is Set Out In Demon Deacons' One Sided Win Scandal'' I Wake Forest's Demon Deacons gave Coach Peahead Walker The cast for School'for Scandal, a welcome wedding present Saturday afternoon by dumping . fall production of the Little Thea­ For November the University of Richmond's Spiders 43-0, in the home opene1· · tre, was · ' announced Thursday before 10,000 spectators in Groves Stadium. ·'night by director George Spence · after four days of try-outs. Friedenberg Says 1950 Wake Forest's Demon Deacons The cast' includes the following: Annual .. Will Cover gave Coach Peahead Walker a ·Sir Oliver Surface; Bill Waddell; "Angels" Guests welcome wedding present Satur­ ·Galax, Va.; .Joseph Surface, Pa~ Entire Year day afternoon by dumping thE University of Richmond's Spiders west, Raleigh; Charles Surface, .The 195o Ho~ler will probably Jerry Sutherland, Crabtree; Ray 43-0, in the home opener before he in the hands of the student At Deac Game 10,000 spectators in Groves Stadi­ ·Jones, Elizabeth City; Sir Benja­ body some time in November, ac­ min Backbite, Charles Garrett, um. cording to Dr. Henry L. Snuggs, d"th Rockingham; Rowley, Clyde Ran­ Howler adviser. 339 Mere I C0 II ege For the drawling Peahead who dolph, ·. Baltimore, Md.; Moses, The Howler_ wit! be a summary Girls Visit Wake was married to Mrs. Florence Joseph Lucarula, Trenton, N. J.; o£ the ·whole· year, including the C Watts of Raleigh Sunday, the vic- Trip, Carroll Barbour, Dunn; summer. This has made the annual Forest ampus tory was one that brought pienty Snake, Top Mezgar, Sewell, N. J.; late in g6ing to press. of satisfaction. The Deacons look- Careless,. Joe Mauney, Shelby; Sir E. J. Friedenberg, editor, who Special guests at the Richmond ed sharp practically the whole af- Henry Bumper, Buck Goodwyn, graduated last year has been in University-Wake Forest football ternoon and were clicking at times Rocky Mount; Lady Teazle, Ele;m­ Wake Forest Collectl·ng the needed game Saturday afternoon were 339 in clock-like fashion. There wer·e or Geer; Maria, Betty Faye Lentz; Pictured above is a section of the crowd in Gore Gym last Friday night as Wake students and copy and making hoist minute prep- 0 f M erei"dth C0 Uege 's 500 gn·· 1 s t u- many individual stars that Walker Mrs. Candor, Harriet Smith, Dan­ supporters joined cheer leade~s in cheering tile Deacons to a win over the University of Richmond. arations for the Howler tu go to dents. Playiii:g host to. this mass of was particularly proud of, but ville; Lady Sneerwell, Bett~ Jo press. Edward.s and Broughton. feminine pulchritude was thf what the Baptist .mentor wa~ . h . d Wake Forest College Athletic De- mainly boastful about ·was that Ring, High Point. prmters, ave prorruse to have - Com.mittee Heads the Howler out either the firsi or partment, admitting the "angels'' the boYs functioned as a unit. fifteenth of November if they re- free of charge. The Deacons had their aerial or- Committee heads for this pro­ Dtizzle· Doesn't Dampen Deacons' Spirit; Source of the special invitation duction are: charles Billings, prop­ ceive the copy in time. to these enthusiastic female fans fensive working almost to perfec- erties; Ellen Barnes, make-up; The 1950 Howler will contain .tion, completing eleven of seven- , · was a .suggestion by Head Cheer- teen passes. Ed K1'ssell, a starte• Hugh Pearson,,lighting; Bob Ben­ g f 4 a co~pI e t e c_?vera e o spor,s m- 1 d D · 1 B d 1 th t th M nett, stage_ manager; Gerry Turn­ Doc's Dope Spells Spiders' Downfall cludmg baseball, a sport not usual- ea er oy e e so e a. e er- in place of injured Dickie Davis er and Beverly Neilson, costuming. ly covered by the Howler because edith College family be invited to at the quarterback post, was one The plot of Scandal centers , Despite a steady drizzle . and "Who's gonna win that game to- Iled by new drum m~jor Bill Tom- of the earliness of its publication the game. Arranged by President of the Deac offensive leaders. The around the life of ·the English dark over-cast skies~ Wake Forest morrow?" he .got a thunderous Iinson and five majorettes high- The Howler wl'll also cor t~a · a H. W. Tribble, Dean D. B. Brian, bl d h · d J · f N h · 't ll 11 d F 'd · ht '" AKE FOREST'" Th D · · 1 111 and Athlet1'c D1'rector J1"m Weaver. on - Sire unwr rom as ua; eighteenth century .:upper crust sp1n rea Y ro e rl ay rug as ,..17 -· · e eacon lighted the latter pa).'t of the rally. highlight section which will re- New Hampshire, sprayed passeH and particularly about the scandal ·the campus touched off the first ·urged all Wake Forest supporters The crowd, which 'had grown un- view the main happenings of the the invitation was graciously ac- all over the field and was hitting this elite group spreads concerning true football weekend' in Baptist to show up for the first home til it filled half the gym by thi~ year. cepted b:Y Dr. CamP.bell, president with amazing accuracy. His chief the hero of the play. Charles Sur­ Hollow. game and to "show those Spiders time, had its first glimpse of the of Meredith College, on behalf of target was big Ed Butler, who face and his young love, Maria. Head Cheerleader Doyle Bed- that a Baptist Deacon can really famous strutting of the Wake For- There will be a section of class the faculty and student body. grabbed five of.the six passes com- How this couple brfves the tem­ sole and his fully uniformed crew hollar." est majorettes. However, the av- pictures and a section on' the c.d- As plans proceeded, Marion pleted. Sure-armed :E:d tossed three pest of scandalous words' and even combatted the Wake Forest weath- Loudest ovation of the evening erage student couldn't ·get a true ministration and the buildings c.[ "Piggy" Davis, president of the touchdown passes and handled the er by canceling the scheduled was . received by Doc Murp?Y• pic;ture of band because of thE' "Yake and organiza.. HWakde FCohrest sdtudenBt body, and ball in the backfield llke a magi- more malicious persons makes one t~e Fores~. Club~ 1 1 · entertaining dramas in theatre torchlit parade that. was schedul- who 1s almost as much a tradition ramcoat umfortns of the members tlons also _will be .covered. ~a eer _ea er edso e ~et dan. history. eel to wind around the campus, at -Wake Forest as is the Deacon. [and the dungarees of. the major- The 19~1 annual staf~ w11l go w1th the president of the Mered1th The Deacon t r · f along_ by Bostwic!c and Johnson Attir.ed ·in a beat-t!P t~p hat and ettes. Afte:t; the alr>,'l: mate~·. the back t.o the o;-iginal :oractice used student body to plan tJ:e short qhe afternoon sw~~ h~:~~~ ~:a~­ D.orrriS, do\\"tl u: ·.s."Nuni:ber One, ii. cigar (but minus· his usual fivo · band climaxed theclil-evening by Ibefore 1949 of covering first· se~i program p,:esentect . durmg tl:>.<' cis Scarton wh buz7 d h"th and Beta ·Bda: Beti on pass the frat houses in Sim- hats) Doc got a tremendous hand forming a conga line to march out mester and PI:eviewing second Ihalf-time period of the game. yon like ~ 'pT ~oat ;carton e;rab · mons, and through the main street. from his fellow students. His of the gym. .. semester, Bet ·'rsbell, 1951 Howler The first wave of enthusiasm bed a pass for one. s ore ~nd r<~~ Miss Ruby Williams, head or of down-town Wake Forest. In- speect: was .unusually optimistic. Immediately _tl)-ereaft~r, the In- ~ditor has sta~d. It ~hould be out among the Meredith students ap- forty yards for anoth~r late in t!le the biology department in Dur­ stead Bedsole directed .the mob "Yessn·, yessiree! I tell you what tramural Athl~tlc Coun~Il_and Wo- m May. .: _ peared '~hen the Wake Forest first quarter. His chief assistants ham City Schools, will speak on gathered in front of Walt Hall a\ I'm gonna see when I open up men's Recreation Assoclatwn spon- .; cheerleadmg squad took cuts last were fullback Bill M"ller who had the teaching of bjology in sec• 7:30 to Gore Gym,.where over 600 that Sunday morning paper. Yes- sored square dance g?t under wa;r. 1 'hursday-- morning to. conduct a a good time rolling ;ver 'the Rich- ondary schools before Beta Beta students joined in cheering the siree! It's gonna say, 'Wake Forest Lee Rhodes and Pmky Francis Tn'bb}e T· 0 AddreSS pep rally on the Meredith .'ampus, mond line and halfbacks Nub Beta, honorary biology frater­ Demon Deacons-to .what they hop- edges out Richmond in the last led the dance circles, and called / . known as "Angel Farm." ?fficiai Smith and Bob Jones nity Wednesday night, Dr.
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