Valencia’s own has sights Double overtime thriller at UCF Knights earn their on broadway lights second straight win 9 13 Volume 17, Issue 6 www.ValenciaVoice.com Oct. 17, 2012 Orlando turns pink Breast cancer awareness event turns 14 By Natasha Tetley tion beginning at 7:30 a.m. [email protected] “It gives us an excellent oppor- tunity to get our message out,” said ORLANDO — October is an im- Christy Clelland, manager of the Courtesy of American Cancer Society portant month. For Floridians, it nonprofit Making Strides of Orlando Survivors who participate in the walk wear means slightly cooler weather and a Metro. “Early detection is key.” survivor sashes as they walk for awareness. welcome respite from the heat and hu- The walk has already collected midity. For the world at large, it means upwards of $300,000 for the cause, According to the American Can- a month of breast cancer awareness. with top contributors ranging from cer Society, “Since 1993, eight million Why not combine the two and get Siemens to Full Sail University to the walkers across the United States have walking? Yum Yum Cupcake truck, according raised more than $460 million to help This Saturday morning, the Ameri- to the society’s running list. fight breast cancer through ‘Making can Cancer Society will host the 2012 Breast cancer survivor Margery Strides’ events. In 2011 alone, one mil- “Making Strides Against Breast Can- Gould Rath originated the concept of lion walkers across the country col- cer” 5K walk. The annual event will walking for the cause with her first lected more than $60 million to help descend upon Lake Eola Park in down- event in 1984. She called it a “move- fight this disease.” town Orlando at 9 a.m., with registra- along-a-thon,” drawing 200 partici- This year marks the 14th for the Or- pants in Boston. In 1993, the event lando event. Make a contribution, either evolved into its current incarnation, through donations of time or of money, officially becoming the “American this weekend. Attendees are encour- Cancer Society Strides Against Can- aged to don something pink, the official cer” walk. One became many, attract- color of breast cancer awareness. ing over 4,000 walkers at events in Take it one step further and wear a Boston and in New Hampshire in that pink bra to show support. According same year. to the cancer society, “The pink bra is a Rath passed away in 2001 follow- resounding symbol of how personal the Courtesy of American Cancer Society ing her battle with breast cancer, but fight against breast cancer is to women.” “Put On Your Pink Bra” campaign launched her spirit lives on in the events that “The symbol really empowers in 2011 to redefine the fight against cancer, she began. women,” said Clelland. Pinktober 2012 Show us your Schools: Oct. 18 true color Offices: Oct. 19 Brought to you by: xL106.7fm www.valenciavoice.com NEWS Oct. 17, 2012 3 Recommendations for early breast cancer detection The ACS recommends the following guidelines for finding breast cancer early in women without symptoms: Mammogram: Women Clinical breast exam: Women in their Breast self-exam (BSE): age 40 and older should 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast BSE is an option for wom- have a mammogram ev- exam (CBE) as part of a regular exam en starting in their 20s. ery year and should con- by a health expert, preferably every 3 Women should be told tinue to do so for as long years. After age 40, women should have about the benefits and as they are in good health. a breast exam by a health expert every limitations of BSE. Women While mammograms can year. You can use the exam to learn what should report any changes miss some cancers, they your own breasts look and feel like. It in how their breasts look are still a very good way might be a good idea to have the CBE or feel to a doctor or nurse to find breast cancer. shortly before the mammogram. right away. If you decide to do BSE, you should have your doctor or nurse check your method to make sure you are doing it right. If you do BSE on a regular basis, you get to know how your breasts normally look and feel. Then you can more easily notice changes. But it’s OK not to do BSE or not do it on a fixed schedule. The most important thing is to see a doctor right away if you notice any of these changes: A lump or swelling Skin irritation or dimpling Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward Redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin Visit us at: www.breastcancer.org A discharge other than breast milk But remember that most of the time these breast changes are not cancer. it’s all about the strategic, long-term management of THE BENJAMINS. study business administration. Nearby. Online. ucfvalenciaosceola.com ucfvalenciawest.com 407.582.4190 407.582.5500 1207RGC1014 10-17 1207RGC1014 www.valenciavoice.com NEWS Oct. 17, 2012 5 Pumpkins take root in crusade named Pink Pumpkin Patch Foundation Pink makes its way into unexpected places is Don Goodwin, president of Golden Sun Marketing in Minnetrista, Minn. The fruits of the foundation’s labor By Jean Hopfensperger pumpkins last week. “This was a combina- can be found at some of Minnesota’s best- Star Tribune tion of a new product, a new opportunity, known grocery stores as well as smaller and most important, a way to support a grocers across the metro area. They’re MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Bert Bouw- cause that affects nearly every family.” among about 900 retailers nationally that man doesn’t consider himself a trendsetter. After years of blitzing shopping have picked up the product during its But when he planted 15,000 pumpkin seeds malls, grocery stores and restaurants, trial season, said Goodwin. at his Brooklyn Park, Minn., farm this year, the breast cancer charity movement has “It’s going surprisingly well,” said he became part of a fledgling national cam- landed in farmers’ fields. At least three Gunars Sprenger-Otto, produce manager paign to add a new product for Breast Can- Minnesota vegetable growers, and about at Fresh Seasons Markets in Victoria and cer Awareness Month — the pink pumpkin. 50 nationally, are launching the unusual Minnetonka, Minn., which sold about 80 “There’s a lot of pumpkin farmers out campaign organized by a new founda- Jim Gehrz / Minneapolis Star Tribune / MCT pumpkins over the past two weeks. Sales Bert Bouwman, of Brooklyn Park, will donate 25 cents from every pumpkin to breast cancer research. there, but not a lot of pink ones,” said Bou- tion prodding farmers to think pink. picked up after he set up a pink poster wman, standing in a field of light pink The board chairman of the aptly announcing, “American Pumpkin Grow- roll-out to coincide with breast cancer ies Harvest Festival and Maze. ers have donated a portion of Porcelain events and Halloween. Shivering children clipped the pump- Doll Proceeds to Cancer Research.” Farmers who bought the seeds signed kins from the vines and Bouwman trans- The “porcelain doll” is the name of a contract pledging to give 25 cents from ported large boxes of the picked fruit the new seed. The poster comes courtesy every pink pumpkin to breast cancer with a front-end loader. of the foundation, which has begun mar- research. Their donations are funneled Bouwman grows other unusually col- keting the product in earnest. through the small foundation, which has ored pumpkins, such as white and peach. The pumpkin fundraiser sheds light a five-person board of directors. He’s been pleasantly surprised by the de- on how some other pink products wind The foundation will evaluate its earn- mand for the pink, which aren’t ideal for up on store shelves every October, which ings later this year and solicit grant applica- carving jack-o-lanterns, but make for at- is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A tions from community groups, said Good- tractive fall displays. Colorado pumpkin breeder discovered win, who like most Minnesotans knows “I’m shipping them to other states, a pink pumpkin in his field about five friends who have battled breast cancer. too,” he said. “Missouri wanted two semi years ago, said Bouwman, and spent sev- “It’s hard not to find an adult who loads. I told them they could have one.” eral years developing the seed. hasn’t been affected by this terrible dis- Since the pink pumpkins have not The breeder approached Goodwin, a ease,” he said. been grown in Minnesota before, Bou- marketing veteran who had previously Bouwman and several of his children wman is hyper-alert to such weather worked with Target produce. They de- were harvesting hundreds of pumpkins stresses as lack of water and cold tem- Jim Gehrz / Minneapolis Star Tribune / MCT cided to associate the product with breast on Friday as winds whipped the fields of peratures. But so far, so good, he said. Brownwen, left, and Mac play in their dad’s field while helping harvest pink pumpkins in Minnesota. cancer awareness, and to use an October his farm, which also put on the Twin Cit- — MCT Campus www.valenciavoice.com NEWS Oct. 17, 2012 6 Islamic leaders raise awareness Come experience Informational event debunks Bassem Chaaban, the ISCF director of opera- Law School for a Day tions, gave a guided tour of the mosque. During at Barry University School of Law in Orlando. religious bias, stereotypes a short question and answer segment, Chaaban explained when and why they pray and the rea- By James Tutten soning behind their religious beliefs.
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